Snowflakes & CBD

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Hi, I’m Matt,
Dee Dee:
And I’m dedi. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about him and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp Queen
And Emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, happy Hesters. It’s good to see you. We’re, uh, I’m facing a different way, <laugh>, cuz I don’t like the other way I faced. Thanks for listening to our podcast. I know I’m weird. Don’t look at me that way, Matt.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I didn’t look too, I looked like Yes, I did look at you
Dee Dee:
Actually. But I also wanted you guys to see our facial expressions and stuff, so I didn’t like us just looking at each other, so I switched that up a little bit today. But thank you guys again for being with us. Um, we’ve got an interesting topic of conversation today. It’s all on math this time for this one. Um, so yeah. Without further ado,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Okay. No, let’s be fair. The research is on. Oh yeah. The research is on me. Yes. The, the podcast is always about,
Dee Dee:
Well, of course it’s always about us, but, you know, he likes to talk <laugh>.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh my god.
Snowflakes & CBD
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. But first things first. Talk about the thing with, uh, Dr. Molly. Yeah.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Okay. So for those of you who are faithful listeners, um, you may remember Dr. Molly Rutherford, who was, uh, on our show a few episodes back. Um mm-hmm. <affirmative>, She is a big part of covid research and, um, beyond covid research, uh, what the, uh, quarantine and mass mandates have done and are continuing to do to, uh, culture and society and the economy today. Um, she is one of the cohos of a global summit, uh, held in Kentucky. It will be October 8th, uh, gallery at Greenwood, uh, 1 25 East Main Street in LaGrange, Kentucky. Uh, we’ll put up a link, uh, if you would care to contribute or attend. It’s going to be very interesting. Uh, guys, there’s gonna be testimonials from people who have lost their jobs due to the mass mandate. Um, people who have had to remove their children from public school due to the mass mandate. Um, the repercussions, both psychological and, um, economical. Um, uh, the, there there’s gonna be all kind of people there giving testimonials, including, including a round table of highly qualified physicians. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So just a little plug there. Um, if you are interested in Covid and not just what the media tells you what’s actually going on, I would highly attend you or I would highly recommend you attend, um, or at least, uh, participate in some fashion, uh, in the summit.
Dee Dee:
So I did hear that, that technically the pandemic is over. I did read that. Just the, just the news part of it. I read that earlier today. Oh. And if you guys are wondering what I’m doing, um, Matt’s cat, Dexter is down here, <laugh>. So he wants to love on me and I cannot love on the cat while he is here. Yeah. But, yeah. But anyway, that’s supposedly the pandemic is over. And if you knew that or not,
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s all due to the cats
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. It is all too All due to the cats. Cats. I
Matt and Dee Dee:
Love cats. And the pandemic, I love animals. So the pandemic is over because the media decided to say it’s over. I
Dee Dee:
Mean, probably. Right. What changes? I think they got tired of reporting
Matt and Dee Dee:
On it. That’s like, that’s like saying I feel one year older on my birthday. Oh
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Right. Oh yeah. You got one coming up. Happy early birthday to Matt. Woo. Then. And you’re, you will be closer to 50 than you will 40 mm-hmm. <affirmative> and sucks <laugh>. I know. I know, man. I know, I know. But yeah, Dexter’s here and he is loving on me, so I have to love back on him. And he’s the prettiest cat. He’s like a Bengal little bengal tiger. And he,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Uh, not a Beal tiger, but he has a Bengal cat. Bengal
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
He thinks he’s attacker.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
I got a
Dee Dee:
Joke for you. Okay.
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s really inappropriate.
Dee Dee:
Is there
Matt and Dee Dee:
Really inappropriate, anyone who sensitive at this point cover your ears or hip mute?
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
What fucks like a tiger on winks?
Dee Dee:
I don’t know. Ram. Oh, dear Lord. It’s a classic. I think they have a little puke in my throat.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
From that
Matt and Dee Dee:
One. Yes. And if you’re listening, uh, that, that, that’s that. I winked.
