What Is Wellness?

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Hi, I’m Matt,
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about him and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp Queen
And Emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, happy hamsters. Thanks for joining us on this interesting, um, podcast that we love to do and to, um, you know, share our knowledge of things with you. So thanks for hanging in there and checking out our temporary studio. We will be moving to a permanent location soon. I can’t wait.
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s coming.
Dee Dee:
It is coming slowly. Um, if you all don’t know, we are getting ready to open a second location over in Indiana in Clarksville. It will be 812 hemp, and we will have most of, if not all the same amazing products that 502 hemp has just in a different label change, of course. Um, but, uh, yeah, we’re pretty excited about that and that’s where we will be broadcasting our future podcast. But as for now, Matt is sweet and lets us use his, uh, basement studio. So thank you again for joining us. You know, you can, I’m a giver.
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s because I’m a giver.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, buddy. Um, you can always send emails and if there’s a topic that you’d like for us to talk about, send to info 502 hemp.com. We are more than happy to take suggestions because sometimes I am at a loss as to what we shall talk about. So, um, without further ado, take it away, Matt. That’s
Matt and Dee Dee:
Kind of like when you go to the grocery store,
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Always have a list and you’re like, Well, he, Yes, I do. There’s the list people and the non list people. <laugh> and list. List is for sure. Even with the list though, I’m like, sometimes, Yeah, I got it all mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then, no, but
Dee Dee:
I never send my husband to the grocery without a list because every time that man goes, he comes back with more stuff that I’m like, We did not need this.
Matt and Dee Dee:
But even when I have a, even when I have a list though, I still, I’ll get back and I’m like, Oh, I guess I don’t need eggs, <laugh>,
Dee Dee:
You know, Or,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, I do have some like, old almond milk in the cabinet. I guess it’s okay. Hey, I’ll like almond milk.
Dee Dee:
I can’t do the raw almonds. Makes me sicker in a dog. Ah,
What is Wellness
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Anyway. Anyway, um, okay. So, uh, people’s today’s podcast is about wellness. Um, and I think it’s a actually a very important podcast because wellness is something that we are all about. Uh, our stores, our wellness centers, um, our pursuit of C B D, um, cannabis, and, uh, what we represent is really focused around wellness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And there’s a whole lot of people out there that really don’t understand really what wellness is. Uh, and that is, that’s not an ignorance thing. That is a, uh, societal phenomena. Um, wellness has kind of been removed, which is why we fight so hard to to, to bring that back. And there
Dee Dee:
There’s so many reasons for that too. There
Matt and Dee Dee:
Is a lot of reasons. And, and it, it’s, it’s definitely, there’s definitely the programming aspect of it and the consumer is an aspect of it.
Dee Dee:
Well just, yeah. Big pharma in general, they want you sick so they can keep charging
Matt and Dee Dee:
You. Well, yeah, but they’re, Yes. There’s also a lot we do ourselves, um,
Dee Dee:
That hinder our
Matt and Dee Dee:
Wellness, that to pull away from our wellness and our pursuits. Um, we easily, you know, the, the, we can blame the powers that be all day long and we’d be right, but we also have free choice. But we, you know, we build our own cages. Yes. We, we set our own traps for ourselves. Um, has been that way for,
Dee Dee:
So I know I do it right. I sabotage myself all this stinking time. Right.
Matt and Dee Dee:
So, um, and so, and we’re even gonna, we’re getting, you know, touch on the, the history of wellness and the, the origin of wellness mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but, um, there’s actually an organization out there called the World Wellness Institute. I would highly recommend the, uh, website to you all. It is in the, uh, the, the show notes very interesting, very profound. Not really a whole lot of extreme detail, but a, a a lot of very awakening facts that that really make you think about yourself, your wellness, um, and your wellbeing. Um, which is another thing we’re gonna touch on the difference between wellness and wellbeing. Um, cuz they’re actually, not that they’re interrelated, but not the same. So, uh, to dive right in, um, I’m actually just gonna read a quote from, uh, the Global Wellness Institute on the def, uh, definition of Wellness, because when I read it, I don’t, I don’t think I could write it any better, that I’m so proud. You can read, then they, they wrote it, so, Yeah. So I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna read other people’s shit this episode. It’s okay.
