Certificate of Analysis (COA)

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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
I wanted to hear the whole thing play out. I like bone to bone, just hearing it in my head. Like
Dee Dee:
Welcome back listeners. We appreciate you.
I love our
Dee Dee:
Intro. I know it’s pretty fun. You know, this, this whole experience has been pretty fun and getting to, uh, educate others about what we do and how we do it and why we do it in the whole have been industry.
Yes. And we have a lot to get through. Okay. So no. So sit down and listen, because this is really dry and important.
Dee Dee:
Is it really hip camp be, oh man. Sometimes it kind of
Is. Yeah. So we’re gonna talk about, uh, certificates of analysis today. Um, and Dee’s gonna talk really technical and I’m just gonna make it sound sexy. So <laugh>
Dee Dee:
But I have, I’m the
One with a nice voice. I’ll be Charles Bronson if I can pull that off. So, uh, but no, it it’s, it’s a, it is a fascinating and important part of, um, the hemp industry, uh, C B D uh, and so on and so forth and is, it will continue to be important, um, as the industry evolves. So,
Dee Dee:
Oh, most definitely
De need, give us a, give us a rundown of certificate of analysis.
Dee Dee:
So certificate of analysis, you know, the little acronym is C a, I think that’s important. It’s kind of like CYA <laugh> it really is.
Well, it is kind of a CYA.
Dee Dee:
I mean, it is
Kind of a CS way. That’s fitting.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Um, when you are buying a product and we’ve touched on this before, but when you’re buying a product, you need to make sure that there is a certificate of analysis that goes along with that product, this certificate analysis can show you a few different things. It can show you how many milligrams is in the bottle, and you want to make sure that that milligram matches the label. Because a lot of times in this industry, the MIS the labels are it’s mislabeled and, and, you know, you think you’re buying 750 milligrams of CBD. And when you look at the certificate analysis, it’s really only about 500 milligrams of CBD, right. That is super important, cuz there is, that’s a big difference in milligrams, but I know I’m jumping ahead. Don’t even give that.
I’m not giving
Dee Dee:
You anything. I can see I’m giving you shit y’all I can see it.
So certificate of analysis, um, yes. Important to know it’s the potency, um, and the purity of the product. Um, it kills me. There’s a lot of people out there selling hemp oil, um, that is actually hemp seed oil. Oh. And contains no CD don’t I? Yeah. Um, so that right there is the biggest con
Dee Dee:
Oh biggest.
And they’ll write the, the milligrams on the bottle are the omegas.
Dee Dee:
Yes. The OS
The not, and the oil, not, it’s not CBD and, and it it’s a, it’s a true con. Yes. Um, and it’s, uh, it’s all over. Um, I don’t know if I can imagine
Dee Dee:
Starts with the am. Don’t say that.
No, it ends with the us on, we don’t talk about that. Amazon that am with the, let that go. I G comp at the end, uh, is, is not allowed to sell CBD or they’ve opted not to sell CBD. So those people who shop on that online place, uh, you’re not buying CBD if you’re buying oil from there.
Dee Dee:
Right. Uh, it is. Um, so here’s the thing. You have hemp oil, you have hemp extract, then you have hemp seed oil, right? So those are the three things that people put on their labels. If you want hemp seed oil, that’s great for cooking. It’s got great omega threes, omega six it’s good stuff. You can even use that as a carrier oil for your hemp extract. Hemp extract is the one that has all of the cannabinoids in it, whether it’s full spectrum, which has a little bit of that THC, which, you know, federally, we have to be below 0.3% on the THC content. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and it has a, a whole bunch of other cannabinoids too, that are super beneficial for your body. Now, a lot of times people will just say, it’s hemp oil, nine times outta 10 hemp oil means it’s hemp seed oil. You need to look for that. That
Is the cannabinoids are what’s sexy.
Dee Dee:
Yes. The Canna, the cannabinoids are sexy. Yes. Those are the ones that do the best for your body. Yes. For sure. Yes. Um, and that is you’re right. I didn’t even think about bringing that up, but that’s true because a lot of these online people they’re selling, Hey, they’re selling it cheap. So when you see, you know, a big, uh, I’ve seen ’em in four ounce bottle sizes for like 20 bucks and then people call me, well, I could get it on, on that name. We are not going to mention place for $20. I’m like, mm. That is not hemp extract. Yeah. It has to say it in the ingredients. Yeah. Look at the ingredients. Yeah. It should say a carrier oil, usually MCT coconut oil. That’s the best. Um, a great, you gotta have a fatty lipid. It helps your body digest it and absorb it. Well, yes. And then it should say hemp extract and then maybe a flavoring or whatever else is in it, but really it should only be two or three ingredients. That’s it? That’s it
For the, yeah. For the base itself. For the, let’s not forget that. I mean, our number one product is gummies, not even oil. So remember
Dee Dee:
Not true. And,
And the we’re talking about the base product.