Dee Dee:
Oh my God. Yeah. Dead. You
Matt and Dee Dee:
Moving right along. Um, and who, and on a similar subject line, uh, guys, we have a, uh, conversation we’re gonna have today, um, that is going to involve some sensitive subject matter. Um,
Dee Dee:
It’s good
Matt and Dee Dee:
To know it’s not quite gonna be what you think.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
But, uh, if you are sensitive, if you are easily offended, um, if you are very listening to a non open minded Yeah. So you’re probably not listening to this podcast if you, you have those traits, but if you do, um, you’d probably wanna skip this one or, you know, um, Yeah, yeah. I would say just skip this one.
Dee Dee:
Should I step out of the room?
Matt and Dee Dee:
No, no. Cause we need, I need you for I know, I know. I need you for this. Um, so the title of today’s episode is called C B D and Snowflakes, um, which is a colorful title. And, um, the reason why, why we’re, we’re, we’re, we’ve titled it as such, and what we’re going to talk about today, which a lot of people aren’t comfortable with, is, um, what’s going on with, uh, our society and hypersensitivity, um, ultra, uh, political correctness, um, what’s causing it, how it’s affecting us, and really how it’s affecting the, the hemp and CBD and cannabis industry. Right. Because you’d really be surprised
Dee Dee:
About those things that term in and of itself, before we dive into the hemp and CBD aspect of it, it really doesn’t portray the, um, the true person because, and nor even a political side because what’s, you know, the term, what snowflake means. Um, I’ve seen it on both, all spectrums of the political sides. So it, to me, it’s not just the dems or, you know, it’s not just the liberals. I also see it on the other side as well. Yeah. And it’s kind of crazy too. And I’m like, Wait a minute, didn’t you all term that? I don’t know. But either way, it doesn’t matter.
Matt and Dee Dee:
And, and we’re gonna, we’re gonna get into that. Okay. So let’s dive right in. Yeah. And that’s a perfect segue. So, uh, You’re welcome. So
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Even plan the term. Snowflake was originally meant to, uh, define someone as individualistic and unique because Okay. Uh, no two snowflakes are the same. Uh, and they’re crystal inform everyone snow play unique, uh, which is a kind of cool and interesting thing cuz it’s true mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I thoroughly believe in the collective consciousness, but I believe that we are all individuals unique, uh, in every way for a reason. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Um, and we’re gonna get into that in this podcast. So what the term unfortunately means now is someone who is, uh, overly sensitive, easily offended, um, and
Dee Dee:
Again, both sides,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Um, and, and, and soft, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, now that was turned into an offensive term, uh, not by accident. And, um, this, this, uh, I don’t, I don’t even know the right term. This movement, um, of hypersensitivity, uh, is not an accident. And you, uh, I hope will be surprised, um, in the facts that we’re gonna discuss today. So, uh, moving right along with that, um, being easily offended. So we are very raw on, on this show. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we speak our minds, um, explicitly. Uh, and really what that boils down to is, is the deter determination of what is of offensive, Okay? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So what is offensive is what’s current, what society deems is offensive. Okay? So what is offensive right now, um, will not necessarily be offensive tomorrow.
Dee Dee:
Um, Right. And I, and I think individually though, people take offense with some things where others don’t.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right. And that, and, and that’s part of it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, um, choosing what’s offensive and what’s not offensive, you think is an individual choice and you think is a social choice, but it’s really not. Um, these things are being implanted, uh, by the media. Oh, yeah. Um, and then people are, are, are the sheep narrative are buying into it and responding. Um, and this is nothing. And
Dee Dee:
Again, both sides,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yes. It, it actually, it actually has nothing to do with sides. It has nothing to do with anything other than, uh, these ideas or ideals. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> being injected into our society via the media. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, this is unique only,
Dee Dee:
Well, when you’ve only got like 2% or two people controls all the media, it doesn’t, it does not surprise me.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, and that’s, and that’s a big part of it. It’s actually like the 0.05%. Um, it’s not even the 1% mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, which is, which is scary. So, um, these ideas are, are implanted by the media, but then socially reinforced bias, currently social media mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, which is really interesting because it’s not a new concept, guys, this has gone on for a very, since before the majority of the public could read medieval Europe, uh, scribes were hired to draw pictures of a magistrate or, uh, or a local leader or political, uh, leader who, who they wanted out cavorting with the devil. Pictures of them with a drag, you know, a dragon’s body with their head and nailed, uh, on the trees to the roadways in and out of town. Um, there’s been cases of, of monks were the only people who could write, um, being told essentially how to shape history.