Dee Dee:
It’s perfectly fine. I plan on doing the same thing am in the next
Matt and Dee Dee:
One. So, no, I’m not gonna, this is the only thing I’m gonna recite. Although a lot of, uh, the resources do come from this website. This is the only thing I’m gonna directly quote. Uh, so the definition of wellness in according to the Global Wellness Institute is there are two important aspects, uh, to the s definition. First, wellness is not a passive or static state, but rather an active pursuit that is associated with intentions, choices, and actions as we work together, um, as we work toward an optimal state of health and wellbeing. Second, wellness is linked to holistic health that is extends beyond physical health and incorporates many different dimensions that should work in harmony. Wellness is an individual pursuit. We have self responsibility to our own choices, behaviors, and lifestyles, but it is also significantly influenced by our physical, social and cultural environments in which we live.
Wellness is often confused with terms such as health, wellbeing, and happiness. While there are common elements among them, wellness is distinguished by not referring to a static state of being i e being happy, being in good health or a state of wellbeing, Rather. Wellness is associated with an active process of being aware and making choices that lead towards an outcome of optimal holistic health and wellbeing. Wellness is different from healthcare. Our healthcare systems use pathogenic and reactive approaches focused on causes, consequences, diagnoses, and treatment of diseases or injuries. In contrast, wellness is a salutogenic and proactive approach focused in prevent, preventing prevention, healthy lifestyles, and the pursuit of optimal wellbeing. Ultimately, a solid foundation for the, for wellness helps us prevent, um, and overcome disease both at present and in the future. And that is the last time I’ll print something in gray because that was super hard to read
Dee Dee:
And you just made fun of me about having it in a big font kind
Matt and Dee Dee:
On my phone so I can, I can see that is my karma butt span.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Is, uh, but anyway, is karma. You all got the point. Love karma. Uh, and for, for all of the, all of those who don’t know, because I didn’t know before this podcast, Eugenic is a holistic, uh, wellness approach on, uh, taking good health before it becomes an issue,
Dee Dee:
Which makes sense.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Uh, not, not waiting till there’s a problem and say, ah, there’s a problem, I gotta fix it. Right. Um, it’s,
Dee Dee:
I mean, how do you prevent type two diabetes
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right. By not getting it
Dee Dee:
Exactly right.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right. By doing the things you do not, not to get it. Exactly. So, um, hopefully that kind of sets the, sets the stage. And this is a concept that has started thousands of years ago, and it’s every bit as important today as it was then. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And the interesting thing, uh, about the history of it is as societies evolve, each society kind of reaches a point where everyone has, has said, Hey, um, our evolution is overcoming our, our, our wellness. And we need to pull that, pull that in and, and, and reign that in, especially with the knowledge we’re accumulating. Um, and just to give you a couple examples here, um, the, the Chinese have a lot of different, um, wellness philosophies. The most profound, at least to me, would be the Dow, which, uh, is very hard to define. Um, but very similar to the other Eastern and western philosophies of being one with nature coexisting with, with nature and the natural of order of, of things.
And accepting change is a constant bringing that into you as a, a micro and macroevolution of the universe within the south. Right. Is, and, and that’s, I know that’s kind of profound and out there, um, but then you have yoga, um, and the, the yoga, how talking to it, Well, the yoga philosophy started almost identical, uh, identically. And, and it, it started actually as a, uh, kind of a religious, the Hindu mm-hmm. <affirmative> religion, um, founded yoga. But, uh, yoga is actually a philosophy. It’s an act, but it’s a philosophy in itself. Um, so just to read you a little, little caption here, um, a hindo thetic philosophy, reaching the suppression of all activity of body and mind and will in order that the self may realize its dysfunction from them and attain liberation. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that is a loose definition of yoga. Um, on the western side, we had, uh, yo uh, we <laugh>, we have logos.
