Cannabis Fact or Fiction Fun

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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m dedi. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity. Thinking about him and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to hemp and happiness with the hemp queen
And emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Hey, happy. Hesters welcome to the show. It’s so good to be back in the studio and shit chatting. We’re gonna apparently geek out today on some cannabis facts, according to my partner here, Matt. So why
You’s totally geek out is
Matt and Dee Dee:
The right word geeking
Out? No, no, cuz we’re not gonna get in the weeds. It’s not gonna very technical,
Matt and Dee Dee:
But I’m bump mm-hmm
Cannabis Fact or Fiction Fun
<affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> but um, I actually wanted this originally to be like a little segment mm-hmm <affirmative> where it was like testing DeeDee’s knowledge. Um, but then, but I found a lot of these facts, but I found a lot of facts that one, I, I kind of question. Um, and uh, for the listeners, if you question these as well, the, the, the links of, for the resources will be in the, in the show notes. And, uh, I would encourage you to listen to them, or to review them. Cause I’m maybe calling bullshit on a couple of these, but, uh, they’re very interesting and I, I, I wanna one go over them and two discuss I’m interested to yes. And I, I’m gonna test you on a couple of these cause a couple of ’em are interesting and most of them, I do believe there’s
Matt and Dee Dee:
A couple. I have never once said that I know absolutely everything. Oh no, no, no, no. I mean, it’s, it’s a learning, it’s always been a learning experience for me,
But there, and there were so many interesting facts out there and like ironic stuff that I’m like, nah, let’s just do like a show. Yeah, for fun. Uh, and just purely for enjoyment on these very interesting and fascinating facts about the cannabis plan
Matt and Dee Dee:
Cannabis has been around forever.
That’s the first one. See,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Okay. I knew it passed.
So, uh, in a previous podcast I
Matt and Dee Dee:
Get a gold star.
You do, you you’re, but I’ll take that gold star away here soon. Don’t you worry? Um, so the first fact that I found very interesting was in an earlier podcast. Um, we did, uh, I did a lot of research on, uh, on the, the, you know, the birth of, of, of, uh, cannabis usage, um, me medicinally, spiritually, uh, which traced back to about 4,000 years ago. Right. So there’s a book I found that I’ve not read yet. Uh, it’s very textbooky so, you know, something I’m saving for the beach <laugh> um, that claims that, uh, cannabis has been cultivated by humans, uh, mankind for 12,000 years.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I don’t, that does
Not surprising. So I’m very interested to read that. Uh, but this book, uh, claims to have evidence it’s, uh, it’s called the first 12,000. It’s called marijuana the first 12,000 years by E L Abel.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I wish they would call it something besides marijuana though. Marijuana is a racist.
We’re gonna get to that. We’re gonna get to that. You just hold your horses. Okay. Um, so more, maybe more to come in that book because I’m very interested in this 12,000 years. And, um, what, why is it because I’ve noticed, and I hope, you know, everyone’s noticing that the historical facts that we thought were just arrived, uh, for humans and mankind, we’re actually finding it. It’s been around longer. Things have been around longer. These cycles have existed for much longer than we originally thought, or it was thought even a hundred years ago.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh, no question about it,
To what we know now, mm-hmm <affirmative> um, they, they’ve now found a homo SAPIEN that they believe to be 300,000 years old, which is a hundred thousand years older than the,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Is it an alien form? Like really gigantic.
I, you know what, there’s a, I wanna do a podcast, right? Well, yes. And I’m, I’m not gonna get into that, but that is
Matt and Dee Dee:
There’s some freaky
Shit. Yeah. And very, very, very interesting. Anyway, mm-hmm <affirmative> I don’t know how much I subscribe to that stuff, but it’s interesting. Mm-hmm <affirmative> okay. So the first online sale was a bag of weed.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, that does not surprise me.