Um, a a as early as, you know, th at least a thousand years ago at least. Um, I’m sure much longer than that here. Here’s the thing about that. Um, even though we wanna blame the mass media now, um, this is not new. And this is part of a cadence that we experience. I remember when I was, uh, uh, senior in high school and, uh, freshman in college during the PC revolution, which was the last rendition of this. Um, and that was political correctness, uh, which is still around today, but that’s kind of turned into the cancel culture, which I’m, which I’m going to, uh, expound on. But it was, you know, holding hands was frowned upon. It was essentially a, an attempt to separate men and women, um, and, and keep, keep men and women divided. Um, and, and keep that, uh, keep that going. Why? It’s a good question. We’re going to get to it. Um, beyond that, uh, which segues into the cancel culture, there’s a reason why the cancel culture exists. And it’s not the cancel culture, it’s people wanting to erase the past. It’s the media wanting to erase the past. It’s, they don’t want you to remember the piece.
Dee Dee:
It’s the media
Matt and Dee Dee:
That it is, wants it to be erased. Well, it’s, it’s the media, it’s the people that are controlling the media. Okay, there you go. The media is sending out the message and the message is being recited. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, uh, I, I just did some, some fact checking and, uh, the Salem Witch Trials, Bol Schick Revolution, uh, Maung Hitler and the Nazi regime, um, all use the same tactics that are being used in the media today to influence the general public towards an opinion that aren’t their own. Right. Um, and once that opinion,
Dee Dee:
Even Trumpism is like that. Right.
Matt and Dee Dee:
And then once that opinion is formed and established, it, it’s a self perpetuating thing that is compounded now by social media mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, because it’s implanted into social media, which is for good, bad, or worse, how the current generation is getting their news mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, they see that recycle it, repost it with their opinion included. Um, and then it, it grows. And we’re, what we’re essentially doing is building our own cages.
Dee Dee:
Well, and as an example of that, you know, this whole little little mermaid thing where Hailey Berry is the new Little Mermaid, and there’s this whole issue about it being black, apparently there really isn’t an issue about it.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
One person said something and then the next thing you know, it snowballed into this big ordeal.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
Really. Right. Like, most people don’t care about that stuff, but they, they wanna keep us divided, and that’s how they do it. Right. Make it a race issue. Oh, no, she’s not white. Right. Neither is Jesus. Ah,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, and, and, and that’s, and that’s the, that’s the thing. And that’s what we’re getting to because these subjects that people are getting offended by, quote, unquote offended by, are not really relevant. Right. They’re just what the minutia that the powers that be want you to be involved in, to be distracted, to be manipulated mm-hmm. <affirmative> and to be divided.
Dee Dee:
So bringing that into the hemp and the cannabis market.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yep. Yeah. And, and, and that’s, that’s coming. Yeah. It’s coming. Okay. All right. So, uh, and that, so then bring your back home. Right. Right. So, um, so just to give you a, a a, I don’t know if you remember, for all you felt faithful listeners out there, uh, we did do a podcast, uh, with about Terrence McKenna Stoned Ape Theory. Yeah. With our own spin on that mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So Terrence McKenna actually has a brilliant quote that sums us up. Uh, that is what we call reality is in fact nothing more than a culturally sanctioned and linguistically reinforced hallucination. Which is interesting because, because it’s true. Uh, our real, we live in, in a matrix. Well, our, our realities are, are formed by the society around us. Yeah. Um, and what I, what I like to refer to as the collective unconsciousness mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, we are social beings.
We, the, it is heavily believed by a lot of, uh, psychologists that we are completely reliant on society for everything, uh, as in our instincts as humans no longer exist. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, I know that’s debatable. We can save that for another podcast. But, uh, our reality is shaped by our society. So if our society is being shaped, we can’t necessarily trust to believe what we view as our societal opinion to be correct or true. Um, and I know that’s getting deep into the weeds. Very deep, but bu bump, that’s, Yeah. And I’m not, I’m not even, Anyway, um, you have to, Yeah. You have to see that and you have to see past, um, what what you might view as the popular opinion. Cuz here’s what happens. And in societal opinion, um, no one wants to be, uh, the, the nail that sticks out.
