Hemp Derived THC, OK With Me!
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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Hey all. Thank you so much for joining us today. We, uh, we’ve got some fun topics to talk about today and Matt’s in rare form as always, so I’m sure we’ll get a lot of good fun laughs out of him today. So welcome. Welcome. We appreciate you listening for sure.
I’m not speaking now.
Dee Dee:
You whatever said that. I had to say it just cuz I know how you are. So what’s our topic today, Matt.
Okay. So we have a really interesting topic today. Uh, we are gonna talk about Delta nine in C B D, how that fits into the 2018 farm bill and the loophole that it presents, uh, that is creating some very interesting products, uh, that are federally legal in most states and have until this podcast <laugh> gone unnoticed <laugh> so we’re kind of ripping the bandaid off here. Hopefully. Uh, no one is listening that will be like, Hey, I’m gonna do something about that. If you are kiss my ass, I don’t care. <laugh> um, so anyway, uh, there are some new products out, uh, with a impressively high volume of, uh, Delta nine THC, there are CBD products, hemp derived, um, and when I say impressive amount, I’m not talking, you know, California or Colorado dispensary amount of THC, but I’m, uh, definitely a, uh, enough of a dose that if you need it for medical purpose, uh, or a, uh, even a recreational purpose, you can get a surprising amount of, uh, of Delta nine in
Dee Dee:
There. Well first, why don’t you tell people what THC
Is? Okay. So th jumping
Dee Dee:
Forward really quickly.
Well, if you haven’t listened to the podcast and you’ve been living under a rock, <laugh>
Crawl out of the rock, stretch out in the sunshine next, uh, learn about THC. THC is a cannabinoid in the, uh, cannabinoid profile, uh, that is naturally occurring within the hemp and cannabis plant, which is, uh, the cannabis sativa L, which, uh, is the same plant. Um, and I’m, we’ll actually get into that, the definitions, which we’ve already covered another podcast, but this will require, require a bit of a deeper dive in the definition of hemp and the definition of cam cannabis. Um, so that THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis and hemp. It is the component that causes the mind altering effects, um, in the profile inogenic um, you could argue it it’s, it’s, it’s psychoactive, it’s a psychotropic, um, hallucinogenic, uh, debatable. Uh, I agree with that, that, that, that’s a, cause
Dee Dee:
That cracks me up because you know, we’ve got some senators that think that it truly is
Well that’s, that’s not hallucinogenic, that’s hallucinogenic,
Dee Dee:
Um, sorry for any rednecks out there, we’ve both lived in the country. So
Dee Dee:
That kind of gives us
Goodness some right. But hallucinogenic, um, is the claim on the current SB one 70, um, I would encourage you to explore that. Uh, and if you didn’t listen to the fabulous interview, that was who, who
Dee Dee:
Conducted that? Oh, it was, uh, w uh, w H a S by Dwight Whitten and Tony.
Yeah. Uh, check that out because it is one awesome. Two hilarious. Um, and, and like the type of magic that you just can’t recreate. Uh, so yeah, listen to that. Um, tell that’s a huge shout out.
Dee Dee:
We might have to have him on our podcast. That was a lot of fun.
Yeah. That, that be fun. Yeah. So, uh, that being said, uh, all of the THCs, which include Delta eight, Delta nine Delta 10, um, naturally occurring and have these effects, uh, feelings of euphoria, uh, mine, uh, altered mind, state, uh, hunger stimulation, pain, relief, uh, sleep are all, uh, attributes of this cannabinoid. It is also the most controversial cannabinoid. No, yes. It’s very
Dee Dee:
Self. Is that the one they made it schedule one.
Yeah, they did. Um, they
Dee Dee:
Put in the same category as heroin. They
Did. Mm. They did, because it, you know, is awesome
Dee Dee:
Because it may help people.
It helps and, well, we’re not gonna get into, we’re not opinion because really actually this podcast is more fact based than anything, which is kind of cool. Cuz I know we go off on what we think, and this is actually what we know. Um, so, uh, that being said, gimme your 2 cents on, on this Delta nine,
Dee Dee:
My 2 cents. My opinion
On it. The for forbid in fruit <laugh>
Dee Dee:
Well, it’s based on weight. It has to be zero under 0.3%.
