Smoking & CBD
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Hi, I’m Matt.
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp
Queen and Emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcasts. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, happy hamsters. Thanks for joining us again on our temporary location podcast for our hemp and happiness. Um, we got an interesting, uh, topic today. Um, I had a friend, gosh, from college, um, reach out to me last night. Her brother is trying to quit smoking. And for those of you that don’t know, I quit back in 2014. And you were a former smoker too, weren’t you, Matt? And we’re talking about cigarettes. Cigarettes, yeah. Yeah. Cigarettes here.
Well, cigarettes and, and marijuana. Yeah. I
Dee Dee:
Quit them both. Right now I’m talking about cigarettes. Huh. Um, so the, it kind of got me thinking and I was like, cuz she asked, do we have anything that can help with that? And you know what we do. I’ve actually worked with a number of customers that, um, that have tried to quit smoking. And whether they have gone to the vaping side of the tobacco, um, they, they still would be having withdrawal symptoms and stuff, especially once they stopped doing that. So I’ve worked with numerous, numerous customers about this because I wish that I would’ve had CBD back then when I quit. Because let me just tell you the withdrawal symptoms. I don’t know if you had ’em like I did, but they were awful. And it took me a good three to five weeks to really feel like I could come overcome that habit of the smoking and even just that oral fixation and the, the need or the want slash desire to keep smoking.
Especially after a meal or right when you first get up. Now, back then, when I quit, um, CBD was not on the market. I’m not even sure that first Farm bill even passed yet. Granted we were making it for drawn at home, but that’s a different topic. And that was his medicine and his dad’s. But, um, I used the Nicorette gum. Yeah, the Nicorette Gum. And that’d be my first little thing in the morning is get up and have that so I can get my little fix. Um, and it worked for me. I’d shoot on it. And <laugh>, I’ve heard stories where people actually gotten addicted to the gum and thank Oh yeah. Yeah. And thank God I It’s nicotine. Exactly. It’s pure
Nicotine. It’s one of the most addictive substances on the earth.
Dee Dee:
It truly is. And the, the withdrawal symptoms are just freaking awful. Now, how that’s legal, even though it’s killed numerous, thousands, millions of people worldwide is beyond me. And THC isn’t. But that’s again, another topic of conversation. The whole point of my thought process with my friend. Um, she talked about how, you know, our brothers pretty much kick the habits so much, but he’s having a lot of problems sleeping. And I was like, Oh, we definitely have some products that will help with that without making claims to it. Um, but I was like, definitely try the Delta 8 or even CBD with the CBN or the THC with the CBN. I think that will help him calm his mind and, um, that withdrawal symptom aspect to the quitting smoking and help him sleep at night. So I can’t wait to hear how that’s helped.
So I’m pretty excited about that. But I did, I got it this morning and I, you know, it just popped in my head. I’m like, I definitely need, and granted we have talked about the vaping stuff before mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and how, Hmm, you know, you kind of use it, your own discretion. Um, but there is new study out and Beth just told me about this today, Matt, like you weren’t there, but I was telling her I was gonna be talking about it cuz she smokes and we we’re trying to get her to quit. Um, but she told me that there’s a new study that, um, vaping is actually better for your lungs than smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes. Um, I did not see the research. Um, and it’s relatively new, so I need to do my homework a little bit on that. But she said that the, as long as it’s a good quality product doesn’t have any prolene, glyco or vitamin E in it, then it’s actually a little bit better either way.
There’s still carc engines. We’ve covered this before. Right. Either way, we do not truly recommend it. Um, I would prefer people use other means. Even the oil, the gummies, anything else? Um, it, it is, it’s known, I mean right. Because of the horrific withdrawal symptoms and the fact that tobacco and nicotine is extremely addictive. CBD and THC help a lot with those withdrawal symptoms more so than people would even imagine. Now there are scammers out there that guarantee, you know, you eat this CBD gum mean you’re gonna quit smoking and it just doesn’t work that way. People. So I’m kind of, I kind of wanna debunk that myth. You know, you’re not just gonna quit smoking from eating a CBD to gummy. I, we have people all the time calling in, whether it’s the ed gummy or the stop smoking gummy. And it just amazes me that one companies do this shit.