It was, uh, Sanford students, uh, purchased a bag of weed from MIT students in the very early seventies and the birth of, uh, the internet before everyone just had access to it. Yeah. Um, and that was
Matt and Dee Dee:
Who were they? Like when they were like
Creating the, the,
Matt and Dee Dee:
The, and all that good stuff.
Yep. These MIT kids sold these Stanford kids, a bag of weed over the internet was the first online transaction. Brilliant. How’s that for history? Huh?
Matt and Dee Dee:
That’s awesome. I didn’t know that.
All right. So here’s a fun fact from you. Have you ever watched the show, How I Met Your mother?
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yes, I did.
What was the code word for marijuana on that show?
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh, that’s a brain stepper. I don’t remember it that well. Yeah. I mean, it’s been, it’s been forever since I watched it and I watched it from start to finish, but I forget,
Well, the code word or the slang term for marijuana was sandwiches,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Sandwiches, sandwiches. I do not remember that.
Um, some other popular nicknames of marijuana include weed. GJA pot, grass, dope, reefer and hash. Um, this is a, this is kind of a, a, a well known fact. There’s
Matt and Dee Dee:
So many more than that, that I know.
Yeah. All you, well, you could go on and on. Give me, so gimme some of your favorites.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Um, well, I mean, I don’t, I don’t know, but there’s others. I mean, four 20 special, um, I mean, just oil in general,
Who to kiss
Matt and Dee Dee:
Ho to kiss. What?
Who to kiss
Matt and Dee Dee:
Ho to kiss. Yeah. <laugh> wow. Yeah. There’s others. I’m sure
That’s a, that’s a good sticky
Matt and Dee Dee:
Occasion. Although I’ve had enough coffee too, to remember ’em all.
Oh, you I’m more well, nevermind.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. <laugh> nevermind.
Okay. Thank so
Matt and Dee Dee:
That in my system, I don’t know,
Uh, this is, this is kind of well known, but I thought it was notable. Um, Shakespeare smoked cannabis
Matt and Dee Dee:
Makes a lot of sense cuz some of his stories
And they know this, they know this because they have found resin in the original home of William Shakespeare. So they assume that that came from him.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Interesting. And uh, and that, that helped inspire
Matt and Dee Dee:
You. There’s a lot of, um, people that have used it. I bet in Britain stories and paintings and uh, very, um, I bet there’s a lot more than we don’t even know about.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Maybe it’s up, I mean it opens up your mind, same thing with the, uh, psychedelics in general.
Right. I agree. Yeah. But I think you can also open your mind without it.
Matt and Dee Dee:
You can. Well, yes you can.
But, and it, and it kind of bugs me when, when I’m around stoners and they’re like, oh, that dude was totally stoned when he made this. And I’m like, no, he’s not. He’s just creative and he doesn’t need to choose
Matt and Dee Dee:
Or she, or they,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Or there are people that are creative without that stuff. Very, very true.
But I do agree. And this, and we’ve learned in this podcast that uh, cannabis, uh, can increase cortical stimulation. Right. And uh, the psychoactive properties, uh, can, you know, shift mindset
Matt and Dee Dee:
And it can also calm down people’s minds that are overactive when it comes to that too. So mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah. Got the good, the bad, the ugly and all of it. Yeah. Tell me some more facts. Okay.
Interesting. So here’s an interesting one. And I wanna know if you know this one, what was the first date to ban cannabis?
Matt and Dee Dee:
The first date to ban it? Mm-hmm <affirmative> Kentucky.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I know it wasn’t Kentucky. Utah.
No, you got one more
Matt and Dee Dee:
South Dakota. No,
Matt and Dee Dee:
This is, and this is interesting. Okay. The first state to ban cannabis was California.
Matt and Dee Dee:
No shit. Mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah. To never see that one coming, considering what they are now. Mm-hmm <affirmative> wow. Yeah, California, huh?
Yep. Um, California is also the first state to legalize medicinal marijuana. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so they were the first to ban it, but the first to bring it back. Huh? So that’s California for you. They don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, they’ve turned their things around, I guess. I don’t know.
