Delta 8, Sex & Cookies

Season 2 Episode 4
Welcome to Hempin’ Happiness, the podcast where the grass is always greener. Sifting through the haze of CBD and hemp news with hosts Cannabeth and the Hemp Queen. Join us as we roll up the latest trends.
Special Guest – Larisa Crawley of Crawley Creative Confections
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Welcome to Hemp and Happiness, the podcast where the grass always looks greener.
Sifting through the haze of CBD and Hemp News. I’m your host, Beth Pinti, AKA Canna Beth, bringing you a fresh cut of insights with my signature side of wit.
And I’m De de Taylor, also known as the Hemp Queen. Your go-to for a sarcastic take on all things green and the political landscape that tries to keep up with it.
Join us as we roll up the latest trends, unwrap the complexities of the cannabis industry, and spark thoughtful discussions that’ll hit you
Right where it feels good. Whether you’re can of curious or season of green thumb, we’ve got the buzz you need.
So light up your day and let’s blaze through the world of hemp, CBD, marijuana, health and happiness.
All the news rolled into one. This is hemp and happiness. Let’s get this show on the road.
That was awesome.
Hey, hemp and family, we are back with a new podcast. We’re so happy to have you on. And we got our first guest of the season, so we’re pretty excited. But I should introduce Beth first.
I’m here
As well here as well, our canna bath and boss. I kind of call her canna boss sometimes too. Yeah, I don’t know about that anymore. I think it might be the other way around. It takes a village to work with me and for me and all that stuff. Thank God. I must say real quick, blessed. Totally. I’m so blessed with my team. They have been working their butt off. We’ve got, I don’t know when this will drop, but four 20 this coming weekend and we’ve got the Kentucky Derby Festival and all these events and they have just been a godsend for me. So thank you, Beth. Thank you to the rest of my team. Hopefully you listen to the podcast, actually get to hear this, but today we have our very first guest this season, so we’re so happy to have Larisa on. And I had to say her name a few times, Crowley, to get that right because I didn’t want to mispronounce it. But welcome. Tell us everything about you because not only are you a customer, but you also make some of our amazing new cookies that we’re going to be dropping soon.
So we’re excited about that.
Well, so Larissa Crawley, Louisville born, bred, raised, and still kicking and proud to be a part of. I own and founded Crowley Creative Confections. We are a registered home bakery that’s located near McNeely Lake Park. We specialize in the best custom personalized cookie experience possible. We do custom sugar cookies. We do French macarons that will literally change your life and deep dish cast iron skillet baked cookie cakes that aren’t your greasy great American cookie company. Fourth inch thick cookies. No, we’re talking like two and a half inches thick. Crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside.
We have not got to try those. I love
Your sugar cookies and I love the decoration. They’re always so fabulous and so unique. Thank you. Thank you. I’ll have to remember that because I think I told Dee about my possible idea for some fun buttercream of and putting that in our macarons and the deep dish cookie cake. Yeah, I’ll have to bring you guys one. It’s they’re amazing.
I’ll get back to you on that. That would be really cool because our vegan, she would probably eat that too. Yeah, she would probably eat that too. So we’ll get back to you on that one. I like that idea. Okay. Tell us why Not only are you doing cookies for us, but also you’re a customer. You were actually before, and it was funny because you came over to the 8 1 2 store one day when I was working and we just totally clicked and connected.
It was awesome. She’s in the St. Matthew’s Chamber and I’m on the board. So we’re also in a woman’s group together, which is great. Girls ladies get you some good business friends. I’m telling you, they let me just pitch on their too. It helps so much, so much.
It does.
Tell us why you’re a customer. I think that’s probably a really interesting story that I think people should hear about
It is. So I grew up with parents that were a little bit older and there still is around mental health stigma and anxiety. But I was always a very professional student, made top grades, never had to study, didn’t cause any trouble. So I wasn’t exhibiting any of the negative symptoms. I was getting all the positive good stuff that you can get out of having anxiety. But anyway, I discovered when I was 19 that I had a panic and anxiety disorder. I was told by my doctor that I would never be able to hold a full-time job because of how it was manifesting and how much it was manifesting for me. And when I heard that, I think I just took it as a challenge to be like, oh, well you watch.
