The End?

The End?
In this final episode of Hempin’ Happiness fearless Emperor Matt announces his departure from the show. He departs final words of wisdom.
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Hi, I’m Matt,
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp Queen
And Emperor Podcast.
Dee Dee:
Join us as we enter into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Welcome everybody to another edition of Hemp and Happiness. I am your host, Dee Dee Taylor. And this is Matthew Dykes <laugh>. It’s a rainy, crappy day today as we’re recording this. So I am so ready for spring and sunshine.
But it’s warm.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, it is warmer. Least It’s not snow
Warm. I’ll take it. Yeah, I’ll take it. There was this mist coming off the river that looked like something out of a horror movie this morning. Oh, really? 5:00 AM Yeah. I was terrified. I’m like, that’s kind of creepy. Some Gorgan is gonna jump out of the river and take my truck
Dee Dee:
And how crazy things have been going lately. And it’s like, nothing would surprise me at this moment. Like nothing. But I’d be like, well, that’s par for the course. Yeah, I think that sounds about right. Yeah. That aliens are coming down on us. Sure. Makes sense. Why not? Why not <laugh>, why not? Why not? <laugh>?
This episode is going to be a bittersweet one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this will be actually the last podcast of Hempin Happiness as it exists today in the cadence of things and the impermanence of life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, everything rises and falls and then rises again. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the show as it exists between Dee Dee and I. This will be the last one. Correct. Um, unless I come on in, in the future as a guest and fly in on a, in a space car and <laugh>,
Dee Dee:
Um, we could always have you on as a guest as for the health aspect of things. Oh, sure. Because I’ve always respected your opinion on all that good stuff. I still think you should be.
That’s not what she says off camera bullshit. I am moving on to some, some different, uh, interests. I will absolutely still be a part of, of this group, I hope for the forever. Um, well,
Dee Dee:
You’ll always be a customer.
Come on now. Always be a customer and a participant. And a supporter. And a supporter. Awesome. This has been one of the most educational experiences of my life.
Dee Dee:
You’re welcome.
Matt: Yep. I will. Thank you, <laugh>. I was just about to thank you. But you, I love that you’re thanking yourself. I, I do, I do. Um, working with Dee Dee has been absolutely amazing. Watching Dee Dee grow as a businesswoman has been.
Dee Dee: Thank you.
Matt: I can’t even express the admiration. I feel.
Dee Dee: Thank you.
Matt: And I’m just happy to have been a participant in it. And I can honestly say I’ve, like, I felt like I came here to teach, but I learned more in the last three years than I did in the previous 10.
Dee Dee:
That makes me very happy. I’m happy to hear that. Thank you.
Well, you should be
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. I am
<laugh>. Uh, so that being said, I thought, uh, this might be just a fun little, little wrap up. I do have a couple takeaways. What are some of your best memories of this podcast, Dee Dee?
Dee Dee:
Oh, my favorite by far is the ed, the Erectile Dysfunction podcast because do you know that I still have people coming in and saying, asking about gummies for their erectile dysfunction, and I am like, please don’t believe all that shit that you’re being fed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I get it. You want help with that? I trust me, I can understand. Well, I don’t wanna all of it, but if I was on the woman’s side, I do. Um, but I just hate how those companies take advantage. And I think that was such, that was one of my favorite podcasts, to be quite honest with you. And just, we’ve always been about being honest and having that integrity mm-hmm. <affirmative> where a lot of other companies don’t, and they try to pull the wool over people’s eyes and they try to do this crazy marketing that is gonna make people think that it helps with certain things even though we’re not supposed to be making claims with it. But then I like it how we’ve always debunked those kind of myths, you know? I think that has been important. Yeah. And I’m still gonna continue to do that. We’re still gonna continue to do that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I, I think that was probably one of my favorite podcasts We’ve had some zingers on too. Um, I love Alicia.
Yeah. That was gonna, I was gonna say that’s my favorite.
Dee Dee:
And I, which by the way, uh, this month is, is national, um,
Dee Dee:
Cerebral palsy Month.
Yeah. CP month. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
CP month. Yep.
Dee Dee:
So she was amazing. Now as far as inspirational women go, oh my gosh, I’m getting goose pimples now. Just thinking of her. Yeah. Um, she is an incredible woman and, um, I love that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I love that. So I kind of keep in touch with her on Facebook and see all her pictures of her kiddo. And she’s, um, just such a, oh, she’s wonderful. So that I love that one too.
Yep. And speaking of incredible women, Dr. Molly. Yeah, that was a good one. That was a good one too about mm-hmm. <affirmative> part, her Covid experience. Yep. And the opioid mm-hmm. <affirmative> epidemic. And, you know, the effects of cbd
Dee Dee:
And things like that and how much it helps. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she admitted it, <laugh> <laugh>,
She admitted it, loved it. The left, when the doctor does that, you’re, you know, that what that reminds me of when, uh, when you’re in elementary school and someone says you love a tree and you wanna marry it, and you go, yeah, I wanna marry a tree. And they call, she admitted it.
Dee Dee:
Tell everyone in the schoolyard.
Dee Dee:
I mean, but no, I think we’ve had some really good podcasts. You know, even the most recent one when we did about statins mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think that was just super important. Get that info out there. I had a, um, he’s more like a colleague. He actually called me and he said, Dee Dee, I stopped taking it just because of your podcast. I’m like, good for you. Yeah. I said, but, you know, monitor your cholesterol. And he is like, he goes, I started feeling like crap and then I listened to your podcast. Yeah. And I was like, well, good. I’m glad somebody’s out there really listening.
You know, and it’s interesting that you bring that up because we, we were just, before the show, we were talking about, I’m, I’m on this, I’m on a new crazy thing where I’m eating vegetables a lot for
Dee Dee:
Y’all. So, you know, I’m fucking insane to eat vegetables. Six servings a day.
Dee Dee:
We’re supposed to, right?
Yes. And Okay.
Dee Dee:
That’s a lot
Though. What everything I’m reading now, because it’s actually working, like I feel a lot better and I hate vegetables. First of all, any vegetable vile weeds of Satan,
Dee Dee:
I don’t Think they’re that bad
Dee Dee:
I really like Peas.
I am a meat eater.
Dee Dee: That sounds stupid, but I love peas.
Matt: I do not. Hmm. Anyway, but I’m getting used to it and it’s making a huge difference in the way I feel in my health and everything I’m reading. Uh, most vegetables make an impact on your cholesterol level. Hmm. Uh, so I’m interested to see next time I go in mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what my cholesterol looks like now that I’ve, now that I’ve done this.
Dee Dee:
Well, I, I, well listen to your advice on that because no lie, I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in April and I’ve been, um, adding more fruits and more, um, oatmeal to my diet. Mm-hmm.
<affirmative>, oatmeal’s and Oatmeal.
Dee Dee:
Oatmeal’s a really good one. Yeah. So I’ve been eating that. I don’t wanna say daily, cuz I do get bored with it, but I’ve really been trying to change my diet lately too. Cuz I’m telling that doc, if you listen, doc, I ain’t getting on that. Those damn statins, <laugh>, <laugh>. So as I’m like f this, I’m just going to, I’m gonna jump ahead and start working on it now. And just being healthier in general. Um, me trying to find the time to exercise, I was talking to the husband last night, I’m like, man, I just gotta get up I think in the mornings and start going. Yeah. And that’s kind of like at night if I’m stuck at the store till seven, well you might as well forget me trying to get to the gym mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I need to get back into that kind of a healthier routine. Um,
Yeah. Health before wealth.
Dee Dee:
Health, I mean. Yes. Because if you don’t have your health, it doesn’t matter how wealthy you are.
Yeah. You’re not gonna, you’re not gonna get buried, buried in that Mercedes-Benz.
Dee Dee:
No, I Don’t have a Mercedes. So you, I don’t have Mercedes-Benz
Yet since this is my last episode. I there and, and you touched on a few things, uh mm-hmm. <affirmative> that I’m, I want, I do wanna bring up, so one, and this is kind of outside of, of Dee and i’s relationship. This is more just speaking to the general audience and people that have come in who listen to the podcast, that come into the store and ask me questions about mentoring and, and things like that. The, the start of the path of the concept of being more and doing more is it starts with just showing up. Hmm. It does. There are so many people out there listening to a lot of these motivational speakers who are talent, who are, oh, drive, drive, drive 110 baby, be a lion, you know, chasing the gazelle and all of that is great and awesome until you wear your cellphone Fuck out.
