CannaBeth the Consultant

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Hi, I’m Matt
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positivity when thinking about hemp and cannabis.
We are here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the hemp queen.
And emperor.
Dee Dee:
Podcast. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Hey guys, thank you so much for being here today and listening to us, we have an amazing, amazing person, uh, that we, uh, invited today to talk to us on this podcast. Say hello to my little friend, miss Beth. And I’m not, I’m not gonna must pronounce your last name so you can say
Beth Pinotti:
Dee Dee:
Thank you. But just a quick overview. Beth has been with 5 0 2 hemp for what? Three years? Almost, almost three years. Yeah. And she was a former RN mm-hmm <affirmative> now turned to as the, our new cannabis consultant and you’re actually a certified cannabis consultant, right? Yes. You got that with the university of
Beth Pinotti:
Boulder, Colorado, Colorado. Thank you, Boulder. Yep. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, certified in CBD and THC.
Dee Dee:
Correct. And even the history of it all. Yes. Heck yeah, that was pretty cool. Um, there’s there’s, you know, learning is key. Education is key and that’s what we’ve always been about at 5 0 2 hemp. Um, and being able to offer that to Beth, to take those classes, I think was huge. I think it’s definitely helped you communicate better with some of our, um, customers, right?
Beth Pinotti:
Well, I learned a lot of CBD from you, but then as we were getting Delta eight and the th season, I felt like I did not understand, um, how to help the clients choose between a CBD and THC product. And then you also have those things, like the terpenes with the sativa and indica and each one will help treat certain things. Right. But, you know, I didn’t know that stuff. So learning, taking that course made a huge difference. Good.
Tell us a couple things about what you found most interesting in going through the, the, the course curriculum.
Beth Pinotti:
Just how many things that CBD can help with. And it has been studied and researched, but the FDA and the government acts like there’s been no research on it, and this is a new product, but it’s been studied for a long time for so many different things.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Just not necessarily here in the states, a lot of other countries have done the research on it because we have made it a schedule, one narcotics. So it’s hard to do the research on it.
Beth Pinotti:
Yeah. And we could only study one marijuana plant from the university of Mississippi and for you to get your hands on. That was a lot of red tape. Oh, you have to go through a lot just to get ahold of the plant to study. So, uh, they they’ve changed that this year they changed the law so we can study different strains. They are from different places
Dee Dee:
And they’re allowing more universities to do more research on it too. Exactly.
Yay. When I gave that plant back, some flowers would be missing
Dee Dee:
<laugh> why would
Beth Pinotti:
You give it
Dee Dee:
Touche. Aww, Touche.
Dee Dee:
I lost that plant. I don’t know what happened. There was a fire. It went up and smoked,
Beth Pinotti:
Right? Yeah. I mean, you would have to guard that marijuana, you know, I mean, it would have to have a brown be tracked.
Dee Dee:
Yes. So what’s okay. Let me ask you this. What has been the, the most, what is, what’s been the most fun thing or the most inspirational thing?
Beth Pinotti:
I think it’s seeing the people that come back in, you get to see them, you know, it usually once a month, if not more, and you actually can see them physically change as they begin to use this product. Um, that’s the most mind blowing thing for me. They they’re happier. They’re smiling. Cuz when they come in to see us, we’re their last resort. They have usually tried everything else. Yeah. Um, and it’s usually a friend that refers ’em and they come in, you know, just suffering mm-hmm <affirmative> and then you get to see ’em, you know, month later and they’re, it’s working for ’em and they’re happy. That is so rewarding. It just makes you wanna cry.
Dee Dee:
I know. Yeah. Same.
Obviously not mentioning in any names, but do you have a specific case or, or story that you could tell us about?
Dee Dee:
I remember one Beth,
Beth Pinotti:
One? You remember? I’ve got one in my head. Which one? Do you
Dee Dee:
Remember? The one that was um, he was an alcoholic.
Beth Pinotti:
Yeah. That’s the one I was thinking
Dee Dee:
That’s the one you were thinking. Yeah.