So I a huge proponent of therapy and finding somebody that you feel comfortable with and somebody that is disconnected from your world that will not be using any of the information that you tell them against you in any way or using it to make any type of assumptions. But through that process, I also discovered that my anxiety and panic disorder is genetic. And I’m also a member of being on the autism spectrum, and I didn’t realize that until I had my son who is now 11 and he has autism. So from 19 all the way up until I was 35, the only way that I was dealing with anxiety or panic disorder when I was dealing with it properly was my medication that I was on and therapy. That was it. I wasn’t getting anything else. So I was still having lots of panic attacks, having to learn how to deal with it, how do I interact with people because my job was front facing. I was with students a lot. And so how do I handle my social anxiety knowing that that’s the type of environment that I was in. I did a lot of trainings and stuff and believe it or not, a lot of my friends were like, you really need to give marijuana a chance. That’s basically what they told me. They were like, you have been so high strung your entire life, you need to try it. So coming from peer pressure, talk about peer pressure, but it was when I was 35.
I grew up and went to a private school in Louisville all my life, preschool through high school, went to Wednesday night church, Sunday morning church. Never tried any type of drugs, nothing. Not even weed, not even marijuana, nothing. I never tried anything because I was scared of everything. I thought that it would kill me some way. I don’t know. Still irrational fears still get me a lot, but anyway, for my,
You’re not the only one. That’s exactly why. I mean, you are not the only one
That would come. Oh no. Oh, absolutely not.
Is to try and break that stigma in general. So I promise you, you’re one that feels that way even now. Yeah.
The only one waited later in life to try T hc. We have people. Yeah, seventies, eighties, never done it before. No, I never was straight laced. Never drank before. I was 21. None of that. But had plenty of friends that are like, it has really changed my life. It’s done really good things for me. So believe it or not, for my 15 year wedding anniversary, me and my husband took a trip up to Saugatuck, Michigan and we made it, these two Christian school kids made it their goal to try we for the first time on their 15 year wedding anniversary.
And it literally that whole trip, not just trying THC and marijuana for the first time, but that whole trip literally changed my entire life. We bought as much as we could when we were up there because it made such a big difference for me. Inside of my mind is where I live a hundred percent of the time. I have a really hard time being physically present in my body because I don’t feel safe physically most of the time. One, because I’m a woman and you’re always worried that someone’s going to come and get you or whatever. And that’s how I grew up. Big, bad, big, bad is going to grab you in the parking lot. So I never had that really firm security or confidence. And when I say that I have a hundred tabs open in my brain, I’m not kidding. I have four or five different conversations going on thinking, okay, what is this I got to do?
What’s that I got to do? Oh yeah, I forgot about this all the time. And that’s how I live. I thought that trying to survive and having all of those things in your head all the time, but that’s how everybody was and that everybody was just handling it better than I was. And as I got older, I realized that that’s totally not true. That literally everyone has some type of anxiety somewhere. But my background was so much that women can’t be vulnerable, that we have to literally do it all and do it all with pearls and a dress and perfect hair. That’s what I thought. I thought I couldn’t do this. So the first time that I tried it, it was an edible because I don’t smoke, but it was the only thing that I have ever had still to this day that makes everything quiet. And that to me is I would pay anything for it. And I’m almost kind of glad that I didn’t have access to it when I was younger because I think that my judgment wouldn’t have been good because I would’ve been like, oh, this is great. Take it all the time.
I am very particular about when I take it, where I take it, how much I take much and why? Because I’m the classic overthinker. So when I got through with all of my stash that I got from Michigan, I was then on a mission to be like, okay, it was really super hard for us to drive five hours away, even just for three days because we have a son at that time, he was less than 10 and has autism, and so therefore we don’t have a lot of babysitting opportunities or chances for us to get away. So then I was like, well, I guess I’m just going to have to start trying stuff and figuring out if any of this delta, whatever this is, if this is going to work for me or not. And one of the very first places that I went to was 5 0 2 hemp because I went to some of the smoke shops and I was like, oh, this is not my vibe.