Oh, I’m getting all into that. Okay. We’re gonna get deep into that. Just gimme your from the top. What do you think about it? Like
Dee Dee:
I think it be, do, do enjoy. Do I enjoy it? Yes, absolutely. Do I think it’s beneficial to my body 150000000%. I don’t think that percentage is right, but you know, I think it helps. I think people need it. I think people that have certain issues need it. I see nothing wrong with it. If you’re an adult use what you want to use, that’s part of being free. Right. Agreed. So I do believe it’s an adult product. I’m okay with that 21 and up, I mean really 18 year olds are supposedly adults. So I, I still, I have a 24 year old and I’m gonna say 21 <laugh> so, but I, I see no reason why you couldn’t use it. I’ve definitely used it. I’ve definitely partake of the, um, THC products. Um, I find them extremely helpful. I am not, uh, I don’t use a lot of it. I can, I like microdosing better. Um, I don’t feel the need to overuse, I guess as a word. Um, I like it in small increments. I’m not, um, I’m very a type personality, so I like to be in control. So if I take too much and I don’t feel like I’m in control, then that might cause issues with me internally and that I don’t like. So I think everybody, you know, you just have to find that right. Sweet spot if you’re gonna want to, if you wanna try to use
It well, and that’s, what’s interesting about the hemp derived and, and again, we’re
Dee Dee:
It that it is different
Because you’re confined to a lower milligram <affirmative> um, am, um, you, you do, you, you’re essentially doing a micro dose unless you take multiple doses, uh, which is certainly you can, um, and get the same effect. But I personally, unless you have a serious medical issue, don’t see the benefit in the, in the high milligram, THC, furthermore, you know, it seems like THC gets all the press and all the attention, um,
Dee Dee:
And all the negative attention
Too. Yeah. Negative and positive. Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, there’s over 115 cannabinoids that have been discovered so far in the cannabis plant. Um, and they all have potential benefits, uh, to, to humans. Um, so everyone really focuses on the, the THC because of its psychoactive nature. There’s a lot of other great stuff out there. And, and I think that because people hone in on that, especially the marijuana industry and I don’t wanna poo poo the marijuana industry, but it feels like they try to get the biggest, highest milligram that they possibly can. Um, the highest quote unquote grade, which is gonna be the highest content of THC, which transversely has the lowest content of the other cannabinoids and
Dee Dee:
Especially CBD
Puts you outta your mind, uh, to where you’re freaking out. You’re having heart palpitations because your blood pressure drops so sharply. I, I don’t, I just, I don’t know that that’s, that, that that’s
Dee Dee:
Awesome. But, but again, to each their own. Right. But that’s something that somebody wants to do. Yeah. So be it said, do it, I, you know, as long as you’re not harming anyone in the process, I don’t
Care agreed, agreed. You should have the right to do what it, what, what you want. I, I, I mean, and, and even at that, you can’t overdose on it. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, you can’t, there’s no long term adverse effects that, that we’re aware of at this point. Um, it is recommended for adults. And the reason why it’s recommended for adults is because, uh, in brain development, when you introduce a psychoactive chemical, and again, I’m not a doctor, I don’t even pretend to be one, not even on TV. Uh, but when you introduce a psychoactive chemical to an undeveloped brain, there could be ramification so that it, no matter what that component is. Uh, so just something to be aware of, um, with, with, with children.
Dee Dee:
Well, of course, of course anybody that’s using these products that are adult products should be responsible and keep them away from children. Right. You know what I mean? There, there was an article. Um, I can’t really quote it, but it was sent to me in my group chat with some friends. And we talk about the strateg strategies and things in this state. And that article was about a two year old popping, a gummy in her mouth. And the mom just went ahead and let her eat it. Well, she was in a, someone else’s car had no idea what kind of gummy that was not, I’m sorry. But if that was my child, I would do anything and everything to get whatever that was out of that child’s mouth. I wouldn’t have just let ’em eat it. I know kids put everything in their mouth, but we, as responsible adults need to, duh, be careful with that. Especially if you’re in someone else’s car, you don’t know what, what, what is in their car.