Well not, it’s, it’s not just that. It’s when you’re talking to people that are starting out at zero and you’re preaching to them on an advanced level about how to get to 110. You don’t just go zero to 110 and expect it to work out. And if it does work out, expect it to crash as hard as it rises. (Dee Dee: Agreed. ) In society today, the hardest thing to do is just show up and just show up. Doesn’t mean being physically present, it doesn’t mean just being on the zoom call. Just showing up means not having your phone to distract you. Being focused on the target, on the, on the objective at hand. Be it time with your family, time with your children. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> time at work, I go down to my son’s room when he’s got homework and he’s got his homework up. He’s watching his friend play a video game and he is got his phone on his lap and, you know, to, to randomly text people mm-hmm.
<affirmative> and I go downstairs and I’m like, what are you doing? And he is like, what are you, what are you talking about doing my homework? And I’m like, how are you doing your homework? And, and to that, to, I I don’t wanna get into generational cuz it’s more cultural than generational, but culturally in the United States, that’s perfectly acceptable right now. Yeah. How, how can you focus and concentrate when you got three things going on? Um, right in front of you. You can’t, um, and I’ll give the example when, when, when Rockefeller was at his financial zenith, the US government was sure that he was up to some mal decency. Mm-hmm. So they audited the shit out of him and he was legit, everything was clean with those laws today. Now he couldn’t get away with the stuff he did. Oh. Then, but anyway, just aside, so they asked him, how, how are you doing this?
How can you amass this empire that no one else can build? And his response was, I can concentrate on one thing for five minutes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that’s all he said. So the US government conducted a test on the average attention span. Do you know what it is, what it was back then, which is less than it is now? No. 15 seconds back then. Back then. And that was when, that was before you had the distractions of blinking lights, a iPhone. Wow. All of these things. So, so you’re the, the average human concentration is seconds. So if you can concentrate and focus on one thing, (Dee Dee: thcv for <laugh>,) I love the plug <laugh>. There’s Dee Dee with a good plug. I mean, um, no, but seriously, if you can concentrate and focus on one thing through meditation, through whatever, um, you are, you will be successful on that one thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>.
Dee Dee:
All right. I actually took a business type thing it was called, and I focused on strategic planning because that is hard to do in this industry. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’ve got all these plates up in the air, you’ve got legislative issues. I mean, so it’s, it’s hard to plan, plan. I took some really good takeaways from that. And it says for 90 days you write down the three goals that you want to do for the day, whether it’s more time with your family, <laugh> was, cuz there’s a naughty, but I’m not, or
Don’t all, all that either
Dee Dee:
Or. Yeah. Or, you know, you want to get one these specific things done today. Like you, even if you don’t get them done, you have them written down and that’s your goal for the day. So then you can try and take each goal and just focus your time on each individual goal. And I thought that was a really good takeaway away. Well, and because I have to-do lists, but they’re not the same as goals.
Right. And so, and, and, and that, and that’s the thing too is like, you don’t know if, if you’re gonna make it, well just show up. Yep. If you show up, you’re 40% of the way there. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. You just need to make it through the other, the the next 60% just show up. Yep. You know, you, you’re, you’re not confident. Just show up. You don’t know if it’s gonna work, just show up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> just show up and you will have a substantially higher percentage of succeeding than if you don’t show up. Agreed. Which will be zero.
Dee Dee:
And you need to listen to the right side of your brain and not the left. That is where the negative thoughts happen. Hmm. So I think that also makes a huge difference too. Stop focusing on any of the negative shit and start focusing on the positives. Mm. Literally Yeah. There’s gonna be negatives in anything you do, but if you focus on the negatives, then they just keep spiraling and keep going outta control and keep, and your brain just like, okay, we are just having the negative Nelly day. Right. You literally have to turn, turn your own thought process around and focus on the positives, the right side of your brain.
Well, and the stoics would say there, there is no positive and there is no negative. It’s just a, a cadence in the transition. True, true. Which is also kind of the Dallas philosophy as well. That Yeah. You know, the maybe story,
Dee Dee:
I mean, I’m a realist too. I’m not an optimist, I’m not a pessimist. I am very much a realist. So I can see both sides to almost anything and everything. And I will give you the best scenario possible. Right. Some people cannot function that way. They are either an optimist or they’re either a pessimist. So when I will come in and be like, well, here’s this, this and this. Some people, especially the pessimist people only hear the negative. Do you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and they give no two thoughts to the positive side of things where the pessimist, they only hear the positives and then they take off running and then you’re like, oh, but wait, this could happen too. Right. So, you know what I mean? So I, I think, I think I have a really good balance when it comes to that. Probably a little bit more so than other people in my life.
Right. Well, and that’s the stoic philosophy is recognize mm-hmm. <affirmative> what vibration you’re in Are, are you in a high vibration? Are you in a low vibration? And know that it will change.
Dee Dee:
It depends on what vibration.
<laugh>. Oh man.
Dee Dee:
I mean, sometimes
They think, you know, this rain has got you all kind of frisky.
Dee Dee:
Well, I was thinking like more of the
Dee Dee:
I know
Exactly what you were thinking. And don’t, sugar sex is not a, uh, has never been a the dirty thing on this show.
Dee Dee:
No, it’s Not.
You just said your favorite freaking episode was the ed. Now you’re gonna try to hide your vibrator action. Come on.
Dee Dee:
Oh, I really wasn’t going. Come on.
Dee Dee:
High vibration, low vibration. I’m not,
I recognize. Oh, no, no, you weren’t. No, you, I can tell. Take it any damn way in the eye when the word vibration left your mouth. Actually, I knew exactly what you were talking about <laugh>. Sorry, John. That’s all Dee,
Dee Dee:
I mean,
All right.
Dee Dee:
Oh my Lord. So
Let’s move on, on from that. My next, I think I’m turning my next, uh, word of wisdom. Th this is important. The only person that needs to be okay with you is you. Mm-hmm. And this is important, okay? Because culturally, we are currently in a state where people believe that everyone has to accept them for who and what they are. That is 100% not the case. Okay? No one has to accept you for who you are. And if you try to force that upon them, they, it will grow underground like mycelium. Hmm. Okay. And hate mushrooms will pop up everywhere, which if you don’t know what mycelium is, it’s the underground growth of fungus. So if you see a mushroom, a assume that there’s like a half mile of mycelium underneath it brewing for a bed of mushrooms to flourish,
Dee Dee:
Mushrooms are pretty good
Too. Yes. Mushrooms are good too. <laugh>. So, um, you cannot force anyone into accepting you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, even if you make it a, a social obligation, they’ll smile at your face and then they’ll spit at you behind your back. And it is pointless. Okay? You can encourage people to be more accepting and you can be, you can encourage people to accept you for who you are, but you’re not gonna get that by any sh show of force. All right? The Moores occupied Spain for 800 years, so much so that Moorish influence is completely ingrained in the Spanish language. And what we refer to as Spanish architecture is actually Moorish architecture. The day the Moores left, the day the Moores pulled outta Spain, they started eating pork after 800 years. You know why? Because they never accept it. Okay. People will not accept under forced rule, under forcing them to do anything.
So if you’re gonna change anyone, it has to start with you. And if you’re search, searching for acceptance from others, it’s only because you cannot come to terms and accept yourself. Okay? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you need to look inside yourself, accept yourself for who you are, good and bad. And if you don’t like something, change it. But that’s not gonna come externally, and that’s not gonna come from anyone else saying, Hey, you’re, you’re cool and you’re okay with who you are. Because even if they’re telling you that it’s probably not true, it might be true, it might not, but it doesn’t matter if you are okay with yourself, others will eventually be okay with you. If you’re not okay with yourself and you force someone to be okay with you, they won’t be okay with you. I can promise you that.
Dee Dee:
I agree. So, I mean, there’s that, that, yes, absolutely. Yeah. I think I just posted something on Facebook about that. Like, I am not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m okay with that. No, I’m not gonna change for anybody to be someone that I’m not.