No, I don’t think they have, but oh, there’s they’re on their way.
Matt and Dee Dee:
There’s so many issues in California when it comes to,
Well, I’m not, I’m not gonna pick well, oh, you’re gonna pick on California. Look where we live.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I know. Right. <laugh> you can’t say shit about that. Um,
And here’s a follow up to that. Do you know what the first state was to, uh, legalize marijuana? You’ll never guess
Matt and Dee Dee:
I’m gonna hope to actually legalize it.
Mm-hmm <affirmative> for personal use.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Was it Oregon?
Matt and Dee Dee:
Then I don’t know.
It was Alaska, Alaska in 1975.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I do not know that.
I didn’t know that either. And again, this is where we may be calling some bullshit, but it, I, it looked credible. What I saw on the internet looked credible, so, oh yeah. Hey, you know what, who knows?
Matt and Dee Dee:
I mean,
All right. So yes.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I just keep thinking, California knows how to party mm-hmm
<affirmative> well, and you know yeah. When I lived in California, marijuana was not legal. Mm. But that didn’t mean shit. I mean, right. No, no one, it was, it was decriminalized and it wasn’t decriminalized. Like it is where we live. It was decriminalized, like smoke away. Um, in fact, funny story,
Matt and Dee Dee:
It just wasn’t a hostile
Story. No. A friend of mine, actually a coworker of mine, was at the movies over the weekend. Uh, told me the story at, you know, water cooler story on Monday, um, smoking a joint in an alley, uh, right before this movie started, he was at a movie theater and here, no, no, no. This is in California. This is the one I live in California. So the, uh, so as he and his buddy are smoking this joint cop walks by them, walks past the alley and they’re like, oh shit. So they stomp out the joint, he grabs the bag of weed and he throws it on this awning above him. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so sure enough, you know, the cop circles back and starts walking down the alley, you know, just casually like, come on guys, you know, give up your weed. Right. And he’s like, no, I don’t have any.
And the cop’s like, come on, man. I can smell it. And he’s like, no, no, no, we were smoking a joint, but we put it out and there’s the Roach. And he said, right. As he said that this gentle breeze came by and blew the bag off the awning. And it landed right at his feet. And they both looked down and looked back up. And my buddy, I don’t know how he pulled this off, but just gunned it and said, that’s why I smoke weed here. It falls out of the sky. <laugh> and apparently the cop laughed his ass off, picked the bag up and walked away. Like it neither was no
Matt and Dee Dee:
Enjoy. Yeah. Probably put it in his pocket
Stuff later, walked off. I’m like, dude, that is, how did you come up with that? <laugh> I could never figure it out anyway, uh, yeah. Had, had to share, had to share. Okay. So did you know that weed is the cousin of beer? And do you know why
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s hoppy? Like
Basically yes. I mean, so the hop plant and the cannabis plant, uh, they’re pretty similar.
Matt and Dee Dee:
They are, do they look similar? Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and they’re, uh, related yeah. In some capacity
Matt and Dee Dee:
It’s through their genius.
Yes. So here here’s an interesting one for you who grows the, which country grows the most cannabis
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh that no, no, no.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I thought they
Were born and I actually found some, I actually found some conflicting reports on this. So you could be right, they’re at the top.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Okay. Um, Vietnam?
Matt and Dee Dee:
All right. Then I don’t know.
Those are, so the number one marijuana grower in the United States, according to two studies, United States, I I’m sorry. In the, in the world. Yeah. According to two studies, I found said the United States, um, but like
Matt and Dee Dee:
Black market or
Legal and here’s the thing. That’s what I thought as well. Did not specify. Yeah. It did not specify black market
Matt and Dee Dee:
That does not surprise me.
