Service People Need CBD
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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, happy hamsters. Welcome back to the show. So happy to have you guys listening to us, um, as we share our knowledge and, uh, learn new things ourselves, um, which is pretty cool about this podcast. I love that part. Um, you know, I love to read, I love to research. I love to find answers to questions that I don’t even know the answers to. Um, so it makes it kind of fun. Uh, this episode is I’ve went, I mean, it just, it kind of floors me that we’re even having this episode or even have to have this episode, but, um, it is all about, uh, first responders and the military and what is acceptable and what is not as far as hemp and cannabis goes. And, um, yeah, there’s, it’s some insights into this that, um, I don’t think the general public is actually aware of, to be honest. I mean, Matt, you’ve got a lot of friends in the police force and in, uh, as firefighters, I know, um, I know one of them that I’ve met who I absolutely adore that comes in to see us. Um, but what’s, what’s your take, do you wanna, should we go with the, with our locals first and then talk about military?
Sure. Okay. Sure. Well, you know, I guess when, when, when we, you define service men and service women yeah. That, that historically refers to, uh, department of defense, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> but I, I, I, you know, I think that that’s a bit of a misnomer because, uh, to me, service men and service women are, are non civilian workers, correct. Uh, working for, uh, the betterment and the protection, um, uh, of, of, of us <affirmative> us as individuals, as a country, as a society, as a community, um, inward an outward, uh, and I cannot think of a collective group that will benefit more from C B, D and cannabis than any other group. Uh, so the fact that there continues to be a stigma and there continues to be a banning of these items amongst so many of these departments is really a disservice, uh, that we’re doing to these service people, as well as to our own communities, um, by, by prohibiting this, because we’re, we’re, we’re reducing their functionality. Uh, we’re reducing their freedom, even though they’re putting their lives on their lines for us every day.
Dee Dee:
Um, and, um, it’s just, it’s, it’s a real shame. So
Dee Dee:
It is, yeah, it absolutely floors me that our service men and women cannot use cannabis products at all. And even just CBD, even THC free CBD, they cannot use, they cannot even eat products that contain hee. Did you know that?
Yes. And, and actually to, just to qualify that it, it depends. Um, when we’re, when, when we, when we’re talking about the firefighters EMS police, it actually depends on which department, um, as, as to who can, and can’t use, uh, CBD products currently with rare exception, uh, from the research that I did, there are a few departments that allow, uh, THC outside of a very minimal percentage.
Dee Dee:
And, but we’re talking about firefighters and police officers, correct? Correct. Correct. Not military.
Correct. So, so with those service people, depending on the department, depending on the township mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, you, they may be able to use, uh, C B D, but there are more not allowing it than there are allowing it. Correct. Um, and, and, and that’s a, that’s a real problem. Um, the concern that people will, will show up for these jobs high, I think is the only argument preventing this. And, and to me, that’s a little ridiculous, um,
Dee Dee:
Because they can drink the night before and still be drunk the next morning when they wake up for their shift. So, yeah, it is ridiculous.
Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, you know, and, and, and these are, these are individuals, again, serving us who have issues like sleep problems. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, that can be assisted with CBD. Why do you
Dee Dee:
The stress, right? The stress of the job? I could not imagine. I couldn’t do what they do. I have so much respect for our military, for our firefighters, for our police officers. I could not do their job. I could not. Right. And there, the stress that they see, the, the things that they witness, I mean, the PTSD I could imagine from these jobs. Yeah. Our, our products could help them with that. And it, it absolutely floors me that many are not, they’re absolutely not allowed to use them.
Right. Right. So, and so, I mean, just to, just to back that up and, and to start light and go deep, uh, sleep problems, mm-hmm, <affirmative> these, uh, workers typically work a nonstandard shift and nonstandard shift means you might be working for 16, 18, 24, 28 hours straight mm-hmm <affirmative> and then have a three day off, uh, or two days off, um,
Dee Dee:
Two days on two days off 48 hours. Yeah. Some of these are crazy hours.
So if it, it would be it’s, it’s unrealistic to think that someone working those type of shifts could maintain, maintain any kind of circadian rhythm mm-hmm <affirmative> that would allow them to get healthy, productive, sleep,
Dee Dee:
And you need sleep. Your body has to have sleep, right. I mean, sleep is so important. It’s next to breathing. Sleep is important.