Uh, logos is what, uh, actually then was adopted by, uh, the Christian faith and philosophy as well, very similar, uh, uh, and, and parallel to, uh, the, the philosophical, um, uh, circulation o of the, um, relation of you to the universe, you to your wellbeing, you to the environment around you, you to the si society around you. Um, it started out as logos was then adopted by the stoic, uh, who of, uh, the Greek philosophers. Uh, after that it was a, a, uh, adopted by, uh, Christian philosophers, uh, as the logos was the personification of, well, Christ was the personification of logos and the Christian religion. So anyway, um, it’s the same concept, different flavors. Right. Um, and it’s, it, it, it it’s appeared all around the world in almost mirror like, uh, parallel. Makes sense. So my inclination is, okay, so, so if these general philosophies, if you break ’em down to their core, they’re all exactly the same happened all around the world. All different climates, conditions, societal parameters, there’s probably something to this, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, this is probably an important part of our existence that we need to pay attention to.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
For sure. Um, and, and, and, and we’re, we’re, we’re losing that. So
Dee Dee:
I think your wellness in general will just keep you from becoming a statistic in American medicine. Absolutely. You know what I mean? And I just, I mean, talking about the yoga, I have slacked on that so bad now. I still hit the gym. I’m doing more cardio than I am weight lifting, which I know I need to get back to the weight lifting as well. And, but I have really slacked on the yoga and John and I were talking about that other, I’m like, I really need to get back into that. And he’s like, You do. I’m just a, I feel better when I do it. I don’t know why I stopped. Right. I think you just get in those, you know, you fall out of your routines because I am very much a routine type person and I was doing it in the morning before work. And I think once that kind of dropped off, I was starting to get in back into the store, you know, earlier and earlier and why wasn’t still doing my yoga. I don’t know why. I mean, and I, I miss it. I can, I’m not nearly as limb as I was. I can, I can tell a difference just doing certain things. And so I really, I think I’m gonna make that a, um, priority for this month to get back into my yoga. Cuz I do, I physically miss it and emotionally miss it.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right. Well, and you touched on some of them very important there because it, the, the, the, the thing about wellness and what we promote through c, b and, and, uh, cannabinoids is your wellbeing. Yeah. Um, the pursuit is wellness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, wellbeing is the state that, that you attain to reach most consistently. Right. You know, we, we, we can’t all experience wellbeing and good health and happiness constantly. Life just doesn’t work that
Dee Dee:
Way. No, it
Matt and Dee Dee:
Doesn’t. Um, and that’s okay. Uh, as long as we do what we, what we can and what we should. Right. Um, we, we can’t all quit our jobs go climb on mountain top and contemplate life and only eat organic foods. Uh, and, and that’s, that’s part part of wellness is dealing with the environment around you. The, the environmental constraints, the environmental benefits mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and the societal things.
Dee Dee:
So besides yoga and working out in general and eating healthier foods, what are some other ways you can obtain wellness?
Matt and Dee Dee:
So wellness is, is is actually not a, a one a body thing, a mind thing. A a sidal thing, a physical thing. It is actually all of those. Right.
Dee Dee:
Um, which makes sense.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. So, so the
Dee Dee:
Getting sleep,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yes. So huge, the physical aspects would be exercise, diet. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, sleep and body care. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right. Sex involves that. So what do, what sex
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
That hundred percent. I mean, uh, there, hey, it’s statistically proven that if, if you are physically capable of sex, if, if the more you know sex, you healthy sex experience, healthy
Dee Dee:
Sex, not Yes. You know,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Not sex addiction stuff, um, which would be a fun other podcast, but we’re,
Dee Dee:
We’re not gonna straight go
Matt and Dee Dee:
On there. <laugh>. Um, it increases mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, longevity, health, happiness, physical health,
Dee Dee:
Relationships, which is always healthier too. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Matt and Dee Dee:
<affirmative>. Yeah. Yeah. If you got a partner out there, do it. <laugh>
Dee Dee:
Do it. Right.
Matt and Dee Dee:
You know, and if you don’t have a partner, still do it. Just put a condom on.