Beth Pinotti:
Yeah, because it was, it was so difficult. He came in, he had been trying to stay off alcohol, trying to change his life and he was having anxiety so bad and hadn’t slept for weeks. Um, so he came to us, didn’t have a lot of money. So he, of course he bought the lowest dose product and I, I taught him, you know, don’t take too much because you know, drug addicts, you know, alcoholics, we don’t know stop, you know, things like that. So more is usually better. So,
Dee Dee:
And that’s not always the case
Beth Pinotti:
With CBD, not the case with CBD is what we’ve come to find. So, um, I told him to take a half a dose for a couple days. See how that worked. If it didn’t work that’s when you go up in dose. Well, he didn’t listen. So he took about three doses, three full doses came back the next day, screaming at me because he was up all night and it was supposed to help him sleep. And I looked at him and I said, how much did you take? And he said, I took three full droppers. I’m like you over stimulated your endocannabinoid system. Right. And that’s why you couldn’t sleep. And, and it caused anxiety. So he, he went back, he listened to me the next couple of days. And a week later he came in and he looked like a different person. Mm-hmm <affirmative> he was sleeping. He thanked me, you know? So we went from a very angry customer, but you know, he didn’t listen to me.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> you gotta listen to Beth. Yeah. You gotta listen to, I mean, you gotta listen to Beth when she gives you advice about that stuff. That’s super important. I think that that’s the whole reason. Um, not only with your RN degree, but you have the experience and that’s why people come to see us is to get that experience and to get that knowledge. That’s why we’re there is to help people
Beth Pinotti:
And we’re learning from our customers.
Dee Dee:
Oh, for sure.
Beth Pinotti:
Um, because this, you know, has not been on the market very long. So trying to, to see what dosages work for certain things and, and yeah. Just how to take it and things like that. It’s been a learning process for all of
Dee Dee:
Us. Oh, for sure. Yeah. What, well, what’s your favorite product and you, you
Beth Pinotti:
Can, my favorite product.
Dee Dee:
You can speak freely. <laugh>
Beth Pinotti:
No, I love the full spectrum CBD. I, I, you know, the THC is nice. I do like the Delta nine products that we have now. Um, Delta eight makes me really sleepy. So not, I love a Delta. You <laugh>, I don’t have a problem with that. So that’s not my thing, but it it’s good for other people, but the full spectrum CBD, you know, I’m no longer taking prescription anti-inflammatories for my arthritis. I have a torn meniscus in my knee. I don’t have any pain anymore if I take that daily. So,
Dee Dee:
And you like, what was it right before the pandemic hit, you actually tripped and really hurt your shoulder. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like you had to have surgery and
Beth Pinotti:
Everything. I had a torn bicep, a torn, uh, rotator cuff, tendon, not
Dee Dee:
At the store. Shouldn’t
Beth Pinotti:
Fall the store. No, no, no store is safe place. Yeah. Um, and it knocked my front teeth loose. So I had to have multiple surgeries and, and things like that. And I just upped my CBD. They did give me some prescription pain pills and they actually asked me if I needed more. And I said, no, because my CBD was so effective. And the doctors were amazed at my healing. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and it helped through physical therapy. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and
Dee Dee:
You used our topical stuff too to
Beth Pinotti:
More topical the, yeah. The bomb helped with the inflammation. I don’t even have scars for my surgeries
Dee Dee:
Even better.
Beth Pinotti:
Yes. Cuz I use that it’s antibacteria
Dee Dee:
We’re not, we’re not making claims. No, no, no. <laugh>
Beth Pinotti:
Worked for me. That’s what I’m claiming.
Dee Dee:
This is
Beth’s and, and I, and I will say Beth’s having also had a bicep surgery and a rotator cuff surgery. So I know what all is involved in the recovery of that. You did hit heal very well. Very quickly.
Beth Pinotti:
I agree. Oh.
Dee Dee:
Was pretty she’s like ready to come back to work. I’m like, are you sure?
Beth Pinotti:
Dee Dee:
I’m like, are you really sure? I, I was super shocked about it too.