Not everyone is for everyone. Not everyone’s supposed to, like, everyone. Not everyone’s supposed to accept everyone. It’s the differences about us that make humans who they are. Right. And I, you know, it’s the, was it, it’s really been the juxtaposition between Dee Dee and I and our differences of opinion Oh, for sure. That have made the, this, this podcast interesting. And have made our company, you know, a, a a, a growing enterprise mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So we wouldn’t get that if one of us just nodded said, yeah, that’s a great idea. Yeah, I love that. Let’s move forward. When the other one thought it was bullshit. Yep. Um, it’s, that’s never been me. It’s, it’s, it’s the, the, the wk it would be the, i I don’t think that there’s an English, an English translation for it, but it’s, it, the, the growth that comes from, from the, the collision of the two sides mm-hmm. <affirmative> of the yin and the yang, um, for which birth creation, so, oh,
Dee Dee:
For sure.
Um, and it, it is that opposition from that creates growth as long, as long as it is met with understanding. And again, the understanding starts with you.
Dee Dee:
Right. And, and I think if you are able to communicate effectively, and I think a lot of us take some things way outta context or we don’t understand the way a person is coming across, and instead of asking that person, you just automatically assume that they are being a jerk or an ass or what have you. Instead of just being like, Hey, what do you mean by that?
Yeah. Well, and, and here’s the premise of that is it is impossible for someone to offend you. You choose to be offended.
Dee Dee:
Agree. You choose to take offense, and if you choose to take offense, that is you choosing to decide your reality construct is superior to another’s. Yes.
Dee Dee:
Same thing with being intimidated.
Dee Dee:
You know what I mean? Because I’ve been told a few times that I’m intimidating. I’m like, how the hell am I intimidating? Yep. I think that’s on you. Right? If you’re intimidated by me, that that is on you, not on me. Right. Because I’ve never tried to be intimidating to someone.
Yes. We, we create our own feelings and mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and what, what philosophy a lot of the popular philosophy fee is, is that that is an effort to reinforce our own reality as we’ve created it in our own minds because our, our reality exists within our mind mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and our mind commands our reality. So if we feel that that reality that we’ve built that keeps us so warm and snugly and secure mm-hmm. Is being compromised, it’s our natural instinct to want to fight against it and say, now we’ve fucking exist so hard. Mm-hmm. We’ll show you Yeah. <laugh>, um, because we don’t want someone to dismantle our reality <laugh>. But if you can let a little enough of that go to at least say, okay, you know, like, I, that’s not in my reality construct, but maybe I can accept that, or maybe I’m, I should ask why and have a conversation and a dialogue about that, because
Dee Dee:
I know somebody that needs the
Most, I’m okay with who I
Dee Dee:
Am so bad in my head. I would give money.
These are part of the interests that I intend to pursue as I move forward. Because I, I, I do feel myself, I don’t speak of it, but I do feel myself, you know, becoming more committed to my path and the way
Dee Dee:
And it’s been, you
Dee Dee:
Got, for me, and I’m gonna say it, you got a little off track there for a little while as a little worried about you, to be honest with you.
Well, I wouldn’t say that it was off track. I would say that it was more of getting on my old track mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then recognizing I was leaving the path that I’d chosen to pursue and choosing the path that
Dee Dee:
Was the one that I I previously built that I’d agreed. Right. To my, that I had told myself I would not be going back to.
Dee Dee:
So, um,
Dee Dee:
I’m proud of you for that
<laugh>. Well, you know, I mean, I think that we, we all, we all want to resort and default to what we know mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and sometimes that’s good, but sometimes that’s bad because if you default to what you know, you’re not gonna grow from that. You, you might preserve yourself and sometimes that’s necessary. Um, yes. But you’re, but you’re, you’re not going to evolve. You’re just going to be the same. You’re gonna be in the same cycle mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, that, that you are perpetuating. So you don’t wanna be in a self-perpetuating cycle.
Dee Dee:
No. And I think the be besides being kind as much as you possibly can as a human, we’re all here to help each other. Right. To me, that is the number one thing. That’s why we’re put on this earth and not to take advantage of people and not to use them and to literally help people. That’s just, I’ve always lived by that. Always. Right. Because I’ve been burned and hurt and stepped on and a million things. Could I play that victim card? Oh, sure. I’ve been a victim. Will I let that rule my life hell to the, no.
And that’s important because that is the difference. But you say the word you, you say the term victim, but that’s not accurate. Okay. In my experience, there’s two types of people in this world. There’s victims mm-hmm. <affirmative> and there’s survivors.
Dee Dee:
And if you are a survivor,
Dee Dee:
You are not a victim.
You are not a victim. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, everyone in this life, if you live your life, you will, you will be traumatized, you will be abused.
Dee Dee:
Abused in some way or another
you will suffer. Yep. And how you choose to let that suffering impact your life will make the decision of if you are a survivor or a victim mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and if you are a victim, you’re just gonna throw your hands up and say, well, life threw me a hard curve and now I’m going to turn to drugs. Now I’m gonna turn to alcohol, now I’m gonna give up. Now I’m gonna resign, or I’m going To use other people I love mm-hmm. <affirmative> because they’ve done it to me.
I’m gonna hurt other people the way I was hurt. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and basically if, uh, you do, uh, and I understand you need, sometimes you need to love people into wholeness, but if you have someone in your life that’s a victim and has no intention of changing, uh, their status as a victim, you need to get the hell away from ’em. Right. Uh, because they’re not, they’re not gonna change. And the, the, the, the unfortunately worst thing they’re gonna do is pull you into their bullshit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and then,
Dee Dee:
And then you become a toxic person to them because you’re trying to help. And then they just find you as being toxic.
So being kind doesn’t mean being nice. No. Sometimes you have to, the best way to help people is push ’em away. Yep. And say, you gotta figure this out.
Dee Dee:
I agree with that
Yeah. Because I can’t, and that, that includes family members mm-hmm. <affirmative> close friends. Yep. Um, it’s, uh, the hardest thing that I think one person has can do Yeah. Is walk away from someone that they care about. But you’re not, you’re not gonna make a survivor out of a victim No. By placating them and by nursing them. I
Dee Dee:
Agree. I agree
You’re gonna create, you’re gonna create a bigger victim. A
Dee Dee:
Bigger victim. Yep. Where, and and, and being that survivor type person that I have been and always will be like, it is hard for me to, when someone plays that victim card for me to be, um,
Sensitive. Empathetic. Yeah. Empathetic.
Dee Dee:
I agree. And, but I yet, I have tons of empathy for so many people and so many different things, and sympathy as well. But when, when that gets played over and over, it makes me just wanna, oh, that just chaps my ass for some reason. Cuz I’m like, especially if I know the person does, like, I really know them. Know them. Yeah. So it’s hard for me too. It is. And then I have to look at myself that way, but when that happens, I have to pull back. Yeah. I have to pull all the fuck way back
Well, and also, you know, there, there’s a, there’s a saying, you can, you can drown in the ocean, you can drown in a toilet bowl. That is the experience is the same <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
That is very true. <laugh>. That is very true. Yeah. That’s very true. Unfortunately, I’ve had a, I’ve had, I’ve had a lot of friendships and family that I’ve had to pull back from because I just, Nope. I mean, I’ve had my own, you know, bad stories. Most people don’t know me that way because I don’t, it’s not something I feel like I need to talk about all the time, but you know what, I’m stronger. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I’m, I survived it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I will continue to survive anything that life throws at me, because again, I refuse to be a victim. Yeah. I just refuse. Yeah.
So I, you can consider yourself fortunate to survive mm-hmm. <affirmative> or unfortunate to survive.
Dee Dee:
Right. And I feel fortunate, right? Yeah. Right. I mean there’s just, there’s so much about life that is amazing and wonderful and I’m happy to still be here. Mm-hmm. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Totally. I, I think it’s a good thing and I’m so happy to still do what I love and Yeah. You’ve taught me a lot, Matt. I mean, there’s no question about that. Not as much as he thinks he has <laugh>, but, we’ll, we’ll give him a little credit <affirmative>. Um, and one thing I do wanna make sure we tell the listeners, Matt, and you have to say it on the air so I have a recording of it. You’re gonna keep supplying me with the honey, right?
Oh yeah, of course. Yeah. I mean the, the, I was actually working the bees yesterday afternoon. It was fun. They’re ready, they’re ready for spring
Dee Dee:
Oh good. So is everybody else. They’re like, I have a list of people wanting this honey <laugh>. I’m like, he is created <laugh>.
Well, it’s all about the, it’s about the wildflower though, because that most people that have like, that two bees be that, that have an apr, keep bees, keep them in agricultural areas. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’re just gonna get agricultural grade honey, which is gonna be clover and corn
Dee Dee:
And Yeah. He’s got some good honey
Soybean and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, but you’re missing out on the honeysuckle the wildflower. Yep.