Well, and, and here’s the thing. Um, and this is, this is where we’re at with, with our society, because we’re at a point where we expect everything to be spoon fed for us. So we don’t have to think for ourselves, oh, it should be in a container that, that children shouldn’t get to it. Yes. That’s a great precaution. Mm-hmm <affirmative> that doesn’t take away your responsibility exactly. To make sure if children are gonna be around, put that shit someplace where they can’t get to it and make sure exactly we we’re in this weird maelstrom where, oh, it, it wasn’t made completely glaringly obvious to me. So I just ran into a brick wall because there wasn’t a sign that said brick wall. I mean, we respond like idiots because we’re treated like idiots. Uh, and it kills me.
Dee Dee:
I mean, yes,
I get it. Think for yourself, no. What the, the right thing is, and then educate your children. Don’t rely on society. AKA the mass media, controlling us to do that on your behalf. Uh, that’s just ignorant. So again, we’re positive here. We’re not negative. Um, we
Not positive. Like I will jump up and down, do handstands. I will, whatever, uh, to encourage people to think for themselves, make smart decisions, engage critical thinking just because it says it, or doesn’t say it on a, on a warning label or a sign, or <laugh> a social media post that doesn’t mean you should or shouldn’t do it. That means you, that that’s just something to indicate. I mean, you, every day you should walk to your path, making the right and wrong decisions as you see fit, not as you’re led to see fit mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, and that is the Sheel narrative that, that absolutely has overcome our culture and is hugely disappointing to me. Um, and I struggle with maintaining a positive attitude about it, but I, because I know we can change. We have to change. We have to change for the sake of our children for the sake of our society so that our kids or kids, kids are working for pennies an hour by a foreign overlord. That’s essentially running our country, cuz that’s exactly where we’re headed and we’re letting it well, we’re letting it happen.
Dee Dee:
And that is a, a totally different topic.
Dee Dee:
So I’m gonna, sorry. I’m gonna bring you back. Reel me
Back in,
Dee Dee:
Bring you back in. Let’s save that for another day. Cheers.
My coffee. Yes.
Dee Dee:
My bad. I’m addicted to caffeine,
So, alright, so I’m gonna circle back. So we all know, uh, hemp was made legal in the agriculture improvement act of 2018, correct? Uh, super interesting riveting piece of American literature. If you ever wanna read it, I, uh, have read multiple sections. I’ve read probably more of it yesterday than I’ve ever read before. And let me tell you something it’s it’s rough. It’s it’s is rough. It’s like chewing on, oh my God. I don’t even know <laugh>
Dee Dee:
You, you gotta have a degree in it. Is that what you’re
Saying? But here, but
Dee Dee:
So it wasn’t just plain English.
Yes. But here’s what I love. Here’s what I love. Um, the section which covers, uh, the, the qualification of hemp is on page four 20 of the American improvement act. I
Dee Dee:
Hope, hope you all know what four 20 is and if not,
We’ll have, and again, if you, again, if you don’t the rock thing, go back to the rock, crawl out of it. <laugh> um, and it’s section 1, 0 1, 1 3 hemp production, uh, section 2 97, a definitions. The subtitle is hemp production and it reads hemp. The term hemp means the plant cannabis, sativa L, and any part of the plant, including its seeds, uh, thereof and derivatives extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not with a Delta nine Tetra cannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3% on a dry weight basis. Okay. So let’s focus on that last line or that last bit Delta nine Tetra hydro cannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3% on a dry weight basis. Okay. So now I’m gonna scoot over to the, um, executive summary of the hemp authorities, uh, section one,
Dee Dee:
Who made them the hemp authority
<laugh> as, as of the enactment of 2018 farm bill in the December 20th, 2018, hemp has been removed from schedule one of the controlled substances act and is no longer a controlled substance. Right? Awesome, big win. Uh, then, uh, I’m gonna get into page three where it says this memorandum provides my legal opinion on certain provisions of the agriculture improvement act of 2018 and is written by Steven Alexander Vaden general counsel. So, uh, section one reads as of the enactment of a 2018 farm bill on December 20th, 2018, hemp has been removed from schedule one of the controlled substances act and is no longer a controlled substance. Hemp is defined under the 2018 farm bill in, uh, to include any cannabis plant or derivative thereof that contains no more than 0.3% Delta nine Tetra cannabinol on a dry basis.