Dee Dee:
Yes. I’m, I’m talking about the tincture. Yes. I’m talking about the oil tincture that you buy and you, you squared a little bit in it, in the little dropper and it goes under your tongue and you let it sit there for a minute. That’s what I’m talking about.
Right. But the principle stands for all CBD products. Yes. Not just the tincture, so very,
Dee Dee:
Very true. You need to check the ingredients and make sure there is hemp extract in it. Right. That is very, very, very important. Right. Um, and then from there, that’s where the testing comes in. You should, it should tell you on
This, the sexy testing,
Dee Dee:
The sexy testing, the certificate of analysis, it that in and up that should a DEA certified lab. They will take that product. They will do their little fun scientific stuff and break it down using H P C typically chromatography. Is that what
It is? They do use some filmography. Yeah. But you know what you’re really, I mean, you’re best off to, to, if you wanna take it upon yourself to analyze your certificates by all means or some great YouTube videos out there. Oh yeah. We should actually probably post some, a link to a decent YouTube video on how to interpret them. It is a bit complicated. Oh yeah, for sure. Um,
Dee Dee:
What, sometimes we even still go, what that,
Yeah. What are they trying to, we we’ve even gotten a few certificates that have just looked just because of the order in which yeah. And mind you there. I mean, there’s a lot of different cannabinoids.
Dee Dee:
Yes. And different labs.
Do you get PE pesticides you’re really best to, um, contact your supplier, um, or the, the supplier that you’re considering purchasing from and have them explain the certificate to you. Right. Um, and show you, you know, where, where the purity, uh, is and where the cannabinoid, um, quantities are. Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, so that, um, you, you know, that they understand their product, but also you’re getting education as well. Um, in my opinion, that’s the best way
Dee Dee:
To, no, I agree. Uh, I
Mean, rather than just trying to interpret all the lab geek stuff yourself, cause man, I mean, and
Dee Dee:
You, that it took me a while. It really did. That was not something that came naturally to me. And even the math on as far as how many milligrams are in the bottle and all that fun stuff that took me a long time to learn. I mean, I’ve been in this industry a lot longer than most. Yeah. But it
Took me a while. It can, it can be, it can be daunting to interpret them
Dee Dee:
Overwhelming have your, have your, your, your supplier, your provider educate you on what’s on the product and show you for sure. Um, uh, that should be something that, that should be provided to you from, from who you choose to purchase from mm-hmm <affirmative> I agree. Cause otherwise you’re, it’s, it’s, it’s like trying to rela you
Dee Dee:
Know, well, and if you’re buying a 750 milligram, 30, 30 mil bottle, right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> you should expect about 25 milligrams of CBD in each
Milliliter milliliter.
Dee Dee:
Yep. And if you’re not seeing that on the lab or it’s below, I mean, even with the FDA and how the labor label requirements are, I think there’s a 10% variance. Yeah. That’s a big number. Yeah. And when it comes to CBD, that can, that can mean the difference of you feeling some relief or you need to take more to get the relief you need. Yeah. So within the industry, in and of itself, most gold star, uh, superior manufacturers that do what they do best, they have that variance degree down between one to 2%. Yeah. Now that’s, that’s, I, I think that’s important if I’m buying a bottle that says it’s 750 milligrams, I want 750 milligrams in there. Maybe a little bit more,
You know what, not a
Dee Dee:
Lot less,
You know, what’s interesting about that too, is one of the, both the positive things that, that we’re seeing happen now, um, you know, pre FDA regulation, mm-hmm <affirmative> um, these, these companies that are, are doing some of these, you know, untoward acts are, are beginning to go away. Mm-hmm <affirmative> because they’re essentially cannibalizing themselves out, competing themselves. Yes. Um, out of the market, um, and people are, are, are, are, are starting to educate themselves. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, which is so important. And so, uh, positive to see. So, uh,
Dee Dee:
Absolutely. I mean that yes. And that needed to happen. Yeah. It really did need to happen.
