Hemp, Hormones, and Politics

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Hi, I’m Matt.
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing, a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race in fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp
Queen and Emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcasts. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown. Hey, happy hamsters. We are back for another edition of Hemp and Happiness. My name’s Dee Dee, and that’s Matt. So just thought I’d reintroduce ourselves just in case. Just in case you haven’t listened before. We like to discuss some topics, some off the wall topics. Sometimes I think of some pretty interesting things. Matt’s a little bit more out there sometimes than I am, which is kind of cool. We kind of balance each other out really
Well out there. Physically, psychologically, both.
Dee Dee:
<laugh>, definitely <laugh>
Out there. He’s
Dee Dee:
Out there.
Hemp, Hormones, and Politics
Dee Dee:
Well. And so on this episode, I kind of wanted to talk, not necessarily personal yet, but I know it’s coming because I’ve been warned about this my entire life. So it sucks being a woman sometimes, Matt, We have
Does it. Yeah,
Dee Dee:
Sometimes. I mean, we got our periods, then we get menopause, and right now I’m at that premenopause type stage a little bit, just slowly getting into the menopause stuff. So it can take its sweet dear old time. But I am about that age. This was about the age that my mom started kind of going through some of this stuff. But I was reading today, obviously we both read a lot because we wanna stay up to date on certain things. Don’t be a
Smart ass. This is, See, Okay, so I’m gonna preface this show.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, this show’s
All by saying I will be doing very little talking. No,
Dee Dee:
There’s more to it.
If a man says menopause, you may as well just go ahead and kick your own self on the balls black, because that’s pretty much most
Dee Dee:
Women wanna kick you in the balls too.
So I be a silent observer.
Dee Dee:
Well, no, because it’s about cannabis. Obvious.
I’ll be chipping in when we get to the male menopause section, which is something I’m feeling right now,
Dee Dee:
Whatever. But I was doing some reading this morning and I was like, Oh, well that makes perfect sense. I mean, we’ve talked about all the different things that cannabis and CBD and full spectrum CBD products can help with. Obviously that’s what our show is about. But this one really related to how some women that are premenopausal and even menopausal are using edibles to help with their symptoms. And it makes perfect sense because you CBD it just kind of lets your body find its homeostasis, kind of writes things. Now, does it cure anything? No. We all know that doesn’t cure anything, but it helps your body help itself. So really your body is this working miracle, right? It can heal yourself A lot of, I mean, your mind does a lot of things with healing your body. Obviously that positivity is super important if you’re facing cancer, any other horrible ailment, keeping that positivity and keeping that well-balanced in your mind is huge for your overall health and wellness.
Right? We’ve talked about that before. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the power of positivity. And even when I start getting down, I start feeling down too. And that makes a huge difference. But in this article, it talked about how women are using edibles to help with their hot flashes, which I found absolutely amazing. And a lot of times hot flashes are happening late at night when women are sleeping. I know you don’t know much about this, but the women reported that the top three symptoms that the edibles we’re helping with, and these are cannabis edibles by the way, which is the Delta nine, which is the stuff that is legal under 0.3% THC. Right? It’s the same stuff. But they said that
Available at 502.com
Dee Dee:
<laugh>, right? Or even in store as long as you’re 21 and up. But anyway, the top three symptoms that participants said were elevated alleviated. Sorry, I can’t read. I need my glasses. I meant
That. Stop alienating your symptoms. Dee Dee.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, that’s what we’re doing.
They feel bad.
Dee Dee:
That’s the top three things were sleep problems, mood disturbances or anxiety and low libido. So a lot of, Are you sure you’re not going through menopause? I might be. Shut the fuck up. <laugh>. Excuse my language. I’m probably am.
Me too.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, we know you are. But they also reported that it helps relieve hot flashes, night sweats, body pains, vaginal dryness and pain. And to increase the pleasure during sex, which we’ve had a whole conversation about that. And it was mostly about ed, but I talked about the women and how we even have a personal lubricant that can help with some of that dryness. And when it becomes painful, a lot of times women after childbirth, they have a really hard time enjoying sex again because it is just horribly painful down there. And I think that CBD lube is a huge benefit.
Is that because of the dryness or is that cuz of sensitivity?