So you will compromise your values, even unknowingly as a human being to fit into social circumstances and to be accepted. Uh, because we all, whether we admit it or not, we all desire acceptance. We all desire to be part of something, um, to the point where we will, we will compromise and reform our own opinions in order to be part of that. Um, so it’s, That makes sense. It does. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and it’s, it’s unfortunately yes. And it’s never been more evident and it’s never been more important to resist that urge mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, to know what you know and do what you do. Um, so how that leads into the hemp and CBD industry, there is, even though hemp C B D and in most states cannabis is legal mm-hmm. <affirmative> legal in, in the law, there are many forces that continue to work against it. Uh, right now in the cannabis industry, we have essentially prohibition by taxation, uh, over half the cannabis industries in the United States right now are losing money. Oh
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Actual companies are,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. Yep. And, uh, 60% in California mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, because the taxation is so high, so they don’t have to make it illegal. They’re just taxing is so high, um, that
Dee Dee:
You still have that black
Matt and Dee Dee:
Market that no, that no money. Yeah. No money can be made. And now we’re right back to the situation where it’s going underground. Right. Um, because no one in the legitimate cannabis industry, with rare exception, um, and those are the people with extreme amounts of money, um, can make a profit in the industry. Right
Dee Dee:
Now, what, where was it? New York? I was, was it New York I was telling
Matt and Dee Dee:
You about? Yeah. 20 million.
Dee Dee:
20 million to get a license for crying out loud. Right. That’s insane. Right. Like, and then in Michigan you’ve got, Now I did talk to a friend of mine, they said that, um, you know, an ounce is about 60 bucks up there. However, you’re also, there was apparently a lot of mold in some of those cans products mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you’re getting your marijuana that cheap up there, you need to really look at the COAs because there’s been a lot of mold outbreaks in the marijuana industry too. Wow. So that’s why they’re selling it and they’re getting rid of it super cheap. Yeah. I’m like, well that’s not safe. I mean, isn’t that the whole point of having the dispensaries to get it safer? Right. Right. So that in and of itself is gonna hurt the market too. Selling crappy product. Um, Yeah. We’re not even gonna talk about Kentucky, cuz we all know where that still stands, but yeah, it’s kind
Matt and Dee Dee:
Of insane. Yeah. And we, you can look at it on a micro level or a micro or macro level cuz it’s the same. Yep. Um, in the, the CBD and hemp industry, we have shadow banning. Yeah. Uh, we just, we talked about that our, our Facebook site disappeared. No reason. No. Hey, you violated just gone, uh, no reason, no response from Facebook. Nothing. Nothing. Um, you have the shaft program. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay. The SHAFT program is a, basically a form of prohibition where they somehow classify hemp and CBD in sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco. Yeah. Uh, now and
Dee Dee:
Shaft, and we’re talking about text messaging by the way. Right. So sms, mms text messaging,
Matt and Dee Dee:
You are, you are technically not allowed mm-hmm. <affirmative> to send any text messages regarding C b, D or hemp. Yep. Because of this shaft policy. Uh, now tell me where these products fit into sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco. But they do, And you know why? Because we can, because we’re letting them. Yeah. Because we’re simp we’re simply allowing these
Dee Dee:
Things to happen. And you’ve got the people against each other. You’ve got hemp and fiber, they’re against CBD people, then you’ve got marijuana against the CBD people.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, it’s, it’s all it, and, and this is where it circles back divided it circles back to the division. Oh. You know, Oh, you’re, we don’t wanna offend anyone mm-hmm. <affirmative>, wink, wink. So we’re going to make sure no sex, hate alcohol, firearms, or tobacco messages are sent because people can’t think for themselves. Right.