I mean, that, that is one of the true benefits of capitalism. Mm-hmm <affirmative> is you do, you know, competition will eventually weed out some of the weaker of course, than, than the problem with capitalism. Then those in power tend to exploit that. But which, what are you gonna do? I don’t have an answer for that. And we’re, I’m certainly not, uh, suggesting any Marxist or communist ideals on this program.
Dee Dee:
Uh, and we’re keeping big pharma out of all this.
Yeah. Just
Dee Dee:
Big pharma out. So rabbit hole.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Let’s not go there.
<laugh> I didn’t know. My voice still went that high that’s that’s good. You know, post COVID. I thought I’d lost that high seat and that’s important because loving you is one of my favorite songs.
Dee Dee:
Oh, can you imagine what I have
To do that? So good. Moving on office and that’s not part of the certificate. That’s just, I just love that song. Okay.
Dee Dee:
Who soon who’s saying I don’t care.
Well, I’m gonna
Dee Dee:
Look, you can look that up later, let’s get back to the topic at hand. Um, yes. COA is important, important, important, important. Yeah. You know, and not even, not even just the COA, but it’s also important about the milligram that you’re purchasing. Yeah. Not, not one size fits all for CBD. We all metabolize this differently. I mean, I’m, I ain’t ashamed to say it. I’m a bigger girl. And I take, I take about 50 milligrams a day, but I’ve had smaller people than me. They’ve needed a hundred to 200 milligrams a day. I don’t believe it’s based on your weight. I don’t believe it. That it has anything to do with that. You sometimes take more than I do. Yeah. And you’re fit is a freaking fiddle. Well, like
He’s a CrossFit chance.
Dee Dee:
Y’all, <laugh> those muscles that can’t see him in this, but when he got the shirt off, who’ve got nice muscles.
And that’s because, um, I think that, that, that, you know, there’s a consistent dose. Uh, and, and that has to be discovered as an individual where you absolutely you’re consistently taking a dose and then there’s, you know, times of illness, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um, we’re gonna have a show on CBD and COVID coming up. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, but you know, times of injury, uh, where you may need to up your dosages. Absolutely. And, um, you need to be able to consult with someone. Yeah. Uh, who knows a little bit about that, but most importantly, listen to yourself in your own body, which is super important, you know, and, and, and put, put price tag aside, at least until you know, what your dosage
Dee Dee:
Is. Exactly. We, we never try, I think, where dosages are. Well, yeah. And in the beginning, I think everybody was just pushing those high, high doses on people. And I’m like, what are you taking it for? Yeah. Because most times people don’t need a super high dose. Yeah. I mean, now my husband has seizures. He takes about 200 milligrams a day. Yeah. He needs that. Yeah. He definitely needs that much, but me, I don’t need that much. I’d be sleeping too
Much. Yeah. I find that, that high of a milligram, especially if it’s full spectrum, mm-hmm <affirmative>, which is gonna have a decent amount of THC in it is gonna make me lethargic. Yeah. And, and interfere with my predictivity. Right. Unless I’m running around and keeping my, um, pulse up. Right. In which case
Dee Dee:
Even then, so <laugh>, you know, well, and, and
I, but that can be rough too. Cuz then you’re lethargic. You don’t wanna move. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
And I take my CBD oil at night before bed. Yeah. Cause one, it helps kind of calm my mind and I can turn it off cuz I’m very aids type personality. Uh, and I think about everything at all hours of the day constantly. And you know, I think of all the worst case scenarios they run through my mind and no lie CBD is the only thing that has helped me with that. Yeah. And now is it a cure-all and every night I can just go to bed perfectly and not think of it. No. I mean that’s life. Every there’s always ups and downs to everything and some things are a little bit more time, uh, not time consuming, but um, anxiety consuming for me.
Well also, you know what though, it’s, it’s funny cuz you actually just followed the trend of a standard, big pharma medical user. You are kidding. Uh, because in our culture it’s become commonplace to say, oh, something’s wrong with me? What pill do I take for this? Oh, no question about it. And the reality is is, is for a, a lot of ailments, especially mental health. And I wouldn’t ever discourage anyone suffering from mental health issues from taking medication, please, uh, seek, seek help if you need it. Uh, but I don’t think medication is just the answer. I, I, I think that it, it, it is a tool to help you find the answers you need. And some people, yes, you have to take medication for the rest of your life, but that should not be the first option. And I should not be the first thing that people go to. And we as us citizens do that and immediately put it be
Dee Dee:
Because we’re constantly being showed big pharma on
- It is, it is. And most countries
Dee Dee:
Don’t have that in the
Commercials. It’s propaganda. There’s no question. There’s no question about that. Um, but we, we consciously make you, you consciously make that choice and
Dee Dee:
Matt I’m, I’ll be the
First one to individual. Well
Dee Dee:
Well, and CBD is no different. No, it’s not CBD is not gonna heal your mental health problems. No, it’s not. CBD is not gonna heal. You, you know, it does make it better. It can do a lot of wonderful things for you that can open up, um, potential for, for healing and a lot of different ways. Oh, for sure. In my opinion, you know, the FDA disclosure. Yeah. <laugh>, you know, I feel like I should. And the FDA, you know, says, uh, you can’t make any claims whatsoever about anything at all. Or you will go to jail indefinitely.