Um, either like, or even Mexico though, all of them
Matt and Dee Dee:
Down there
Too, didn’t qualify whether it was legal or, or illegal growth, but how would you monitor that? And that, and that might be why, because, um, the United States was number one, Morocco was number two. Afghanistan was number three. Mexico was number four and Columbia was number five. Now there was also, there was also a report that said Paraguay was a major player okay. In the marijuana growth industry. But I, I, I don’t know.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, I mean the whole war on the whole war on drugs here in America has just been absolutely insane. So I can, that’s probably a lot, I mean, maybe now it’s more of the legal weed, but before I think it was probably the black market obviously. Huh. To, because it wasn’t legal. So, but that still wouldn’t surprise me.
Yes. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and to add
Matt and Dee Dee:
Prohibition, maybe it’s prohibition,
North Korea apparently does not. And from what I understand has not recognized, uh, cannabis as a drug. So it, it is totally legal there,
Matt and Dee Dee:
North Korea. I mean,
Interesting. Yeah. To them. I mean, they look at it as just a plant
Matt and Dee Dee:
That’s because it is,
I know, but it, when you look at itlo the connotation, it has globally.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Isn’t that interesting.
Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, mm-hmm,
Matt and Dee Dee:
<affirmative> the world would be a happier place. If we all, if I mean, we all lit up at the same time, could you imagine?
Well, and here here’s an interesting, uh,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Word edible or
Whatever. Here’s an interesting, um, fact as well, that’s kind of relevant to the time with this re impending recession. Uh, the cannabis industry to date is responsible for 428,000 jobs. So 428,000 jobs have been created, uh, since marijuana has or cannabis has been legalized.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Interesting. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>,
That’s a big number. That’s a, that’s huge number,
Matt and Dee Dee:
A big number. Does that include hemp?
Didn’t specify didn’t yeah. Some of these and, and, and I, I wish I’d done like a little more due diligence on some of these facts, but again, that’s kind of what makes it fun. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so I, we, we claim no, uh, responsibility. <laugh> the sources are there, you can believe ’em or not, or question them, I’m just reciting essentially reciting sources. Um, and, uh, plus the shit I make up, which, you know, whatever
Matt and Dee Dee:
You don’t know it’s made up till you
Don’t know. Yeah. Then I, then I’m just like every other news
Matt and Dee Dee:
Recorded. <laugh>
The only difference is I’m not being led by the mass media and the global monsters. I’m just making it up cuz it’s fun. Um, okay.
Matt and Dee Dee:
With, with some, with some bits of truth in there too,
<laugh> little nuggets.
Matt and Dee Dee:
That is, that is our major news station. Thank
God. Um,
Matt and Dee Dee:
BBC news
Here. Here’s an interesting fact. Uh, so English royalty smoked marijuana, specifically queen Elizabeth, um, and queen Victoria.
Matt and Dee Dee:
That makes sense. Queen Elizabeth really old mm-hmm
<affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, apparently the ruler liked to offer her guests and even, uh, me, uh, cannabis to her guests and even pass the law,
Matt and Dee Dee:
Which queen Elizabeth, not one
There, the worst farmers, uh, into planting cannabis, uh, on their land. Hmm. So I, again, didn’t specify. Okay. So here’s an interesting fact. And I did know about this and I’m dying to try. It is, uh, in, um, Indian Hindu culture. Mm-hmm <affirmative> there is a milkshake, uh, or, or essentially it’s, it’s a Lassy I don’t know if you’ve ever had a Indian Lassy they’re fucking delicious. I’ve never heard of this. Oh man. Mango Lassies I’m. I will make myself sick with those things like mangoes, so good. Um, so apparently they make a Lassie out of GJA and it’s called a bang.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I would like to bang for sure. <laugh>
Matt and Dee Dee:
I mean, oh, y’all okay. You hear my eye eyeball
There, there’s a, there’s a recipe, there’s a recipe for this, um, for the bang on, uh, in the, the job notes. So if anyone is interested in making it out of, you know, hemp flour out of state, out of the state of Kentucky, cuz it’s illegal. Oh yeah. So if you’re in a legal state, uh, you know, and you wanna make some bang, uh there’s some there is there,
Matt and Dee Dee:
You know, you’re not supposed to be selling hemp flour in the state of Kentucky. It’s illegal to do that.
