Hemp is For Horses

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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Hey, y’all welcome to the show. So happy to be in the studio today, and we’re, we have a lot of fun things to talk about today. Matt has actually prepared for this podcast.
I was born prepared. <laugh> okay. So know, no, but no, this, uh, this spit it out is an important episode to me. Okay. Because I’m a big fan of the Derby and I’m, and, and, uh, my family’s big. Oh, I shouldn’t say my family, my significant other is really big into the Equin. That’s
Dee Dee:
Your family. Yeah, dude.
Well, I don’t, I don’t wanna be like Katie, sorry. All part of a big Kentucky family. That is, you know, which
Dee Dee:
I’m not, I get it, but that’s still your family.
Yes. Okay. My, my significant others very into the equine industry were very involved with horses. So a chance to talk about horses and our industry kind of commingling and a mash up is pretty fun.
Dee Dee:
It is fun.
But before we get started, I’ve got one thing that I have to cover. Oh gosh. So I was listening this week to some of our older podcasts and I was a little shocked and taken aback at how bad my verbalized pauses were. Um, um, it was borderline disturbing. See, and there’s one right there. <laugh> so I’m working on a, a, a conditioned response technique to eliminate that. And I did a bunch of reading, watched some YouTube videos. So I’ve got a lighter and what’s cool about it is it produces a blue flame every, when you light it and I’m supposed to look at it and it’s supposed to stop the verbalized pauses. So
Dee Dee:
Take it out. Well, good job. So do I just click it every time you’ve messed up, you press down. Ooh, asshole. He just shocked me. Y’all he just shocked me with this freaking
Light. Who’s last, who plastic is dead.
Dee Dee:
You will pay for
Like that story, cuz it’s actually true. So I just wanted you to get shot, man. Wanted you to get shot first, have them probably verbal. I’m going to shot my statements, this whole show because every time I do, I, I create what’s called a verbalized pause and that’s a Ooh, duh. Um, no offense to anyone, by the way, I just kills me when I hear myself do it because I, you know, it’s, it’s not right. So every time I do that, I’m going to have to shock myself today. So if you hear any strange noises, like come out of me, it’s it. Wasn’t, it’s not my, but still it’s not my O face. It’s my shock face. Oh two, my totally different things. God, some of that, uh, that just, you know,
Dee Dee:
This is what I tolerate every day. Y’all I’m so I’m just putting that out there. This,
So this will stop my verbalized pauses. Okay. Conditioned response, conditioned response. I may drill the mouth. We’ll
Dee Dee:
We’ll put it to
The test. He may be feeding me dog food and some weird pet. I’m not doing anything, anything like that, but
Dee Dee:
Not wiping your ass either.
Oh, there we go. See,
Dee Dee:
It’s not happening.
Um, well that is so bad,
Dee Dee:
Dude. Okay. Moving on. Okay. All right. Let’s get you back into it. Sorry. Today’s podcast. We are talking about the Kentucky Derby festival. And for most of you that don’t know, 5 0 2 hemp is the official products partner. And we have been since 2019. So this is what our fourth year mm-hmm <affirmative>. If I count correctly, <laugh> our fourth year is the proud product partner.
I mean, because COVID kind of put a debt in all that.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, it did. COVID year was bad. Yeah. But we were still the, we were still the official products
Partner. And in case any of you don’t know, 5 0 2 hemp is the company that DD and I, uh, own and manage together. Correct. So
Dee Dee:
Correct. So, oh look, you had to do his little thinging again.
I’m I’m gonna lick this <laugh> I’m this episode is gonna happen.
Dee Dee:
What I like about the Kentucky Derby festival is the fact how community oriented it is and how they have lots of different events and programs all throughout town. They don’t just do thunder. I mean, they’ve got a whole slew of things that they do for the community. It’s, it’s a really good organization and I love that. Uh, our company’s a part of it. I think it’s, it’s a lot of fun too.
Yeah. There’s a ton of awesome stuff about the Derby. It’s rich in history. It’s unique to our community in, uh, Kentucky Louisville in particular mm-hmm <affirmative> and it’s a, you minutes, it’s a horse racing. It’s, it’s a, it, it, it’s such a big event and it’s so much fun. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and,
Dee Dee:
Uh, and okay. Did
It again, and it is, uh, really good. So I enjoy it.