I, I, the
Beth Pinotti:
Doctors were struggled were amazed too. Yeah.
Yeah. I struggled with my rotator cuff surgery. My bicep is okay, but I couldn’t believe it. When, when you were back at work, I was terrified. Yeah.
Beth Pinotti:
Mm-hmm <affirmative> <laugh> I was doing 50 milligrams, the CBD of our full spectrum CBD and I just did great. Yeah. I, I don’t know what it would’ve been like if I didn’t. Right, right. Probably ended up like Matt
Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
No, as you can tell folks, we have a lot of fun. I think we are, we as a company are blessed to have Beth on board and we brought her along today to talk to her, to talk about the fact that she does have her, um, cannabis certificates, because she’s another resource that we have available. Um, a lot of people always ask for me while I love that. I can’t, I’m not always available as much as I’d like to be to everyone. So Beth kind of stands in for me, at least that’s how I put it. And I joke now that she actually probably knows more than me, you know, cause cuz of that. But she teaches us. We learn from her. We all learn from each other and I think that’s important. But another reason we wanted to bring her on today. Tell us about what you do, your extracurricular activities outside of being an a, a fantastic store lead and
Beth Pinotti:
Hello. I am a, um, Reiki master. Now I got my Reiki master certification last month.
Dee Dee:
Explain what Reiki is to people.
Beth Pinotti:
So Reiki is energy healing. It’s understanding that we have energetic forces within our body that we can use to help us heal just to help us through the day. Um, chakras. Uh, I don’t know if anybody knows, not a lot of people understand chakras.
Dee Dee:
We got time. Explain a little
Beth Pinotti:
Bit. Okay. So you have main seven main chakras throughout your body, um, starts above your head, goes all the way down to your feet. It’s your energetic life force energy. Okay. Um, because we can’t see it. People don’t think it exists. Mm-hmm <affirmative> but you can feel it. So if you think of your emotions, um, as being centered in your chakras, mm-hmm <affirmative> so like if, if you get worried, you know, you, you may get a headache. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, if you feel sad, you feel that lump in your throat, that’s chakra area. Oh your heart chakra, you know, you, you feel that when you’re sad or you’re happy, um, your solar chakra holds your power. It’s in your, uh, solar Plex. Mine did flexing a lot later. No. And we, you know, need to, to realize that we do have energetic power within us.
Beth Pinotti:
You know, when you get butterflies in your stomach that you feel in your chakras, you know, when you get that pit in your stomach, that’s negative energy, you know, you feel in your chakras. So we do feel our sh it’s our emotions. And when you understand that, it kind of all starts making sense because you can’t see energy. Right. You know, and that’s another thing that I, I do. I am a paranormal investigator. I have a group serious paranormal, and that you’re dealing with unseen energy there, but that makes sense. It’s still there and these people are experiencing it. It, and you can’t tell them it’s not there. Right. Because it is there they’re experiencing something. So there are unseen energies, you know, throughout the universe. But I had done paranormal a long time before I started working with actual living energy. Yeah. You know, so, uh, that brought a whole new understanding of the paranormal and how that energy within us that we feel, we, we know we have, it does continue, you know, our bodies may die, but you know, I’m coming back to haunt people, ah, hopeing do or, or some, some flowers for him.
Beth Pinotti:
Oh yeah. We’re definitely doing that. <laugh> so I don’t think Matt really believes a whole lot.
Yeah. To some extent. That’s true. Um, I’m a follower of the Dow, you know, the Dow believes in the D which is the life force energy that flows through us. How that relates to the chakras is, is similar, but, but a little different. And I do with, I take it with a grain of salt. How about that?
Beth Pinotti:
I did too, until I started practicing it. When you actually practice it and you pray results every day, <laugh> pray
Beth Pinotti:
Me, praying, praying, and practicing.
Pray for me.