Yes, yes. But, um, and this, this, uh, beverage has been a celebrated, um, ritualistic drink, uh, among the Hins in
Matt and Dee Dee:
India, like ground leaves or, I mean, it’s almost like tea.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I, I, I think it’s, you know, it, well, it it’s a sacred drink that, that they, uh, it should be, I actually read one study that or one, uh, report that said in most regions of India, it’s legal on this one day that is known to be consumed, um, four 20. And it was only illegalized seven by the, uh, British Imperial law. Ah, so it wasn’t actually ever illegalized by the Indian government though. It may be now. I, I, I don’t know.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I think they’re open now. Um,
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, I need to do more studies on India. So, uh, here’s an interesting one. Um, in 1949, the US military developed a synthetic weed called DM H P uh, the effects lasted for days.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Really? Yes. No wonder they won’t let their soldiers use their
Real cannabis anymore. And it was, it was experimental to, you know, they, they did a lot of experiments back then. Yeah. And who knows maybe to this day to, you know, build the ultimate soldier and a synthetic, uh, cannabinoid, uh, D M H P was, was the result of one of those that is
Matt and Dee Dee:
Interesting. I just read an article yesterday where they’re wanting to use hemp for camouflage. So they’re, they’re gonna turn around. I just know it.
Matt and Dee Dee:
All right. Are you ready for the next one? Yeah. And this one’s interesting as well. So, um, no shock here over the last six years, cannabis has become one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. Okay.
Matt and Dee Dee:
So by, by those, uh, figures that they produce with the legal growth states, mm-hmm <affirmative>, if all Le if all 50 states, uh, became legal for growth for production, um, it would overtake the organic food market.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Wow. Yeah.
Pretty interesting. Now of, of course the variable to that is if all 50 states were growing there would there, the, the, you know, the production would probably level
Matt and Dee Dee:
Out, well, it would have to because the prices would bottom out and then there’d be no point for people to be in business. Right,
Right, right. But it, that’s an very interesting statistic that more people are into growing and, and, and consuming, uh, cannabis than they are organic foods
Matt and Dee Dee:
Because people use it for so many different reasons. And I think all cannabis uses medicinal use.
Well, I’d like to see, I, I,
Matt and Dee Dee:
I think that whole medicinal and recreational stupid. Yeah. I really do. Yeah. Splitting it up like that. All everybody uses it for a, a type of medicinal
Use. Well, and I think that the logic there that justifies that is that they’ve, we’re now publicly acknowledging that people are just incapable of thinking for themselves. Well
Matt and Dee Dee:
But what follows is good sense and good practice.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, what gets me about the whole recreational and medicinal to those two people, organizations fighting against each other and even the hemp around that, in their taxes. So medicinally, you know, now I gotta charge as much taxes, but recreational that’s where they make all the money on the taxes. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. So, and then that falls back to the consumers and they’re their pain more yet some consumers, if they wanna do it medicinally, you gotta pay a lot to get your medical card. So it’s ki it’s. I think we should, we should be found at the grocery store eventually one day.
Yep. Right next to that organic section and then some countries, it, it is in the market <affirmative>
Matt and Dee Dee:
Um, I just don’t think it should be kept on the black market. What’s kept, um, lots of crime and deaths and all of that stuff still going strong.
Yeah. Agreed. And, and, you know, the good silver lining on that is that’s being acknowledged. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um, you know, it’s being recognized and that’s all you can do. I know. Um, but I know what we really need to do is get people thinking for themselves. Uh, you know, and, and, and the whole, the whole reason why we struggle now is because of the sheep will narrative. I mean, we we’ve
Matt and Dee Dee:
And the people have been brainwashed. And you know,
Matt and Dee Dee:
The sad part about Matt is that if you look at that politically it’s on both spectrums, right. And we only have the two party system here in the United States.