Dee Dee:
I don’t think it’s quite that
Bad. No, that’s that’s the dramatic. Yeah. And there needs to be a little banner rolling saying dramatic representation, but seriousness
Dee Dee:
In all seriousness CBD has helped me with my anxiety.
Yeah. And I think it can help, but, but I think that, you know, it, can it help your anxiety? Yes. Is it going, tell you why you’re anxious? Well, no, no. And that’s the problem is people stop right there. Oh, I’m not anxious anymore. Oh. Instead of saying, why was I anxious? What was the root of that? What, what caused me to be anxious? And is there something I can do to help that so that I’m not anxious next time.
Dee Dee:
And, and I, you know, that is a self growth thing that I think we all need to work
On for sure. And not just accept. Oh, okay. I’m feeling relief. I don’t have to worry about it anymore. You have to work your mind and your body.
Dee Dee:
See, he’s always teaching me.
Thank y’all. No, I there’s there’s no, this is no. I mean, this is just healthy living. I mean, you have to, you have to exercise your mind and your body and if you’re not, then they will fit they’ll weaken. Yes. And you know, I I’ve part of the, the problem with this sheep will epidemic that we have going on today is that you have people that are weak minded and they don’t know it. And our culture supports it, you know, to some extent, well, be careful with the
Dee Dee:
Weak mind because that’s
Not, I don’t try to say when I say weak minded, I mean, don’t feel like they need to think out of anything, but what they’re told
Dee Dee:
Okay. I’m not saying incapable of okay. Of anything. Thank you. I, I mean, we, we live in one of, one of the countries where you’re allowed to do that. Yes. I mean, there are, there are places in the world still today where you’re condemned to your life and, and, and that’s it. And we are so fortunate to live in a place where that’s not the case.
Dee Dee:
Right. And bringing that back to the whole CBD
And certificate of analysis and
Dee Dee:
Which is what the show actually
Dee Dee:
About it’s exactly.
I, but it’s sexy.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> oh God,
It’s provocative.
Dee Dee:
I think that CBD has its purpose. I think it can help people. I think that if you know exactly what you’re taking, when to take it, how to take it, listening to your own body and how it, um, reacts to the product, I think that’s important. And then you can find the proper dose that you need to help you get past some of those issues that have been plaguing you. I was unfortunately under that, um, big pharma for a long time. And I had tried Zoloft. I had tried Lexapro. I had tried, oh, Wellbutrin, Prozac. I tried all of them. And I always had one side effects, two. They really didn’t help me. And I still had some of the issues, but it, gosh, Zoloft, I was on that for a while and I felt like I didn’t have a soul. Like I didn’t smile.
Dee Dee:
I didn’t laugh. I didn’t, I didn’t care about anything. Yeah. I wasn’t me. And I’m an emotional person anyway. And I’ve learned over the years to accept that and accept that about myself. I care about others. Yeah. I’m, I’m okay with that. Yeah. If I need to cry when a customer walks in, because they just found out they had cancer, I will cry with them. Yeah. Because I’m there to help people and I’ve, and I’m good with that. But I think the CBD part, as far as, um, just my overall wellbeing, I feel so much better using CBD products than I ever did. Big pharma ever for those types of issues. Yeah. And I will, and that’s me personally, I’m not making any claims either,
But, but you would also agree that there’s those medications aren’t necessary and there’s people that some are
Dee Dee:
Necessary. Absolutely. And I will say that yes, yes, yes. You. Yes. For sure. Are
You kidding? I also think that part of that is, um, we re we’re really into diagnosis nowadays. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like, oh, you have this mm-hmm <affirmative> and you have this and here’s skill that. And there’s still for that still for that, especially when you get into issues of mental health, mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, I don’t think that there is one diagnosis for a lot of conditions that people suffer. And this is especially prudent today with AF after all the COVID and quarantine has resulted in so much, uh, so many more issues. Oh, for sure. Which a, a lot of that can, could have been avoided, but anyway, yeah. I’m gonna go in there. Yeah. Um, you know, it’s, it, it, it, it’s, it’s, it’s just, it’s an important thing to think about.