Dee Dee:
Oh my god.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Okay, now I’m serious
Dee Dee:
There. That’s trues. Hey, that’s true. I know. I’m a much happier person. So <laugh> just putting that out there. Thanks honey. <laugh>.
Matt and Dee Dee:
John honey. Yes.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> my husband, honey,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Not me.
Dee Dee:
Hell no. Yeah.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Okay. You
Dee Dee:
Can leave that little annoying brother
Matt and Dee Dee:
Moving along. So
Dee Dee:
The mental, I’m not into that house, the house of track.
Matt and Dee Dee:
So all of all of these components, by the way, are equally, there is no, you know, this is like the tripod. There’s no one leg that tweaker the than the other. Uh, the mental aspect of it is exercising your mind. Um, you know, I think for me personally, it starts with the body because when I’m physically moving and physically active and physically healthy, my mind functions better. Um, and but then when your mind’s functioning better, that means it’s time to exercise your mind. Right. You, you have to exercise your mind as much or more than you’re exercising your body.
Dee Dee:
And I can tell with you when you haven’t worked out, like you’ve taken a break, which is rare, but I can tell you’re not quite there in the head. And you’ll even say that. And I’m like, Hmm. It’s cuz you haven’t worked out too. Yeah. So yeah. That’s kind of true.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. So, uh, that, that means reading, contemplating pu puzzles are great for be stimulation.
Dee Dee:
I like playing words with friends
Matt and Dee Dee:
Conversation, something that is lost. People don’t talk in it. People text. Now, uh, there, there there’s not really a channeling. There’s, I’m gonna throw this out and I’m gonna wait for somebody to throw something back instead of a free flow dialogue. Like, you know what, what, what Didi and I have right here and what we have in our office every day. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and, and you know, it’s an ebb and flow, but at the same time, that mental stimulation, we, but you know what, that is what causes mental stimulation. If you, and, and if you are open to new opinions, new thoughts, uh, that is gonna expand your mind, <laugh>, whatever, for those of you listening, Dee Dee’s making bullshit faces. Um, but we’re gonna ignore that because it’s my way,
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Way I experience proper wellness. You do. Um, next is the environmental. This, uh, and, and when I say environmental, I don’t, the, you have somewhat limited control over the environment you’re in.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
We don’t necessarily get to choose exactly where we live. We don’t necessarily get to choose how we live. Uh, we do get to choose how we respond to, uh, how we live, um, and how we respond to those, uh, circumstances. You know, uh, there’s a, uh, token, I think that wrote, the guy that wrote The Hobbit, uh, wrote, uh, you know, it is, it’s, it’s not our choice to choose the time we live in. It’s, it’s our choice to make live, live, make the best of how we, I just probably butchered shit outta that quote. You probably do, but it’s okay. But anyway, you get, I get it. You get the, the thing.
Dee Dee:
Well, I think sometimes in, you know, places that we’ve worked in the past that has interfered with our happiness and our sense of wellbeing. I mean, you stressing out about your job puts everything else outta whack. And that that’s really hard for some people to not one, take the work home with them and the stress home with them. I mean, I am so guilty of it. Yeah. You know, I would worry to death over whether or not I filled in a date correctly on a form and literally stress myself and, and I’m a big stress person anyway, but that type a personality. Um, and sometimes it’s really hard for me to relax. Thank God for Delta eight and Delta nine. Um, but I think that can impose on your wellness as well. And that is an environmental stressor. Well,
Matt and Dee Dee:
At the, and, and again, you know, to go back to, uh, uh, quotes, uh, the definition would be creating a positive relationship with your environment, including planetary health, your actions and consequences. Mm, mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, which is pretty true because it’s, it’s not just the environment we’re in, it’s the environment we create. Correct. Uh, the,
Dee Dee:
Whether it’s home life or work life, Yes.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and how are we treat, how are we treating our environment? Are we, are we just throwing plastic away? Inconsequentially are, are we, which
Dee Dee:
We’ve talked about before,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right? Are we just purchasing, uh, what, what whatever, whenever are, are we going for the cheapest thing or the best thing for us? Right. Um, you know, that exists on so many levels. Uh, but anyway, beyond the environmental, you then have emotional mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which is understanding your emotions, dealing with your emotions, seeking the origin of your emotions, emotion. And we cover emotions a lot in this podcast. But, um, emotions are a funny thing because they’re actually just a residual of our evolution. Um, makes sense. Back, back when we had instincts, we had to know when to run, when to fight, when to, uh, defend, when to retreat, when to, uh, take ownership, when to give up ownership, all, uh, for procreation and the, and the pursuit of, of continued life. That was, that, that was on a survival basis. Right. So now that we’ve involved to these sesion beings and, and created this consciousness that, that we all experience and live in emotions have, are the same at their core.