Nobody knew what they were talking about. And there was so much stuff in the place that I couldn’t even move. I didn’t know what anything was. And when I went into 5 0 2 hemp, it was close to where I worked at the time, and I walked in, it was clean. I was able to literally ask the person, I believe it was Beth that helped me the very first time. I really do. I think it was that I literally came in and was just like, I have no idea about any of this. I just know that I took weed in Michigan and it helped. So can you help me? So yeah, she recommended CBD oil. She gave me all of the information about which CBD to try full spectrum, this or that. She gave amazing recommendations. And so that’s where I started was with C BD oil. And at the time that one didn’t have any delta or anything in it. It was just the CBD oil. And I realized that that helped me in my social anxiety situations and it didn’t make me tired or sleepy, that it really just seemed to enhance my ability to deal with social situations. So that’s where I started,
Girl. That’s the only way I can give speeches.
I know. Yeah, take your cbd.
I could have never ever given the speeches that I give now. I’m like, no big deal. I know about my cbd. I have no problems with it now.
And what I like about C BD is it gives you that calm
Focus without
Numbing your feelings. You still feel your feelings. You still be like, oh, I should be a little bit of scared, but it doesn’t take over.
Correct. It helps me practice. One of the big things that I always say is practice the pause, because I tend to want to talk a whole lot and be all excited and do all the things, but it’s really to me, to be vulnerable is to pause and to really think about how I’m intentionally reacting to something. And for me, the CBD oils give me that little extra length of rope that I need to be able to have that clarity in my mind to be like, okay, am I really overreacting to this? Or it opens up those possibilities. So that’s where I started. Then I had to have foot surgery and knee surgery. I have scoliosis. And so then I noticed that it was helping a lot with joint pain with my back pain, that it wasn’t bothering me as often. And so then once I knew that the CBD oil was working great, I went back to Beth and was like, Hey, I need more of this.
And is there anything else that I could take that does anything any different? Because I didn’t feel any type of high. And she was the one to really get into the Delta eight and Delta nine world with me. And I tried both. And I still use both. I still use my CBD oil, but the Deltas, I mean they are perfection. Delta eight is my personal favorite. I love the sour gummies. They are incredible and delicious. But for me, what I experience with the Delta eight is that relaxation of your inhibitions. So I’m very uptight, wound up. This is the way I am all the time. So my husband is a saint because I don’t know how he deals with me. I tell him to this day, I wouldn’t deal with me if I were you, but I have never been super adventurous when it comes to things in the bedroom.
I had a really hard, I have a lot of religious trauma that happened to me when I was very young. And so I had a lot of reservations about my body, about being sexual, about being a sexual being. And Delta eight man, it took me where I needed to go because it was incredible. I prefer to take Delta eight before me and my husband are in any sort of sexy way. I prefer it because to me, it elongates the time. You lose your sense of time. And it also seems to just like it does. That’s what it does for me. That’s right. It elongates the time. So everything that feels good seems to last longer. And it also gives more pleasurable, I mean more pleasurable colors. Everything you do is a little, and sex can be much. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So once I was able to, I had something that could literally fix my inhibition problem because I never felt super comfortable in my body. I’ve never been somebody that was really confident about how they looked. And at that time I was 90 more pounds overweight. I’ve lost 90 pounds since then. And I think part of it is because I’m getting some extra workouts due to the Delta. A
Girl snack is a workout. You’re doing it right,
Right. If something part of you isn’t sore and you don’t laugh, you’re not having sex with the right person.
I agree.
You’re not. It’s supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to be that pleasurable experience for everybody. And for me, not only with my anxiety, but then I had all these preconceptions from my religious growing up and that all of a sudden, until you get married, if you have sex before marriage, you’re going to hell. That’s what I was taught. You’re going to get pregnant, you’re going to go to hell. And then I got married when I was 19, and I’m like, so a piece of paper is going to save me from hell that if I would’ve done this yesterday, it wouldn’t work. And then now today, it’s okay. It
Was working at the county clerk’s office. Exactly.
I’m like, I don’t understand. How is this working? And it’s taken me, I mean, me and my husband have been married now for 18 years. It has taken me this long to get to a fulfilling, satisfying, sexual relationship with my husband. And all of it’s due to Dee’s products,
Sex. You
Make sex better. I mean, come on. No wonder I love you so much. Right.