Dee Dee:
That’s a good word.
Yeah. Yeah. So we wanna cover, we want to talk about some events that go on during the week and how you can enjoy them. Mm-hmm <affirmative> but before we get into that, I did some really interesting research because, um, because horses really enjoy, uh, C B D, and they really enjoy hemp seeds. Uh, the reason being for that is extremely nutrition. Hemp seeds are incredibly rich in omegas, and that is a hugely coveted feed for horses. So hemp seeds are huge with horses and there are a lot of studies, uh, with horses involving CBD right now. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> not a lot of them have been published yet. And this is kind of what we get into with our industry. When you know, it’s so new and a lot of these studies are coming out and that, that they just haven’t been published yet. So we’re on the brink of so many good things. Oh, some awesome things. It, it is strongly believed that giving CBD hor uh, giving horses C B D is very beneficial for the anti-inflammatory benefits,
Dee Dee:
Same than it is for humans.
Exactly. As well, even
Dee Dee:
Though we can’t make
Claims, we can’t make claims about humans, but we can make claims about, can you animals? Yes. Oh, okay. So it is believed because the studies actually haven’t been published yet that it can be hugely beneficial to horses because the problem with a lot of these jumping horses and running horses is they have either broken bones or tendon issues. And when that happens, they often try to save them. But a lot of times I put ’em down,
Dee Dee:
Don’t make me cry. I saw that happen one time when I was down there. And
I was, we, I don’t think anyone will ever forget about that seven bells incident, but we don’t have to dwell on that. Yeah. The point is, if there is a safe, healthy, alternative to reducing inflammation in horses, reducing the risk of tendon and bone injury, it would be hugely beneficial to the industry and these animals who just love to run. If, if you’re around these horses, is the training stringent? Yes. Or are they put through to the ringer? Yes. Do they enjoy it? Maybe it it’s interesting to watch them because if you spend any time with horses, you’ll see a running horse will want to run a jumping horse will want to jump mm-hmm <affirmative> and you know, what are, what are they gonna do? Um, I don’t know. At
Dee Dee:
Point I don’t have a lot of experience
With horses. Yeah. At this point that they’re a livestock animal. Um, I see, well taken, cared for horses as being very happy. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so,
Dee Dee:
Well, I can see that. I mean, that’s how animals in general are. Yes. They’re taking care of they’re happier.
Just an interesting little thing. And if I see any published, uh, studies, I will be sure to post them in the job or job notes. I’m still a contractor <laugh>, uh, I will post them in the, um, show notes and we’ll go from there. Yeah. With that being said, though, let’s get into
Dee Dee:
The Derby. Well, I was just gonna mention though for horses, they would have to have a higher dose. It would not, their metabolisms probably work extremely fast, just like dogs do.
Interestingly, they would
Dee Dee:
Probably need a higher dose. I would think
Interestingly enough, uh, the current, the study that I read most about, which is being conducted in Texas and they didn’t reveal the university behind it, and there’s almost always a university behind these studies, but anyway, they were dosing at 50 to a hundred milligrams, which I found to be kind of low because that’s a human dose, uh, not unrealistic for a human
Dee Dee:
Dose, not unrealistic. Correct.
One thing that they did make very clear though, was that the two major groups who I’m not gonna mention in this show, because I just, I don’t think it’s appropriate, still have CBD on the band list for competitive horses. Uh, which is silly to me because,
Dee Dee:
Well, because it contains if they do full spectrum, which contains the THC so THC to most people, except when it’s from hemp is considered a drug. So,
But how’s that gonna
Dee Dee:
Dude? It shouldn’t,
I mean, I will tell you,
Dee Dee:
It’s not like you’re getting your animal
High on the inside of the horse
Dee Dee:
Oh, let’s not even talk about the Olympics on the inside of no. <laugh> yeah. I’m not gonna, you should
Dee Dee:
Be allowed to run.
Let’s not. Yeah, I don’t I’m actually, no, I’m not gonna get into the Olympics. And I forgot what I was talking about.