So we’re talking about people that we’re demanding extensive shifts for where they need to make critical life altering decisions. Um, but we’re not going to supply something natural that could help them with their sleep that will then in turn, make them more productive and make it easier for them to make those critical decisions in the field that could affect their lives. Um,
Dee Dee:
And the lives of others
And the lives of others. Yeah, correct. So, I mean, to me, that is a true disservice, and I hope that some of the union reps are, are, are listening to this and taking it into consideration because when these contracts do come due, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um, it’s always a, a, a, a discussion matter. Not that I’m involved in these talks because I’m not. Uh, but because I know so many of these, uh, first responders mm-hmm <affirmative> and immediate responders, um, I, uh, they, we discuss it and pretty much, every pretty much every time it makes it all the way to the end. And then it gets the chop, uh, is, is, is pretty, pretty much the story. Um, so
Dee Dee:
I think there are some departments, um, that pretty much do the don’t ask don’t tell yeah. Type. Yeah. You know, only if you’re involved in a, you know, something crazy that you have to be drug tested for. Um, yeah,
But it shouldn’t have to be that
Dee Dee:
Way. It shouldn’t have to be that way. No, no, no. It, if a product is federally legal and legal in your state as well, first responders, all of them should be able to use these products period. There should be no issue about it. I mean, if they need a receipt as to where they bought the products, if they need a copy of the certificate of analysis, showing that these products are below the 0.3%, I see nothing wrong with that. Yeah. You should be able to use these products
Well, and that, and, and again, and that, that kind of circles back to us as members of the industry, you know, there, there needs to be some standards mm-hmm, <affirmative>, uh, we selfimposed standards to ensure our quality and to ensure that if someone wants a THC free product, they’re getting a THC free product, and they’re getting the, the healthiest and best THC free product, other CBD manufacturers and, and companies can’t necessarily make that claim because they, they don’t, they don’t know what. And I think that that is part of what perpetuates the fear is the inconsistency in the industry and the lack of regulation. Um, and, and, and is it legitimate now? I don’t think it’s legitimate, but I think that it is enough to fuel the fire to get, uh, you know, the, the, the admittance of, of C, B, D, or even, you know, one day THC, uh, on, as an allowed substance kicked every time, because, because of the inconsistency. So, so we really need to a as a, as a CBD and cannabis community, self-imposed these regulations hold, hold ourselves in one another accountable. And, and, you know, the FDA needs to, to make some reasonable requirements and regulations. And that’s probably where DD and I will, will, will disagree. But, um,
Dee Dee:
Because that’s worth that because the FDA is food and drug administration, they should be separated. It should not be food and drug administration. They should have food administration and a drug administration and split those two, my personal opinion, because they allow some drugs in our food that causes harm. And it drives me insane. So let’s not even get on that topic. We’re gonna circle back around
<laugh>, but, but what’s is cannabis of food or a drug
Dee Dee:
Neither, neither.
What is it? Then?
Dee Dee:
It’s a plant, man. It should be treated like’s
Broccoli’s so it’s a plant. So broccoli’s a food <laugh> that you asked me what broccoli is. You’re all first thing that jumps into my mind is disgusting. And I eat it every day, by the way. Um, second, it’s not
Dee Dee:
Good for
You. Oh, God. Second is it’s food. So it
Dee Dee:
Is, but yeah, natural food. That’s what cannabis is too. Um, no, actually I think it’s a dietary supplement depending on how you use it. Um, and that is even dietary supplements are not highly regulated by the FDA, which again is kind of an issue there too. Um, because God knows there’s enough vitamins out there that are not vitamins, and you have to be careful what you buy there too. You don’t wanna waste your money. Um, but
I, I love when vegans take B12 and they think they’re still vegans.
Dee Dee:
<laugh>, let’s not
Find out, find out where your B12 is coming from vegans.
Dee Dee:
Well, we are not going there today, Matt. Mm, Nope. Nope. Not doing it, not doing it. <laugh> moving past that. <laugh> um, so anyway, there are, we have a lot of police officers, um, family members, obviously that use our products and they ask all the time will what I’m using affect my partner. And I’m like, no, not at all, not at all. Like I’ve had wonder if it can be passed on to their partner from what they’re using. I’m like, no, it does not work that way. It does not work that way. Um, a lot of people that
Sounds like a VD,
Dee Dee:
Right? Again, not going there either.
How’s this going to affect me and my partner.
Dee Dee:
I’ve really, the question’s been asked. I kid you not. Um, I could have a whole series just on some of the craziest questions I’ve got asked in, in this, uh, field, but it, you know, again, learning, but you know, people, um, there should be absolutely nothing that prevents first responders or even military from using topical. Absolutely no reason at all. You will not get high from using a hemp or even a cannabis derive topical. And those things really do help. You know, there’s the, the, the things that they put their body through, um, oh my gosh, a topical is not gonna hurt them. It’s definitely not gonna keep them from making any decisions, um, that they need to make. Topicals are a fantastic alternative to ones that can’t absolutely take anything. And it’s just a shame that they can’t use some of these products that would, would actually help them, help them feel better, whatever.
Dee Dee:
Um, it kind of irritates me. I, one of my best friends is a Lieutenant Colonel in the military, in the army actually. And he will send me little snippets of whatever they’re having their most recent class on. Of course they had one on Delta eight THC and how that is absolutely 100% not allowed. Um, and then just recently he sent me a little, little thing about how monster is at monster energy drink, I think has a new product, um, with hemp seed oil in it. And that is absolutely forbidden for them to use that as well, which I’m not a big fan of energy drinks. Those things are not good for you either. Um, but still to know that they can’t even have products, food products that have hemp seed in them, that is Uber healthy, hemp seed is a super food. It has omega threes, omega sixes.