I love that. That makes me so freaking happy. Oh my gosh, that makes me happy. I love that. And a lot of people do come in and they’re like, what are these sex gummies? Yes. We’ve never proposed. Well, it’s mostly men asking for Ed gummies. Well, they do. Yes. And on Facebook, there’s so much advertising and they talk about how these gummies are going to give them a boner, and I think it’s called a vasodilator or something like that. Matt and I talked about it on a previous podcast, vasodilator, thank you. But they don’t get you. You know what I mean? It can help blood flow, it can help blood flow, it can help with anxiety, but it’s not Viagra people. No. For women, the is fucking huge. And I love that. And my God, thank you for sharing that with us and our listeners, because you might be famous after this.
You’re very welcome. I’ll totally get on a billboard and preach about it because it really has done that much for me. It’s the only thing that quiets my world and it brings me and my husband closer together. I mean, I never thought that that was possible because we’ve literally been together since I was about 12 years old. So I’ve loved him more of my life than I haven’t. I’ve been with him more of my life than I haven’t been with him. And for something like a product to actually change a huge factor in our life that is incredible, absolutely incredible. And that’s why I recommend 5 0 2 Hemp and A2 Hemp to literally everyone. And I tell ’em all the fabulous benefits about the Delta eight and the sex life, but also that CBD oil is a lifesaver for me. It works so great hand in hand with my medication so that I’m not drowsy, I’m not tired, and that I’m just able to take everything in a more healthy way and be able to respond to everything in a more intentional setting. And it makes you a
Better business owner.
Look at you
Running this company now. I know. So if you were here to celebrate our big five year anniversary, she made all those cookies for us that we gave away. Now, they were just cookies. They didn’t have a good sauce in them. We’re going to call it
Sauce butter,
The happy butter. But the new one she’s making for us, they got the kick in them. So we are super excited to introduce those, especially one I love, love, love supporting other women, especially other women business owners because it is tough out there. It’s tough for us women owners. It is harder sometimes being a woman that runs a business. It really is. And you don’t necessarily, men are getting a little bit better about it. But I’m going to tell a little story real quick because John and I were looking at some property and he and I were together, and mind you, this would pretty much be my business. I would be running this new thing if it happens. And the guy only talked to John. He never rude answered my questions. He only spoke to John and I was so, I’m like, well, I don’t want to work with him. He doesn’t work with me as a woman. He only wants to talk to my husband. And that just got under my skin so much. Like I’m the one making a
Lot of these decisions.
I mean, it’s my money too, but it’s just hard. And I just think that it’s so important that as a female business owner, one, we support each other even in one way or another. So I was tickled to death when she and I finally got together. I’m like, yes, let’s do this. We all love them as the celebration thing. Everybody loves it. Like all of us did in me. I’m trying to be good and not eat cookies.
I’ll have to make something to change your mind because then
Take out all the calories for me and it’d be great. Or every now and again, y’all, even in a healthy, I’m going to treat yourself and these are going to be good.
I can vouch that they are very delicious. What
Are we going to do? So are about 50 milligrams of Delta eight. We got ’em in the D eight brand, and then we also did DD nine, and those are about 10 to 15 I think, in the milligrams. I still got to get all this stuff tested, but I still think that you’ll be able to at least try half a cookie. Oh yeah. Luckily the hubby did formulate things and he had all the pre-stuff tested. I just want to have the final version tested too. So we do know how much was in the butter.
That’s about
What is in the cookie. And God, it took him freaking forever. She and I had a plan.
We were good. Me and Dene were like, let’s do it.
Waiting on a man. Waiting on a man. So I love my husband, but sometimes he just doesn’t work as fast as I do. When I have a plan, I want it to implement it right then and there. I have it in place. Let’s go. Let’s move, let’s do I’m She does. She, for real. I got to be on my toes. Yeah, you do. That’s why she used a lock canvas. I’m ready to go and I want to get something done, but it took a little longer than we had anticipated, but I can’t wait. I’m really excited. And yeah, y’all are going to love these cookies. We’ll get ’em up on our website and we’ll have them in both stores too. So you guys can definitely do that possible. Heck yeah.
But girl,
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy it makes me that I help with your sex life.
Do with it too.
That was helping too. But I’m not shy. I’m not shy about any of that. I think that that’s why I’ve always been kind of like the oddball, awkward one out of my group is because I don’t shut up and I don’t have a filter. But people need to know. I mean, this is something they’re not allowed
To tell anybody. The FDA won’t let us tell anybody it does anything.
