Beshear’s Medical Marijuana Announcement

Beshear's Medical Marijuana Announcement
In this episode, Matt and Dee Dee have a lively discussion all about Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s announcement regarding steps forward for medical marijuana and stipulations for the sale of Delta 8 THC. Bold moves or more BS? You decide. Also:
-What is legal now, anyway? Matt and Dee Dee break down Beshear’s announcement and what it means for cannabis users.
-What are the next steps (if any) for Kentucky? Could the state be moving toward full legalization?
-How will this move affect the growing discussion around cannabis and its place in our culture? All this, plus Matt’s beef with Beshear, on this week’s episode!
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Hi, I’m Matt,
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about him and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with Hemp
Queen and Emperor podcast.
Dee Dee:
Join us as we enter into this misunderstood and the unknown down. <laugh>. Are we good to go? Yeah,
We’re live right now.
Beshear’s Medical Marijuana Announcement
Dee Dee:
Sweet. Hey, happy hamsters. Thanks for joining us again on our Hemp and Happiness podcast. And this one’s pretty cool. We get to talk about what Governor Beshear did, uh, November 15th. So super excited. Um, I don’t know if most of you know, but I was part of his, um, medical cannabis advisory committee and my role, I went to four different, um, like town hall meetings and we got to listen to a lot of people and tell their story as to why they want medical marijuana, uh, legal here in this state. And I tell you what, there was some gut wrenching stories and when I mean gut wrenching, like all of us were in tears, um, from veterans to moms taking care of their autistic children that has a ton of medical issues. That poor kid had gastroparesis and, and just so many different things wrong with him.
And he had actually used, um, medical cannabis in a legal state and was doing very well. And then they moved here and then she couldn’t get it anymore. And everybody’s like, well just, you know, give it to him anyway. And she’s like, well, what if, you know, the authorities find out and they take my son away. I mean, I’m his caregiver. Like he’s not a kid. He is in his twenties. But you know, when you’ve got someone that that needs you that much and then they can’t have the medicine that was working for them, that’s, that’s a big life changing. He even told his mom he wanted to die. So that was just, and he was there and he was such a sweet kid to meet their kids. Anybody under thirties, a kid <laugh>, um, that it was so sweet. And then, um, veterans, tons of veterans.
My husband spoke a few times. My father-in-law spoke. He actually has a card out in Oregon and has driven out there many times to get the supplies he needs. But, you know, you’re breaking the law when you bring that stuff back into Kentucky. So that leave until now. Until now, yes. You can only have up to eight ounces. You must have a certificate from your medical doctor. So that is super important to have that. You need to keep the receipts. And the one thing thing, though that it does not help you with is if you get pulled over in another state, they are not gonna reciprocate, um, governor Beshear’s order. So you ha you still have to be careful, but at least when you’re in Kentucky, if you have what you need to have, obviously you gotta be 21 and up. Um, but it, it is only a misdemeanor.
Um, it’s truly the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony in Kentucky. So it was, I personally think that this was the way the governor, um, kind of forced the legislature’s hands to bring the medical marijuana house bill to a vote. Um, now obviously it’s gotta pass the house again this year and hopefully, I hope there’s some modifications made because I wouldn’t say that it, I was completely in agreement with House Bill 136. I’m glad it passed. I’m glad it opened the door, but there’s a lot of things that need to be done with it. Um, I think it’s gonna force some of these legislators that are holding this up, especially in the Senate to vote for it. Um, there are about four senators that are completely against cannabis in general and medical marijuana in general, and they would not bring it for a vote.
So I think it’s, that’s what’s kept it illegal here in Kentucky for so long. But the governor’s order also only listed 21, um, ailments that you could use it for. Um, qualifying conditions such as cancer, trophic, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, als or Lou Gehrig’s disease, epilepsy, intractable seizures, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s multiple sclerosis, sickle cell anemia, severe and chronic pain. Post-traumatic stress disorder, Cachexia, and I still do not know how to pronounce that. Or wasting syndrome. My apologies. Neuropathies, severe arthritis, hepatitis C, fibromyalgia, intractable pain, muscular dystrophy, Huntington’s disease, human immunodeficiency virus, um, or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, HIV or aids, glaucoma and a terminal illness. So those are the 21 things that the governor said was, um, part of the qualifying conditions. There’s a few on there that I think should be added and you think some are like you have chronic pain.