Dee Dee:
I think from both. I mean, you’re putting a big old head coming out that little hole. So yeah, I think there can be some pain issues there too. <laugh>,
There might be a big old head going in that little hole.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, we’re not going there with that weirdo anyway. <laugh>. But I think mean there’s definitely still some pain issues related there, but sometimes too, I mean in a case of rape, you know what I mean? Oh, I know. I’m gonna bring it up though. That is traumatic. And it can also lead to a lot of pain. So I think there’s issues there. And I think that the CBD personpal lubricant may be able to help with some of those pain issues in the female area which again, we had talked about before. But taking cannabis internally, I think obviously I use it for anxiety, so it helps me a lot with that. And I can see where it could help with your libido because it’s calming you down. You’re not overthinking. And that applies to both men and women, obviously. We do not believe that it truly helps with Ed. But can I help you through libido? Yeah, sure. Why not? If you’re less stressed, you wanna relax and do the fun stuff and well, sex is fun. So makes sense to me.
Yeah. I think anything that’s gonna increase your enjoyment of sex, regardless of what it’s actually doing, if it’s making it feel better and feel more pleasurable, <affirmative> as and not detrimental to your health, of course. It’s a good
Dee Dee:
Thing. I think so. I think it’s huge. They’re starting to do more and more clinical trials on this and on this aspect. And I think that’s important. They’re always talking about safe, safe, safe, safe. Well yeah, again, buy your products from a reputable source. Make sure that it’s cgmp, that it’s where it’s manufactured. They have good manufacturing practices. It’s not just an acronym <affirmative>. They are specific things that they have to do. And if they’re audit certified, that’s even better. So gloves, hair nets booties, all that stuff. But the certificates analysis, those are so important to look at when you’re buying
Products. So don’t buy your CBD lube on the street corner,
Dee Dee:
<laugh> or the gas
With your dime bag or at the test stage. Get it from a reputable source. Right. Stop buying black market CBD lube.
Dee Dee:
Yes. Thank you Matt. Thank you. But they talked about one reason that cannabis works is because it mimics a chemical compound that our body produces. Which is the An aide?
Is that an
Dee Dee:
Anandamide? Thank you. An Anandamide And that’s actually produced by the ovaries and that drops tearing menopause. So they’re talking about an Say
It again Anandamide.
Dee Dee:
It’s actually an endocannabinoid, which we have the whole system. Yes. Our endocannabinoid system and the, Say it again.
Dee Dee:
Anandamide is structurally comparable to cannabinoids in the cannabis system. So it makes sense if that one is being depleted that us adding the natural cannabinoids from the cannabis plant and cbd, thc, all the other ones too. There’s tons of them. Our body uses it, It uses it to help regulate ourselves. And can the estrogen levels are correlated to the pre premenopause? Pre, Well I think they call it premenopause. Perimenopause per menopause. Thanks. I can’t pronounce shit’s
Today. It’s all okay. But wait, I’m gonna stop you cuz I’m gonna quiz you. Okay real quick not to break your flow. Damn. Do you know, I know you’re spitting and rhyming. Do you know which human has the highest concentration of an Anandamide There’s actually two.
Dee Dee:
Which human? Yeah, there’s only two
Humans. No, I understand. And who has the most? Antoine,
Dee Dee:
I would probably say woman.
At what stage?
Dee Dee:
Oh, probably teens.
Dee Dee:
Right before pregnancy then
Dee Dee:
Women. Oh, I was gonna say, yeah, because they’re
Producing for their baby podcast. I was hoping you’d remember.
Dee Dee:
I did not remember. Sorry. But no, it makes sense because they’re producing it not only for themselves, but for the right. And my theory, granted I’m not a doctor, but I would love it if some of the doctor picked up on this and actually did this study. I’ve had many women who have just given birth and they’re going through that that just
Pre postpartum
Dee Dee:
Depression. Postpartum depression. And it is draining them. And I get them on our THC free CBD oil. And I swear I could not tell you how many women have come back in and been like, You saved me. And I was like, it makes sense. Especially if you’re breastfeeding. You’re giving all those cannabinoids to the baby cuz the baby’s using it.
Dee Dee:
Body’s producing.
Dee Dee:
But your body’s producing Exactly. And your baby needs it to produce their healthy cells and to keep growing. So you’re giving all of yours away. You’re being depleted. Your body cannot keep up with its own natural production. And let’s face it, a lot of us don’t produce enough ourselves anyway. Lack of exercise, lacks of good food, lack of tons of things. But anyway, that’s why we take the cannabis products to help with that. Supplement with that. Just like a vitamin. But it makes perfect sense why women go through postpartum if they are not getting what they need for their endocannabinoid system. So I think some studies there need to be done with it, but that is just one of my theories. Again, not a doctor, but it makes perfect sense.
