The Hemp Queen and Emperor, Dee & Matt

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Hi, I’m Matt.
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Hey, all, thanks for joining us today. This is our first official podcast and I am super stoked to be here with Matt and, uh, be in this line of work that we do to begin with. So thanks for joining us. We’re um, we’re pretty excited.
Yes. <laugh>, I’m super stoked to be here with you
Dee Dee:
Didi. I know you are Matt
And like every day.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, you are lucky and blessed. <laugh> I totally agree with that as well. So topics for today, we decided to kind of share with you all what got us in this industry. I mean, it’s, um, you know, it’s like the wild, wild west out there and when people talk about hemp and they talk about cannabis in general, you’ve got so many different people that are in this new industry. And I think most people, when they look at me, would’ve never guessed in a billion years that I am in this industry now. Um, I kind of grew up in a small town, Lebanon, Ohio. I graduated from school, went to college, Mount St. Joe in Cincinnati, and I have a paralegal degree. So I did all the work for the attorneys on the back end. And, um, you know, we kind of stayed away from this kind of stuff, at least after college. Um, but it was kind of interesting how all that happened. Mm-hmm <affirmative> what made you, I mean, other than meeting me, <laugh> what made you wanna get into this business
Besides you? Yeah. Uh, well, let’s see. I, uh, had had a career in, um, construction mm-hmm <affirmative> and really big business construction. And, uh, was my third go around with, uh, you know, largest companies, billion million dollar companies, and rising through the ranks. You quickly realize, uh, what corporate America’s all about <laugh> yes, you do what actually that means to people, including the, the, the us citizens and world citizens and, uh, the overall health of our, of our earth and our country and, um, our communities. Uh, and it, it, once I started that line of critical thinking, it really became present to me that I had to make some changes. Um,
Dee Dee:
Makes sense.
Yeah. And that’s when I started using, uh, the 5 0 2 hemp products, uh, that certainly expanded my mind. Um, and I was no stranger to Hemper cannabis prior to that, obviously, I mean, look at me <laugh> duh. Um, and, uh, kind of went from there, but you know, what I’m thinking about right now is, so this is our first podcast, right? So what’s gonna happen is people are gonna listen to like our fourth or fifth podcast, right. Because that’s, when you listen to a podcast is like, when a podcast catches on, you listen to it and you’re like, oh, that’s great. And then you go back and you have to catch up and you listen to the first one. And you’re like, oh yeah. Hmm. I see where they, you know, got steam. So all your listeners out there, if this kind of sucks, um, it’s because it’s our first episodes not suck and you can listen to this and be like, oh man, look at how they evolved. And they became, so like, this is like intricate in their words and their speech and all, and the factoids. And everything’s amazing. Um, so anyway, first episode guys putting that out there. Yeah, for sure. I’m sorry, DD.
Dee Dee:
Well, for
Sure. And this is kind of the dialogue that we have, by the way, every day, our brains are totally different. Yes.
Dee Dee:
Yes they are. And it’s amazing that we work so well together because we come up with some Mo like some of the most unique stuff and, um, it always works out and it’s always positive. Um, which is why we came to do what we’re doing here.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. You, uh, you need to speak closer to the mic so
They can, I’m sorry. Is that better?
Dee Dee:
That is way better. Good job, Matt. Right. See, it takes a village people. I’m
A village. I’m also gonna put on my
Dee Dee:
Sexy voice, please, please. Don’t please. Don’t so, anyway, let’s tell you more. Let’s get back to the topic at hand. So
Dee Dee:
Let’s okay. <laugh> this is how it is folks. So anyway, I, you know, it’s crazy how I really got into this business back in 2010. I, well, actually I met my husband in 2009. We really got into each other, I guess in 2010, you can say, but it was funny. He didn’t know how to tell me and God love him. He, uh, he finally admitted. He said, you know, he goes, I, I gotta tell you something. I’m like, okay. He said, I have seizures. And he said, and I’ve been kind of waiting to tell you, cuz I was afraid you wouldn’t even date me. And I thought, well, what kind of person am I, if I’m not gonna date somebody who has, you know, something like that going on. Well, then I saw the first one he ever had. And let me tell you freaking horrific. I never wanna experience that again, but I have, obviously since we’re still together, um, but you know, the big pharma had him up. They had him on 28 pills a day and he was still having seizures. And I finally kind of looked at him. I said, dude, you need to smoke some weed. I think that might help you a little
Bit. Weed is illegal.