Oh, okay. <laugh>, let’s take a step back. Yes. Okay. So
Dee Dee:
First we should tell them that this is our second podcast on this. Right?
Okay. So not only is this, so, okay, so we recorded this podcast yesterday. We did. Okay. Full disclosure mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And there was a system malfunction. So we’re actually, this is round 2.0. <laugh>. Yes. Um, and if it looks like we’re recording this in an empty room and it sounds like we’re recording in an empty room, it’s cuz we are, yay. We’re in our new studio at our new store in Indiana. Uh, which might be open by the time this airs. Might not. It’ll be No, no, no. Not yet. No. Okay. Well it’s, it’s, it’s being, we’re we’re filling it with all types of goodies. Yes. Uh, super exciting decorating. Um, but I I, I don’t want to dive down that rabbit hole yet cuz I want to do a whole episode on the new store. Of course. Um, but before, you know, I wanna stay on track cuz I’m really good at staying on track. <laugh> and, uh, kind of piece to the piece through what you just said. So let’s just for this part mm-hmm. <affirmative> purely look at the marijuana side of it. Yes. Um, so what he’s saying is it’s legal, but you can’t buy it here.
Dee Dee:
You have to get a letter from your doctor. Correct. Take it to a legal state that reciprocates. Correct.
Dee Dee:
Because Ohio does not
Yeah. Which few do, right. Get a card. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> buy the shit.
Dee Dee:
Or you can buy rec
And that. Right. But you can buy rec anyway. But you can’t bring rec back without your medical, right?
Dee Dee:
No, I don’t know about
That. It’s no. Cause what if you, if you come, if you come back and you’re like, dude, chronic pain, I
Dee Dee:
Think, well,
Are they gonna, they’re gonna be like, thanks.
Dee Dee:
I would, I would not call it a medical card though, because in in Kentucky we don’t have medical cards.
So you, so okay, so, so need, okay. Yeah. So then you can get your doctor here to write a, a letter that says, oh, this person has chronic pain and qualify. And then you can go to a rec state. Yes. And then you can bring your eight ounces back. Yep. And if you get pulled over, you can say, dude, here’s a letter from my doctor that says I have chronic pain
Dee Dee:
In, in Kentucky. Yeah. And you need your receipt. So
That’s a
Dee Dee:
Whole lot of work. It is a whole
Lot work. That’s a, that, that to me that’s like, uh, okay. Versus just coming to our store.
Dee Dee:
Buying our stuff that, that is, but people don’t, arguably just as strong, they
Dee Dee:
Don’t think our stuff’s
Real now not having to pay the bullshit tax. Right.
Dee Dee:
My god, Illinois, who
Horrific that. And, and it just seems and gas that that, okay, I’m gonna say that zero sum. Okay. Yeah. That, that’s not a winner or loss. It’s a, it’s a forward, it’s a positive forward step. It is. But as far as people, it’s not like, whoa, prohibition lifted.
Dee Dee:
I know.
Fire it up boys. Yeah. No. Okay, now no, now it ain’t happening. Okay. No. Now let’s get to this list of ailments. It goes from very serious to very subject to her interpretation.
Dee Dee:
Somewhat. I mean, chronic cancer and terminal illness. Right. Exactly.
On top and bottom. Right. And that’s very easy to prove that someone has Right. Like a, a disease like that. But when you get into, which,
Dee Dee:
Which one do you think? Just the
Pain one. Chronic pain, fibromyalgia. Oh, those are two things that you cannot medically prove a person has. You can’t say, you can’t say, here’s the test test results. You have chronic pain, here’s the test results you have fibromyalgia. I’m not saying people don’t ha have those things. Right. I’m just saying anyone could, I could walk in and say, yeah, dude, chronic pain, it’s killing me. Well,
Dee Dee:
I think, oh, I also think people
Dee Dee:
But I also think people with chronic pain have been to pain management. Clinics have gotten their pills.