But they’ve changed in that their residual memories, their residual thoughts. Um, and as our brains evolved, our, our emotions haven’t evolved with our brains. Mm. So I think a lot of the issues with the human condition is not being able to let go of a lot of thoughts, memories, experiences that cause us to hold onto these emotions that are really just, I agree with that. Just an echo of our ancestry. Um, and we do have the ability to, to walk away from them. Right. And I think, I think a lot of it is experiencing, uh, the, the emotion, but then asking yourself, where is this coming from? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, is this coming from the situation at hand or is this coming from a, and I hate this word more than anything, but a trigger of a past experience and am I now dealing with this experience irrationally due to the emotion that it’s unconsciously evoked in me? I
Dee Dee:
Think that’s definitely, that happens a lot.
Matt and Dee Dee:
That’s a huge part of wellbeing. And,
Dee Dee:
Well, my thing is worry. So I worry about everything. Right. And I read this quote says, um, worry is an unknown debt that you do not yet need to pay. And I, and it’s something, a quote kind of like that. But I kind of think about that when I start wearing an ab I obsessively worry, especially if I don’t take my CBD oil. Oh my God. It’s bad. Like it’s really bad. Like I lose sleep and then that in turn makes my other emotions worse, makes my anxiety worse, and just kind of snowballs from there. Sure. And then I want to eat, because that’s how I deal with stress. I eat shit that I should not be eating, which then in turn hurts my wellbeing as well. Cuz I know that shit’s not good for me. So then I stress out about that. So my always, my number one goal is to not worry about everything.
Mm-hmm. <affirmative> things will happen as they happen. You know what I mean? And that is, that is one thing that I’ve really been working on lately. Um, lately. Especially, I mean, I got away for a few days last week just to decompress. I spent some time with my brother. He and I always have a good time. I mean, for crying out loud, we literally walked through through the Newport Aquarium and it was so much fun. I felt like a kid, you know what I mean? Seeing all those, um, fish and everything. It was a lot of fun. And I needed that. I mean, I came back, I’m like, hell yeah. I feel good. So. Well and makes a big difference.
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s a good point because in my opinion, recreation is such an essential part of wellness mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it really covers all the, which we haven’t gone through all the factors yet. Right. But it, but recreation fits into all the facets of wellness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, you know, it kind of gets into this whole, you know, medical marijuana thing where it’s like, oh, okay. Well when you look at marijuana or specifically THC as a quote unquote medicine, you’re looking at it from the non wellness perspective. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> of some this person has a, an illness or a, you know, the pathogenic, uh, to, to quote the, you know, the pathogenic aspect of Yeah. We need to treat something versus we need to prevent something.
Dee Dee:
Right. And truly all THD use is medicinal. I mean it truly is in one form or another. Depend, depend for
Matt and Dee Dee:
Wellness. Depend. Yeah. Are you looking at it from the pathogenic philosophy? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or the cell use boom
Dee Dee:
Up <laugh>. I don’t, I think
Matt and Dee Dee:
I love that word too. I’m gonna drill that word into my head till
Dee Dee:
I, anything I remember anything used medicinally. THC in general I think is just it. It is, it is helpful for your entire wellbeing.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
There you go. I wouldn’t be able to pronounce it. I have
Matt and Dee Dee:
That worst premise. I probably, I’m probably not saying it right.