Dee Dee:
It is in this state for sure.
Yeah. Just putting that out there.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. We’re in Kentucky, by the way, if we haven’t mentioned that. Um,
So we do not advocate breaking the law.
Dee Dee:
We do not. We absolutely do not ever <laugh> so anyway,
I don’t even speed <laugh> yeah. I’m sorry. Dee Dee continue.
Dee Dee:
I’m continuing. So we, uh, you know, he went out West and learned about CBD oil. We actually started making it at home, um, before, you know, the big 2014 first, uh, hemp and farm bill happened here in the state and he, uh, got a license, started, uh, manufacturing it legally, um, took some time to grow. Then 2016 happened and I started having God awful panic attacks and keep in mind I was working for attorneys. So if you’ve ever worked for attorneys, you might know what I’m talking about.
You don’t need to work for attorneys. You just need to have ever had to work with an attorney to know what that’s like.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> you need something to get
Through your sorry for any listening attorneys out there. You guys are clearly awesome. And not who I’m
Dee Dee:
About. Well, they are awesome. Um, when you need them. Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Um, yes, but anyway,
Like, like you need the devil, I mean it has dude, it’s not, it’s a necessary thing, right? It’s not,
Dee Dee:
Well, sometimes
Agree to disagree.
Dee Dee:
We’re totally agreeing to disagree on that one. Um, but I started having, having panic attacks and anxiety and you know, I called John I’m like, he’s like take some CBD oil, take some CBD oil, just, just, just fucking try it. So I’m like, okay, I’ll try it. I will try some CBD oil. And let me tell you what he brought home, the nastiest flavored stuff I’ve ever, ever had in my life. And if anybody has ever tried CBD oil, they know some of it tastes good. Some of it’s pretty gross. Well, his first runaround, it was pretty damn disgusting. Um, but you know what, I started taking it. It started helping me and I was like, you know, what, why does this help me? And why does it help you? How does this work? Yeah. So I had to start doing some research. I had to start doing my homework. I had to figure it out. Yeah. Me being that, uh, paralegal. Yeah. Attention to detail. That’s freaking important. Yeah. And knowing the reason behind all of it. And, I had to know. Yeah. So that’s how it
Happened. NT listeners out there, we will be diving into the endocannabinoid system and how all that works and, and for sure. In future episodes. Uh, so, so, you know, stay tuned on that.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Yeah. I don’t wanna do this. I mean, that’s a lot of information. Yeah. It’s more just a little background. Um, and then I started selling it. I was probably one of the first that set up at, uh, Faires and festivals around town. Nobody, nobody knew what the hell CBD was. Yeah. And I had to teach them and explain it all and you know, do that fun stuff. And then, and then 2018 happened, um, I decided to open up the store, the 502 hemp store opened in October of 2018. And then right. A couple months later was the big 2018 farm builder. I got signed and passed. And then next thing you know, CBD and hemp has exploded. And there’s so much out there.
Yeah. It’s just banned on, you know, Google and oh, uh, Facebook and pretty much every other mass media outlet that seeks to make money off of, uh, petroleum and medication. But let’s continue. I’m sorry that that’s a keep going, yeah.
Dee Dee:
That’s another separate podcast too,
But we’re touching on so much. We are touching, but, but discussing so little
Dee Dee:
<laugh> isn’t that how it goes, I guess, especially with us. Yeah. So
Dee Dee:
<laugh> yeah. I met and then
We bet people are gonna listen to this and be like what?
Dee Dee:
For sure. But that’s okay. But as long as you’re entertained, mission accomplished and educated and you, you know, you walk away with some kind of smile on your face, even if it’s crooked. <laugh> I’m good with it. <laugh>
Dee Dee:
Oh, he does bring a lot of fun to the office. I must say.
Y’all so, so John, you and John started. Yep. Um, uh, and you opened the store. I did. Yep. And it was my store, a, your store mm-hmm <affirmative> and it was an awesome success. Um, and then I came in and, and yeah, and met you and insisted when you,
Dee Dee:
Of it, you know, to be part a part of it and convinced you and oh
Dee Dee:
God, you
Guys, he, and then, and then wallow
Dee Dee:
At my feet, trying to get on board with, with me, because he just wanted to be with me all
The time. Yeah. And you know what? It was amazing. And then after that it became a store that also made money. <laugh> I don’t know how, but, uh, there you go. And that’s, and, and, and there, there in life, but the funny
Dee Dee:
The thing is Matt, I didn’t get in this business for that reason.