That’s not what that says.
Dee Dee:
That’s, that isn’t what
That says. I guarantee you I could walk into the right doctor and say chronic pain, dude. Oh, I’m sure you can. Oh my, I can get
Dee Dee:
Killing me. I mean, I can get ptsd.
I work. Yeah. That’s another one I really can’t get. I mean, how many shades of PTs are there? There’s a lot. There’s a lot. And I’m, they’re all, I’m, I’m not, I am in no way trying to de-legitimize No. These symptoms. I’m just saying.
Dee Dee:
But I could
Get it. That’s very easy.
Dee Dee:
And I haven’t been to war
Versus saying’s real. Yes. I have cancer. That’s,
Dee Dee:
That’s a different ptsd. No,
I agree. I mean, I mean,
Dee Dee:
And I’ve had cancer.
So the list is zero sum. Right.
Dee Dee:
Do you have to be active cancer or
Right now or, well, technically, once you have cancer, you’re, you’re always have cancer. You’re just in remission. Right. If it goes away. Right. But yet never really goes away.
Dee Dee:
Right. So I could flare up at any time.
Right. So arguably you’ve gotta, you’ve gotta, you cover a third of that list. I
Dee Dee:
I mean, plus the
Dee Dee:
Biggest thing in house deed,
<laugh>. Okay. So, and I’m not trying to, I’m again, I’m, I’m not trying to be cynical of this. I’m just saying me that part of this whole, you know, thing. Well,
Dee Dee:
It’s medical doesn’t, doesn’t really,
Dee Dee:
If it was wreck, it doesn’t matter. And, and the, the thing that bothers me about this cannabis use in general, I think all of it’s medical. Even the people
That use it for, I think all of it’s rec I think all of it’s recreational because I think recreational is medical. Yes. And I think that if you, if you say medical, all medical is, is introducing a new way for more people to make money off of the, the the weed selling process,
Dee Dee:
Right? Well, yes and no. I think medical you don’t, they don’t charge usually charge taxes for med medical. But now for rec, that’s where you pay all those damn
Taxes. But it doesn’t matter cuz cuz you gotta pay the pharmacist for a script.
Dee Dee:
And so, so there’s your tax, there’s your asshole tax right there.
Dee Dee:
Yep. Which makes what’s the same no sense to me at all.
No, I told you it’s just another layer for people to make money. It is for people to cut a little piece out of the pie. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
Which you don’t have to pay here right now by right now the hemp drive product.
Dee Dee:
Well, yeah. I mean our pro uh, people, I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but hemp and marijuana is the same plant I
Hear the people, the thc Yes. Is indistinguishable. Right.
Dee Dee:
Well, well I’m not talking about cannabinoids, but it starts as the same plant cannabis sativa L same damn plant or cannabis L sativa. I don’t know where the L’s it goes, but it’s the same damn plant. And what distinguishes the two is the fact that breeding happens and CBD
Breeding happens. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
I say breeding. They breed the plants one either to be a high CBD strain or the other to be a high THC strain. And if you let hemp flour keep growing, it’s gonna change over into thc. Yeah. And have a higher THC yield. That’s why poor farmers, they end up getting their fields slash they grew a hemp variety, but it can change and have a higher THC limit at any
Time. Kind of a lady in the tramp scenario, you know, kind of, or you’ve got the, the pristine plant, then you got the rough straggly plant, you put a plate of spaghetti in front of him and the magic happens or something like that. Next thing you know. Oh, you’re weird. That’s a weird, you got a new breed
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. That’s a weird analogy.
But Holly Buds baby. Oh
Dee Dee:
My god. We can think of some names here. All right.