I don’t subscribe to a partisan system. I think that it’s, I
Matt and Dee Dee:
Don’t even
Tragically flawed.
Matt and Dee Dee:
It is extremely flawed, but you have it on both sides. People are,
I don’t, I don’t believe in sides. I,
Matt and Dee Dee:
I don’t even subscribe to that. Well, you don’t have to, but that’s how it is. I don’t. And it’s awful, but don’t have it for both sides that no, you,
You don’t, you can recognize each politician and, and each person as an individual, but that’s why, you know, that’s what the, if the primaries are the very are, are basically saying, oh, our election systems rigged, because I mean, study of the primaries who you, you, you’re not allowed to vote for people. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you’re not allowed to vote for the most qualified candidate because it has to be a partisan selection.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yep. You only, you ‘re registered Republican. You have to vote Republican in the primary. If you’re a registered Democrat, you have to vote Democrat. That’s,
Primary’s, it’s a sham, but I’m, I don’t wanna get down that rabbit hole. We’re not, cuz I wanna keep this, go on this. Good. In the state of Colorado mm-hmm <affirmative> dispensaries outnumber Starbucks 3, 2, 1.
Matt and Dee Dee:
And it should
Matt and Dee Dee:
Do you know how damaging caffeine is and how addicting caffeine
Is it? Yes, but I mean all the messy buns walking around and they’re really in their SUVs. I mean, <laugh> dude smoking
Matt and Dee Dee:
Weed. You don’t know that they’re all smoking it when,
Well, apparently not going to Starbucks anymore.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I mean what’s healthier caffeine or cannabis. I choose
Cannabis. So, so the new basic look is, is a, is like a joint instead of a
Matt and Dee Dee:
Cup basic oh shit. Shots
Fired. Well, whatever, it’s all, it’s all in. Good fun. I’ll eat basic people out there.
Matt and Dee Dee:
The shots fired.
Keep drinking your
Matt and Dee Dee:
Starbucks. Just so you know, my husband in your messy buns, his Starbucks.
Yeah. Playing your Sodo. Great lady. <laugh> okay.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Moving on.
So this I did not know about, but it totally makes sense. And it’s so weird. Um, so we all know that the term marijuana is I should widely, widely known it comes from Mexican slang mm-hmm <affirmative> um, or we, we thought it came from Mexican slang. Um, but do you know what the marijuana actually means?
Matt and Dee Dee:
Uh, I forget, I know I read about this, but I forget exactly what it truly means. So
I, I, I did not piece this together, but it’s actually the American slang translation of Mary Jane. That’s
Matt and Dee Dee:
What I
Thought. So, and I don’t, I don’t know why this hit me like a lightning fault to you out. I had something to do with Mary Jane contemplating. I wasn’t sure. So Mary Jane, which was the American slang
Matt and Dee Dee:
Uh, translated ma wa and I don’t and I know I have like three good friends named Juan and I, I didn’t put this together.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh. Because
Interesting. Like, so, so the Jane was replaced with wa and at ma wa so it’s actually the American slang of Mary Jane, just,
Matt and Dee Dee:
You know, and that was brought about translated as a racist reasoning behind it
Because, oh, I’m sure it was. Yeah. Well, cuz we all know like the, the, the, when it was illegalized it was, it was, the fingers were pointed at the minority mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, cultures of, uh, the primarily Mexican Latin. Yep. And, uh, and the black communities with the jazz singers and things like that. Yep. Um, but you know, again,
Matt and Dee Dee:
I, and I think that’s why most people are trying to use the term cannabis instead of marijuana now.
Yeah. Yeah. And I think we should make an effort to do that. Mm-hmm <affirmative>
Matt and Dee Dee:
I mean, it’s the cannabis plant. Why not? Yeah.