Dee Dee:
You were, yeah, I know you were talking about the horses and how much
Milligrams. So I will tell you on the inside of the horse industry, when a horse is injured, it’s not unusual if they’re gonna take them out of competition for beyond six months to feed them steroids, to rehabilitate them. Because by the time they’re back in competition and that’s recently changed because they’ve started doing barn testing now, or they’re, they’re coming in and they’re testing these animals that are registered to compete in the barn, but it’s still not unusual. And when you feed these animal steroids, what it does is it builds up their muscles. It doesn’t necessarily build up their tendons. So they get back makes sense in running strength and they performance. Uh, but they’re still gonna have the inflammation. They’re still gonna have the tendon issues. Um, and it’s counter, well, I don’t wanna say counterproductive cuz it does get them back, but it’s a slippery slope and it’s a dangerous road for a re-entry for these animals.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. And then they get hurt and then they’re put out to pasture. And I don’t wanna talk about that. Yeah.
You know, I agree. I agree. So
Dee Dee:
Makes me sad
CBD for horses. Yes. I, I think it’s a great thing. And I think that when these studies come out, I, it, it is my hope that that product will be taken off the band substance list for competitive horses. Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, cuz competitive H uh, horse riding, horse racing, all the, uh, disciplines. It’s not going away.
Dee Dee:
No. So, well, same thing for any athletes too, if we bring that back to, you know, other athletes,
Dee Dee:
I mean the NFL just, uh, donated a million dollars to do some studies on cannabis. Yeah. And how it helps helps them. So we’re slowly moving forward.
It’s it’s, it’s a, it’s the long game and it’s being patient it’s
Dee Dee:
Soon in our lifetime.
That is, that is our hope.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, for sure. So, okay. So fun things for the KDF that’s
That’s Kentucky Derby
Dee Dee:
Festival. Yes. That’s it. So I know that we, as a company will be participating in the festival on field, which is March 16th. They will also have a spring fashion show, which I think would be fun. Um, million dollar hole in one contest. I hope, you know what that means. It’s golf.
Yeah, I do. Okay.
Dee Dee:
All right. Uh, to du Lou, that’s where, you know, they get in those little cute outfits and ride their bikes all around the city, right? Yeah. Um, I’m not sure what D E C stands for, but they also have a touring Pegas per Pegasus parade. Fam Fest starts April 8th.
So let’s just stop right there. Let’s talk about the Pegasus parade. Actually,
Dee Dee:
A tour thunder thunder. Wasn’t in that list.
Dee Dee:
It’s down further. They’ve
Got ’em in the list. So the Pegasus parade for anyone listening, who hasn’t participated, you’re not from Louisville is one of the biggest parades we have all year big floats, uh, lots of crazy debauchery it’s it’s, it’s almost like the, the introduction of our Mardi GRA kinda. And I used to own know how well I still own the house I used to live right in the path of that parade. And
Dee Dee:
I think they’re doing touring again this year though.
Oh man.
Dee Dee:
So different little sections of the city. And I don’t know that to be 100% accurate. People
Have no idea, um, what an event that is. And it’s kind of cool because it keeps it, I don’t wanna say more local, but it keeps it special. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, uh, kids often, are they dismissed from school for Pegasus or just Derby?
Dee Dee:
Oh, I think it’s just Oaks and Derby
Oaks and Derby. Yeah. I mean, but that’s how big it is.
Dee Dee:
It’s a big deal. So in this city, I mean it’s
Big deal.
Dee Dee:
Awesome. And fan Fest is fun for the kiddos. Yeah. We won’t be set up at there. It’s just not our, our venue, but it is a lot of fun for the kids and they usually have, um, concerts and stuff too at fan Fest. And then Bournville, that’s gonna be fun. Um, we’ll definitely have our CBD bourbon there for sure. Um, they’re off luncheon. That’s a bourbon
To do CBD.
Dee Dee:
Yes. Bourbon CBD. You
Said CBD bourbon.
Dee Dee:
Oh wow. Okay. <laugh> that’s bourbon flavored, CBD my bad. Um, they’re off luncheon. Then they have the mini marathon and marathon expo. And that’s really cool. I set up at that a couple years ago and uh,
You’re gonna compete this year, right?