Dee Dee:
Yep. It is curious. I tell you what, when I, I was, I was really sick. Was it January? I got really sick. Yeah. I was really sick. But I tell you what, the one thing that I swear saved me was my herbal teas and putting some of his honey in it. Like, it made such a difference on how I felt in general. Um, and even just with allergies and shit. Cuz I, I suffer a lot from that. But yeah. Whenever I start feeling like got my little scoop of honey <laugh>, so I just wanted make sure we had that on the record that he’s still gonna be my honey supplier. Yeah. So that’s pretty important. And I know you love doing it too.
Yeah. Well, you know, it’s, it is really helped me reconnect with nature mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because the best beekeepers are bees. Oh yeah. And if you can work as within the colony as a bee mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they will kind of accept you as what you’re doing as part of the natural order of what they’re doing. Right. And when you can get on that level, it’s pretty freaking cool. That is very cool. They’re like, oh, he knows what he’s doing. Yeah. Get, get in there and do that and do this mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and if you’re not in that way, uh, they can definitely fight against you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which I’ve also had happen. Right. <laugh> and, uh, that’s not too comy of a situation.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> No,
Dee Dee:
Definitely come in with Yeah. Yeah. Like, dude,
Just the face things, the face things are the worst. People think the genitals No, I can get stung in the genitals. Okay. All day long. It’s the face. It’s the face.
Dee Dee:
Okay. I think
The lift the eyes and that’s what they go for. People might, I’ve had ’em fly up my shorts before and don’t get me wrong, it hurts, but it’s, it, it will, the the swelling down there is, that is nothing to the swelling. You, I think you sandy suffering your face little. No. Oh yes. But that’s not what I’m saying. Now that’s a different podcast. I’m, I’m recording that podcast at three, uh, am tonight <laugh> later. So Yeah.
Dee Dee:
But at least you got balm to put on it. Right. You got some balm put on it
<laugh>. Little bit of, you know, counterclockwise, low circular motion, (Dee Dee: dude.)
All right. I got one more before we get outta here. All right. I got into this industry because C B D, uh, definitely changed my life. And I wouldn’t say, uh, THC though. THC is part of it. I would say the, that cannabinoids and CBD have changed my life now in saying that it was the first step on my true path to wellness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and a lot of people think, because again, culturally we are of the mindset of you can just take a pill and it’ll fix and anything and everything. People walk in and think, I can just take some C b, D and it’s gonna fix anything and everything. I’m gonna sleep better. My life’s gonna turn around, my kid’s gonna stop doing drugs, my car is gonna run fine. Uh, you know, it’s gonna be sunny every day.
And that is bullshit. Okay. <laugh>, it is super easy to come to our store and buy some C B D. Right. And that is a great thing and that is your first step on the path to wellness. But it’s the first step. It’s a big step, but it’s your first step. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you have a lot of work to do. Okay. You have a lot more stairs to climb if you truly want to experience your authentic self. If you want to truly experience your existence is not gonna happen with the just take a pill philosophy. Even if C B D is that quote unquote pill.
Dee Dee:
Right. I mean, and you have to give it time to work. You can’t expect this overnight miracle and all of a sudden you’re sleeping the first night or the second night. Yeah. I mean, sometimes this takes a while because it, it works within your body for what your body needs it for. Not necessarily what you want to take it for. Your body is gonna choose what it uses the CBD for and, but eventually it will help you find your homeostasis. Yes. I mean, it is gonna bring your body to its optimal level. Can you make your body better? Of course. But that’s where you add in the nutrition, that’s where you add in the exercising. That’s where you add in the meditation, that’s where you look internally and fix those things that you need to fix. Right. But everyone on this planet should have a cannabinoid rich diet.
Well, and, and, and here’s the thing, um, yes. The, the, the, the wellness journey, I think starts with C, b D. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, cbd D introduces cannabinoids into the body, creates that homeostasis. You know, what else creates a homeostasis, a healthy lifestyle. Yes. A, a, a good, you know, balance between movement and non-movement. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> between, uh, quote unquote work. And I’m not talking about just work being your financial work. I’m talking work being your exercise, work being your reading work being your studying mm-hmm. <affirmative> and recreation, um, you know, experiencing all other realities other than the ones that you create for yourself. All very important things. And the reality is your body creates endo cannabinoids that it will release that are very similar to things like t h c, um, all on its own. Yeah. Um, and, and unfortunately we live in a, in a culture and in a society where there’re, uh, we’re we’re deprived of a lot of that because of, you know, the, the way we live, the way we grow our foods, our crops, our our, um, our farms. A lot of that is pulled from our diet. We have to reintroduce that. We do. But my point is, after that first step, don’t stop <laugh>. Right. Keep going. <laugh>. Yes. Keep moving forward, keep growing. Yep. Uh, and you will find that in addition to the benefits of C B D, you’ll have all kinds of self-perpetuating, self growing wonderful things inside you, both spiritually and physically that will change your life.
Dee Dee:
Agreed. I agree with that. Absolutely. And
It starts with good quality products. We agreed on three points in one podcast. This truly is the end of it
Dee Dee:
But I really was not talking about a vibrator. Damnit. I was talking about vibrations, but that’s okay.
You’re right. Td, you absolutely. Were not talking about that. I didn’t get that impression from you at all.
Dee Dee:
Never <laugh>. Well, Matt, it is has been a pleasure. We will definitely have you back on the show because I’ll want to, I’m sure people will want to know what your future holds and what you’ve gotten yourself into, and, um, maybe just seek that manly advice that we all love and crave about you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So
Thank you. I’m still an alpha bitch.
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. Yes, you are. So, um, so yeah. So we appreciate you and thank you so much for everything.
Yes. And to the audience out there, I love you.
Dee Dee:
The show will go on
the people who have come into the store just to chat with me mm-hmm. <affirmative> about subjects on the podcast. I love that. Not just the girls, although there were some beautiful women that had came in from this podcast. Man, I, um,
Dee Dee:
We, we have a lot. You know what
Though? The dudes too though, in
Dee Dee:
All seriousness, we have, I mean, even there, there’s, I we have amazing customers. Yeah, we do. I mean, we really do that. A lot of them have become friends. I mean, huge supporters. Like there are people that I Oh, oh, I don’t wanna get emotional because, you know, it’s raining outside. That’s usually what happens to me. Um, but I could cry happy tears with how amazing and respectful and kind and supportive. I mean, you talk about, about me being this, uh, leader. Like we, we were kind of talking before this podcast, but, you know, I wouldn’t be who I am today without all of my amazing customers and <laugh> and I wouldn’t be able to do any freaking thing that I do without my amazing staff. Yeah. And they have been such a good team for me. And even though people come and go and they do their own thing and they, you know, they grow and all that stuff, and I support them in that too.
I’ve had some with me that have been with me since the beginning and I would not be who I am without them. And just the support from my friends and my family and, and strangers. I mean, I’ve had so many people that are like, I know her and I’m like, and I’m sorry if I don’t remember your name, <laugh>. You know what I mean? But it’s just been amazing. It’s been such an incredible journey and an incredible ride and being able to do a podcast like, I was like really? Like, who the hell’s gonna listen to me and listen to us? And then, you know, we’ve got some amazing followers and I don’t know that I’m necess we’re necessarily gonna stop the podcasting. It might just be me with other people on. I haven’t figured that out yet. But, um, I do. I really appreciate everybody and I will continue to offer the amazing products and we’ll still be here in your education source and, you know, all that’s still all that’s still going forward, y’all. I love what I do and I love being in this space and I love being in the cannabis industry. And maybe one day you never know where the future’s going to take me. I’m kind of roll with the go roll with the flow or roll with the punches. How go with the flow. Whatever.
Go with the flow. Roll with the punches.
Dee Dee:
There you go. That’s what I do. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. You know what I mean? So I keep doing it.
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So stands like a butterflies thing, like a bee.
Dee Dee:
Hell yeah. <laugh>.
Because we are, well actually we’re
Dee Dee:
Not on mobile right now, but I ain’t going to your bees. I don’t like bees and I might be allergic and I don’t wanna find out. Yeah. So, um, yeah. But anyway, thank you and thanks for listening everybody. See y’all. Bye.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like, subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff and
Keep it hempy out there.