Dee Dee:
You can’t make claims to that either, but hemp seed is a, is a super food. And for them not to be able to use, um, what, what I think kind bars, they can’t have any kind bars because kind bars have, um, hemp seed in them. Uh, that’s just ridiculous. I mean, that is absolutely ridiculous and insane. And the powers that be, it just, I really wish that cannabis in general, all forms of it would be taken off the schedule one DEA list. And they actually do some real research and some real studies, and it would be proven that these products actually can help people. That’s my rant of the day, but for the military, not to be able to use these products, especially even just topicals, just floors me. It just floors me. It’s sad. I think it’s, it’s very sad. And, and even in their written policy, it says, we are aware that, you know, hemp and how it’s federally. Um, the definition of it is legal, but not for you, not for you, military people, not for you.
Yeah. Included in the, in, in the show notes, um, which I would encourage you to read are the official statements of every, uh, DOD department. And every one of them is unique, but pretty much says the same thing. Like, yeah. Um, we know it’s, uh, legal, but hell no, mm-hmm <affirmative>, um,
Dee Dee:
Any forms, not even just CBD, even without THC, the forms
Of it and that DOD regulation carries to any, um, department of defense agent. So if you are a policing officer who is in the DOD capacity, say a federal agent, um, or something of that nature, um, you fall into that category. Uh, even if you’re the department that you work under, uh, may allow it, uh, you cannot, uh, so that they are 100% locked, tight, not allowing that. Um, and that is super ironic to me because I know a lot of service people that use a lot of substances that are way worse for
Dee Dee:
You. Oh my goodness. Yeah.
Uh, in an attempt to self-medicate, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, uh, from a lot of different things from, uh, the difficulty of the training regimen, depending on what the department is, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, uh, I don’t know if you’ve seen, um, some of these, uh, ranger training programs or seal fit training programs. They are very intense. Um, and that’s just to get you ready, uh, not to mention, you know, the ops that you run endure and the hardships that that’s gonna put on your body, um, as well as psychological trauma, um, and, um, a whole slew of other issues that I’m, uh, I’m not gonna dive too deeply into one because I’m not a member of, of, of any of that, of, of those departments and any capacity. And, and I’m not going to claim to be mm-hmm. Um, but I do have a lot of peers who are, and I watch their struggles and it really affects me, uh, to see that. So
Dee Dee:
I hate it.
Yeah. So, so
Dee Dee:
I do it
Just, something needs to be done there.
Dee Dee:
I, I, it, it bugs me so much because I would love to send my friend and his, um, unit some products of ours, because I know it would help them, but <laugh>, I can’t, I can’t, he can’t use any of it. Um, I have one of another really good friend is a police officer down in the Carolinas and he cannot use our products. And it’s a shame too, because he needs ’em, they all need ’em. Everybody needs these products, obviously. Um, but it it’s just a shame, um,
Dee Dee:
It, it, hopefully things change. I have definitely, um, been in talks with some of the local police stations and police forces. And I have definitely, um, tried, <laugh> be like, please just let me explain all this to you. Let’s have a conversation. I think once things, um, I, I think more and more departments, as far as police and firefighters go, and first responders, most of them are starting to allow it. Um, I think most of them realize that CBD is non-toxic and is actually extremely beneficial. And again, the more research that’s done, the more that this is proven. So I think slowly but surely we will, we will flip this and, and all of them will be allowed to use it without fear of losing their job.
I agree. And I think that, you know, the bottom line is, uh, things are changing mm-hmm <affirmative> and it is, it is a, it is somewhat of a waiting game. Um, but we do what we do to improve the daily life of as many people as we can. Um, and I think that these are people making a huge self sacrifice, huge to try to make, try to ensure that we are allowed to live our best life and, and, and most fulfilling life and, and a life of, of joy, uh, at their sacrifice. So to deprive them of something that could enhance their daily life and also make them better at this job, what are we doing, right? Why are we, why are we not allowing this? Agreed? I, I don’t, I don’t think that the argument, uh, of, of the, the potential psychoactive or lack of regulation, um, really, you know, if you were to put that on a scale, I, I don’t think that it would even come close to balancing out mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, so we just have to wait until that, um, people see the light and continue to spread the message. And, and that’s why we do this podcast to speak to you out there who are listening to spread that message. And when you get the opportunity to let people know or give influence, uh, to someone who may be able to make a difference in these departments, um, I know that a lot of these contracts come to a vote.
Dee Dee:
Yep. Um, so you can certainly encourage, uh, influence on, on, on the votes when these contracts come from for renewal. I think, I think with the police and firefighters for LMPD, it’s like every two years or something, uh, I, I don’t know, um, the details of it, but I do know that again, and, and I know it’s a broken record, but one voice makes a difference. Other people will, will, will hear you. Mm-hmm <affirmative> you, you just can’t go with, oh, well, there’s nothing I can do. Oh, well sucks for them. Uh, if you believe in it, stand up for it, speak your mind.
Dee Dee:
Exactly. Exactly. So we appreciate you all listening in of as always, definitely leave comments, um, and, you know, just be open, be open minded. You have questions about these products. We are always here to help you. So thanks for listening again, happy hamsters and have a fabulous day.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp queen,
And Emper
Dee Dee:
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