Well, no it doesn’t. Um, it’s just sad that so many people will believe that. And I hate that because you know, we’re on the side of integrity. We have it, we use it, we believe in it. You know, so we try to warn customers of that. Now, do I believe that CBD in full spectrum gummies can help help with the withdrawal symptoms? Absolutely. Do I believe that it will, um, completely keep you from smoking? No, that is a conscious, conscientious, conscious thank you effort that you have to make on your part in order to stop smoking and, you know, keep practicing the, I’m not going to smoke mantra, um, because I kid you not. It’s been what I can’t how many years fourteen’s been, but I still, every now and again I’ll be like, Damn, I wouldn’t mind having a cigarette. And it’s weird. It’s mostly if I drink, which I try not to ever cuz it’s not good for you either.
Um, or when I’m around other smokers and I see them doing it and you just kind of wanna hang out and chill with them. Cuz that’s what started me as a teenager smoking was when I was working on the weekends and everybody’s going out to have a cigarette break and they’re like, Well, I want a break. So I think that happened to a lot of youngsters. It’s the only time you’d get a break from work is when you have a cigarette. Wow. So yes, I definitely think that CBD can help with a lot of those withdrawal symptoms. I definitely think that THC is beneficial as well to help people sleep. Whether it’s the Delta 8 or the Delta 9 the CBN. I think all of those help with that. Um, my research today kind of took me into lung cancer and C O P D.
And it’s funny that we should do this today because, and I don’t even know if you know this, but my mom’s birthday, um, her heavenly birthday I should say is Friday. And she actually passed away from C O P D. So did my dad. I did not know that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, both of them did. They were very avid smokers. Um, now my mom, she also worked in a mushroom factory when she was younger. And they think that some of the breathing those kind of spores in affected her. Um, she had horrible asthma, horrible bronchitis, um, emphysema. And then ultimately the C O P D, same thing with dad. I remember, oh my dad, he could not walk up the stairs without having to pause and catch his breath. And there in the end, both of them were actually on oxygen and it, it, I hated to see it. And yet there I still was smoking. It wasn’t until a few years later after mom passed that I finally got rid of the damn things. And then when my daughter started smoking after her seeing me work so hard to quit, uh, that’s another story for another day. Um, but but same in nature. It is you.
Oh. You always think it’s not gonna
Dee Dee:
Happen to you until it happens to you. I know, I know. But it was funny because one of the things that really got me when I got into this business and I started doing research about c d and how things it helps with and stuff like that, I read an article about how CBD and THC full spectrum helps with C O P D. And I was like, do you need to tell me that I actually could have helped my parents? And I know I can’t help them, but at least I can possibly help others. And apparently I don’t. Um, I had a caller just just yesterday asking about gummies for C O P D. Now granted he listed a specific brand, but it, to me it all works the same as long as you have the good quality stuff, obviously. And we love our stuff better. But it’s true. There’s been tons of research done on this. Well, I wouldn’t say tons cuz we are in the United States. Hmm. Other, other countries. Um, but, you know, can cannabis has been used, um, to treat asthma as far back as the 18 hundreds. It’s uh, they call it a bronchio. Oh
Man. Bronchodilator.
Dee Dee:
Yes. Um, short term cannabis smoking is associated with that, which I found amazing. Um, they said that in the seventies, cannabis was shown to cause reversal of exercise induced asthma and hyperinflate inflation. So the reports associated between long term cannabis smoking and increased respiratory systems suggestive of obstructive lung disease were later shown to be unsubstantiated. So I thought that was kind of interesting.
Right. But that’s that, I mean, to me, i I I wouldn’t say that’s from the studies from smoking because that’s, that’s, that’s how most people ibi marijuana. Right. Would say that the consumption of cannabinoids, there’s a lot of links to the, uh, reduction of inflammation. Correct. From the consumption of the cannabinoids. Yes. I would say there’s a hell of a lot better ways now there are to get those other than smoking. Because smoking, you’re putting carcinogens, tar Yes. All the things.
Dee Dee:
But a study back in 2006, it said heavy cannabis smoking is not associated with lung cancer and other types of upper aero digestive tract cancers.
I would question that study only because I, and we, you know, we covered this, but we did the massive amounts of tar Oh, I agree. That are in, um, that are in the, the, the cannabis flower,
Dee Dee:
There’s no question about
That is absolutely going to contribute to lung disease as far as to the extent of my scientific knowledge. Right. Which is limited. Uh, but, but from a health perspective.