Dee Dee:
Even if you sent to it, it’s, that’s
Matt and Dee Dee:
Bullshit. They need someone to control and make sure that what they read doesn’t have any of those things in it. And C b D could highly offend someone. So here we are back with this, you know, with this quote unquote, you know, snowflake movement, but it, it, it’s, it’s not mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it it is people not wanting hemp to make it CBD to make it cannabis to make it. Why? Because it’s not in their economic interest. Well,
Dee Dee:
No, Every time a state goes medical big pharma loses 3 billion billion with a b I was floored to read that. I was like, well, no wonder it’s not legal here or everywhere or federally. Right. Big pharma controls everything. Right. Everything. Right. I mean, how many senators are bought and paid for by big pharma? A lot on both sides. Right. So yeah. 3 billion every time a state goes medical
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. And then the people that recognize that want, want to blame the cancel culture. Yeah. Okay. There is no cancel culture guys, that that is something that was fabricated by the media mm-hmm. <affirmative> to start a cancel culture and to justify, uh, hiding history Yep. And hiding the truth. Yep. And get steam, which it has gotten steam amongst a lot of groups that, that want to delete history mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, which is a terrible mistake. Oh
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Horrible. When when bad things happen in history, guys, you don’t remove them. Yeah. Okay. You have to remember them.
Dee Dee:
And so you don’t repeat them.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Exactly. Exactly. There’s a very famous quote that’s that, that, that is, uh, if you don’t remember your history, you can forget the future.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right. Um, because you’re doing, you’re just gonna repeat it mm-hmm. <affirmative> and repeat it. And when you get to my age, now that I’m on the other side of 40 <laugh>, uh, you re you, you start to see these cycles, um, and you start to see these cadences. Yeah. Uh, it’s, it’s also part of, part of my personal, um, philosophy and ethos to, to follow these cadences. Um, and right now, you know, economists, um, spiritualists often think of these as linear. You have a, you, you essentially have a wave that’s high, low, high, low. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and the duality that exists between the high points and low points and the points in between. Um, I currently feel like it’s more of a circle where, where, where when you’ve seen enough things, you see things happen over and over again. It’s a different variation, but it’s essentially the same thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, it’s very important that the next time around we remember what happened last time. Because if we erase that and say, Oh no, that’s horrible, that’s a, that’s going to upset someone, delete it, it will happen again. And everything that we learned from that mis the mistakes that happened the last time around is fucking lost. Exactly. Okay. And yeah, they want like,
Dee Dee:
The genocide of the J Hello. Yeah.
Matt and Dee Dee:
They want that to happen because it’s easier to control people Yep. If they, if they don’t have knowledge Yep. They don’t have experience and, you know, that hits on every level. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so, you know, again, this floats into the, the cannabis and C b D industry, because I thoroughly believe that there are cannabinoids that lend a cortical stimulation. There are tests that proved that.
Dee Dee:
Well, and why would big pharma be so upset if they’re losing 3 billion people? Oh, cause it works.
Matt and Dee Dee:
You’re gonna have a supplement that might actually help people think for themselves. Oh God, man. And
Dee Dee:
Heal them naturally. Oh,
Matt and Dee Dee:
So scary thought. You know, and I, I don’t wanna, I don’t, I don’t wanna sit here and rant because it’s not a rant. We, we all have to be aware, we all have to realize what’s going on and stop blaming one another. Right. Uh, you know, because it’s not about whether you are Gen X, Gen Z. And actually, I, I just wanna side note this generational thing. The, the, the previous generation always dogs on the following generation. Okay. Remember? But Right. But here’s what you need to think about. Okay. The previous generation lends all the tools to the, to the next generation on how they are going to live and represent themselves. So if, if you wanna dog on a generation, you may as well gen blame the generation before that mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because they’re the ones that’s true. Who raise the next generation. That is very, very true. All these Gen Xers, of which I am one, I am running around talking about these damn millennials. Okay? The millennials are your kids who you were responsible for raising, but
Dee Dee:
What is it? Gen Y or Gen Z or
Matt and Dee Dee:
Something, teaching them the morals, teaching them the, the responsible way to live your life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you fucked up. If you’re sitting there pointing fingers at them, you can turn that right back on yourself, because
Dee Dee:
That’s a whole nother podcast.