Beth Pinotti:
<laugh>, that’s what I do every day. I pray not just for you <laugh> but um, you know, it it’s, it’s you don’t. I started asking myself what if that’s kind of how I got into CBD? I’m like, what if this does work? Mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, I didn’t know. Right. First time we had tried it, um, my husband was diagnosed with the type one diabetes at age. How old was he? 56. Wow. 57. Oh wow. Type one at age. Right. Wow. And we almost lost him. He went into diabetic keto, acidosis, and you know, refused to go to the hospital cuz he’s a man and he thinks he’s gonna be okay. So finally, by the time I got him there, he, he, yeah, he was, he was dying. So they, they were not concerned about what made his pancreas quit working, you know, it’s like, well now you’re diabetic.
Beth Pinotti:
This is what you gotta do. But I was questioning, how does your pancreas just quit working all of a sudden, oh yeah. You know, and they don’t question that. So it was things that I started asking, well, are there other options? You know, as far as food, of course I started studying food as medicine. Um, then I started studying yeah. Energetic healing, shocker healing. Um, but, and then we tried rainbow blossom CBD, you know, I thought, well, let’s try this because it’s supposed to help with blood sugar. So, but you know, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. I did all the right things, trying to help him, but men are stubborn and he just went on. Did his own with that? I know. I’m sorry. Sorry men, sorry, sorry. Sorry. There’s nothing. Some women are stubborn.
It’s it’s, it’s what it’s, what’s expected of us socially, but we’re, we’re born to be stubborn for reasons that I’ve explained an earlier podcast. That’s kind of true. We’re we’re, we’re supposed to make sure everyone else is okay. Right. And that, and, and, and, and that selflessness, and as it’s still called today, heroism disregard our own safety. Right. So that’s the social role that’s been put upon us
Beth Pinotti:
And caregivers do that too,
Dee Dee:
Right? Yes. For
Beth Pinotti:
Sure. Right. You know? Right.
So I, I, I agree. We’re always, but there’s no, sorry, man. People
Beth Pinotti:
There, no, there’s always people that are putting others first before themselves and not practicing self care.
Dee Dee:
And you did that
Beth Pinotti:
Too. And I did that too. Yep. We’ve all that overweight about that. Yep. Struggling and not healthy. So yeah. You, um, where were we going with that?
Dee Dee:
We’re talking about how men were awesome.
Beth Pinotti:
Okay. Yeah. Yes.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. That you are so Starwood.
Beth Pinotti:
I took all those tools that I was giving to him and I started applying them and I started getting healthier and, you know, things started changing for me.
Dee Dee:
And even just the positivity of the healing aspect too, I think is super important.
Beth Pinotti:
Right. Well, having control. Yeah. Feeling like, you know, you’re not given a pill and saying good luck with that. Right, right.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, exactly. How’s your husband doing now?
Beth Pinotti:
Great, great. He, yeah, he has, um, he has an insulin pump and okay. Does, okay. But you know, you worry nonstop, but
Dee Dee:
Beth Pinotti:
Do. And I still wanna know why his pancreas gave out. I’m still, you know. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
But you will probably never know the answer to that, unfortunately. Right.
Beth Pinotti:
You know,
Dee Dee:
Because sometimes organs do just fail for no specific reason. I mean, that does happen. We know that in life. I think. How is he, does he take the CBD
Beth Pinotti:
Regularly? No, still
Dee Dee:
Not. No. Oh, we’re gonna give him a hard time. Next time.
Beth Pinotti:
I see it. I know it’s I, I don’t understand so well, I he’ll take all those other prescriptions
Dee Dee:
To each his own to each his own. I mean, that’s the one thing, um, it’s where we’ve been trying so hard to debunk the stigma when it comes to cannabis and CBD products and everybody has them. Right. I mean, even our spouses mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, I mean, we all have it. Thank God, John didn’t. I think he was a little bit more open about that stuff, obviously. Right. But I was the one that was closed-minded right. I mean, I’ve said it before. I mean, I had fun in, in college, you know, I made Dean’s list the whole time smoked a lot. Um, but,
Beth Pinotti:
But marijuana is different than CBD
Dee Dee:
And it really is.
Beth Pinotti:
It’s very relaxing, but it, I don’t think it’s gonna change the way your body no. Um, performs.