Dee Dee:
<laugh> I’m not in running shape. No, no, thank you. But I’ve been in the gym a lot. Well, you are. You’re doing awesome. So yeah. Thanks anyway, moving on from that. Um, but you can get a lot of cool running stuff there, um, which is really neat. Like they have all the vendors all in one area, so it’s kind of cool. Um, thunder over Louisville. Yes.
Which is our biggest fireworks display traditionally. Mm-hmm <affirmative> we haven’t had it for the past few years,
Dee Dee:
But uh, well last year they just did it in different neighborhoods. It was different. So it was, it was, it was different. I think this year they’re gonna go back to the normal down on the waterfront
As they should.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. As they should. They really should. Um, there will be a gospel Fest. That’s April 24th festival opening, April 28th. Um, and that I think festival and fan Fest, they’re two different. So festival is the one that has all the concerts they’ll have the great balloon race Fest again, the mini marathon and the marathon. That’s April 30th and then the real Pega’s parade. Oh, look, I think they’re having two that’s my first. So that’s kind of cool. Maybe they do shut down part of the city for that.
Oh yeah. They shut down all the access, access roads a lot from my house to anything I need to get to. Oh, you’ll be right. It’s super fun. And you’ll anyway. And they do it.
Dee Dee:
You’ll be working anyway. So we’ll talk
About that after the
Dee Dee:
You’ll be right. Um, yeah, that pisses me off so bad when they shut the streets down.
Dee Dee:
Keep shutting ’em down. Just
A piss Matt off.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Um, they have the great bed races. They’re coming back for that. There’s gonna be wine Fest
Again. Tell, tell, talk about
Dee Dee:
The great bed races. Oh, those are so much fun. People decorate their they’re beds. Um, and like they they’re usually themed. Um, I know Laura Hardy when she was here from 1 0 7, 7, she, she did that and that was her. She loved doing the bed races. Hopefully she’ll come back down for that. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I’ll make sure I say something to
Her. Mm-hmm <affirmative> if you’re listening to this, Laura, we miss you. We do miss fabulous. Laura.
Dee Dee:
We do miss fabulous. Regular Laura. Um, let’s see. Then they got wine Fest. That’ll be fun. I love that. I did attend that last time, um, that they had that lots of man. They got wine slushies. I mean, I’m not a big like alcohol drinker, but those things were lit loved it.
So, cause
Dee Dee:
It was hot too. It’s hot that day.
I am the furthest thing from a snob that there is, but let me tell you something he’s lying. Wine slushies was awesome. Only in Kentucky. That’s right. That is a Kentucky
Dee Dee:
Freaking love
Special right there
Dee Dee:
Slushy. They were delicious. I’m telling you, oh, I may have had, I may have partaken in a couple of them,
But I want to get into that, but you go, let’s go ahead. We’re making good progress through this list. Are you taking notes out there? I hope you are listening audience because this is important. It
Dee Dee:
Kind of is. Then they have the great Steamboat Steamboat race and then the Kentucky Derby festival day at the downs, which will be May 5th. So they’ve got all kinds of fun stuff. Um, planned
All and then the actual Derby.
Dee Dee:
And of course the actual Derby mm-hmm <affirmative> all this stuff starts March 16th is the beginning. So that’s when they do the whole festival Enfield
And you’ll the time’s already probably passed by the time you’re listening to this. So sorry. Next year. Be ready. Not necessarily. No. Maybe we’ll see.
Dee Dee:
No this, yeah, this is um, yeah, no, I think, I think those will be on
There. So besides horses, what’s the common denominator currently and those events
Dee Dee:
Yes. And
Dee Dee:
Yes. And,
Dee Dee:
Starts with a B
Dee Dee:
Bourbon. Yes
<laugh>. So I, I do wanna just speak to that. A little bit of
Dee Dee:
Common bourbon in there.
Yes. Kentucky is, is bourbon country. It is a very unique and special product that is made only here. It’s not true bourbon. Well, to have real bourbon, I’m gonna say to have real. And
Dee Dee:
It has to come. I
Was on Kentucky,
Dee Dee:
Facebook because Ian Summerfield or whatever
His name oh, Facebook tells Indianas the real news. It does. So thank you, Facebook for educating and correcting Dee Dee.