Dee Dee:
Now let me ask you this, Matt, why do you think they spell it out? Delta Delta nine, Delta nine Delta nine,
Because you have to be very specific in documents like this mm-hmm <affirmative>, uh, as this document is it’s incredibly specific. And, um, I think that when this was written, they weren’t thinking isomers and, and, and things like that. They wrote
Dee Dee:
It in
There. Right, right. <laugh> right. They did. Um, and, and that’s because, you know, they’re, they’re trying to, uh, uh, and, uh, forgive the, the parlance, but they’re trying to pick, uh, they’re trying to pick, fly shit out of pepper. <laugh> right. Um, and that’s what they’re doing. They’re, they’re trying to be very specific on, on what they’re they’re limiting. Um, but they have to be specific for legal reasons. Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> so, uh, now bear with us, cuz this is gonna get a little technical, you get that 0.3% on dry weight basis. So what’s dry weight basis. So this definition comes from the law insider, by the way, all these articles will, will, will be, uh, in the job or I’m sorry, in the show notes. Um, I still think I’m a contractor sometimes
Dee Dee:
<laugh> you act like a contractor sometimes to
All, all of these will be, uh, in the show notes y’all
Dee Dee:
You better say
Prayer show and I would encourage you to read it. Uh, so dry weight basis means the ratio of the amount of dry solid in a sample after drying to the total mass of the sample before drying, including the moisture and the sample dry weight basis is the percentage of a chemical in a substance after removing the moisture from the substance, then it gets specifically into THC percentages of THC on a dry weight basis means that the percentage of THC by weight, in a cannabis item, plant extract, or other derivative, other derivative being the, the, the, the key right there mm-hmm <affirmative> after excluding moisture from the item. So this is you’ve
Dee Dee:
Heard. So it can’t be what,
Dee Dee:
<laugh> sorry. <laugh>
Well done.
Dee Dee:
You’re welcome. Touche,
Touche. Uh, so with that being said, um, that dry weight basis is key, uh, because essentially what it’s saying is, okay, you can have 0.3% on a dry weight basis of a derivative mm-hmm <affirmative>. So what they didn’t expect, I think in that 0.3% is that 0.3% can amount to a, a, a, a, a significant amount of THC. Yes. Uh, and I’m gonna give you an example here, uh, of a product that, that we actually sell. Um, so this product, uh, advertises eight milligrams of THC per serving mm-hmm <affirmative>. Okay. So bear with me, cuz this is actually a good average, uh, example for this product. So one unit, which is one gummy weighs on average 4.3, five grams. Okay. So that’s gonna be 4,350 milligrams right now we’re talking about eight milligrams of THC, obviously eight grams of THC. You would be having a bad time, uh, eight milligrams of THC, pretty decent dose mm-hmm <affirmative> I mean, you’re gonna feel eight milligrams unless you are just a habitual marijuana user. Um, in which case you may not, if you’re just a standard CBD U user, uh, a you take eight milligrams is you’re gonna
Dee Dee:
Fail. I, I
Would tell you, take that. You’re gonna know. Yeah, you’re gonna know. Uh, so, uh, the Delta nine THC per unit at 8.0 3, 4 7 milligrams, uh, gives you a total THC percentage of 1 8, 5. So that’s not even mean that’s, that’s 66% of the total limit. So you could in theory, get another four milligrams of THC into that gummy. Now again, uh, we, we don’t, we don’t push the compliance envelope. Um, uh, and we’re very cautious with all of our products to make sure that we’re not breaking any laws and we do maintain compliance, but that is a heck of a lot of THC to get into one gummy that’s federally legal mm-hmm <affirmative> and fits within the 2018 farm bill provided that that THC is derived from hemp. Um, so that is just a very interesting loophole, uh, and a very interesting way to get, uh, some Delta nine THC into your life without having to worry about breaking state or federal law.