And I’ve also, I’ve had customers because whenever a woman’s pregnant or just given birth and breastfeeding, if they ask, I immediately tell them to ask their healthcare
Dee Dee:
Always. And it’s like 50 50 <affirmative>. Half of ’em are like, Nope, don’t touch it. And the other half are like, Yeah, give it a try. Yeah, it’s not gonna hurt anything. So there seems to be just anecdotally a divide in the medical community on THC now THC
Dee Dee:
Free. And it makes sense too why there would be that divide. Because there hasn’t been enough studies because of it being a schedule one <affirmative>. Which kind of leads me into the second part of this topic. I wanted to talk, I know it’s good. I wanted to talk about that today too because obviously the whole Biden administration just recently said that they were gonna federally pardon low lo marijuana users. So they’re gonna be getting outta jail free kind of thing. What? Not really, but you know what I mean. But the thing is just recently, I think it was over the weekend, there was an activist that was protesting at the White House because they claimed that pardon frees zero of the 2,800 federal prisoners that there’s no pardon for people that have sold marijuana. Now granted, you’ve got all of these big businesses selling marijuana products and they’re, no charges are being brought on them because they’re run by states that have legalized it. So that, pardon that Biden said he was gonna do. It actually hasn’t pardoned any of them
Dee Dee:
Federally <affirmative>. So
It would be more low level charges,
Dee Dee:
Just users. And then he talked about how those users needed. But
How much weed do you need to sell that? Be it federal? I don’t know. I don’t know either.
Dee Dee:
That’s Escabar stuff and that’s Coke anyway, but I don’t know. It would have to be a lot. And how do you get federal charges and not state charges for marijuana use?
We need to do more
Dee Dee:
Research. We definitely need to do more research on that. But that was just one thing that I just came across.
And that’s constantly changing. That although constant is
Dee Dee:
Changing. Well, and he is trying. Yes. And he is trying to get it rescheduled. So to remove it from that schedule one, if he does that and completely takes it off the schedule or even puts it as an over the counter, then technically it would be legal <affirmative>. It’d be legal <affirmative>. There wouldn’t be all these issues federally or state. And a lot of people could get their records expunged and hopefully our own will, our own governor will make that happen. But the one thing they talked about in this, a new scheduling of it, they talked about Schedule six. It’s a proposed new schedule designed to preserve the rights and to control and regulate marijuana cannabis to the states. So the states have full control over it. It regulates the cannabis exclusively at the state level. So that would ensure the safety standards while protecting the small businesses, which I think is great.
It would resolve the 280 e tax code. I don’t know a lot about this. What I do know about the tax is taxes for marijuana companies and businesses is that they cannot claim any expenses at all. And they have to pay their taxes in cash. Well, I’m sorry, but that’s horrible. No one should have to, I mean, you own a business, you should be able to write off your expenses, period. So I’m hopefully that that’s what they mean by that 280 E tax code. It would also access to traditional banking and merchant services, which would be huge. Well, and everybody wants to know how much money you’re making. You can’t lie when you’re putting it in the damn bank. You know? I mean it’s a much better way. It’s safer. People aren’t being robbed because that is happening everywhere in legal states. They gotta build fricking fortresses to keep their cash stored in it. And then trying to pay everything. You get penalized for paying and cash too, which is ridiculous.
Yeah, that’s a problem.
Dee Dee:
This Schedule six, the proposed Schedule six also allows university and research institutes that receive federal funding to legally conduct studies, which is needed. It is beyond needed. It was needed many, many, many years ago. But at least we’re moving in that right direction. So then they could do these studies on women’s health and <laugh>. Maybe stop taking away some of our rights and actually give us some back and start doing some studies that would help us and benefit us. Yeah, I just vote. I’m just gonna leave. I’m just gonna leave it there and vote now on amendment too. Sorry Matt, but I have to put that out there in the state of Kentucky.
Why are you apologizing to me? You have a right to your opinion.
Dee Dee:
I do. And if y’all wanna know what amendment two is, just DM me and I will explain it to you.
Slide into her dms.