Yes. The yes. But, here’s how that works: when you make money, you help more people. That is true. And then you can, you can do more. It’s again, we’re back to the necessary evil. It is a necessary evil and, and it’s not the money that’s evil. It’s the desire of, of money that’s people. Yes.
Dee Dee:
So the whole reason I decided to get in this business was to help others, yes. With a natural alternative, with a plant that has had that stigma on it forever. Yeah. And it’s just bullshit that they took it out of our diets. They took it out of our livelihoods. I mean, they just made it propaganda from the government and all that shit. It, it just should have never happened.
Yeah. Well, and, and, you know, it falls in the lines of a lot of what we’re gonna be talking about. Sure. Um, you know, corporate influence mm-hmm <affirmative> um, why we are told what we’re told, um, why critical thinking is so frowned upon, in our culture and our society today, people don’t want you to think for yourself anymore. No, they don’t. They want you, they wanna direct how you think, make you believe that you’re thinking independently. Um, and making you think that you are thinking liberally when actually you’re just being guided down a path that they’ve, that they’ve carved for you and, um, and, and, uh, convinced you to, to continue to buy their shit. Yeah. And, and continue to live life the way they want you to live your life instead of, of, of really expanding beyond that.
Dee Dee:
Um, you know, I agree with that, for
Sure. So, and we’ll get into that when we, when we talk about psychs and, and, and people who explore, uh, transit thinking gets
Dee Dee:
So deep, you guys,
Sometimes a band stuff
Dee Dee:
He talks about, I just kind of half listen, cuz it goes in one or not the
Other abandoning, you go at constructs and, and accepting the authentic self. Uh, we’re gonna get all into that guys, elbow deep and
Dee Dee:
Ladies for, for construction guys. Like he must be the most well-rounded construction person I’ve ever met, which kind of cracks me up sometimes too. Y’all yes. Cause, um, some of his stories I’m just like, oh, okay, okay. Yes. Yeah, yes. A little, a little back behind that, uh, stuff. So what’s your, what, let me ask you this though. You’re in the business now. You’ve been with me since 2020. We started working together on the website and then in 21 and then in 20, in the beginning of 20, 20, yeah. Beginning of 2020. And then we fully partnered up, um, in 21 mm-hmm <affirmative> and with all the crazy shit that’s happened with the pandemic and all that good stuff, um, we’ve still managed and I, that I am forever grateful for. Yeah. And we’ve still managed to continue to grow and continue to help more people and new products out. I mean, some of the stuff that, that we get to do it, it is, it is freaking awesome. Yeah. It is awesome. I mean, some of the people we’ve met, yeah. Through this industry and, and um, I mean even the people that we’ve helped and just hearing some of their stories has been fucking phenomenal. Well, and yes, I cuss like a sailor. I’m just gonna say it. And it’s just another word to me. So I apologize if I offend anybody,
I’m not gonna apologize for offending anybody. Cause we’re gonna be candid here. We’re gonna speak what we believe. Um, and you know, you’re welcome to, uh, share a different opinion. Uh, we certainly don’t abandon or discredit any opinions, um, sometimes, and, and our, and, and our, our, our culture and oh yeah, well, yeah, but that we don’t abandon it or discredit it. We say we allow it and say, you’re totally wrong. And then, you know, go back and forth until eventually some level of consensus arises. But that consensus is usually more fruitful than just a one-sided opinion. So very true. Uh, totally. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and, and I started using CBD. Thank you for asking DEI mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, uh, because, uh, I had a, uh, stress, I have a stress disorder and I struggle with it. Um, I continue to struggle with it. I choose not to medicate for that. I, I, I choose to work internally for that. And CBDs really have been the perfect vehicle for me to put me in the right headspace to, to do that, that work on self, uh, which is another thing that that big pharma wants you to abandon. They don’t want you to work on yourself. They just want you to take a pill forever. That will slowly destroy you, uh, both economically and physically, um, which I will, will never subscribe to. Um, but at any way,
Dee Dee:
I do like vitamins.