Dee Dee:
But what you, to your, what how we were getting back to that we have Delta nine THC products. It’s the same damn THC that is in marijuana. We can only have up to 0.3%. We have to have it tested obviously for so many reasons. But it’s the same stuff. People Yeah,
We have, we got 20 milligram gummies, we 15
Dee Dee:
Milligrams, 20 milligram gummies. And those 20 milligram gummies are mixed with C, B, G, which is the mother of all cannabinoids, right? Yeah. Every cannabinoid KS from C bg. So that’s, I bought
Some for this weekend. Did
Dee Dee:
You? Yes, I did. I’m getting me some b, some CBN ones. We, we have Delta
Nine. I bought those too. I got those too.
Dee Dee:
Supposedly CBN is the cannabinoid that gives you more sleep. Now. It’s not truly
Been proven, I don’t think. Supposedly. Well, anecdotally, I, I can tell you that shit works
Dee Dee:
Well and I’m gonna find out.
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, have you not taken those, have those yet? Oh yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>,
Dee Dee:
They’re good. Now. The th c v ones, they definitely put a little pep in your step. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, those
Are nice. That’s, well, it’s the sativa blend and the in. Yeah,
Dee Dee:
Yeah, sure. Okay. Yeah. So <laugh>, let’s, let’s switch gears. Let’s talk about the Delta eight side of this
Dee Dee:
Whole thing. Yes. So not only did the governor sign that executive order about medical marijuana, he also signed an executive order that says Delta eight is not a controlled substance in Kentucky in that it shall be regulated like CBD is with the labeling requirements. So yay me cuz I worked my fucking ass off keeping that those products legal in the state of Kentucky mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, I put a lot of money into it, my own personal money into it mm-hmm. <affirmative> our business money into it to help pay for the attorneys to fight this. Because I knew all along that these products were legal. There’s nothing in the statutes, nothing in the 2018 Farm Bill. I mean, I could go on and on about it. So I knew, so his order literally, I’m pretty much sealed it in stone that Delta eight is legal and not a controlled substance.
And the new thing is that there will, there will be new labeling requirements, the same labeling requirements that they issue for, um, CBD products. But not only that, in order to make these products, you have to have a food safety permit. And I applaud that because there are so many people that are making it. There’s some that make it in their stores. There’s some that’s making it in their barns, garages, kitchens just willy-nilly. You can buy the dis distillate pretty much anywhere and start making your own edibles, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So this will, um, any of those packaged products you see on shelves, uh, you know, our competitor shelves or whatever, smoke shops, if they’re not made by, um, a licensed food safety permit, I would not buy that shit. Don’t buy it. Um, I think it’s super important to know where you’re getting your product from and it requires the testing. I think it requires testing, but the labeling ha has to have so much certain stuff on it. Um, I know the Kentucky Hemp Association is working on more regulations, meaning that 21 and up, which we already do, which everyone should be doing anyway. Um, this stuff is not for children. Now if, uh, a parent wants to give some to their teenage child, that’s on them. That ain’t on us.
Well, here’s my question on that. So this is probably a better part of it than the marijuana. The marijuana part is nah. Yeah, yeah. Not one, not other. Zero sum. Right. The delta a part is nice. And what makes me think particularly about that is the story that you just told about that, uh, young man with all those, uh, issues. Issues, is he gonna get the same medi medical benefit from Delta Aid that he is from marijuana? And since you can sell Delta in Kentucky and pretty much any milligram mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think he could get a, a medical level dose. Yeah. So why, why can’t Hi his mother just provide him with Delta eight.
Dee Dee:
Well, she may not have knew about Delta eight.
Well she does now.
Dee Dee:
She does now
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So that may, that may, we may not have to really worry about. We might not medical. I mean, I mean we could st we could skip the whole medical thing, go straight to rec, let ’em take a couple years to figure that out. Make sure the state doesn’t, gets tax to death. Which by the way, there is a legitimate prohibition by taxation going on in the mm-hmm. <affirmative> cannabis industry right now because these tax rates are so high that 40%, the last time I checked of marijuana businesses were in the red Oh yeah. In debt. Yeah. Uh, making negative income. Yeah. And, and the only ones that were, are really making it are the big, big companies where the people you don’t wanna buy from anyway. Right. Because all you’re doing is taking your money and padding their pockets. Yep. And they’re really not looking out. They’re corporate, big corporate, you know, big pharma replacements is basically what they are. Yeah, yeah.