Dee Dee:
You can correct us nurse.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah, no, you can.
Dee Dee:
I like it when he gets cracked too.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I’m never wrong <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
I’ll have a big butt <laugh>.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Um, so then, uh, next would be the spiritual aspect of it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, spiritual, not, uh, being religious per se. Uh, uh, spirituality and religion are two different things. Uh, and the core of that being, um, you can be spiritual without embracing dogmatic principles. Right. I personally believe that you should believe whatever you want to believe, as long as it is, is in the promotion of, of, of positivity and light. And I think that if, if you practice those practices, cuz all the, the, those core face be them based in dogmatic principle or you know, a a, um, a spiritual foundation. I, I truly believe, I don’t know, but I believe that the afterlife, whatever it is, will take care of itself. If, if you live a good life in this life or you do the best you can to live a good life in this life, pursue well, pursue wellness, pursue, you know,
Dee Dee:
I’m hoping reincarnation exists cuz I wanna come back as fact.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Happy. Well, and maybe cat maybe, but even what’s rub on my belly. But even if but even at that, even at that level that I believe that most, um, reincarnation, Reincarnation or whatever you would call them, who, what you’re reincarnated as is a direct reflection of how you’ve lived your previous life.
Dee Dee:
Well, I’ve loved my kids pretty
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well. It’s all, it, it all, it all kind of flows to the same thing, you know? Yeah.
Dee Dee:
I always think that we have, we have had past lives and it’s like every new life you are trying to do a better job than you did your last one. I, this is weird
Matt and Dee Dee:
Groundhog Day.
Dee Dee:
Right. Kind of. But I feel I was a man and I was a mailman in my previous life. Really? I have dreams of driving the mail truck all the time. It’s the weirdest thing. I’ve never done it. Not in this life. So where do you have that kind of reminiscent type thing?
Matt and Dee Dee:
I was a shameless slut.
Dee Dee:
Oh, you still are. What are you talking about <laugh>? You’re still not
Matt and Dee Dee:
Liking I know yet. I’m monogamous. It’s amazing. <laugh>, I don’t know how <laugh> did somehow. Oh, poor Katie. Yeah, I know
Dee Dee:
She’s a saint. Yes she is. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm.
Matt and Dee Dee:
<affirmative>. Uh, so the last component would be, um, well actually we already covered that. Environmental mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, so the core aspects of wellness are physical. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, taking care of your body, exercising your body to the best of your ability. Mental, uh, taking care of your mind, thinking good, positive thoughts, but at the same time, keeping yourself stimulated. Which includes thinking for yourself, not being a sheep, not just doing what you’re told. Right. And I know I, I, I sound so, uh, you know, condescending when I say say that like that. But I really just want not necessarily people to wake up. And I really, really want, just want people to think for themselves. Cuz when I see, when I see it and I see it in myself, it, it’s difficult. Yeah. It’s difficult for me not to be hard on myself. It’s difficult for me not to be hard on others when I’m like, you’re just following what you were told. Mm-hmm. You’re just taking, you’re just literally reciting orders. And I understand it’s our nature cuz cuz of we’re social beings, argu, everything we know is based on the society that that Right. That we’re, we’re surrounded by. But that society’s being influenced and it’s
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Question to think for yourself.