Dee Dee:
I think the, I think the CBD cannabinoid is much more, uh, medicinally, healthy, I guess, for our receptors, a
Beth Pinotti:
Good way to put it right. And I like to tell people, you know, CBDs gonna help bring your body into balance. Yes. And THC is great at treating the symptoms when your body is out of balance.
Dee Dee:
That’s perfect. I like that. That’s
Beth Pinotti:
Yeah. And that’s another thing people don’t understand is marijuana is so high in THC and so low in CBD. So they are people think they’re getting CBD when they’re smoking marijuana and they’re not
Right. Well, they’re getting some
Beth Pinotti:
Very little,
The cannabis plant. The cannabinoids in the cannabis plant is, is essentially like a pie chart. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and the larger you make one cannabinoid, the more you’re shrinking the, the space for the other cannabinoids. Correct. So when a, a cannabis plant is designed to be a and modified, um, to be higher and THC concentration, which most marijuana plants are nowadays, they wanna ma they want the biggest baddest, strongest, like you were saying, well, why do three doses when, or why do one dose when you can do three? Um, and what the, what, what a lot of people don’t realize is all those great cannabinoids that offer so much benefit. You’re sacrificing those for that high THC content, which really isn’t gonna do anything besides freak out, make you super hungry, make you not have a good time. Um, so it’s something to think about.
Beth Pinotti:
And the CBD brings down that psychoactive effect of the THC. So marijuana growers don’t want a lot of CBD cuz yeah. It’s all about getting higher. Yeah, yeah. Right. Yeah. But that’s not what we are talking about. No, it’s not right. We’re talking about medicine.
Dee Dee:
Yes. Yes. In a sense,
Right. Laughter is the best medicine.
Beth Pinotti:
True. Relaxation
Is good. Alternative medicine. Mm-hmm <affirmative> exactly is, is, is good. And as we’ve stated on the show, time and time again, that includes recreation. Mm-hmm <affirmative> recreation is medicine. Yes.
Beth Pinotti:
Mm-hmm <affirmative> yes.
Dee Dee:
Sitting in a,
You can’t, you can call it recreational. You can call it medicinal recreation is medicinal.
Beth Pinotti:
Agree. And that flows right into the marijuana thing, which we’re not gonna get into on this podcast. But I had to, I had to imagine that, no, because I want this I’m I’m really what I’m most interested in, in having can Beth on the show is,
Dee Dee:
Oh yeah. That’s her, by the way, can
Beth, oh, do, is this the first time that’s been said, oh, okay. Yeah, we call her
Beth Pinotti:
That was a former employee name me that, and it kind of stuck that was stuck
Dee Dee:
Between Bethy and Canna Beth that’s
Beth Pinotti:
That’s what we call it. And I like it.
Well, cuz know knowledge is power and getting out there to do that discovery and create that level of, of critical thinking and analysis. I is not an easy pursuit and you know, Beth, while we, we assisted in that, took that upon herself and did that on her own time and made that sacrifice. Yeah. Which is huge. Um, so what I’m really interested on this show is, you know, what, what tidbits, uh, did you pick up, uh, which you discussed? Uh, but I wouldn’t love to hear more. And what do you really have to say for the listeners out there that are interested in self-healing mm-hmm <affirmative> which is really what you’re all about, right. You’re a cannabis consultant, you know, you’re a Reiki master you’re healer. Mm-hmm <affirmative> I mean,
Beth Pinotti:
The I’m in the healing
Arts, you are a broad spectrum healer.
Dee Dee:
I like that broad spectrum healer.
Beth Pinotti:
So one day I’ll be full spectrum.