Dee Dee:
Well, and this report, this other report said it specifically, it’s the THC that has long been known to be an effective bronchial dilator. Right. Not necessarily the CBD. Right. Um, but it has, it definitely has the reduction in the bronchial inflammation and anti-inflammatory effects, which we all know can cannabinoids in general are very, very good for that kind of, um, result. Um, but it says CBD and THC may decrease swelling in the lungs and help to open the airways in people with chronic obstruction, pulmonary disease. C O P D. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So mom was very anti, anti-marijuana. But the thought I’m like, Dang, if I could have given her some CBD with full, you know, full spectrum gummies would’ve helped her according to this, it probably would’ve,
It probably would’ve if nothing else enhanced her quality of life.
Dee Dee:
Which is, you know, what we’re all about. Mm-hmm.
Dee Dee:
<affirmative>. So, Cause God love her there at the end, literally hospice and, um, she was not herself and it’s, it was because her brain was not getting enough oxygen and her lungs were just so filled up with inflamed bronchial passages, whatever that the, you know, the medical term is. But she just, and she was not getting enough. Um, and the sad part about it is mom, uh, definitely have her worry Worrisome Gene, she worried a lot. So, you know, back then it was always Xanax. They had just shell out Xanax to anybody that, you know, that’s how moms got through stuff right back then. And poor mom. She, she would never admit it as she was so addicted to Xanax. She slept a lot. And I think that less movement once she retired, I did not want her to retire. But she’s like, I mean she couldn’t walk or couldn’t work with a freaking oxygen tank by her side.
So Yeah, when she retired it became even more so the sleeping and just kind of sleeping things away. And I am really, really weird and not necessarily paranoid about it. I don’t do Xanax obviously, but if I feel like I’ve slept too much, like I gotta get up at a certain time. I don’t like to sleep past nine, it is rare that that happens. I’m like, Nope, gotta start my day now while I go to bed early. Hell yeah. Cuz that’s nighttime. But when I’m, I need to be up even when I’m sick, I am not a, I mean, I covid I took a nap, but I am not a nappy type person. If I take a nap, I am really tired. You know what I mean? But that just, and I think that’s from watching my mom sleep a lot while she was alive.
And you know, it’s that limited lung capacity too. It makes you a lot more tired. But then when you add a a, a drug, like a Xanax to it, it’s going to make it worse. Yeah. And the more movement you do just in life in general, the more healing that you, you know, gets your blood circulating. You’re up and about moving, doing things. So I think it it, with someone who is struggling with C O P D, I would definitely recommend that you try and move as much as you possibly can without hurting yourself, obviously. And granite, again, not a doctor, but you should definitely talk to your, um, doctors about trying CBD in full spectrum. Whether it’s the gummy capsules or um, the oil. I definitely think it may give you some relief and you know that in return, if you smoke cigarettes, the the chance of you getting C O P D and dying from it is astronomically more so than if you did
Not. Well, and, and just to qualify that, I, I don’t think you’re in any better shape if you’re vaping mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you’re, you’re, you’re putting yourself in the same circumstance. And I think that just as many if not more, I, I, I don’t know the statistic I, I’d be interested to see the see it, but as many people are more at, at least from what I see our vaping today as smoking. Um, and I’ll tell you what, what, what I did and what I would recommend for anyone to do. Who, who wants to quit using tobacco products in general using who wants to quit nicotine is one. You have to make the decision to quit. You do. And not like half ass. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh, I’m gonna give it a try. It, don’t try. You’re just, you’re, you’re just, you have to do it. You’re gonna mm-hmm.
<affirmative> you, you’re gonna fall on your, if you don’t make a 100, 100% commitment, you’re not gonna make it. I agree. So once you’ve decided, once you decide you’re gonna make that 100% commitment and stick with it, which is the hardest thing the human beings have to seem to do mm-hmm. <affirmative> in the 21st century is stick with it. Um, the, the, the, the way I did it was, uh, how my brain works catalog every time I smoke when I wake up mm-hmm. <affirmative> after I eat, when I get in my truck, when I take a break at the, on the job site. Yep. I worked outside for, you know, on and off for 20 plus years. So, super easy to smoke cuz you’re outside all the time. Right. Um, and I assigned a timeline to which one I, I created a triage to which one, what was, what was gonna be the hardest, was gonna be the easiest.