Dee Dee:
They are.
Dee Dee:
Of them are part of big pharma too,
Right? Yeah. So just kind of food for thought there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, maybe we’re, we’re on the right track with what we have.
Dee Dee:
And the the thing about that too, Matt, is a lot of those big companies, they are on boards that are supposed to be pro hemp and they’re not, they’re not pro hemp, they’re pro
Marijuana. That’s because the hemp hurts their
Dee Dee:
Industry. Exactly. Yeah. So while could we do that here in Kentucky? We could, we definitely could. Do I think it should be run by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Hell no.
Who’s gonna run it?
Dee Dee:
Um, the ABC could or even the state police. Why not?
Oh my God. Did those, did those, what did that shit just leave your mouth?
Dee Dee:
Well, definitely not the Kda. I mean I think there’d have to be certain things in place there for that. Um,
So you have a choice of Satan,
Dee Dee:
Even the cabinet family and protection
Dee Dee:
Whatever. I know, I know you, it’d be nice if we could self-regulate ourselves, but obviously we can’t do that
<laugh>. Well, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling, so I’m gonna just leave that alone.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, just leave that one alone. But I do, it would be great. I mean, I think I did a news story the other day about the Delta eight. A lot of people just are, what’s that? Oh, I didn’t know about that. Hey, what’s that? And it really is word of mouth too, even about the Delta nine products. Cuz everybody’s like, you can sell that. How can you sell that? Yeah. It’s all based on weight, man.
Well, yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, um, I’m, I’m ar I’m, I would argue that right now there’s more unreputable Delta eight sales, sales people and companies out there right now than reputable ones. I agree. And that’s a problem. It is. So I I I do hope that this regulation, that these, uh, regulations that he’s put into this mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, does affect that. Yeah. Because I mean, I, I gotta be honest, af after the little tour I did this summer of mm-hmm. <affirmative>, our quote unquote competitors mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it really opened my eyes as to why this, all this Delta eight Yes. Uh, uh, not wanting people wanting to Delta eight not to be sold happened. Yep. Because some of the people that are selling it don’t need to be selling
Dee Dee:
It. I agree with that. Uh,
And they don’t have people’s wellness or best interests
Dee Dee:
In mind. And the shame about it is
A big eye-opener.
Dee Dee:
Some of them are selling it’s kids, and that is what is gonna hurt us. Apparently there’s a sh it’s not a CBD store in Prospect, but it is a vape store in Prospect. I don’t know the name of it and I’m not gonna ride ’em out, but, um, they’re doing some shady stuff over there. And I think that, um,
Yeah, but you don’t know that that’s all hearsay.
Dee Dee:
That is hearsay. Yeah. And I, I just, even for anybody that is selling these products, you ha I mean, it has to be 21 and up. The kids don’t need this. This is, is probably,
Unless they have a medical condition,
Dee Dee:
Well, unless it’s from their parent, their parent needs to give it to them. We shouldn’t as shop owners
Do the, we, we’ve covered in, in the, the effects of anandamide on an undeveloped claim we have in several episodes. So Yes, we have. If, if, if you’re curious about that more go back few episodes. Yeah. The one on schizophrenia covers that pretty well. And there’s another one. Yeah. I
Dee Dee:
Can’t remember which one. I don’t know. You talked all about that though. Yeah. And how it affected your endocannabinoid system, so Yeah. Yeah. I just think e and and maybe it wasn’t even prospect. Who knows? Maybe it wasn’t there. But all I know is that if you are a shop owner, please do not sell this stuff to children. I mean, that, that’s the one.
Well, yes, but it’s also up to the consumer because it is, the reality is if people will buy shit, people will sell
Dee Dee:
That shit. I know.
Um, because we as humans have a responsibility to be independent thinkers. We do Is this, am I putting the right thing in my body,
Dee Dee:
But not kids, they’re stupid.