Dee Dee:
Well, I mean, it, you know, there are bills sitting out there. I don’t, uh, if they’ve passed by now, once people hear this, I’m not positive, can’t really predict that future. Um, but you know, there’s, um, medical marijuanas up for vote in Kentucky. Um, it, it limits people to what, uh, reasons they can get medical marijuana. And the thing about these products is we don’t discriminate. Anybody can use them as long as they’re over 21, and we will actually educate you on how to use them. That is the number one thing that we have always stuck by, um, at 5 0 2 hemp. Yes, I’m plugging that. Um, but it’s all about education. And I think there are a lot of products out there that I would be concerned with. We have even pulled products that we have been concerned with. Um, and it, it has been more of a self-governing that we have done in the, in the hemp industry, which I think is extremely important because while we are Hesters or whatever you wanna call us, um, we are pro plant period pro plant it’s the plant, it’s the same plant people. Um, but I think that’s important. It’s important that we look at these certificates of analysis that we have talked about before and make sure that they are 100% correct.
Yeah, absolutely. Well, and, and, well, I agree with you on that same level, you know, there, there does need to be some, some regulation, but not a, just a banning and not a, oh, well, let’s close this loophole let’s work within the loophole. Let’s, let’s make it something that is safe, uh, and productive for everyone. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, and let’s not let money, uh, and, and political interests corrupt this, uh, because it’s the people who, who, who figured out this, this loophole, that’s, that’s a very creative way of thinking. I think so that’s, that’s someone engaging critical thought, right? That’s someone saying, well, what’s
Dee Dee:
Capital and it’s capitalism at
Its best. Right. And that what I really like about this, that is, again, not pooing. The, the, the marijuana industry is, is this they’re CBD products, they’re hemp products. So you’re getting that, that you, or you can get that rich cannabinoid blend with a high concentration of THC, which a lot of people need. Whereas the, the, the marijuana industry is, oh, how much, you know, can we get 200 milligrams of THC? Let’s do it. Nobody EV really in the marijuana industry talks that much about CBD and the other, you know, 114 plus cannabinoids out there, uh, that have the potential to do great benefit. Um, so yeah, it would, would medical marijuana, recreational marijuana in Kentucky or federally legal be awesome. Yes, it would. Um, but not to the disparagement of the CBD industry.
Dee Dee:
Agree, essentially what we’re saying is there’s a lot of room in the, in the CBD sector,
Dee Dee:
They can coexist yeah. Hemp and marijuana can coexist for different reasons. They can coexist. And I think that’s the most important thing that anyone and everyone, you know, we all gotta band together in order to get some things changed.
Right. And I, and, and just speaking from a, a political and legal perspective, I, I, you know, the, the definition of, of hemp and marijuana only being Def differentiated by that 0.3% mm-hmm <affirmative> is a little ridiculous. I mean, where does that 0.3% come from? It, it it’s archaic. Um, it’s unnecessary and it’s a bit like, um, to, you know, go back and to go back in contractor mode. You know, why studs are 16 inches on center?
Dee Dee:
Clue, because that’s how long the hammer, the average hammer was. So they put their hammer between the studs and that’s how 16 inches on center does studs need to be on 16 on center? No.
Dee Dee:
They can be 20 inches. They can be 24 inches. They can be 12
Dee Dee:
Inches. We’ve all been lied to about the inches are anyway.
So it doesn’t matter. I know doesn’t matter. I tell MK whos 12 inches all the time. She don’t believe me. <laugh> um, anyway, uh, so the point is we need to, we all need to revisit this and say, okay, you know, let’s, let’s talk, let’s take this 0.3%.
Dee Dee:
Sounds like another episode. We, we
May have to be talking about, pull it behind our backs. And, um, let’s talk about, you know, what’s what, what’s the healthiest for people. What’s the best, uh, for people. And that, that there is no one, like what, there, there are multiple, um, variations of, of plants and you don’t need to necessarily quote unquote, genetically engineer, a, a cannabis plant to make it one way or the other
Dee Dee:
GMO’s bad.
Yeah. You can, you can very easily influence these plants to produce, uh, a variation of cannabinoids. Um, that might be best suited for one purpose or the other. Uh, but it really starts with the education and it starts with, um, allowing these things to happen.
Dee Dee:
Agreed. Well, cool. I think that wraps this episode up. Thank you guys for listening and as always leave comments, especially when Matt says something funny, um, we appreciate you. Hope we’ll see you soon. Keep it hippy out there.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff
And keep it. He out there.