Dee Dee:
That kind of stuff. Well,
Matt and Dee Dee:
All, all thought it originates from a single thought. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean, you know, even, even if you believe in the, the hundred monkey hundred monkey. Right. Uh, philosophy, which, um, is a story I think I I’ve already said about the, the islands where they were feeding the, the monkeys. And the monkeys learned how to wash the right sweet potatoes off. And as soon as the, the hundredth monkey on this island learned how to wash the sweet potatoes, all of the monkeys on all the islands simultaneously was like it, This thought just became a, a universal consciousness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, anyway, not getting,
Dee Dee:
Not definitely wash your sweet potatoes.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. Yeah. But, but that’s the thing is it all started with that one monkey washing off the sweet potatoe. So you be that monkey be that first one. Right. Think that thought <laugh>, um, like emotional, you know, all these things are so difficult and that’s why it’s a, it’s a it’s a constantly evolving pursuit. It’s not static. Correct. Um,
Dee Dee:
Well wellness in general is constant. You have to constantly be working on it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you just don’t do it one day and then you’re well, and then, then the next day you, you
Matt and Dee Dee:
Don’t Well and be willing to accept failure. Like I, you know, I I consider myself a follower of the, of a Dow philosophy. I, I have. Uh, but I, at the same time, you know, one, one of my mentors, uh, we, we, I jokingly refer to myself and now he jokingly refers to me as a shitty Buddhist <laugh> because essentially that’s what I am. Why you see that, You know, like I, I, I do my best, but I fail every day. But every day I try to do
Dee Dee:
A little bit. As long as you keep trying. I think that’s the goal. Um, I know, you know, everybody talks about that Covid 15 or Covid 30 in my respects.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Um, what’s covid 30? Oh,
Dee Dee:
The 30 The weight. Yeah. The weight. Oh my God. So, um, yeah, it, shit happens. You’re,
Matt and Dee Dee:
You are, so you’re wrapped up on weight today?
Dee Dee:
Uh, no, not really. Um, I, I, well I’ve done that journey too with the, with the whole weight thing. Um, and I’m, I am working on the weight within with Margie Odom. She has, she’s been phenomenal, um, a therapist and with my group that has really put a lot of things into perspective. I don’t concentrate on the weight as much. It’s more about being healthy. Yes. The, the weight I can be, I can be any weight and even a lower weight and not be healthy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So That’s very true. Yeah. So I really just try to eat my fruits, try to eat my vegetables, um, you know, if I wanna freaking ice cream every now and again, there’s nothing wrong with it. Yeah. Um, it’s more about the healthy side to things and trying to love my body as it is. Mm. And that in and of itself is where the wellness happens for me, because if not, and I’m so hard on myself. What do you think that does to my emotions?
Matt and Dee Dee:
What does it do to your wellness?
Dee Dee:
Exactly. You
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
Exactly. And that, and I know I’m not the only woman out there that deals with this. I mean, I have Or men. Yeah. Or men. Yeah. I mean, I have literally struggled with my weight my entire life and it wasn’t until my forties that I’m just like, fuck that. Yeah. You know what I mean? My husband loves me the way I am. He’s always, when I do lose weight, he’s like, Don’t lose your ass. Well, I mean, so there’s he, he does, I’m not kidding you. Well, but I mean there’s, I think you can be healthy and be a little bit overweight and you can be unhealthy and be skinny as a
Matt and Dee Dee:
Rail and, and you can, you can lose it and get it back and lose it again. Mm-hmm. And get it back. I, I, so there’s been several times in my life I, you know, I was an athlete and then I wasn’t an athlete mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then I was an athlete again. And then I wasn’t usually due to injury or, or you know, whatever circumstance. But that’s a hard thing to get back into the gym when you’re 30 pounds heavier. Exactly. And you know, you’re seeing some of the same people that saw you when you were in peak physical condition, you know, body building show worthy, you’re your blob. Right.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
You doing it, that’s, that’s what you need to overcome.
Dee Dee:
Exactly. And my whole point to that is don’t be afraid to ask for help. Yeah. I mean, it took me a while. I mean the, the therapy that I do it is amazing and we do it group wise, so you could hear other people’s perspectives and they give, you know, insight. And I think that has been the most helpful thing for me, knowing that one, I’m not the only person out there. And two, it’s okay to get back on the wellness side as long as, you know, and and asking for help. It, it’s okay. Yeah. Anybody, you know, people do the things that they do to help others. That’s why we got in the business we got into to help people with hemp and CBD products and cannabis. Yep. I mean that’s why Margie does her thing with the weight within and helps, you know, people like myself that are struggling just to accept themselves because of being overweight.