Well, then that’s the parent’s responsibility. I
Dee Dee:
Know, I know. It should be this parent’s responsibility anyway, so
They way they need to bring back the house whooping days.
Dee Dee:
Oh, you ain’t kidding. Oh, you ain’t
Kidding. And, and get rid of this whole positive reinforcement. I, I’m all about positive reinforcement, but I, but it’s, I think it goes both ways. If you, if you reinforce the positive and, and, and, and show don’t
Dee Dee:
The negative stuff and show discipline towards the negative, you’ve got a good course. Yeah. Uh, but I think it’s, it’s moderating that. But anyway, I don’t want to get down
Dee Dee:
That rabbit hole. Uh, I think Gen Xers kind of fucked up the kids because we didn’t have, but see here the parents around as much and then the ki and then the kids just, we, so we are helicopter parents.
Uh, it’s true and untrue. You, you always have the previous generation, and I don’t believe in this generational bullshit. <laugh>, and I’ve, I’ve said this before because you’re, if you, if you’re, if you’re part of one generation, first of all, the previous generation always bitches about the incoming generation. Well, yeah. Because they’re never, except for they’re never the best. They’re never, they’re never as productive. Do you know, what do you know, actually, I’ll just say this quick. Do you know which, um, which generation technically had the most, uh, opportunity and the best economic, the boomers ground? Yes. That is 100% correct.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Boomers, they, they’ve been the house for 20
Grand. And do you know that that, that that is when, um, uh, social Marxism mm-hmm. <affirmative> reached its zenith mm-hmm. <affirmative> as far as infiltrating the, um,
Dee Dee:
I can see that,
Uh, our, our, our culture and I’ve watching the Crown and diminishing our, um mm-hmm. <affirmative> our, well really our, our economic and governmental ideals in, in the United States. Kind of interesting stuff. But <laugh>, we might cover that Onno another podcast. Definitely. Anyway, the point is, the point is, I don’t believe in generational stuff. And I think that every generation is always gonna blame the other generation. But really you can only blame yourself. Right. And it’s the, you know, it’s like, oh, these kids, okay, well you raised those kids, so that’s, that’s on you, dude. Like, that is, that is on you because you raised them. You’re, they are a product of the environment that you created for them, unfortunately. And the reality that, that you’ve created. So these damn kids, these damn kids are our damn responsibility.
Dee Dee:
Reap what you sow
Dee Dee:
Either way.
Dee Dee:
On. That’s moving on. I still think that, uh, governor Bashier did a great thing, and I think he, there’s no question about it. He is the first governor that’s even tried to move this stuff forward in Kentucky.
Yes. But Governor Bashir, if you were listening to this, I’m still pissed at you about that quarantine bullshit, dude. Man, he, I don’t like you. He’s
Dee Dee:
Just trying to keep us safe. She,
No, he wasn’t.
Dee Dee:
Yes. He was
Shush trying to inhibit my right to power board.
Dee Dee:
Oh Jesus. You were still out and about. I don’t even wanna hear it.
That’s true. I do whatever the fuck I wanted. Yes,
Dee Dee:
You do. Exactly. So, shush, he’s trying to keep us safe
People. No, he was listening to High trying to keep us in fear and afraid.
Dee Dee:
I don’t necessarily think that was
Him. I’m, all I’m trying to say is he’s not redeemed Shu Okay. He’s still gotta do like one more thing. He’s redeemed, fucking make it legal dude. And then we’re even me to be
Dee Dee:
Part of his
Team, we’re make recreational marijuana. Even then we’re even that is, that is it. I will not accept your poultry offering. That’s
Dee Dee:
That he to an executive order
After, after the, the, the covid quarantine stuff that we don to
Dee Dee:
Endure it. It’s funny speaking of that though, I mean, we’ve had people call us be like, can I get my, can I get my marijuana there? I’m like, no, there’s no dispensaries in Kentucky. Now if he could have that kind of power and open up some dispensaries in Kentucky, well that’s a different
Story. See? But we’re in Indiana now.