Meta Description: In this final episode of Hempin’ Happiness fearless Emperor Matt announces his departure from the show. He departs final words of wisdom.
Hi, I’m Matt,
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp Queen
And Emperor Podcast.
Dee Dee:
Join us as we enter into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Welcome everybody to another edition of Hemp and Happiness. I am your host, Dee Dee Taylor. And this is Matthew Dykes <laugh>. It’s a rainy, crappy day today as we’re recording this. So I am so ready for spring and sunshine.
But it’s warm.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, it is warmer. Least It’s not snow
Warm. I’ll take it. Yeah, I’ll take it. There was this mist coming off the river that looked like something out of a horror movie this morning. Oh, really? 5:00 AM Yeah. I was terrified. I’m like, that’s kind of creepy. Some Gorgan is gonna jump out of the river and take my truck
Dee Dee:
And how crazy things have been going lately. And it’s like, nothing would surprise me at this moment. Like nothing. But I’d be like, well, that’s par for the course. Yeah, I think that sounds about right. Yeah. That aliens are coming down on us. Sure. Makes sense. Why not? Why not <laugh>, why not? Why not? <laugh>?
This episode is going to be a bittersweet one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this will be actually the last podcast of Hempin Happiness as it exists today in the cadence of things and the impermanence of life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, everything rises and falls and then rises again. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the show as it exists between Dee Dee and I. This will be the last one. Correct. Um, unless I come on in, in the future as a guest and fly in on a, in a space car and <laugh>,
Dee Dee:
Um, we could always have you on as a guest as for the health aspect of things. Oh, sure. Because I’ve always respected your opinion on all that good stuff. I still think you should be.
That’s not what she says off camera bullshit. I am moving on to some, some different, uh, interests. I will absolutely still be a part of, of this group, I hope for the forever. Um, well,
Dee Dee:
You’ll always be a customer.
Come on now. Always be a customer and a participant. And a supporter. And a supporter. Awesome. This has been one of the most educational experiences of my life.
Dee Dee:
You’re welcome.
Matt: Yep. I will. Thank you, <laugh>. I was just about to thank you. But you, I love that you’re thanking yourself. I, I do, I do. Um, working with Dee Dee has been absolutely amazing. Watching Dee Dee grow as a businesswoman has been.
Dee Dee: Thank you.
Matt: I can’t even express the admiration. I feel.
Dee Dee: Thank you.
Matt: And I’m just happy to have been a participant in it. And I can honestly say I’ve, like, I felt like I came here to teach, but I learned more in the last three years than I did in the previous 10.
Dee Dee:
That makes me very happy. I’m happy to hear that. Thank you.
Well, you should be
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. I am
<laugh>. Uh, so that being said, I thought, uh, this might be just a fun little, little wrap up. I do have a couple takeaways. What are some of your best memories of this podcast, Dee Dee?
Dee Dee:
Oh, my favorite by far is the ed, the Erectile Dysfunction podcast because do you know that I still have people coming in and saying, asking about gummies for their erectile dysfunction, and I am like, please don’t believe all that shit that you’re being fed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I get it. You want help with that? I trust me, I can understand. Well, I don’t wanna all of it, but if I was on the woman’s side, I do. Um, but I just hate how those companies take advantage. And I think that was such, that was one of my favorite podcasts, to be quite honest with you. And just, we’ve always been about being honest and having that integrity mm-hmm. <affirmative> where a lot of other companies don’t, and they try to pull the wool over people’s eyes and they try to do this crazy marketing that is gonna make people think that it helps with certain things even though we’re not supposed to be making claims with it. But then I like it how we’ve always debunked those kind of myths, you know? I think that has been important. Yeah. And I’m still gonna continue to do that. We’re still gonna continue to do that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I, I think that was probably one of my favorite podcasts We’ve had some zingers on too. Um, I love Alicia.
Yeah. That was gonna, I was gonna say that’s my favorite.
Dee Dee:
And I, which by the way, uh, this month is, is national, um,
Dee Dee:
Cerebral palsy Month.
Yeah. CP month. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
CP month. Yep.
Dee Dee:
So she was amazing. Now as far as inspirational women go, oh my gosh, I’m getting goose pimples now. Just thinking of her. Yeah. Um, she is an incredible woman and, um, I love that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I love that. So I kind of keep in touch with her on Facebook and see all her pictures of her kiddo. And she’s, um, just such a, oh, she’s wonderful. So that I love that one too.
Yep. And speaking of incredible women, Dr. Molly. Yeah, that was a good one. That was a good one too about mm-hmm. <affirmative> part, her Covid experience. Yep. And the opioid mm-hmm. <affirmative> epidemic. And, you know, the effects of cbd
Dee Dee:
And things like that and how much it helps. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she admitted it, <laugh> <laugh>,
She admitted it, loved it. The left, when the doctor does that, you’re, you know, that what that reminds me of when, uh, when you’re in elementary school and someone says you love a tree and you wanna marry it, and you go, yeah, I wanna marry a tree. And they call, she admitted it.
Dee Dee:
Tell everyone in the schoolyard.
Dee Dee:
I mean, but no, I think we’ve had some really good podcasts. You know, even the most recent one when we did about statins mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think that was just super important. Get that info out there. I had a, um, he’s more like a colleague. He actually called me and he said, Dee Dee, I stopped taking it just because of your podcast. I’m like, good for you. Yeah. I said, but, you know, monitor your cholesterol. And he is like, he goes, I started feeling like crap and then I listened to your podcast. Yeah. And I was like, well, good. I’m glad somebody’s out there really listening.
You know, and it’s interesting that you bring that up because we, we were just, before the show, we were talking about, I’m, I’m on this, I’m on a new crazy thing where I’m eating vegetables a lot for
Dee Dee:
Y’all. So, you know, I’m fucking insane to eat vegetables. Six servings a day.
Dee Dee:
We’re supposed to, right?
Yes. And Okay.
Dee Dee:
That’s a lot
Though. What everything I’m reading now, because it’s actually working, like I feel a lot better and I hate vegetables. First of all, any vegetable vile weeds of Satan,
Dee Dee:
I don’t Think they’re that bad
Dee Dee:
I really like Peas.
I am a meat eater.
Dee Dee: That sounds stupid, but I love peas.
Matt: I do not. Hmm. Anyway, but I’m getting used to it and it’s making a huge difference in the way I feel in my health and everything I’m reading. Uh, most vegetables make an impact on your cholesterol level. Hmm. Uh, so I’m interested to see next time I go in mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what my cholesterol looks like now that I’ve, now that I’ve done this.
Dee Dee:
Well, I, I, well listen to your advice on that because no lie, I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in April and I’ve been, um, adding more fruits and more, um, oatmeal to my diet. Mm-hmm.
<affirmative>, oatmeal’s and Oatmeal.
Dee Dee:
Oatmeal’s a really good one. Yeah. So I’ve been eating that. I don’t wanna say daily, cuz I do get bored with it, but I’ve really been trying to change my diet lately too. Cuz I’m telling that doc, if you listen, doc, I ain’t getting on that. Those damn statins, <laugh>, <laugh>. So as I’m like f this, I’m just going to, I’m gonna jump ahead and start working on it now. And just being healthier in general. Um, me trying to find the time to exercise, I was talking to the husband last night, I’m like, man, I just gotta get up I think in the mornings and start going. Yeah. And that’s kind of like at night if I’m stuck at the store till seven, well you might as well forget me trying to get to the gym mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I need to get back into that kind of a healthier routine. Um,
Yeah. Health before wealth.
Dee Dee:
Health, I mean. Yes. Because if you don’t have your health, it doesn’t matter how wealthy you are.
Yeah. You’re not gonna, you’re not gonna get buried, buried in that Mercedes-Benz.
Dee Dee:
No, I Don’t have a Mercedes. So you, I don’t have Mercedes-Benz
Yet since this is my last episode. I there and, and you touched on a few things, uh mm-hmm. <affirmative> that I’m, I want, I do wanna bring up, so one, and this is kind of outside of, of Dee and i’s relationship. This is more just speaking to the general audience and people that have come in who listen to the podcast, that come into the store and ask me questions about mentoring and, and things like that. The, the start of the path of the concept of being more and doing more is it starts with just showing up. Hmm. It does. There are so many people out there listening to a lot of these motivational speakers who are talent, who are, oh, drive, drive, drive 110 baby, be a lion, you know, chasing the gazelle and all of that is great and awesome until you wear your cellphone Fuck out.