Agreed. Agreed. And, and, and that’s the whole thing is like the delineation between hemp and cannabis it’s oh, oh gosh. It’s ridiculous. Yes. Um, and I understand like currently for legal purposes it’s necessary, but I mean, gimme a break. Uh, you’re gonna take the exact same cannabis sativa L Uhhuh, and then, but you’re gonna delineate it purely by a, a, a randomly selected concentration of THC anyway. Um, so this is interesting.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Got it. Legalized.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Federally anyway. Yeah. So when people think, you know, say that, uh, marijuana’s not legal, well, cannabis is only to a certain percentage of the THC content, but cannabis is legal in the United States.
Right. But you have to call it. He,
Matt and Dee Dee:
You do.
So anyway, um, what else do you get in? All right. So in the, in the, in the early nine oh early, no, I’m sorry. In the late 19th century. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so early 18 hundreds. That’s right. Yes. 1800 would be
Matt and Dee Dee:
19. Don’t ask me. I don’t get that
Shit. Yeah. Yeah. I had to think. Okay. So in the early 1800s, there was a movement called the temperance movement. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, that was actually kind of the precursor to prohibition mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, and the temperance movement was, um, you know, refraining from indulging in drugs and alcohol, uh, primarily due to spousal abuse and public indecency and things like that. Um, so, this temperance movement was kind of like cleaning it up. So during this temperance movement, um, it was advised that people consume marijuana instead of alcohol, uh, due to a reduction in domestic violence that, due to a statistic at the time, that bothered a reduction in domestic violence.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. So
Matt and Dee Dee:
That makes perfect sense.
I guess when you’re stoned outta your mind, you’re less likely to swing.
Matt and Dee Dee:
You don’t even have to be stoned outta your mind. I mean, you’re just
Less violent. I know this, this was the late 18 hundreds. I mean, people were going for it. Yeah. I would imagine. I wasn’t
Matt and Dee Dee:
Allowed to, well, there wasn’t a lot of like women were property, slaves were property. It didn’t matter. I mean, the men ruled, um, the white man ruled everything.
Well, that was the, uh, that was the Zenith of the patriarchal society. We could do a whole podcast on that, but we won’t, we won’t be well, we won’t today.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. <laugh>
All right. What
Matt and Dee Dee:
You got it? Um, what, who was the first country to offer medical marijuana
Matt and Dee Dee:
Country? Mm-hmm <affirmative> I thought we talked about this. We didn’t, you didn’t mm-hmm
Matt and Dee Dee:
The first country. It wasn’t the United States Israel.
No, but that was a very good guess. It was actually Canada.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Shit. Yeah. In 2003,
Matt and Dee Dee:
You go Canadians. Woo boo.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, I know Israel is well far advanced on the, within
Our Shera bay.
Matt and Dee Dee:
<laugh> no wonder they’re friendly up there. They’re way friendly up there and intelligent.
Uh, yes. I have a story about Canada that might change your mind about that. But again, another podcast, another podcast, actually, actually it’s funny. They were, they were con I’m, I guess I fit the profile of someone at the time who was trafficking marijuana. Um, so when I crossed the border, they slammed me, pulled me over, and locked me in an interrogation room. And I was actually, I had dreadlocks at the time and I was driving a really nice sports car. You, uh, oh,
Matt and Dee Dee:
I gotta see a picture of
That sometimes. Oh, you can look at my Facebook profile. Those pictures of me with dreads on there. See that this was a long time ago. Okay. And, um, I mean, straight up like the light and like people coming in and out, like, just give, just tell us where it is. Just tell us what, where it is. And ironically, I pulled over before the border and did a total search of my vehicle just to make sure it was totally clean. Um, because, uh, you know, at the time I dabbled and just wanted to make sure that there were, you know, crossing a, a, a, a, the border of a country was a bad idea. Uh, so I was 100% confident I was clean mm-hmm <affirmative>. So I just sat in that room with my feet up and was like, kiss my ass guys. Um, check all you want. And, um, and then, uh, they ended up cutting open one of my bags mm-hmm <affirmative> and, uh, refused to replace it. So I got real shitty. And then I would’ve too, in that, in that office, like, you know you’ve pissed me off because I didn’t say you, I said you could search away. I didn’t say you could destroy my property. Right. So fuck Canada.