Dee Dee:
Well, we are, but they’re, they’re
Asswards just as much as Kentucky is. Hey, you know what? I went to Indiana to eat at restaurants, but back when, when Beshir was like, oh no, you, you can’t be doing that. You can in Indiana two miles away from my house,
Dee Dee:
<laugh>, then that’s why you’ll be at this store
And I’ll be, and you know, another store. And you know what? I didn’t get Covid till six months after quarantine was over.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. So in December and January when everyone else got it this year. Yeah.
Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and that International quarantine month. Mm. It
Dee Dee:
Or international. Yeah. International Covid month. Anyway.
Dee Dee:
Ah. So anyway, those are the awesome things that the governor did do, and I’m proud of
It. Hey, you did something.
Dee Dee:
Oh man. We, he’s actually been a good governor. So shut up. We’re gonna
Have this argument. Hills and valleys. Hills and valleys.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Well, aren’t they? Don’t they all? But anywho, if you guys have questions out there about this order and want to learn more about it, we are more than happy to answer questions. Well, he might not, but I will, um,
<laugh>, oh, I’ll answer your questions, but I’ll just, I’ll, I might tell you what you don’t want to hear.
Dee Dee:
Well, and keep in mind, people, you do not need to drive. We have tinctures, we have capsules, we have tons and tons of edibles. Um,
And we deliver.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, we deliver.
We 5 0 2 hemp com, we
Dee Dee:
Ship it. Yep. And pretty soon, 812 mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so yes, but we have all that stuff. We have vapes in the Delta eight. So just keep that stuff in mind. Um, we’re always here to help and always here to help you find the best product for your needs too. And, you know, and don’t give up on CBD products either. CBD is like the backbone and the core to medical, if you ask my opinion, it does so much for our bodies that people always just wanna get high or just use THC products to help with their ailments. But man, all the other cannabinoids and having them all in one product, which is the Mireya Extracts gummies, those things are the bomb. Uhhuh, <affirmative>. I mean, you get the thc, you get a huge amount of cbd. And I’m telling you, people with fibro, people with a osteoarthritis, people that just need some sleep, people in pain, those gummies have really, really been phenomenal.
So do not, do not think that only THC is needed. All of the cannabinoids are needed, and I will always be pro cannabinoid period, not just thc. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So just keep that in mind. Reach out to us if you have questions. You can always get us on social media. Instagram 502 Hemp on five Oh on, uh, Facebook. We are 502 Wellness Center because Facebook sucks. Um, and we are also at info at five oh s I’m never gonna let them down on that. But info at five oh two Call our store (502) 654-7100 and we’ll have a new 812 store location opening soon. So don’t forget that. But thank you guys as always for listening to Matt and I banter back and forth about what we believe in and, uh, you know, keep it hempy out there and definitely enjoy the holidays. Yes. Don’t get too stressed out about those
Holidays. And even though that this is after Thanksgiving, I just wanna say I am thankful for you. Ditto. Uh, I’m thankful for our customers. I’m very thankful for our listeners, especially the people that come into the store Yeah. After a podcast. And either tell me about what they really liked or what they really didn’t like. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I like ’em. I I like to hear both. Same. Uh, and you’re definitely not gonna have hear my feelings if you got a problem, might, might come in and tell me.
Dee Dee:
Just talk too bad about the
Problems. Just share the shout. Tell me what the, I wanna hear, I wanna hear it. I,
Dee Dee:
I like positive reinforcement.
I’m not a kid. Just, but just that people are listening and, and, and being inspired and thinking for themselves. Yeah. Uh, I would rather have you think for yourself and tell me I’m full of shit than not. Think for yourself and be like, man, oh, that was great. Yeah. You hit it. Yeah. I mean, if I hit it, I hit it and you agree. Awesome. If you don’t, awesome. You’re actually thinking independently. And that’s, that’s what I, that’s if we do anything that’s
Dee Dee:
Awesome. And I promise you it is rare that I completely agree with that, man.
Yeah. So thank you. You <laugh>. Yeah. Right on. Thanks guys. Play ya.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding. Like, subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff and
Keep it hemp out there.