Matt and Dee Dee:
You freaking raise that kid. You, we, we created that society from our ashes. So Yep. Hey, you know, we have no one to blame. If you have a problem with it, you have no one to blame with yourselves. And the reality is they are how they are because we allowed them to be raised by the media. Well, we allowed them to that.
Dee Dee:
And we helicopter
Matt and Dee Dee:
Parents and we Well, because we did, did have that. Yep. But at the same time, too busy with our economic pursuits Yes. To be concerned about, you know, things like family values, then
Dee Dee:
We give them everything they
Matt and Dee Dee:
Want wrong and right. Instead, what, what is our personal opinions on integrity? Um, and the family values thing, y’all, when I talk about family, I’m not talking about the traditional family. Mm. Not now. Um, family’s being redefined and it is important that we remember, um, family’s more than just blood. Mm. And, uh, I thoroughly believe in family values. I believe in promoting what you believe in to, uh, you the next generation that you are raising, whether it’s your kids, your step kids, your adopted kids, your, you know, whatever mm-hmm. <affirmative>, letting them know where you stand, even though they might not share that opinion is going to benefit them. Yes. For sure. Uh, more so than, um, you know, uh, uh, money in their pocket. Agreed. Unless, you know, you’re, they’re literally starving to death.
Dee Dee:
So the moral of this podcast, Matt, think for yourself, Right. Let go of the snowflake mentality,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right. And, and, and here, and, and here’s where it is because, you know, we, we don’t, we don’t bring up issues without solutions on this podcast. Right? Right. Right. So here, so guys, here, here, here, or people, sorry, guys, force a habit. Uh, don’t wanna offend anyone, <laugh>, um, <laugh> you. What we really need to do is, uh, look within, Okay. We, part of part, part of the, um, again, the cancel culture ideal and the snowflake phenomena is people are looking externally for internal gratification, for validation of, uh, of who they are and what they are. And re life, at least as I see it does not work that way. No. Um, you, for the first time that I’m aware of in human history, people have more freedom to be who and whatever they want to be. And that is probably one of the awesomeness things I have gotten a bear witness to in my life.
With that being said, it’s not other people’s responsibility to validate your free choice. If you choose to identify one way, awesome. And that’s great, but it’s not everyone else’s responsibility to reinforce that or even accept that we can all have our own opinions and that’s okay. Yep. We’re allowed, uh, especially as Americans. Um, you know, and what that, what that danger that that dangerously leads towards is overturning the amendments. Right. Which I think is another thing that’s on the horizon That’s that people, people are trying to deal, which as so, so you take, taking our rights away to not offend someone Yeah. Is, is ridiculous. Uh, we, we, you know, Thomas Jefferson who’s taking all kind of shit right now as he should, um, I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it, you know?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, our forefathers were were racist, bigot assholes, but their redeeming quality was, they knew they were racist, bigot assholes, <laugh>. And they wrote these, the, the, the constitution and the amendments, knowing that they were imperfect, and knowing that that changes would need to be made, and knowing that rights would need to be preserved Right. As history continued. So, you know, you can dog on, on the, the, the four quote unquote forefathers all you want. You are correct. I do all the time. You are 100% correct. However, um, the, the, the format that they set our nation in and the democracy that was developed in my opinion is bar none to any other country in the world. Um, and, and we need to protect and preserve that freedom by accepting one another and allowing each other to have our own opinions. That might not be what is socially acceptable or it might offend you. Okay.
Dee Dee:
Right. Like, I believe in term limits, Sorry, to defend the ones that have been in Congress forever, that screwed us all over. I believe in term limits.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yep. Yep. And, and you, you cannot let your emotions guide your reality. Right. I mean, you have to let, there has to be logic in there somewhere. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, you know, and not picking on on people that, that want to live a fantastical life. I think that’s great. And I think that the more you explore the boundaries between fantasy and reality, the more true of a person you become. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But with that being said, it’s not society’s responsibility to accept you in that journey. It’s your responsibility to accept you in that journey. Right. And, you know, if we can do that, we can accept ourselves, we can accept our each other. All of a sudden these economic interests don’t have the power that they do. All of a sudden, these medicines that are being forced upon us aren’t necessarily what we have the only choice to take. Uh, we need to allow cannabis to
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
<affirmative> be advertised to be sellable, to be available for the test, test to be published for God’s
Dee Dee:
Sakes. Right. Take it off the schedule. One
Matt and Dee Dee:
Stop sha shadow banning stop. Right. When, when, when, when people use their feelings as a guide to ban or prohibit something, there’s all kind of collateral damage there.
Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Because I mean, you think about this Facebook, Instagram, that’s all a private company. It’s not a public company.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Our nation is a private company. I know ever since the, the, you know, the Jell Island incident Yep. Where the Fed became privatized mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which no one still seems to know about
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. I know, man.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Our currency is owned by private banks. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, those private banks have interest that are not to are benefit that they are, they’re not looking out for for, they’re looking out for wealth not held. Which
Dee Dee:
Cracks me up too, because then how the hell does the IRS get involved with that if technically it’s private
Matt and Dee Dee:
Money? I think you’ve got grounds de
Dee Dee:
I do. Damn it. I do.
Matt and Dee Dee:
By the way, for those of you who don’t know, who haven’t participated in the fund, Didia, uh, has undergone an audit. Oh,
Dee Dee:
Jesus. I’m telling you that stuff’s kept, kept me awake at night. I did not have, I, I was the bookkeeper that this is going back to 2019 and I don’t remember everything from that year. I don’t remember what happened last week. So it’s been a bit of a nightmare for me. I’m hoping it comes to an end soon. It’s been going on for almost a year now. Yeah, yeah. For almost a year. And I’m just like, gee whiz. Yeah. But yeah, 2020 taxes are, talk about a fricking mess. We, we changed, um, CPAs and that firm owe, my God, I’m on my third amendment for that year, and then got a letter from the IRS that they’re not accepting the second one that they did. I’m like, you’ve got to be kidding me. So it’s just, it’s been snowballing. So Yeah. Say a little prayer for me.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, bureaucracy knows no bounds.
Dee Dee:
I know, but if it’s private, But, but if all the money’s privately owned by these banks, why the hell’s IRS involved? I think I do have grounds. I think that is my total. That is a good defense.
Matt and Dee Dee:
There you go. Damn. There you go. Well, I’m, I’m gonna stay way out. That one. All right. So you, you hamster’s out there, please think for yourself. Yes. Please. Uh, do, do not accept public opinion as such. Uh, you know, applies some, do some reserves method. Yes. Get out your, be physical toolbox, free thinking. Um, um, yeah.
Dee Dee:
And if you do offend someone, at least apologize.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. And, and, and don’t get me wrong, you’re not on purpose. I don’t think people should be offended. I don’t think you should intentionally seek to offend someone. I think you should have your own opinions. Right. And if it offends people,
Dee Dee:
They need to look within.
Matt and Dee Dee:
So be it that, that, that is, that is their issue, not your issue.
Dee Dee:
Matt and Dee Dee:
You cannot, One thing that I have come to realize is that you, you can only change the reality around you by changing yourself. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, and by choosing making the choice, I’m going to choose to let this person have so much power over me, I’m going to choose the level of how much what they say affects me and offend mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, it is, it’s not their responsibility, it’s my responsibility. Cuz it’s me. It’s what’s what I, it is the one thing in my life that I do have control over. Right. And that is my feelings, my opinions, my emotions. Yep. And no one else can touch those unless I let them.
Dee Dee:
Yep, exactly. Exactly. So there you have it. Happy hamsters. Yep. Feel free to comment, send us emails info 5 0 2 and we will respond directly to you. Um, follow us on our new Facebook page 5 0 2 Wellness Center. And we’re still on Instagram. God only knows for how long is 5 0 2 Hemp. Um, and of course there’s always YouTube and if I sign up, sign up our newsletters on our website, we send out all kinds of information through there. Obviously we won’t text you, um, but we will send you an email and we turn out to do more than one a week unless it’s like some kind of issue or, or emergency. So, so yeah, try and keep in touch with us and, um, you know, keep it, uh, hippy out there. Thanks guys. <laugh>
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Matt and Dee Dee:
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
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Matt and Dee Dee:
Keep it, He out there.