Dee Dee:
Well, yeah. And I know we kind of went off the rabbit hole with mental health issues. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I think sometimes they’re needed. I mean, um,
Yeah, but, but I don’t think, I, I think that, that, that in our society today, we just wanna be told, oh, you have this. So you take pill a because you have this. And it’s like, well, you can’t define an individual and an individual’s condition, especially with the mind, which is so vast and unexplored and unknown mm-hmm <affirmative> um, what is going on with them? You know? And, and as an individual, you have to take it upon yourself to do that exploration.
Dee Dee:
Well, and that’s important. I mean, did you happen to watch dope sick by any chance?
No. <laugh> oh man, you should watch that.
Dee Dee:
Do that. You should watch it. It totally changed the dynamics of the medical field in this
Country. Yeah. Well, I’m, I’m not a doctor. I don’t claim to be. I don’t. I know me neither. I have no medical background whatsoever. I only can go off my personal experiences.
Dee Dee:
I know. Same, same, same. That’s why we live that doctrine stuff to the
Doctor, but I have survived a gunshot to the head. So that does give me some street cred. You get a little, you know what I I’m saying? I do get a little bit, I think I do get to say a little bit, just a little about, you know, mental exploration. I do have a one qualifying factor
Dee Dee:
Sometimes. Y’all I know that’s that it’s the, uh, traumatic brain injuries with
Them. I never used that as a, as a don’t
Dee Dee:
Have to, I use it for you. I’m like, oh, that’s all it
Is. She don’t understand he’s functioning on a limited brain capacity,
Dee Dee:
Baby. We, we are being bad making jokes about that. Sorry.
I can make jokes about it, cuz it’s me. You can, I’m allowed to make jokes about myself. You can. Okay. That’s one of the first amendment rights that, thank God. I, I can still talk about myself
Dee Dee:
And we make fun of each other sometimes, but it’s outta love. It’s all out of love and for the him.
Well, but you know what, though, if you can’t laugh, you’re so screwed. And that’s the problem. Yes. In, in our culture today is like, everyone’s so serious now. And so like, oh, you said what? You can’t say that it’s like, yeah, but it was hilarious. I mean, you know, uh,
Dee Dee:
If you all have to shake my head,
If you can’t laugh, I’m, if we can’t laugh together and poke, you know, fun at our own expense, then I don’t, I, I will never give up on hum. The human raise, but that would, that would be a, that would be a tough one. So anyway,
Dee Dee:
You crack me up
Back to COAs. Yeah. Back to co <laugh> the, you want to, no, I mean, seriously, uh, you want to know that a certificate is available. You want to know how to interpret it or know that someone can interpret it, um, with you mm-hmm <affirmative> to know the product that you’re buying. You wanna make sure that the, that the milligrams that you’re purchasing match product match, what’s advertised. You wanna make sure that the components of those cannabinoids, because they can selectively, uh, remove cannabinoids, especially THC mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, and you wanna know, especially if you are, um, you know, your job is conditional on that. That’s
Dee Dee:
Extremely important. We wanna
Know what to lose your job, you’re purchasing the right product. Um, and, and, and that it’s the product that’s gonna be right. And most effective for you. Um, and, and when you do that one, the likelihood of it, of it improving your daily life will improve. The industry will improve cuz you’re supporting right. Uh, retailers and manufacturers who are doing the right thing. Not because it’s, uh, because it’s a rule, um, or it’s a condition because they’re choosing to do a, uh, make a product, uh, that is going to help people
Dee Dee:
Safe and reliable.
Right? Yeah. And, and, and, and that’s, and that’s really what those certificates are all about, for sure. And in a, in a, in a, in a space where there is no regulation, it, it, it is important. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and, and, you know, a D and I, obviously we could have a boxing match over, uh, our, our feelings about regulation. Um, we feel differently about that, but with no regulation, you have to, you absolutely have to take upon yourself to know what you’re doing.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Um, I mean, yeah, we’re, we’re definitely not getting to the regulation side because I am, I’m much more some, but not so overregulated that you don’t get a good product.
Yeah. See, and you are, you are getting into it. <laugh> yeah.
Dee Dee:
Anyway, we’re, we’re letting that go.