Dee Dee:
That’s right. <laugh>. It’s longer not a creeper. Ooh, I still get those. But anyway
I don’t, I
Dee Dee:
Know. Thank God <laugh>.
But no one would dare
Dee Dee:
The response would be epic.
Dee Dee:
But another thing that the schedule with this rescheduling do, people would be able to use their health and savings cards. So their health and savings accounts to buy their cannabis. I think that’d be awesome. In the very, very beginning when I had very first time I got my credit card processing, I was able to do that. I was able to take health savings because I was written as a pharmacy.
I’ve used mm-hmm <affirmative> my HSA card to buy product at our
Dee Dee:
Store. Some will and some won’t. It really depends. Federal, they won’t like state employees. It won’t. So it really just depends More sometimes more the personal ones, they will This also allows veterans access. And I think that’s huge for all the veterans that are, No, you can’t use that because it’s not federally
Legal. Well, what sucks about that with the veterans <affirmative> is that we have a lot of veterans that come to the store that can’t take the stuff because if they test positive for thc, they won’t get their other medications from the VA <affirmative>. Which is complete bullshit cuz it’s basically saying you can’t take something healthier than the shit that big pharma is giving you. Even though you do need. And don’t get me wrong, Western medicine, pharmaceutical companies absolutely produce medications that are needed. There’s no argument, there’s no question there. And I’m not gonna argue that. But what I am gonna argue is, okay, so instead of taking a potentially harmful liver killing, kidney killing treatment for ptsd, you can take thc, but this other stuff that you need for your diabetes dial, whatever <affirmative>. Oh, you can’t have that if you take th
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Which is complete bullshit. So
Complete bullshit. I tell me how that logic, So you can take the stuff that we prescribed to you that kills you slowly but kills you. But then the stuff that we give you that saves you, you can’t get that. If you take something, an alternative, it makes no sense to what we’re giving you that will kill you versus something that’s no sense, arguably safe for you.
Dee Dee:
Right. Well, and let me ask you this, did you know that some states, if you are a medical marijuana user, you cannot own a gun.
What state is that?
Dee Dee:
I believe it’s Florida and I think Ohio. And that could be wrong.
They’re taking away our guns.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. If you are a registered medical marijuana user, you do, they will not let you by guns. And this schedule six proposal, it is if a registered patient who uses medical cannabis shall not be subjected to additional federal taxes while maintaining their Second Amendment rights.
Well, the good news is you can come to
Dee Dee:
Kentucky where you go, there
You go. And pretty much by a gun at of vending machine here
Dee Dee:
I kind of did <laugh>,
We have the looses gun laws. It’s disturbing.
Dee Dee:
Well now you don’t even have to have a concealed carry. No, I mean I went to the classes, but I didn’t bother to register the concealed carry. Cause
I can carry, I <affirmative> it is with guns in Kentucky. I’m not a hundred percent sure how I feel about that. I
Dee Dee:
Know, I know.
I don’t that I’ve asked people to leave the store who have come in with guns on one occasion.
Dee Dee:
Well yeah, I remember that. And that was rather frightening too. That person was, I remember that. Yeah. But yeah, I,
I would say not in a someone’s business that you don’t wanna walk into a business with a gun <affirmative>. But I think that otherwise it’s absolutely your constitutional Right. Right. And I heard a fascinating documentary on the origin of militias and <affirmative> and things like that. We may have to do a podcast on it. We might have, but I don’t wanna digress. <laugh> talking about menopause. How do we get into this political
Dee Dee:
Mouth? <laugh>? I also wanted to bring that up too though, because if cannabis is rescheduled then it will open up the doors to so much research, which will help so many people. I mean the society we’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and we just keep getting, well take this pill, try this pill. And that’s what they do when you’re going through menopause. They wanna give you an antidepressant. They wanna give you water pills. They wanna give you hormonal replacement. Well, I’m sorry I can’t take hormonal replacement. I’ve had blood clots. They cause blood clots. Some of ’em even cause cancer. I don’t want that. I was on a damn depo provea shot for way longer than I should have. Which in that fine print that they put in those little packages, it can cause breast cancer. So I’m constantly checking my boobs, which you should anyway. But I’ve had to have the scan thingys done on my boobs since I was in my early thirties. I not done until my forties or even fifties. But I’m responsible. I check I have a mammogram. Yeah, mammograms.
You don’t have to have
Dee Dee:
A No, I do. Until you’re in your forties. Not until your forties.