Well not, it’s, it’s not just that. It’s when you’re talking to people that are starting out at zero and you’re preaching to them on an advanced level about how to get to 110. You don’t just go zero to 110 and expect it to work out. And if it does work out, expect it to crash as hard as it rises. (Dee Dee: Agreed. ) In society today, the hardest thing to do is just show up and just show up. Doesn’t mean being physically present, it doesn’t mean just being on the zoom call. Just showing up means not having your phone to distract you. Being focused on the target, on the, on the objective at hand. Be it time with your family, time with your children. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> time at work, I go down to my son’s room when he’s got homework and he’s got his homework up. He’s watching his friend play a video game and he is got his phone on his lap and, you know, to, to randomly text people mm-hmm.
<affirmative> and I go downstairs and I’m like, what are you doing? And he is like, what are you, what are you talking about doing my homework? And I’m like, how are you doing your homework? And, and to that, to, I I don’t wanna get into generational cuz it’s more cultural than generational, but culturally in the United States, that’s perfectly acceptable right now. Yeah. How, how can you focus and concentrate when you got three things going on? Um, right in front of you. You can’t, um, and I’ll give the example when, when, when Rockefeller was at his financial zenith, the US government was sure that he was up to some mal decency. Mm-hmm. So they audited the shit out of him and he was legit, everything was clean with those laws today. Now he couldn’t get away with the stuff he did. Oh. Then, but anyway, just aside, so they asked him, how, how are you doing this?
How can you amass this empire that no one else can build? And his response was, I can concentrate on one thing for five minutes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that’s all he said. So the US government conducted a test on the average attention span. Do you know what it is, what it was back then, which is less than it is now? No. 15 seconds back then. Back then. And that was when, that was before you had the distractions of blinking lights, a iPhone. Wow. All of these things. So, so you’re the, the average human concentration is seconds. So if you can concentrate and focus on one thing, (Dee Dee: thcv for <laugh>,) I love the plug <laugh>. There’s Dee Dee with a good plug. I mean, um, no, but seriously, if you can concentrate and focus on one thing through meditation, through whatever, um, you are, you will be successful on that one thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>.
Dee Dee:
All right. I actually took a business type thing it was called, and I focused on strategic planning because that is hard to do in this industry. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’ve got all these plates up in the air, you’ve got legislative issues. I mean, so it’s, it’s hard to plan, plan. I took some really good takeaways from that. And it says for 90 days you write down the three goals that you want to do for the day, whether it’s more time with your family, <laugh> was, cuz there’s a naughty, but I’m not, or
Don’t all, all that either
Dee Dee:
Or. Yeah. Or, you know, you want to get one these specific things done today. Like you, even if you don’t get them done, you have them written down and that’s your goal for the day. So then you can try and take each goal and just focus your time on each individual goal. And I thought that was a really good takeaway away. Well, and because I have to-do lists, but they’re not the same as goals.
Right. And so, and, and, and that, and that’s the thing too is like, you don’t know if, if you’re gonna make it, well just show up. Yep. If you show up, you’re 40% of the way there. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. You just need to make it through the other, the the next 60% just show up. Yep. You know, you, you’re, you’re not confident. Just show up. You don’t know if it’s gonna work, just show up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> just show up and you will have a substantially higher percentage of succeeding than if you don’t show up. Agreed. Which will be zero.
Dee Dee:
And you need to listen to the right side of your brain and not the left. That is where the negative thoughts happen. Hmm. So I think that also makes a huge difference too. Stop focusing on any of the negative shit and start focusing on the positives. Mm. Literally Yeah. There’s gonna be negatives in anything you do, but if you focus on the negatives, then they just keep spiraling and keep going outta control and keep, and your brain just like, okay, we are just having the negative Nelly day. Right. You literally have to turn, turn your own thought process around and focus on the positives, the right side of your brain.
Well, and the stoics would say there, there is no positive and there is no negative. It’s just a, a cadence in the transition. True, true. Which is also kind of the Dallas philosophy as well. That Yeah. You know, the maybe story,
Dee Dee:
I mean, I’m a realist too. I’m not an optimist, I’m not a pessimist. I am very much a realist. So I can see both sides to almost anything and everything. And I will give you the best scenario possible. Right. Some people cannot function that way. They are either an optimist or they’re either a pessimist. So when I will come in and be like, well, here’s this, this and this. Some people, especially the pessimist people only hear the negative. Do you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and they give no two thoughts to the positive side of things where the pessimist, they only hear the positives and then they take off running and then you’re like, oh, but wait, this could happen too. Right. So, you know what I mean? So I, I think, I think I have a really good balance when it comes to that. Probably a little bit more so than other people in my life.
Right. Well, and that’s the stoic philosophy is recognize mm-hmm. <affirmative> what vibration you’re in Are, are you in a high vibration? Are you in a low vibration? And know that it will change.
Dee Dee:
It depends on what vibration.
<laugh>. Oh man.
Dee Dee:
I mean, sometimes
They think, you know, this rain has got you all kind of frisky.
Dee Dee:
Well, I was thinking like more of the
Dee Dee:
I know
Exactly what you were thinking. And don’t, sugar sex is not a, uh, has never been a the dirty thing on this show.
Dee Dee:
No, it’s Not.
You just said your favorite freaking episode was the ed. Now you’re gonna try to hide your vibrator action. Come on.
Dee Dee:
Oh, I really wasn’t going. Come on.
Dee Dee:
High vibration, low vibration. I’m not,
I recognize. Oh, no, no, you weren’t. No, you, I can tell. Take it any damn way in the eye when the word vibration left your mouth. Actually, I knew exactly what you were talking about <laugh>. Sorry, John. That’s all Dee,
Dee Dee:
I mean,
All right.
Dee Dee:
Oh my Lord. So
Let’s move on, on from that. My next, I think I’m turning my next, uh, word of wisdom. Th this is important. The only person that needs to be okay with you is you. Mm-hmm. And this is important, okay? Because culturally, we are currently in a state where people believe that everyone has to accept them for who and what they are. That is 100% not the case. Okay? No one has to accept you for who you are. And if you try to force that upon them, they, it will grow underground like mycelium. Hmm. Okay. And hate mushrooms will pop up everywhere, which if you don’t know what mycelium is, it’s the underground growth of fungus. So if you see a mushroom, a assume that there’s like a half mile of mycelium underneath it brewing for a bed of mushrooms to flourish,
Dee Dee:
Mushrooms are pretty good
Too. Yes. Mushrooms are good too. <laugh>. So, um, you cannot force anyone into accepting you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, even if you make it a, a social obligation, they’ll smile at your face and then they’ll spit at you behind your back. And it is pointless. Okay? You can encourage people to be more accepting and you can be, you can encourage people to accept you for who you are, but you’re not gonna get that by any sh show of force. All right? The Moores occupied Spain for 800 years, so much so that Moorish influence is completely ingrained in the Spanish language. And what we refer to as Spanish architecture is actually Moorish architecture. The day the Moores left, the day the Moores pulled outta Spain, they started eating pork after 800 years. You know why? Because they never accept it. Okay. People will not accept under forced rule, under forcing them to do anything.
So if you’re gonna change anyone, it has to start with you. And if you’re search, searching for acceptance from others, it’s only because you cannot come to terms and accept yourself. Okay? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you need to look inside yourself, accept yourself for who you are, good and bad. And if you don’t like something, change it. But that’s not gonna come externally, and that’s not gonna come from anyone else saying, Hey, you’re, you’re cool and you’re okay with who you are. Because even if they’re telling you that it’s probably not true, it might be true, it might not, but it doesn’t matter if you are okay with yourself, others will eventually be okay with you. If you’re not okay with yourself and you force someone to be okay with you, they won’t be okay with you. I can promise you that.
Dee Dee:
I agree. So, I mean, there’s that, that, yes, absolutely. Yeah. I think I just posted something on Facebook about that. Like, I am not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m okay with that. No, I’m not gonna change for anybody to be someone that I’m not.