Okay. No, and, and, and, but ultimately, I, I, I agree with you, but there, there has to be a level
Dee Dee:
Does field, a playing field and, um,
Dee Dee:
It should be,
And it has to be safe. It has to be made safely.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Well, yes. But that’s the thing, if you, if the manufacturer are in it and they’re in it for the right reasons, and they are following all of the FDA regulations that are already in place, as far as the dietary supplement goes. Yeah. The CGMP and being audited mm-hmm,
Dee Dee:
They’re there, those regulations are already there. Yeah.
So, and, and for those who don’t know, um, CGMP is, is a self-imposed protocol on, um, it’s good laboratories of manufacturing facilities, uh, primarily who make pharmaceutical goods, uh, to, uh, to be sold in the United States. Right. Um,
Dee Dee:
Their, their level of is their standard. Yes. Their level of cleanliness is above and beyond most places like that are making CBD in their home or their barn or their kitchen. Yeah. You know, they have rule books and batch numbers, and each batch number is written down for when it was made and how it was, how much they made of it. Yeah. There’s so many, um, rules and regulations to follow, and, you know, you’ve got, if you need to have a product recalled, they can go in and do that because they have that information
There. Well, and I think it’s, I think it’s just fair to say that if you are purchasing product that was made from a CGMP certified manufacturer, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um, you can safely assume that it’s pharmaceutical
Dee Dee:
Grade. Absolutely.
Um, and, and that’s really, Ooh, that’s really the moral of my dumb assery is I try to rip the mic or rip the headphones off my face.
Dee Dee:
Well, I mean, that, that that’s come up in the news lately about the whole pharmaceutical, um, grade quality and how there isn’t any on the market. I’m like, excuse me. Yeah. Uh, yes, there is. Yeah. Yes, there
Is. Well, and, and <laugh>
Dee Dee:
You cannot, uh, you can’t subscribe to mass media.
Dee Dee:
No. Oh gosh,
No, unless you wanna lose your mind. <laugh>
Dee Dee:
And, and hide in, in your basement and shut, you know, we’ll tape put, uh, a newspaper over the windows. Right. Um, you, you really, can’t,
Dee Dee:
It’s important to think for yourself, it’s
Mass Hyster,
Dee Dee:
Think outside the box and, uh, do what works best for you.
Choose what, choose what interests you and, and pursue that knowledge. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, you know, and don’t, and don’t just take what you’re told, uh, for face value.
Dee Dee:
I agree with that. Um,
Dee Dee:
So I completely agree with that. Um, have
We, we hit a crescendo.
Dee Dee:
We may have, we may have, I think we kind of covered what to look for in the COA and how they’re important and,
And we made it sexy.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> gosh, no, I make it sexy. Let’s just get that out there. I make it sexy.
Dee Dee:
Boom, mic
Drop. Actually. Didn’t you tell me, didn’t you work on a sex line or
Dee Dee:
Something? Oh my God.
No. Am I not supposed to say that?
Dee Dee:
No, I never did that.
I, oh, you thought about it.
Dee Dee:
Hey, I was told that I should.
Oh, that’s what it was. Forgot that
Dee Dee:
Story. I was told that I should.
It would’ve been cool if you did.
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. Yeah, but I Don know my gosh anyway, and now I’m embarrassed folks. Thanks.
Come on. We, we we’re airing it all. I will talk about getting shot in the head that how, how personal can you more than, can you be the, that
Dee Dee:
Man. That’s deep. It was a joke. I got deep.
Dee Dee:
Mine was a joke. I’ve I’ve never been almost.
I almost
Dee Dee:
Cried. Uh, yeah, buddy. I bet you almost did. I was never a one 900 sex operator people just so you know. No, anyway,
But if you’d like to, if you’d like to, to hear Dee do some sex talk, please, please write us and let us know. Oh my
Dee Dee:
God. Shut up. Yep. Turn in red. Thanks. Thanks Matt. Thanks. Appreciate that. I’m
Sure. But it’s your color? Red? Your color?
Dee Dee:
No, Red’s not my color. I like blue.
Anyway, blue and green. We bleed blue and green.
Dee Dee:
Yes we do.
We represent
Dee Dee:
The 5 0 2 hemp.
Mm-hmm <affirmative> all right. See. Well, thank you guys. We’ll see you all out
Dee Dee:
There. We appreciate you for listening. Have a great day and, uh,
Keep it, he beat,
Dee Dee:
You know, it hemp. Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp queen and emperor. Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us all the good stuff and keep it Hempy out there.