Well I’m an FBI member.
Dee Dee:
I bet you
Are. Federal booby inspector.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, buddy. Oh, anyway, not even going there. But now I’ve had to have ’em for a long time and I have lumps that they’re not anything but you know, gotta get that shit checked out. So with more research with it getting removed from the schedule one, I truly believe that it will benefit everyone and it will benefit women probably the most because we’re being denied our health and wellness anyway when it comes to birthing availability for women and all that kind of stuff. So I think it is very much needed to have these alternatives available for women, for everyone in general. And it’s it we shouldn’t be denied cannabis use when it helps us get through these horrific body changes that our body goes through. And like I said, not everybody can take hormonal replacement therapy. Not everybody can take pills. I certainly don’t wanna get on anti-anxiety medication. I would much rather take a CBD product, full spectrum CBD product or even smoke a joint. Who cares? I think it’s up to everyone’s individual rights and needs to be able to use a plant to help their health and wellness. So that was kind of bringing it all back in.
Did you see that throughout that full circle?
Dee Dee:
I did. I did.
I, I was wondering where the plot was going. Now
Dee Dee:
You just gotta stick with me. You gotta stick with
Me. <laugh>. Boom, mic drop, drop that mic, mic drop. Oh, Js
Dee Dee:
Look at
Dee Dee:
No, I just think that people need to be aware there are things going on federally and in the states that they are trying to get more and more things changed. And I think it’s great. Yeah, I definitely think it’s the right step in the right direction. I think anybody with a low level marijuana offense should be pardoned period. I think even people that still have those kind of things on their records should get pardoned for it. It too. I mean, nobody should be sitting in jail for a joint. Yeah. Just
No. Well and here’s the thing too is you’re never going to get rid of all the sheep. They’re just <affirmative>. Unfortunately humans are hardwired to be, to some extent socially passive <affirmative> and accepting of nonsensical rules. But a lot more people are getting aware <affirmative> and a lot more people are waking up and saying, Hey, this does smell like bullshit. And I think that that’s a wonderful thing. I do too. I I, I don’t know if it’s a correlation or causation, but I can’t help but notice that the more CBD and cannabis break loose, the more independent thought seems to be occurring within our society. Mmhmmh, I just wonder barely that alone. My, like I Well no, no, no. I, and I would never even dream of making a claim of that. But I find that interesting. I have no idea could, it could just happen to be that that’s the way we’re moving and cannabis and CBD are part of that. Or maybe cannabis and CBD on some level are helping to inspire that. Certainly the fifties on becoming a habitual marijuana smoker. And I forget the theology
Dee Dee:
For madness and all that
Stuff. No, it was a sociologist whose name, I’ll have to put in the notes cuz I can’t remember embarrassingly enough. But it was a study on why people become habitual marijuana smokers <affirmative>. And it is, what are the correlations are the causations. Very interesting. And essentially what it led to was there was actually a very specific personality type, at least as a, according to this psychologist theorem that were more prone to being a habitual marijuana smoke. And the same personality type had a lot of other associate attributes enhanced creativity and heightened intelligence. We’re all parts of that. Now again, this was written in the fifties, but it’s still interesting because we’re what causes that correlates to that and how that all ties into what we do
Dee Dee:
Well and the most recent polls that I read today as well a lot of people find marijuana use less detrimental than alcohol and tobacco. They say those are the killers more so than marijuana ever thought about being. So I think society in general is switching. I think the younger generation is know what we’ve been lied to for long enough. Yeah, it’s time to make some changes. So just remember to vote people and definitely vote no on amendment two in Kentucky.
And if it comes to Pepsi Coke or cannabis <laugh>, choose cannabis.
Dee Dee:
All right. But thank you guys for listening. We appreciate you all so much. You ever have questions, please reach out info 502hemp.com and follow us on at Facebook 50 Wellness Center. Instagram is still 502 hemp. We don’t know how long we’ll get to have that, but we’re still hanging on by a thread there. And yeah, definitely like I said sign up on our website to get all of our emails. We have sales on occasion. We just celebrated our big one so, Oh, we’ve got the Christmas stuff coming up in cold weather. I don’t like it. But anyway, thanks guys for listening. We appreciate you all so much. And again, for Voting Us is the best local podcast in Louisville. So yeah, thank you.
See ya.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff and
Keep it hempy out there.