<laugh> really, you’re a full spectrum healer and we have the ultra spectrum healer coming out soon. Well with, but with that being said, um, you know, what, what would you say to someone who, who, who is wanting that help, but not knowing how to get it
Beth Pinotti:
Go for? Yeah. I think, you know, the main things that I learned were the different age groups in the use of cannabis. So, you know, with the elderly, a lot of them grew up in the, the sixties and baby boomer generation have no fear of it. And so they are, they are willing to use it for, you know, they’ve done the prescriptions. They’re not scared of the plant. Um, they’re willing to try it, but knowing the right doses and especially with THC, because they, like I said, they have no fear of it. Right. And it kind of amazes me. It’s like, oh, grandma’s like, I don’t care if I feel a little happy. Yeah. And it’s the first thing. And it it’s a fun job when they yeah. So they were like, yeah, give me more. I want the hot, you know, mm-hmm <affirmative> and we’re like go low and slow. But, um, you know, and then, and, and how, how do you prescribe a cannabis plant to children? Because you do not want the THC in there. You should not have anyone under 21 consuming THC, just because we don’t know what it’s gonna do to a growing brain, you know, same with pregnancy. Um, we don’t know what cannabis does to a fetus, you know? So you don’t wanna take it while you’re pregnant. True. Just we don’t have the research. What are you feeling
There? And the product of what you get,
Dee Dee:
Dee Dee:
Beth Pinotti:
Are you talking about marijuana smoking while,
Dee Dee:
Uh, not while pregnant work, God, I never had that
Beth Pinotti:
Problem in utero
Dee Dee:
Or I don’t know about that. I mean, shoot, my mom smokes cigarettes, but right. Um, I, I do know that women produce cannabinoids and their breast milk. So they actually give those cannabinoids, if they are breastfeeding in their baby, the cannabinoids, all of them help our body mm-hmm <affirmative> right. Period. Mm-hmm <affirmative> so while I don’t, I’m not saying we’re getting kids high, that’s not what I’m saying. Right. Not saying that.
Beth Pinotti:
Right, right.
But what are you saying? I am, what are you saying to point
Dee Dee:
Man, I got that point out there. What I’m saying is that little bit of THC that is in our full
Beth Pinotti:
Spectrum 0.3%
Dee Dee:
And, and sometimes, most, often less than that. Right, right. Right. I mean, it just is that little bit can still provide help to people in need. Right. Because THC does have its benefits truly. Exactly. Especially for autistic children, even though I’m not making claims, but it does help people, even, even younger ones, even with D D ADHD. Um, now, do I also understand the legalities of
Beth Pinotti:
That THC? The main problem?
Dee Dee:
Yes. And that is the main problem because if a woman has been taking THC, they do blood work. When that, when right when she gives birth, if there is THC in her system and there’s THC in that baby system, you’ve got a mess of a trouble with CPS mm-hmm <affirmative> right. We don’t want that at all. Um, if you, you know, a kid gets drug tested and all of a sudden there’s THC coming up in his system, you don’t want that mess at all either. So yeah.
Beth Pinotti:
Dee Dee:
We have those other products without the THC, the broad spectrum and the THC free line as well. Mm-hmm <affirmative> while I think that it’s perfectly safe and perfectly fine to give that to kids. I also, we also understand the fears that parents have. Yeah. And that’s why we have those other products.
Beth Pinotti:
Exactly. And that’s the main thing. Yeah, no one’s saying it’s dangerous. No. Um, that THC has been found to be dangerous, but yeah, it is the legal problems that parents face. You know, a lot of kids are drug tested for sports now.
Dee Dee:
Beth Pinotti:
Yeah. Um, so you know, that small amount of THC can build up in your system and you can show positive.
Dee Dee:
And where is THC stored at, in the body?
Beth Pinotti:
It is stored in your fat.
Dee Dee:
Yes, it
Beth Pinotti:
Is. <laugh> in your fat cells. And why is THC in your body for so long? Right?
Dee Dee:
Because it’s not a truck,
Beth Pinotti:
Not a drug, it’s not a toxin. Your body’s holding onto it longer. Cuz it it’s me. We produce our own endocannabinoids. That’s what endocannabinoid means. Mm-hmm <affirmative> through our endocrine system, you know, uh, the plant cannabinoids, we’re getting our phyto cannabinoids mm-hmm <affirmative> so you know what we can’t produce through our own body. We can use this plant to help us with having more of that nurse find,
Dee Dee:
Find its homeostasis.