And then I assigned a timeline as to when I would tick one off the list. And then I just gradually ticked one off the list. Um, and I also started exercising extremely mm-hmm. <affirmative> at first subtly. But then I was like, Whoa, I’m having fun. And I really started exercising again. And that kind of incentivized me more. So. And it gotta to the point where when I had three items left on the list, I was smoking a cigarette once every three days, three, four days. And then I thought, well, shit man. Yep. If I can go this long, I can just quit, cut this crap out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it was to the point where I’d smoke and then I’d go to the gym and I wasn’t the only physique athlete at the gym by the way that was smoking. Oh, gotcha. There were several of us smoking
Dee Dee:
There. Nurses that smoke.
Yeah. Uh, and, and, and ladies smoking outside the gym. Yep. Uh, which is dumb, but
Dee Dee:
That’s Well, and back in the, back in the sixties, seventies and even I think up until the eighties, really, it was okay. Yeah. It was a societal norm. Yeah. Women smoked to stay skinny. Yeah. I mean it was, Yeah.
So, uh, but that, but that keep, that’s what did it to me, for me, but it really started with that commitment and then not telling myself, this is my last cigarette. Yeah. I love when people say that, or this is the last time I’m gonna vape mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, Okay, well I’ll see you next week, week <laugh>. You know? Um, cuz it’s just not that easy. You have to allow yourself that time. But if you can work it out for me, it was a schedule. I had to work it and do a schedule mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it a manageable schedule. I, and then not go. And then, and, and with that, that commitment keeps you from going back. Yeah. And if you make a mistake, that’s okay. Yeah. Don’t do it again.
Dee Dee:
Well, and I, how many times did I stop and start? I mean, I, I quit for a year and then I’d start, I’d quit for six months and I’d start again. Some environmental factor or some influence. Um, but yeah, I finally gave them up for good. I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, even when I’ve been drinking, it’s, no, it’s a conscientious effort not to smoke. Um, I don’t conscious effort, but yeah. Conscious effort. That’s, that’s cool. Thank you. <laugh>. Um, even, even as far as marijuana goes in smoking it, I’m not a fan. I’m just not, I, there’s just something about it. There’s also people that say they don’t smoke cigarettes, but yet they use blunts to smoke the marijuana. Hello. Those blunt wraps have tobacco in them.
Yeah. Well, I’m not gonna, I mean, again, I’m, I’m, it’s not, certainly not my place to pass judgment on anyone
Dee Dee:
Mine either.
Uh, but if you’re interested in wellness, if you’re interested in your health mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, it, it, you, it is a consideration. And the only, the really, the only thing that bothers me is people that, that, that say things like, I just smoked blunts or I just smoked marijuana. It’s like, okay, well yeah. That’s good. You’re still smoking. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> <laugh>. Yeah. And that sounds weird, giving the position that, that we’re in, in our industry. Uh, but yeah.
Dee Dee:
But we don’t sell flour.
Yeah. So we, we’re, we’re a wellness center. We’re, we’re not a head shop center.
Dee Dee:
Exactly. So very, very, very true.
It’s, it’s a, it’s the wellbeing of our clients that we have in mind. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>,
Dee Dee:
You know’s part of it, my further my research just a little bit, I dunno if I touched on this or not, but, um, it also talked about how marijuana and THC stops damage cells from becoming malignant. Interesting. So if you, um, I think using those types of products, the THC products, I think, um, it’s just been the THC has been shown to promote known, I can’t pronounce this word, a a pot to damage cells die instead of reproducing. So they consider cannabis to be an antioxidant and may be involved in countering malignancy, which that makes perfect sense. It also makes perfect sense why cannabis has been made illegal for so long. Yeah. Not to dive into that, but I mean, we all know there’s a reason behind it. It’s not because people get high because hello alcoholism and alcohol in general, and then, you know, the opiates that they push down people’s throats to get them addicted. And even the whole heroin issue, I mean, that, that had to, I’ve got heroin’s
Dee Dee:
As well. It it is, it is. And it should remain illegal <laugh>. Um, but I have my own theory on how that came to be so popular in the United States. Um, same thing with Koch and all the rest of it. Um, maybe I’m a conspiracy theorist in by nature, but, um, I always question all of that, like, how to get here to begin with.