Dee Dee:
I’m just telling you the vampire diaries hot has his own bourbon now and it’s made in Indiana.
Okay. Don’t care.
Dee Dee:
Just saying it I’ll buy his bourbon. <laugh> and you ladies know what I’m
Talking about. So de getting a, a sign. Who’s the guy, what’s
Dee Dee:
His name in, I can’t, I don’t know how to pronounce his last name
Summer for find that summer se getta for Dee, she will be eternally in your dad. What I actually wanna talk about is while it’s a unique and fantastic product and can be used for many things, it does promote, promote a huge drinking culture in our community.
Dee Dee:
It does.
I don’t want to diminish that, but that is not always a positive thing. Agreed, uh, violence spikes in the community during Derby, um, human trafficking is a huge problem. Uh, and I’m not blaming human trafficking on alcohol or bourbon, certainly, but, uh, the Dery, uh, gets a little outta hand.
Dee Dee:
Well, people aren’t always as on their, a game and aware of things going on, when you introduce alcohol into the mix of the fun, and sometimes that’s when scary shit happens.
So what’s the best thing to replace it with.
Dee Dee:
Wonder, I don’t know.
Dee Dee:
Could it be something that,
Something maybe that starts with a T
Dee Dee:
Maybe ends with a C maybe as an H in the middle? I think
Dee Dee:
It’ll ever be legal.
It’s legal up to 3% dry weight. That’s true. And that currently, currently, currently
Dee Dee:
There are some awesome bills pending,
And I will tell you that I have partaken thoroughly in Derby and thoroughly in bourbon. And I feel terrible afterwards. I’m totally unhappy in so many ways, physically, mentally, psychologically.
Dee Dee:
Um, I’m just gonna say it, Matt, alcohol’s a poison.
It’s a fun poison, but it is, it is a poison,
Dee Dee:
But it’s still
Poison. So we really need to be, we really need to think about that. I’m not saying don’t drink. I drink I’m Irish. I love a drink. Um, I,
Dee Dee:
I do like my babies
Too. I do my best to not, uh, partake too heavily and
Dee Dee:
Well, you’re also an athlete, you know, better.
Yeah. It kills me athletically. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, uh, it really does. And the older I get, the more it hurts me,
Dee Dee:
Man. I’m at that age where if I have more than two glasses of wine, I’m getting fricking cramps in my legs when I’m trying to sleep. And I, no, I don’t like being woken up from that. I wanna, if I’m gonna have a glass of wine, I ha I try to only have one.
So, so as, and, and listen, I’m not saying I’m not, I would never advocate for anyone to do anything illegal. That being said, you can procure a certain amount of legal THC today and with a array of cannabinoids that are going to be very beneficial to you physically. So you’re gonna nurse your body with these cannabinoids. I’m not gonna say what they’ll do because I’m not allowed to. Uh, but we all know what just even just a little bit of THC will do. So you’re gonna feel good. You’re gonna have a good time. You’re gonna wake up without a hangover <laugh>. And as long as you know, you’re following the same rules that you would abide by when you’re drinking, I E not get into a car and, uh, drive around or do something reckless stupid. It’s going to be, in my opinion, my humble opinion, a much better alternative to just drinking at these events,
Dee Dee:
Correct. You can socially, I think, and this is how I’ve always done it. Um, the older I’ve gotten, no, don’t get me wrong. College was fun. And I’m sure my college girlfriends would, could tell you some stories, but as an adult and the older you get, I find it more fun when I only socially drink and I’m not obliterated because one, I don’t now you got cameras and people will record stuff. I just don’t need that. I don’t need to see that stuff later. So I don’t like making an ass outta myself. Um, I like to have my wits about me and by using legal cannabinoids, I can, and I can still enjoy whatever it is that I’m doing. So I think that’s important. I know I’ve got some, I got a little, couple little events coming up that I’m hanging out with some girls and, you know, they’re all, all like bringing the wine. I’m like, I can bring the gummies. How about I bring some gummies? Yeah.