Yeah. And, CBD by the way, does not help with verbalized pauses. So you’ll, you’ll hear me go, uh, uh, more than I care to. Um, but it just happens. So I’ll work on that as this podcast continues. Uh, anyway, so, uh, yes, it’s been an excellent vehicle for me. Um, I also have a head trauma. I have a bullet in my brain, uh, which is a story we might get into in an episode here. We’ll see. Um, and it’s been great help, uh, with, with, with the effects of, of that, uh, brain damage as well. So can’t you tell I could pass the elevator test, right? You can
Dee Dee:
Totally, you would
Dee Dee:
I never,
Unless I take the hat off, dude,
Dee Dee:
Then, you can’t really see it. Yeah. Not anymore. Okay. No, you’re good. You’re good there. I mean, CBD changed my life. It, I can’t even begin to ma I can’t even begin to explain how, what a difference it made for me, both. Um, taking the reins of my own destiny, I guess you can say. And she was on a different path that I would’ve never guessed. I would’ve been down. I mean, when I told my family that I was getting in the hemp business and that the husband and I were doing it, I, my, my nephew, Joey, he, he cracks me up. He goes, oh my God, do you’re a drug dealer. I’m like, no, no. And you know, they all laughed, but that’s just what they assumed. They assumed I was gonna be a drug meet, Dee aunt Dee, the good one, right. The one that went to college and all that good stuff.
Well, that’s what Microsoft assumes. So you may, may, you may as well. I mean,
Dee Dee:
Soda banks, that’s
What Google is. Yeah. Right.
Dee Dee:
Soda banks. That’s yeah. Aunt DEI, the drug dealer. And you know, I’m like, no, no, let me back that up for you child and
Explains that’s what most credit processors assume.
Dee Dee:
It is. Anyway,
Dee Dee:
Yes, it is. Even though it’s a federally legal product passed in 2018, we still face the same bullshit that it’s a drug.
Yes. But here’s that, and, and here’s the thing in all seriousness. You’re not gonna change people by, by complaining about it. You’re not gonna change people by, you know, pointing the finger and shaking it at the people that aren’t participating Dee. And I have realized that the only way we’re really gonna change this, and the only way we’ve, we’ve seen change and affected change in our business is to educate people. And spread a positive message. Yes. Which is what really, why we’re here. Um, we’re not here to poo poo companies and other businesses, even though it’s fun and hilarious. And, and we will, yes, we will. But at the end, um, it’s really a positive message because, oh gosh, because we want to change, uh, hopefully the way you think, um, the way you might be able to help others think and so on and so forth. And, and that’s how this message really gets spread. Um, because we don’t wanna just subscribe to the, to, to, to the media that are, are corrupt anyway.
Dee Dee:
Exactly. And, I also think that people in their mind, they have a picture of what someone who does use hemp or even cannabis in general, what they look like, you know, the hippie, you know, that kind of persona. And when they meet me, they’re like, oh, wow, you’re kind of normal. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, I’m not a hippie dippy. I’m not a flower child. I I’m just pretty damn
Average. Well, and I think that, you know, it’s, that’s important because of that stigma of the counterculture, and I understand why the counterculture existed and, and its relevance, but there really is no counter. The counterculture to me is a Relic. Yeah. It, it, it is a, of a day passed.
Dee Dee:
I think so,
Too. Um, and it’s, it’s not prudent in today’s culture not anymore. You know, the days of just smoking weed are over. I, I, I mean, I, I, uh, participate, people do that in, in, you know, people
Dee Dee:
Do that. That’s
Still a big thing. And the full spectrum of cannabinoids <laugh> full spectrum, that would include THC. Um, but I do not smoke and I would not smoke because it’s bad for my health. Smoking’s bad. Okay.
Dee Dee:
Okay. I know. Hey, he wrote a blog about that. Y’all yes.
And if you, and if you read it, you’ll be the first
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. That’s not true. I read it. <laugh> so there’ll be the second.
It’ll be the second
Dee Dee:
I had to read it, cuz I had to proofread it
Cuz congratulations to you
Dee Dee:
A whole bunch of things up and I have to fix things cuz that’s what I do.
Um, yeah. My English degree did not come with a spelling minor.
Dee Dee:
No, it did not. It did not. But that’s how we work. Well together,
Phone edits
Dee Dee:
<laugh> and the funny thing is it’s my name that wrote the blog, but technically Matt did.
Um, yeah, I’m the ghostwriter.