No, there, there’s no conspiracy there Actually, if you, if you look at, uh, cocaine and heroin and the, uh, bear Yeah. Uh, pharmaceutical company and several others. Yeah. Uh, it’s, it’s actually not a conspiracy. It’s, it’s open record plane. It’s
Dee Dee:
True. If y’all haven’t watched the movie Dope Sick, I recommended it’s on Hulu. Let still haven’t seen that. Oh my God. It opens your eyes. I’m not even kidding. You need to watch it. That’s a good one. You and Katie should watch. Okay. Um, but yeah, so if you are struggling with, um, trying to quit smoking and you’re having issues with withdrawals, which includes sleep, um, I had really bad night sweats and Oh, so moody. Oh my gosh. I was a raging bitch.
Um, so you stopped smoking this morning. Sure. <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
You always ruffle my feathers sometimes. Anyway. Anyway. No. Um, but if you are having troubles with that, y’all come in and see us and let us help you. I would prefer that you continue down the wellness path and to get off the cigarettes and how addictive they are. And, and trust me, both Matt and I, and even Beth, we can all help you with that struggle. Yeah. And God forbid if you knew someone that is struggling with C O P D or even lung cancer, um, maybe just maybe introducing and having the THC and the full spectrum, um, gummies and stuff as part of your arsenal that might help. You know, and there’s definitely no harm in trying a natural product to help, you know, uh, help with that. Um, with that. I mean, knowing that, uh, THC can help with non spreading the malignancy of tumors, I think that’s incredible. Um, to me that says everything that our government has been hiding from us forever.
Is it the government though?
Dee Dee:
I don’t know if it’s the government, but, but they allow it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know what I mean? So whoever’s padding their wallets, that’s what they allow. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So eventually big cannabis will make enough money to pad those wallets and things will change.
I it’s theory. And then we’ll have big cannabis.
Dee Dee:
Oh, that’s coming. We want, Well, the, I mean, get me down on that path. I can go there. But that’s definitely coming. And as far as the 2023 Farm Bill, we’ve talked about this before too. You’ve got big can involved, you’ve got people sitting on the boards of the round of the hemp associations, some of those national, um, associations. They’ve got a lot of big canna sitting on their boards and they are really pushing to eliminate the Delta eight, the Delta tens and any other psychoactive cannabinoids that are newly discovered. They want big Canada to, you know, they pay a lot and fees to keep that money. They wanna keep that money. They don’t Well,
Dee Dee:
They don’t want people to get Delta eight
From I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna be optimistic and I’m gonna say that enough people are starting to think for themselves. True. Hopefully we’re making some small difference, some small influence in this podcast that, that people are beginning to think for themselves, do for themselves and waking up and not just following blindly. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
And that’s so important in life in general too,
Too. As, as impending do miss as as, uh, the future can be. Um, it, we decide the future.
Dee Dee:
True, true, true. And you just gotta know who you vote for, you to vote for pro cannabis people. I mean Kentucky, I am sure it’s gonna be on a legislative ballot coming up again this year. Um, the House Bill, it was House Bill 1 36 last year trying to get medical marijuana passed and you know, we’re um, part of that committee for the governor and all that. Um, but it’s all about who we vote for. There’s a lot of people that are for cannabis and there’s a lot of people that still against it. So know who you’re voting for and make those changes. Cuz that’s, that’s what it takes, especially in a commonwealth like Kentucky.
Yes. Along with being who being yourself every day. Well of course. And spreading and spreading that knowledge to of course, each individual,
Dee Dee:
Which is what we try to do a lot. Yeah. So again, like, um, and really just to wrap up, like I said, you guys reach out to us if you’re struggling with trying to quit smoking and you’re having some of those withdrawal symptoms, CBD and THC is extremely effective, even though I cannot make claims to it. Um, so just reach out to us and we will do our best to help you find some relief and get you back to where you should be and healthy and well. Um, as always, reach out to us, you know, contact is on [email protected]. Follow our new Facebook page at 502 Wellness Center. We’re still on Instagram at 502 hemp. And, um, yeah, keep in touch, follow us on YouTube as well, and, uh, leave messages and let us know how we’re doing. We appreciate you all have that fantastic day and keep it hempy out there.
Hempy. Thank you for listening.
Dee Dee:
Thank you. Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
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And keep it hempy out there.