Um, and like I said, that’s been a lifelong journey for me. And you know, again, in my forties I’m finally like, If you don’t like me, I really don’t give a shit. Yeah. If you don’t like me because of my weight, that’s what you’re gonna harp on. Cuz I got a big personality and I love people. Yeah. So for someone not to like me, just cuz I’m a little overweight, eh, bite me. I don’t need you in my life. Anyway. Cool. So it takes a while to get to that, but that is the overall wellness that we have to just continue to work on. Yep.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yep. So then it kind of round the out then, you know, again, we’ve got the spiritual mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, and, and again, even if you’re an atheist, it’s the, the, I attribute this, the spiritual is, is working with your environment, your surroundings mm-hmm. <affirmative> how you deal with conscious reality, um, and how you choose to be as a person. To me that’s spiritual. Yeah. Um,
Dee Dee:
How you treat others,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right? Yeah. Right. Um, and then we’ve got social, which flows into every, uh, it’s funny how all these things just flow right into it.
Dee Dee:
Makes perfect
Matt and Dee Dee:
Sense. Um, and the, and environmental. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> where how, you know, how are you gonna react to your environment? How are you gonna deal with your environment? How’s your environment gonna deal with you? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> interesting concept now that we’ve had these storms, uh, brewing, uh, which no one can deny as a direct result of global warming. So now we have the, you know, the one percenters still deniers. We have the or the 0.001 percenters having their homes destroyed. Uh, of which I know several of, I don’t know that it’s karma, but it, it’s what will this make open some eyes? It’s an interesting question. It’s certainly a tragedy and, and I feel terrible for, I do too, for everyone who, who’s down there suffering right now, but, um, I I’m hoping it’s a call
Dee Dee:
For some people it doesn’t just hit the point. One percenters too hits a lot of people that,
Matt and Dee Dee:
But if anything goods comes of it, I hope that, you know, those people that have had those, their 80 million homes, um, knocked down
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Uh, maybe they’ll say
Dee Dee:
Knocked down on the high horse
Matt and Dee Dee:
A little bit. Wow. This, this actually affects me. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh,
Dee Dee:
So yeah. I think that’s the problem. Unless something affects them, they don’t do anything, anything about it. Right. So
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. Most people don’t,
Dee Dee:
Most people I
Matt and Dee Dee:
Agree that, that that’s not the point. Zero
Dee Dee:
Zero. I agree with that. That’s, that’s most team people. Yep. Well, don’t
Matt and Dee Dee:
Fight me. That’s how you worry about it. That’s how you lu people to sleep. The broten spiel of philosophy. Am I fed? Am I entertained <laugh>? Yep. If the answer is yes, and yes, people can do almost whatever they want. That’s true. Uh, and unless you’re awake and, and conscious you’re you, you’re part of that. Yeah. So. Agreed. Well anyway, uh, I hope that we have opened your eyes on wellness as
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
And expanded your mind. Yep.
Dee Dee:
Follow us on all the socials and we again, we do have that new, um, Facebook page 5 0 2 Wellness Center. We had to take out the hemp. They completely shut that down and God only knows, I don’t believe we’ll ever get it back. <laugh>. Um, but we are still on Instagram for now. I’m sure we’re walking that little tight rope with them. Um, I don’t do much on TikTok. I think it’s a waste of time. Mm. Personally, sorry. I do,
Matt and Dee Dee:
I think it’s hugely entertaining. It
Dee Dee:
Can be. It
Matt and Dee Dee:
Is. I like to try,
Dee Dee:
Don’t get me wrong,
Matt and Dee Dee:
But like, I like to try to see where the algorithms take me. Oh my. You know, you know, I
Dee Dee:
Get a lot of thirst traps. So apparently that’s where I
Matt and Dee Dee:
Like a thirst trap.
Dee Dee:
I’ll tell you that off. Okay.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Offline <laugh>. No. Well, okay.
Dee Dee:
Anyway, thank you guys for listening. As always. You all keep it hippy out there and reach out to us again, info at 502 Hemp. You have questions or concerns or wanna hear us talk about something specific, we are happy to do that. So be safe and take care of yourselves and each other.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp Queen
Matt and Dee Dee:
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding. Like, subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff and
Matt and Dee Dee:
Keep it, He out there.