Dee Dee:
He is the ghostwriter for me, but then like I said, I have to go in and fix it. Um, but anyway, that’s how we work well together. I think, um,
Grammar police.
Dee Dee:
Yes I am. I’m slow. You’re
Here to serve in correct
Dee Dee:
Your grammar all the time, especially on Facebook. Good gosh. Anyway, so I think that’s how we work,
Which is another media outlet that has no relevance. Not that that’s a perfect example of, of shadow ban yes. And being directed to fake news. Yes. And ultimately a, a, a reality construct that is, is what they want you to perceive. Not, not what you should as yourself internally perceive.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. I notice whenever I post something about, uh, who they should or shouldn’t vote for, I, nobody listens or sees that and that’s even on the personal page. So yeah, I get it. Yes. Are
Are you kidding? And, and Facebook does not allow no any advertisement or even mention, oh, unless, unless you’re a multimillion dollar company, in which case it’ll be up for three days and then it’ll be shut down and then they’ll make a new account and put it back up again and so on and so forth. Yep. Uh, which I don’t, we don’t have time for, or, or, or, or the finances and I wouldn’t care too, if I
Dee Dee:
I wouldn’t either.
Um, because we’re ultimately supporting a media outlet that’s trying to shape your reality to something that in my opinion is just not healthy. Um,
Dee Dee:
I agree with that. I think social media in general has, uh, done more damage than good.
Of course that’s not to be hypocritical. Do I have a Facebook account? Yes, of course
Dee Dee:
I do. Of course we
Do. Um, I am selective on what I post and I am selective on what I show. Um, and we’re selective on, on, on what we put on our, uh, on our company page. But, uh, anyway,
Dee Dee:
Yeah. I try to put fun stuff up there.
Yeah, yeah. And, and we do, and then it’s a good, and if it’s really fun, it gets, it gets flagged
Dee Dee:
<laugh> and yeah, it does.
Yeah. My, the best one was that Halloween one that I put together.
Dee Dee:
I know you did a great one. Was it? No. Was it Halloween?
I’ve had a few Christmases. I’ve had a few, oh, the Christmas one Christmas where I took the, where I took the 12 days of Christmas. Well, no, I took, what I did was I took a hemp flower. Mm-hmm <affirmative> a lovely hemp flower and it, and I DEC and it was decorated. It was decorated with ornaments and, you know, it had a, had like some, uh, animal cartoon imagery. Um, and it, that one actually made it like a week before they were like, Hey, yeah. Is that a flower? And it’s funny cuz if you call it a flower, it sounds ridiculous. You’re, you know, you’re flagged for posting a picture of a flower, of a plant that grows in the earth. Uh, anyway,
Dee Dee:
Anyway, moving on from that
Dee Dee:
Cause gosh, we could, uh,
We could go all day.
Dee Dee:
We really could, which one was supposed to and which one? Wasn’t
Dee Dee:
It’s, it’s been in a, it’s definitely been a journey. And I feel like, you know, I learned new stuff every day, even in the industry, new cannabinoids are constantly coming out, which we’ll get into. What the hell. Those are later too, but there’s always new products coming on board there’s products that, you know, people, oh no, that might actually provide some fun to somebody yeah. In general. But you know, this industry is ever changing it. It’s amazing to watch it grow and be a part of it. Yeah. I mean, we also have all the heartaches and hurdles going into it as well, but it, you know, it’s been something that, um, I truly feel like I’m blessed to be a part of, uh, even though it was, you know, my husband’s seizures brought us to this, right. We’ve managed to turn his downfall into this amazing company and I’ve, you know, he’s got his own thing. I got my own thing, but we are together, but separate. Yeah. Um, and I, and I love that part of it. I love doing what I do. Being able to help people find a natural alternative to some of the shit that they got going on in their lives.
Well, and you know, you’ve really brought up a good point because, um, I, I, one, you know, there’s the medical aspect and we will get into cannabinoids, uh, to the listeners out there thoroughly as we move along, uh, through this podcast. But there are so many cannabinoids that do so many things. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, you know, we make pro products that are used by games, athletes, CrossFit games, athletes, uh, Olympians, uh, have used our products. Um, hopefully we’ll have some of these, uh, people on the show. Um, yes.
Dee Dee:
People with cancer.