It’s unfortunate because I mean, it has changed socially. It’s changed so much of my life. And so I’m so thankful for dei. I don’t like going to the little smoke shops that have all kinds of stuff and trinkets and shirts, and they don’t know what they’re talking about. They have no idea about the different products. And when you walk into either store for Didi, you walk in and you’re like, Hey, I don’t know what to take. Can you give me a full thought out intelligent response to that question? And we’ll really help you understand. And I think that that’s because you do such a good job leading them, Dee. I mean, it’s incredible. You guys have the knowledge and you have the stuff to back it up. So hey,
A lot of credit, because we both do some of the training, but she’s been doing a lot more of the training too. We want all of our employees to
Know exactly
What we know. They should know everything that we know, everything. They usually know some more things that we do. We all teach
Each other and
Learning something new too every, because this industry’s always changing and there’s always something. I mean, we are all in tune with what’s going on with the new advancements, new cannabinoids that are coming out. I mean, I learned something new almost every day. And I think that’s what I love the most about this. Okay, wow, this cannabinoid is doing this. Okay, that’s really cool. And then we’re like, gee, that’s another cannabinoid we have. We got to get in the store, right? Yeah. But it’s been fun. And man, I love this. I love hearing this. This just makes me so happy. Well, thank you. I knew a lot of it not on the sex side stuff, which was really cool. That makes me happy. I mean, to have a good marriage, you have to have sex. Yes. If you having sex with your spouse, intimacy is so important. It’s so important. I mean, I tell you what, the laughter thing when you was talking about that, oh my God, John and I sometimes, I’m not going to get into details, but we laugh a lot. I think that was one of the things about him that I truly fell in love with. It was his sense of humor. Sometimes he gets on my nerves, but most of the time I’m right there
That because he’s a husband, that’s part of his job. But yeah, if you’re having sex and it’s not fun, it’s not something you look forward to, it’s not something that you guys can look at each other and smile and laugh and try different things with somebody that’s safe. That’s the whole point. That’s the whole point. And when you feel comfortable with somebody and you feel safe in that environment, you’re able to open yourself up a little bit more. But I wouldn’t have been able to do it, honestly. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your products. I mean, literally our sex life was, it wasn’t terrible, but I never wanted to do anything because I was so exhausted. And I was just like, ah, just whatever. Let’s just do this and get it over with. Then it wasn’t fun. Now it’s super fun and it happens several times a week.
Well, I want to wrap it up on
Literally, oh my gosh. Okay. That was a good one. Yay. Thanks. Definitely. Thank you for that. Happy indeed, girl. Thank you for being on. And thank you for the work you do. And we are so excited to try your cookies. And we all, I am. I am. So you keep doing what you’re doing and so many good things are coming your way. You just have such a wonderful spirit about you, and I appreciate you and your friendship, and I’m so glad that we got to meet that one. I mean, it was dumb. I’m not out front. I’m really not out front that much anymore. And I don’t get to meet everybody. So when I do, it makes my day. And then how we connected. So thank you so, so much for being a part of the show. And y’all make sure you follow us on YouTube, on Facebook, on Instagram. Our podcast will be posted eventually. I’ll let you know when it is so you can tag yourself. Please make sure y’all follow us and listen to us and give us a like. And if you have thoughts on what we should be talking about next, by all means, let us know info at 5 0 2 And keep in mind, we are always here for everyone. If you have any questions about cannabis products, that’s what we do and that’s why we’re here. So thank you again, sweetheart.
You’re so welcome.
We want to take a moment to extend our deepest thanks to each of you, our dedicated listeners. Your support fuels our passion and keeps the conversations lively and enlightening.
Remember to keep your mind an ever expanding universe open to new ideas, knowledge, and perspectives. Your curiosity is the compass that leads you to incredible discoveries, so never cease to explore question and grow.
Be sure to follow us as we delve into the latest news surrounding the ever evolving world of CBD hemp and marijuana. Trust us, you don’t want to miss what’s coming up.
There is a whole library of knowledge waiting for you at 5 0 2 Dive into more episodes to satiate your curiosity about cbd, hemp, and marijuana, and join us on this green journey
As we sign off from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you all continuous hemp and happiness. Stay positive, stay inspired, and let the good vibes enlighten your days.
Until next time, take care and be kind to one another.