<laugh> I mean too much, too much alcohol. And I find, I stray away from my Dharma, which is be kind to others. And to helping hand mm-hmm, <affirmative> be considerate mm-hmm <affirmative> and work with people. And, and when you’re drinking, you know, that, that it really brings out that ego self, where you’re thinking of yourself and often selfishly and, uh, not thinking of others. And, and I know that there’s chemical reasons for that, but, and I’m not making excuses. And I, and again, I’m not telling you not to drink. I’m just, I, I, I’m saying it’s something to think about. If I take, uh, enough THC to produce a, uh, any E form of euphoric reaction, I’m certainly kind to others. I’m not, uh, disrespecting or disobeying my Dharma. I’m following my path. And it’s much more fulfilling to me personally. I agree with that. And again, I still drink,
Dee Dee:
Well, if I’m a natural born flirt, as it is, right, we all know this. We’ll just get that out there and you can chuckle. Um, but when I drink,
COVID boy knows nothing about that
Dee Dee:
When I drink, shut up. But when I drink, I’m even worse and that’s not cool either. So
I’ve never seen that.
Dee Dee:
No, you haven’t. I ain’t flirting with your ass anyway.
I don’t want you to flirt with me. I wanna be the co-pilot. That’s right. I wanna be the co-pilot on that adventure. <laugh>
Dee Dee:
No, you don’t.
I’ll distract. I’ll distract while you go in for the kill. I’m good at that. Yeah. Women’s studies
Dee Dee:
<laugh> oh, y’all miss
Our where’s our,
Dee Dee:
Oh yeah. Two funny women’s studies. Y’all he’s he’s hilarious. Now. I
Just, and you get to work with me every day.
Dee Dee:
Oh, God. Help us off. Mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative>
Have we hit our, our Zenni. I
Dee Dee:
Think we have, we kind of covered everything and the fact that 5 0 2, we have to say official products partner. I love that part. Sorry. I had to get that in there again. Yes. It’s so
Cool. Dee de loves a good plug
Dee Dee:
<laugh> sometimes.
Why not? Why not? So to kind of summarize C, B D is potentially good for all animals, including human beings. Yes. Hemp seeds are hugely rich in omegas and very beneficial
Dee Dee:
And they taste great in yogurt.
They do. And actually salad. Have you ever, you, uh, you can purchase them. Hold we sell them. Hold mm-hmm <affirmative>. Uh, the hemp hearts is what they’re referred to. Mm-hmm <affirmative> if you crystallize those with just a little bit of sugar or honey and put them in a salad. They’re amazing. Yeah. I mean, you can go crazy with it. Sugar
Dee Dee:
Though. I’m trying to
ztep back. I mean, it’s such a little bit though. They’re like little, they’re like crusty little they’re sugar and everything.
Dee Dee:
They’re sugar and
Everything. Well itness, and you don’t need the sugar all so good.
Dee Dee:
We’re gonna argue about this and he’s
The athlete. Hey, don’t do do sugar. Don’t do sugar. I don’t care. Do sugar. I live my life. <laugh> so yes. Good for horses. Good for humans, the Kentucky Derby, while it has its up and, and downs, the festival is such a blast. And I love the fact that it goes on for a month. It’s one of the best things. Almost two months, man. About, yeah, no. Yeah. It’s one of the best things about our Louisville community. And I, I love participating in it love being part of it. And if you’re listening, um, definitely stop by. You should make a, you should make a plan. And I mean, even if you can plan out a year in advance, it’s even better. Oh yeah. Because hotels are full mm-hmm <affirmative> you, how rental houses are full. It’s very difficult to get in unless you plan it well in advance. So I highly recommend it. Highly recommend participating. How you choose to participate is up to you Dee and I have our opinions. <laugh>, we’re interested to hear yours. Please let us know.
Dee Dee:
Absolutely. Yeah. Thanks for listening to everybody. We appreciate you and, uh, make sure you like follow share, and, uh, Hey, you can always leave comments on things you’d like for us to talk about. So make sure you, uh, do all that fun stuff
And thanks. Avoid verbalized pauses at all costs. <laugh> I think the shock thing made a difference. Do you think? I think it was better. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
I’m gonna get a bigger ones from your,
At the office. This is brutal. Yeah. Anyway, thank
Dee Dee:
You. Thanks. <laugh> thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp queen and emperor. Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us all the good stuff and keep it hemp out there.