Yes. I mean, and, and then, and then there’s, there’s, there’s people who use it for, for sleep. Yeah. And there’s people who use some of these products, uh, recreationally. And you, you say that recreational, you know, in, in, in a quotation mark, but we’ve really abandoned the mental health aspect of recreation, um, to in today’s culture. And I think that part of the problem is poo-pooing the recreational aspect of it. Well, what’s wrong with being able to, use something to expand your mind, chill out a little bit, that’s not harmful to your liver. That’s not, that’s not going to result in, in organ failure, brain damage and, and actually, uh, you might enjoy yourself and wake up the next day and feel refreshed and maybe have a different perspective. Um, I’ve seen nothing wrong with it. I, I don’t, I don’t quite understand why that’s such a, even in the, even in some aspects of the CBD and cannabis world, it’s like, oh, well, you know, if you’re not using it for, uh, this specific medical per purpose, then you’re just abusing. Okay. Um, well, I’d be interested to hear that, but I also think that there, there, there there is. Aren’t, there’s some give and take there.
Dee Dee:
I mean, aren’t we free to make our own choices.
That’s a good question. That
Dee Dee:
Is a good question. Cause if we Tru truly were there, there wouldn’t be all these rules and regulations sometimes on some of
This stuff. Well, and I wanna answer that by saying that the choices we make are in a reaction to the real reality that surrounds us and the people we’re surrounded by. And if our reality is shaped by social media, uh, by the news by mass media. Um, and, and then the reaction of the community around us, I don’t know that we are free to shape our own reality and make our own decisions. I don’t know, unless, unless we choose to engage in critical thought and thinking independently for ourselves. Um, and, and that is something that, in my opinion, certain cannabinoids might feel to help you do. Well, I
Dee Dee:
Don’t know. You know, I tell you what, you know, everything, what changed my mind truly was the fact that our own government owns a patent on cannabis oil and what it helps with. And when I, when we discovered that that really put things into perspective for me, because I was like, hold the fuck on our government has a patent on this shit. And it’s been outlawed forever.
What? Yeah. What,
Dee Dee:
And my husband’s a veteran, so he was even more pissed off. He’s like, they’re gonna shove all these pills down my throat and I can’t take something that is natural
Well, but right. Yeah. I agree. But at the same time, you’re blaming the government when it’s, I don’t know that you,
Dee Dee:
I don’t know. Well, and I don’t know truly that it was the government to blame. It was more of the big businesses that kind of kept everything. Exactly. I know.
Well, and again, we’ll it all circle back, it all circles back to the same thing. You need to think for yourself, every individual out there. And that’s just gonna be a key point of this podcast. Don’t listen to me. Don’t listen to Dee Dee. Think for yourself, take, take what we listen to what we say and question it. Um, I’m not always right. I’m probably wrong more than I’m. Right. Um, but set seven to two average those two times that I am. Right. Boy, it’s a zinger. <laugh> um, so yeah. Uh, and, and you, you have to have that critical thinking because we are in a reality right now where corporations supersede governments. Yes. Seven richest people in the world have, are, have more wealth than any, no individuals. Yeah. I know. Have more wealth than most governments. Yeah. Um, so, you know, if you think that, that these, these people aren’t shaping the government policies,
Dee Dee:
Know you’re wrong. Mm.
Dee Dee:
I agree with that. We are getting into politics here.
No, I mean, there there’s listeners out there that don’t even know the fed is, is, is not a, is not the fed it’s, it’s owned by private banks. Um,
Dee Dee:
Yeah. So much to get into guys,
Dee Dee:
So much to get into and ladies.
So, I’m gonna have to get rid of that guy’s thing. I need to be more gender neutral.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. You probably do. I call everybody hun and sweetie and guys, so
Yeah. We’re all, we’re very accepting of all
Dee Dee:
We are gen Xers.
Dee Dee:
I mean, if we’re gonna
Go there, you say it like, it’s a
Dee Dee:
Bad thing. No, it’s a fucking awesome thing. Love being part of
Gen X it’s. It’s awesome. But, but you know what I don’t like about gen X is gen X wants to blame the millennials.
Dee Dee:
I don’t
Blame them. I know. But so many people do, oh, the, these millennials, well, we raised the millennials, we sure did. We’ve freaking paved their way. And then we want to, we wanna kind of question them. Well, the crazy, the
Dee Dee:
Crazy part about that is because the boomers raised us. So we didn’t wanna be raised by boomers. Right.
Well, I think that, but I think that the problem was that the, the, the, maybe they weren’t boomers. I think, I
Dee Dee:
Don’t know.