Beth Pinotti:
Yes. Which is my favorite
Dee Dee:
Importance, our balance.
And you know, it’s interesting because I had a blood test a couple weeks ago, doctor came in and said, Mr. Dykes, I gotta tell you, we found THC in your system. <laugh> and I said, you did you better give it here?
Dee Dee:
Sorry. I was trying to lighten the conversation.
Dee Dee:
I mean
He didn’t give it back. Okay. Well, no, he kept, he in fact pulled back and was like, mine,
Dee Dee:
This isn’t my THC now Hey, doctors are getting more. Yes.
Beth Pinotti:
Yeah. That’s what I was gonna go into. Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, we’re getting a lot more doctor referrals, which is mind blowing. We are finally past that little bit of stigma where you’ve been fighting against, um, because they’ve given up, they don’t know what else to offer their patients. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and it’s always that last resort try something natural <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. But uh, we’ve discussed that many times haven’t we met. Oh yeah. Natural is always best.
Beth Pinotti:
Yes. So that that’s becoming a, a big deal, um, pain clinics. Yep. You know, people don’t want these prescriptions anymore or they, they can’t prescribe ’em anymore. Right? Yeah. Um, so people still need relief. Mm-hmm
Dee Dee:
Beth Pinotti:
So, um, my favorite story about a physician referral is the guy that came in and uh, his doctor told him, said, well, you know, I’m not gonna see you anymore. If you start using CBD and the guy’s like, really, you would not see me as a patient. If I started using CBD, he’s like, you won’t need to see me anymore. If you start using CBD, I’m like a
Dee Dee:
Doctor said that, I know that that’s awesome.
Beth Pinotti:
They know they, they do know they’re just not allowed to talk about it.
Dee Dee:
Right. Because it’s not FDA approved. Right, right. Yeah. And other reasons.
But there’s what we know. There’s what we don’t know. And there’s what there is to be discovered. And right now what, what we don’t know, exceeds what we know. Um, and that that’s because these, these studies haven’t come out yet. And, and we just talked about this on a previous podcast, but it’s time for these studies to come out. Yes. I mean, it’s time for the knowledge to be released. You can only keep a hidden so long. Yeah. And, and, and people need to know so that we can stop these ridiculous claims that are hurting the industry saying CBD will cure everything. Right. And then the ridiculous claims that say CBD will do nothing. Right. I mean, people deserve to know right where this is the 21st century. Last time I checked mm-hmm <affirmative> um, I don’t know. Cause I frequently time WARF. I did you <laugh>, you know, the 21st century it’s time. Let’s do it
Dee Dee:
Well. And I think that’s, what’s important about Beth being our certified cannabis consultant because she has that little bit level of knowledge, more so than the lay person obviously. And so she’s able to educate easier mm-hmm <affirmative> and provide that knowledge to our customers and to people that need it. I mean, we I’m self taught. I mean, I, I kind of self taught Matt too. I taught you mm-hmm <affirmative> but having more information or being able to find the answer mm-hmm <affirmative> is super important. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and that that’s what we’re all about.
You gonna get that self made tattoo on your knuckles.
Dee Dee:
I don’t know. My hands are pretty. Yeah. I’d like to see, I like my hands the way they are, but thank you. <laugh>
Beth Pinotti:
Maybe on her middle finger
Dee Dee:
So that would be for me, self you’re gonna get a tattoo on your middle finger just for me.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. The one with the mustache. <laugh>
Dee Dee:
Love it. Sometimes. Talk about, more about this para paranormal stuff. Cause I, I do kind of like it and I think it’s fun.
Beth Pinotti:
So it is fun. Yeah. So I’ve been investigating the paranormal for 22 years now. Wow. I know, uh, back in 2000, um, had a job working at a law firm. So, you know, that’s our little, me and DD law firm thing. <laugh> um, but you, I worked nights. I was going to nursing school during the day and working full time as a secretarial support in the evenings. Okay. So, you know, when those attorneys didn’t need us, we had a lot of time to play on the internet. So I, I started yeah. Researching places to go or look for haunted locations, things like that. And reaching out to people, um, who were doing the same thing. So that’s when I started going to places and I’ve always believed it mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, never really had a paranormal experience, you know, that was life changing or anything.