Matt and Dee Dee:
No, I like Canada
Anyway, Well, fuck those people. Yeah. That day. There you go. The rest of Canada, I’m sure. You’re.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I mean,
I mean, you’re, you’re dealing with, you’re dealing with cold there’s
Matt and Dee Dee:
United States that we can say that about too. That’s true. So moving on.
That’s true. Yeah. I guess, I guess you shouldn’t condemn a whole nation for the acts of, for the acts of a, of, of a group of no Ze, uh, officers <laugh>. Um, okay, so where were we here? Let’s see. Da da, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Probably Samuel Caldwell. First American to be arrested under the marijuana tax act was sentenced to four years in Leavenworth, hard labor and a thousand dollars fine in October, 1937 for selling cannabis, without paying the mandated tax
Matt and Dee Dee:
Guy, dude, God, I, four years in 11 worth in 19 37, 7.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Well, but how many people are sitting in jail for a
Freaking joints? I know 10 for two stories.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm <affirmative>, it’s bullshit, but this was a tax thing. I know this was a tax thing. So if you’re running a legal dispensary, pay your taxes.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh dude. Yeah.
Mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, following Tupac. Shakur’s murder. Mm-hmm <affirmative> his band members had him cremated. They mixed him with marijuana and smoked him. Oh,
Matt and Dee Dee:
I did not know that.
Mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative>
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh, that’s kind of sweet.
Yeah. They, that was a, they, that was actually referenced in up in smoke. Was it? Yeah. CHNG that’s actually, that was Chong’s request or his character’s request in that movie.
Matt and Dee Dee:
That’s kind of sweet actually.
And, and then followed through by, uh, by Tupacs
Matt and Dee Dee:
Spread on beaches. But
Matt and Dee Dee:
Don wants me to go in a hole with him. <laugh> I don’t want to <laugh> but anyway,
I don’t, I don’t need to talk about you next Saturday night.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Oh, but a bump. What else you got,
Man? Um, okay. This is the last one. Okay. Uh, to die of an overdose from cannabis, you would have to smoke over 1500 pounds in 15 minutes.
Matt and Dee Dee:
You, that is absolutely,
Which is impossible.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Right? You could
Matt and Dee Dee:
Not hundred
Percent impossible. You could not consume enough. Uh, no cannabinoids,
Matt and Dee Dee:
No, I read this one statistic. This one poor dude he had was ill. He was trying to self-medicate and he took like 330 milligrams and it took a few days to get out of the system, but still he didn’t die from it. Hmm. So, yeah. But, but that dang, you know, so the takeaway from this episode is there’s a, there’s a lot of, uh,
A lot of fun facts out there. A lot of interesting history.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. That’s
Pretty fun. You know, and I avoided the whole Columbus’s sales and be Betsy Ross and all that stuff, cuz we all know about that stuff. That’s all that’s done and done. These were facts that I found, you know, some of them were obvious, but, but kind of interesting.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Yeah. That was very interesting. Well, cool. Well thanks for the, thanks for the cannabis, uh, fact fact, uh, factoid.
Hey, you’re welcome. And my apologies to those Canadians out there,
Matt and Dee Dee:
My apologies to those Canadians out there <laugh> they’ve had to deal with us for years now.
I know I, you know what I have, I actually, haven’t looked at our podcast to see if we have any Canadian listeners.
Matt and Dee Dee:
I hope we do. And I hope, you know, I love you. <laugh> so there, I love everybody though. I’m talking about where you are from. I see. I still love you.
Matt and Dee Dee:
All right. Thanks for listening everybody. Keep it hippy out there. Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Matt and Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us all the good stuff
And keep it. He’s out there.