I think that the gen Xers allowed the millennials to be raised by the media raised by, by the TV. And I think that we tasted that in, in, in gen X. Um, yeah. You know, with, with like, like, you know, the OJ car chase and, and I think like, I think of iconic, medium moments like that. Um, and then, and then that led to cuz I lived a long story, but I lived in California at the time. And the next thing, you know, come five o’clock news time. There were constant car chases to the point where they actually had to ban the filming of, uh, high speed car chases on the California highways because people were doing it, just get on the news <laugh> um, so anyway, 15 minutes away diving down a rabbit hole. Uh, but I think that that was compounded as the internet grew and digital media grew and these influences, um, became more predominant in, in
Dee Dee:
Our everyday. And I’ve noticed, it seems a little worse now too, with even the younger generation that they are being raised on, on social media, on their tablets. It’s all right there. Yeah. And it it’s, it’s totally different. Everything is different now. Yeah. So
It is, I mean, how, how when’s the last time you put your cell phone in a drawer for the day
Dee Dee:
Jesus it’s CR it’s killing me cuz it’s sitting right over there and it’s like not right in front
Of my face and you wanna check it. Right?
Dee Dee:
So that’s that, that’s kind of, that’s a strong poll. It is. Um, and that is a lot of influence mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and the it’s, it’s not an accident that, that, that
Dee Dee:
No, and these,
These companies
Dee Dee:
Are, but at the same time, I think that’s why our PA podcast is important when it comes to hemp and CBD and cannabis in general, because there’s so much misinformation out there. And there are so many people that are, I don’t wanna call it snake oil, but some of it is snake oil. And then it gives the people that are in this industry a good product. It puts a bad light in other people’s mouth taste, whatever, whatever the hell that is. Yeah. So, and, and that, that really crawls under my skin. Yeah. Because that is bullshit. And, and I hate it when people say, well, I’ve tried this product and it didn’t work. And then I’m like, well, did you check the source? You know? And, and that kind of stuff too. So that all comes back and it’s all a big money marketing scheme and that that’s just not cool in the hip industry.
So what’s the solution?
Dee Dee:
Well, that’s why we’re here. <laugh> so we can educate and help people
See cuz cuz, cuz here’s another thing about this podcast. Uh, we don’t wanna present a whole lot of issues without presenting a positive solution. Oh for sure. Um, and, and there are solutions out there a lot of the doomsday stuff guys, I, I don’t subscribe to that. Um, I think that there is no, there is nothing beyond change. Um, as long as we’re human beings and as long as we have the capacity, uh, for inward thinking and critical thinking, we can change this. We can make things better. Uh, we can make things better for ourselves. We can make things better for our community, we can make things better for our world, our children, uh, and so on and so forth.
Dee Dee:
I might get a little freaked out. Then I just take some more CBD oil <laugh> then I would I’m
Good. Well I mean it starts, it starts with yourself before you can straighten the cricket, you have to straighten oneself. Right? Absolutely. I think that was the Buddha.
Dee Dee:
Somebody not that’s not mine. Yeah. Just as long as I’m not,
Dee Dee:
You know? So what do you think? You think this has been a good first start podcast.
I think that it’s been our normal banter, you know, it has been in and outta rabbit holes. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and, and a lot of, uh, a lot of thinking, but I am very excited. I hope you are as well. We’re gonna have a lot of fun on this. Yeah. Uh, we are, it’s there’s, there’s some super intense stuff, uh, that goes on, uh, with the subjects that we are going to cover. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and there’s some very comical things as well. So there’s gonna be a lot of rollercoasters.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. For sure. That’s kind of life isn’t it? Life is a rollercoaster. So why wouldn’t a podcast be
Mm-hmm <affirmative> a lot of opposing thoughts Dee and I are about as opposite of people as you, as, as you can be.
Dee Dee:
Oh yes and no, but see you even right now, I kind of disagree with that
<laugh> well, right. But it’s uh, you know, this common goal that’s brought us together. Yeah. That is so powerful and um, so much good. I think it comes out of our dialogue. Um, mm-hmm <affirmative> if, if, if we have the opportunity to share that with you, uh, improve your life and make your day a little better. Uh that’s what that, that’s why we’re here. Yeah, sure. That’s what we’re all about. Um, so for sure, I hope to do that.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
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And keep it, out there.