Not everyone is for everyone. Not everyone’s supposed to, like, everyone. Not everyone’s supposed to accept everyone. It’s the differences about us that make humans who they are. Right. And I, you know, it’s the, was it, it’s really been the juxtaposition between Dee Dee and I and our differences of opinion Oh, for sure. That have made the, this, this podcast interesting. And have made our company, you know, a, a a, a growing enterprise mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So we wouldn’t get that if one of us just nodded said, yeah, that’s a great idea. Yeah, I love that. Let’s move forward. When the other one thought it was bullshit. Yep. Um, it’s, that’s never been me. It’s, it’s, it’s the, the, the wk it would be the, i I don’t think that there’s an English, an English translation for it, but it’s, it, the, the growth that comes from, from the, the collision of the two sides mm-hmm. <affirmative> of the yin and the yang, um, for which birth creation, so, oh,
Dee Dee:
For sure.
Um, and it, it is that opposition from that creates growth as long, as long as it is met with understanding. And again, the understanding starts with you.
Dee Dee:
Right. And, and I think if you are able to communicate effectively, and I think a lot of us take some things way outta context or we don’t understand the way a person is coming across, and instead of asking that person, you just automatically assume that they are being a jerk or an ass or what have you. Instead of just being like, Hey, what do you mean by that?
Yeah. Well, and, and here’s the premise of that is it is impossible for someone to offend you. You choose to be offended.
Dee Dee:
Agree. You choose to take offense, and if you choose to take offense, that is you choosing to decide your reality construct is superior to another’s. Yes.
Dee Dee:
Same thing with being intimidated.
Dee Dee:
You know what I mean? Because I’ve been told a few times that I’m intimidating. I’m like, how the hell am I intimidating? Yep. I think that’s on you. Right? If you’re intimidated by me, that that is on you, not on me. Right. Because I’ve never tried to be intimidating to someone.
Yes. We, we create our own feelings and mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and what, what philosophy a lot of the popular philosophy fee is, is that that is an effort to reinforce our own reality as we’ve created it in our own minds because our, our reality exists within our mind mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and our mind commands our reality. So if we feel that that reality that we’ve built that keeps us so warm and snugly and secure mm-hmm. Is being compromised, it’s our natural instinct to want to fight against it and say, now we’ve fucking exist so hard. Mm-hmm. We’ll show you Yeah. <laugh>, um, because we don’t want someone to dismantle our reality <laugh>. But if you can let a little enough of that go to at least say, okay, you know, like, I, that’s not in my reality construct, but maybe I can accept that, or maybe I’m, I should ask why and have a conversation and a dialogue about that, because
Dee Dee:
I know somebody that needs the
Most, I’m okay with who I
Dee Dee:
Am so bad in my head. I would give money.
These are part of the interests that I intend to pursue as I move forward. Because I, I, I do feel myself, I don’t speak of it, but I do feel myself, you know, becoming more committed to my path and the way
Dee Dee:
And it’s been, you
Dee Dee:
Got, for me, and I’m gonna say it, you got a little off track there for a little while as a little worried about you, to be honest with you.
Well, I wouldn’t say that it was off track. I would say that it was more of getting on my old track mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then recognizing I was leaving the path that I’d chosen to pursue and choosing the path that
Dee Dee:
Was the one that I I previously built that I’d agreed. Right. To my, that I had told myself I would not be going back to.
Dee Dee:
So, um,
Dee Dee:
I’m proud of you for that
<laugh>. Well, you know, I mean, I think that we, we all, we all want to resort and default to what we know mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and sometimes that’s good, but sometimes that’s bad because if you default to what you know, you’re not gonna grow from that. You, you might preserve yourself and sometimes that’s necessary. Um, yes. But you’re, but you’re, you’re not going to evolve. You’re just going to be the same. You’re gonna be in the same cycle mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, that, that you are perpetuating. So you don’t wanna be in a self-perpetuating cycle.
Dee Dee:
No. And I think the be besides being kind as much as you possibly can as a human, we’re all here to help each other. Right. To me, that is the number one thing. That’s why we’re put on this earth and not to take advantage of people and not to use them and to literally help people. That’s just, I’ve always lived by that. Always. Right. Because I’ve been burned and hurt and stepped on and a million things. Could I play that victim card? Oh, sure. I’ve been a victim. Will I let that rule my life hell to the, no.
And that’s important because that is the difference. But you say the word you, you say the term victim, but that’s not accurate. Okay. In my experience, there’s two types of people in this world. There’s victims mm-hmm. <affirmative> and there’s survivors.
Dee Dee:
And if you are a survivor,
Dee Dee:
You are not a victim.
You are not a victim. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, everyone in this life, if you live your life, you will, you will be traumatized, you will be abused.
Dee Dee:
Abused in some way or another
you will suffer. Yep. And how you choose to let that suffering impact your life will make the decision of if you are a survivor or a victim mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and if you are a victim, you’re just gonna throw your hands up and say, well, life threw me a hard curve and now I’m going to turn to drugs. Now I’m gonna turn to alcohol, now I’m gonna give up. Now I’m gonna resign, or I’m going To use other people I love mm-hmm. <affirmative> because they’ve done it to me.
I’m gonna hurt other people the way I was hurt. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and basically if, uh, you do, uh, and I understand you need, sometimes you need to love people into wholeness, but if you have someone in your life that’s a victim and has no intention of changing, uh, their status as a victim, you need to get the hell away from ’em. Right. Uh, because they’re not, they’re not gonna change. And the, the, the, the unfortunately worst thing they’re gonna do is pull you into their bullshit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and then,
Dee Dee:
And then you become a toxic person to them because you’re trying to help. And then they just find you as being toxic.
So being kind doesn’t mean being nice. No. Sometimes you have to, the best way to help people is push ’em away. Yep. And say, you gotta figure this out.
Dee Dee:
I agree with that
Yeah. Because I can’t, and that, that includes family members mm-hmm. <affirmative> close friends. Yep. Um, it’s, uh, the hardest thing that I think one person has can do Yeah. Is walk away from someone that they care about. But you’re not, you’re not gonna make a survivor out of a victim No. By placating them and by nursing them. I
Dee Dee:
Agree. I agree
You’re gonna create, you’re gonna create a bigger victim. A
Dee Dee:
Bigger victim. Yep. Where, and and, and being that survivor type person that I have been and always will be like, it is hard for me to, when someone plays that victim card for me to be, um,
Sensitive. Empathetic. Yeah. Empathetic.
Dee Dee:
I agree. And, but I yet, I have tons of empathy for so many people and so many different things, and sympathy as well. But when, when that gets played over and over, it makes me just wanna, oh, that just chaps my ass for some reason. Cuz I’m like, especially if I know the person does, like, I really know them. Know them. Yeah. So it’s hard for me too. It is. And then I have to look at myself that way, but when that happens, I have to pull back. Yeah. I have to pull all the fuck way back
Well, and also, you know, there, there’s a, there’s a saying, you can, you can drown in the ocean, you can drown in a toilet bowl. That is the experience is the same <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
That is very true. <laugh>. That is very true. Yeah. That’s very true. Unfortunately, I’ve had a, I’ve had, I’ve had a lot of friendships and family that I’ve had to pull back from because I just, Nope. I mean, I’ve had my own, you know, bad stories. Most people don’t know me that way because I don’t, it’s not something I feel like I need to talk about all the time, but you know what, I’m stronger. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I’m, I survived it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I will continue to survive anything that life throws at me, because again, I refuse to be a victim. Yeah. I just refuse. Yeah.
So I, you can consider yourself fortunate to survive mm-hmm. <affirmative> or unfortunate to survive.
Dee Dee:
Right. And I feel fortunate, right? Yeah. Right. I mean there’s just, there’s so much about life that is amazing and wonderful and I’m happy to still be here. Mm-hmm. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Totally. I, I think it’s a good thing and I’m so happy to still do what I love and Yeah. You’ve taught me a lot, Matt. I mean, there’s no question about that. Not as much as he thinks he has <laugh>, but, we’ll, we’ll give him a little credit <affirmative>. Um, and one thing I do wanna make sure we tell the listeners, Matt, and you have to say it on the air so I have a recording of it. You’re gonna keep supplying me with the honey, right?
Oh yeah, of course. Yeah. I mean the, the, I was actually working the bees yesterday afternoon. It was fun. They’re ready, they’re ready for spring
Dee Dee:
Oh good. So is everybody else. They’re like, I have a list of people wanting this honey <laugh>. I’m like, he is created <laugh>.
Well, it’s all about the, it’s about the wildflower though, because that most people that have like, that two bees be that, that have an apr, keep bees, keep them in agricultural areas. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’re just gonna get agricultural grade honey, which is gonna be clover and corn
Dee Dee:
And Yeah. He’s got some good honey
Soybean and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, but you’re missing out on the honeysuckle the wildflower. Yep.
Dee Dee:
Yep. It is curious. I tell you what, when I, I was, I was really sick. Was it January? I got really sick. Yeah. I was really sick. But I tell you what, the one thing that I swear saved me was my herbal teas and putting some of his honey in it. Like, it made such a difference on how I felt in general. Um, and even just with allergies and shit. Cuz I, I suffer a lot from that. But yeah. Whenever I start feeling like got my little scoop of honey <laugh>, so I just wanted make sure we had that on the record that he’s still gonna be my honey supplier. Yeah. So that’s pretty important. And I know you love doing it too.
Yeah. Well, you know, it’s, it is really helped me reconnect with nature mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because the best beekeepers are bees. Oh yeah. And if you can work as within the colony as a bee mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they will kind of accept you as what you’re doing as part of the natural order of what they’re doing. Right. And when you can get on that level, it’s pretty freaking cool. That is very cool. They’re like, oh, he knows what he’s doing. Yeah. Get, get in there and do that and do this mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and if you’re not in that way, uh, they can definitely fight against you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which I’ve also had happen. Right. <laugh> and, uh, that’s not too comy of a situation.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> No,
Dee Dee:
Definitely come in with Yeah. Yeah. Like, dude,
Just the face things, the face things are the worst. People think the genitals No, I can get stung in the genitals. Okay. All day long. It’s the face. It’s the face.
Dee Dee:
Okay. I think
The lift the eyes and that’s what they go for. People might, I’ve had ’em fly up my shorts before and don’t get me wrong, it hurts, but it’s, it, it will, the the swelling down there is, that is nothing to the swelling. You, I think you sandy suffering your face little. No. Oh yes. But that’s not what I’m saying. Now that’s a different podcast. I’m, I’m recording that podcast at three, uh, am tonight <laugh> later. So Yeah.
Dee Dee:
But at least you got balm to put on it. Right. You got some balm put on it
<laugh>. Little bit of, you know, counterclockwise, low circular motion, (Dee Dee: dude.)
All right. I got one more before we get outta here. All right. I got into this industry because C B D, uh, definitely changed my life. And I wouldn’t say, uh, THC though. THC is part of it. I would say the, that cannabinoids and CBD have changed my life now in saying that it was the first step on my true path to wellness. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, and a lot of people think, because again, culturally we are of the mindset of you can just take a pill and it’ll fix and anything and everything. People walk in and think, I can just take some C b, D and it’s gonna fix anything and everything. I’m gonna sleep better. My life’s gonna turn around, my kid’s gonna stop doing drugs, my car is gonna run fine. Uh, you know, it’s gonna be sunny every day.
And that is bullshit. Okay. <laugh>, it is super easy to come to our store and buy some C B D. Right. And that is a great thing and that is your first step on the path to wellness. But it’s the first step. It’s a big step, but it’s your first step. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you have a lot of work to do. Okay. You have a lot more stairs to climb if you truly want to experience your authentic self. If you want to truly experience your existence is not gonna happen with the just take a pill philosophy. Even if C B D is that quote unquote pill.
Dee Dee:
Right. I mean, and you have to give it time to work. You can’t expect this overnight miracle and all of a sudden you’re sleeping the first night or the second night. Yeah. I mean, sometimes this takes a while because it, it works within your body for what your body needs it for. Not necessarily what you want to take it for. Your body is gonna choose what it uses the CBD for and, but eventually it will help you find your homeostasis. Yes. I mean, it is gonna bring your body to its optimal level. Can you make your body better? Of course. But that’s where you add in the nutrition, that’s where you add in the exercising. That’s where you add in the meditation, that’s where you look internally and fix those things that you need to fix. Right. But everyone on this planet should have a cannabinoid rich diet.
Well, and, and, and here’s the thing, um, yes. The, the, the, the wellness journey, I think starts with C, b D. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, cbd D introduces cannabinoids into the body, creates that homeostasis. You know, what else creates a homeostasis, a healthy lifestyle. Yes. A, a, a good, you know, balance between movement and non-movement. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> between, uh, quote unquote work. And I’m not talking about just work being your financial work. I’m talking work being your exercise, work being your reading work being your studying mm-hmm. <affirmative> and recreation, um, you know, experiencing all other realities other than the ones that you create for yourself. All very important things. And the reality is your body creates endo cannabinoids that it will release that are very similar to things like t h c, um, all on its own. Yeah. Um, and, and unfortunately we live in a, in a culture and in a society where there’re, uh, we’re we’re deprived of a lot of that because of, you know, the, the way we live, the way we grow our foods, our crops, our our, um, our farms. A lot of that is pulled from our diet. We have to reintroduce that. We do. But my point is, after that first step, don’t stop <laugh>. Right. Keep going. <laugh>. Yes. Keep moving forward, keep growing. Yep. Uh, and you will find that in addition to the benefits of C B D, you’ll have all kinds of self-perpetuating, self growing wonderful things inside you, both spiritually and physically that will change your life.
Dee Dee:
Agreed. I agree with that. Absolutely. And
It starts with good quality products. We agreed on three points in one podcast. This truly is the end of it
Dee Dee:
But I really was not talking about a vibrator. Damnit. I was talking about vibrations, but that’s okay.
You’re right. Td, you absolutely. Were not talking about that. I didn’t get that impression from you at all.
Dee Dee:
Never <laugh>. Well, Matt, it is has been a pleasure. We will definitely have you back on the show because I’ll want to, I’m sure people will want to know what your future holds and what you’ve gotten yourself into, and, um, maybe just seek that manly advice that we all love and crave about you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So
Thank you. I’m still an alpha bitch.
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. Yes, you are. So, um, so yeah. So we appreciate you and thank you so much for everything.
Yes. And to the audience out there, I love you.
Dee Dee:
The show will go on
the people who have come into the store just to chat with me mm-hmm. <affirmative> about subjects on the podcast. I love that. Not just the girls, although there were some beautiful women that had came in from this podcast. Man, I, um,
Dee Dee:
We, we have a lot. You know what
Though? The dudes too though, in
Dee Dee:
All seriousness, we have, I mean, even there, there’s, I we have amazing customers. Yeah, we do. I mean, we really do that. A lot of them have become friends. I mean, huge supporters. Like there are people that I Oh, oh, I don’t wanna get emotional because, you know, it’s raining outside. That’s usually what happens to me. Um, but I could cry happy tears with how amazing and respectful and kind and supportive. I mean, you talk about, about me being this, uh, leader. Like we, we were kind of talking before this podcast, but, you know, I wouldn’t be who I am today without all of my amazing customers and <laugh> and I wouldn’t be able to do any freaking thing that I do without my amazing staff. Yeah. And they have been such a good team for me. And even though people come and go and they do their own thing and they, you know, they grow and all that stuff, and I support them in that too.
I’ve had some with me that have been with me since the beginning and I would not be who I am without them. And just the support from my friends and my family and, and strangers. I mean, I’ve had so many people that are like, I know her and I’m like, and I’m sorry if I don’t remember your name, <laugh>. You know what I mean? But it’s just been amazing. It’s been such an incredible journey and an incredible ride and being able to do a podcast like, I was like really? Like, who the hell’s gonna listen to me and listen to us? And then, you know, we’ve got some amazing followers and I don’t know that I’m necess we’re necessarily gonna stop the podcasting. It might just be me with other people on. I haven’t figured that out yet. But, um, I do. I really appreciate everybody and I will continue to offer the amazing products and we’ll still be here in your education source and, you know, all that’s still all that’s still going forward, y’all. I love what I do and I love being in this space and I love being in the cannabis industry. And maybe one day you never know where the future’s going to take me. I’m kind of roll with the go roll with the flow or roll with the punches. How go with the flow. Whatever.
Go with the flow. Roll with the punches.
Dee Dee:
There you go. That’s what I do. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. You know what I mean? So I keep doing it.
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So stands like a butterflies thing, like a bee.
Dee Dee:
Hell yeah. <laugh>.
Because we are, well actually we’re
Dee Dee:
Not on mobile right now, but I ain’t going to your bees. I don’t like bees and I might be allergic and I don’t wanna find out. Yeah. So, um, yeah. But anyway, thank you and thanks for listening everybody. See y’all. Bye.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like, subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff and
Keep it hempy out there.