Beth Pinotti:
I just found it fascinating. Mm-hmm <affirmative> read, you know, since I can remember anything scary I was reading or watching. Um, and I just felt like I needed to go out and prove to myself. We do go on, you know, I lost my dad at a young age and I think that that spurs you to say, you’re not gone. You couldn’t have just left me. You don’t disappear. So, um, that might have spurred some of it too. Um, so in 2013, uh, me and a friend decided to start our own paranormal group. So now we have people who contact us who have hauntings in their homes, paranormal activity. So we try to rule out every anything that could cause it, anything that could be explained. We use a lot of scientific equipment, you know, electromagnetic field detectors, you know, things that we can actually, or in voice recorders, you can pick up spirit voices. You can have conversations with spirit and it is pretty mind blowing. And when you start doing those things and those things happen, you just get more excited about it. But yeah, we, we try to help families. You know, we, we can’t get rid of entities for you. That is something you have to do yourself and you have to take your power back. So that’s part of the, about
Dee Dee:
Taking the power back.
Beth Pinotti:
It’s the power, you know, love over fear. I’m like you have to put more love into your household and less fear you don’t, they feed on fear and negative energy feeds on fear. That
Dee Dee:
Makes sense. I mean, even in non paranormal,
Beth Pinotti:
Right, right.
Dee Dee:
Negative feeds off a negative.
Beth Pinotti:
Right. Makes sense. And positive feeds off of love, you know? So seen those techniques or understanding, they have to find a way to get that into, you know, I can say blessing and, and I actually have gotten rid of an entity one time. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and that’s when I became a full believer in Reiki, you know, because I didn’t think that I could make an evil spirit, you know, leave a, a teenager alone. He was molesting. It was the spirit of her father who molested her as a teenager. Yeah. He passed away of a drug overdose. He would come to her room still in the middle of the night as spirit and molest her. So they reached out, I know, kit, you think you’re finally free? And yeah, it was, it was crazy. So we go and, and we, you know, did our investigation, didn’t have a lot of activity.
Beth Pinotti:
Um, but we said, you know, we’re gonna, we’re gonna do our prayers. We’re gonna Sage. And we’re gonna try to get rid of this, this evil entity in your, in your household. So, uh, did that. And you know, I, I learned, you know, saging is all about intention. You know, it’s not the power of the plant necessarily. It’s the energy, the power of the plant, the power of the plant. Um, so, you know, I, I just hoped it worked, you know? Yeah. So we left there, I’m driving home and I’m almost to my house. And I see a man, this is February, he’s standing on the side of the road in Jean shorts, a red, white, and blue tank, top blonde hair. And it just looks odd. I’m like, why is he, it’s one o’clock in the morning, he’s standing on the side of the road. I’m like, what what’s he doing there? I’m like, all right, just driving. Next thing I know within seconds, this man was next to my driver’s side window and his face was blurry and he was screaming. I can still hear that scream.
Dee Dee:
Oh, that’s so creepy.
Beth Pinotti:
And I was like, dude, why’d you run out in the road. You know, I didn’t hit you. Why you screaming at me? It’s still thinking it’s a human being. Right. So I look at my rear view mirror and there’s nobody there. So go home. And I’m like, well, that was weird. You know, kinda like stuck with me. Didn’t know what it was. That’s the first time I’d ever seen an apparition. Yeah. You know, and I, I didn’t even know that I saw one yet. So I reached out to the mother of the little girl or young girl, and I said, um, something weird happened to me. I just wanted throw this at you. I was like, I ran into a man on my way home wearing jeans, shorts, red, white, and blue tank, top blonde hair. And he was screaming at me. And then he disappeared. And she sent me his, um, photo from his mugshot. Her ex-husband, this young girl’s father had on the red, white and blue tank top. They had given him for Christmas, always wore his jeans shorts. So I saw that man on my way home, he screamed at me like he was angry that I kicked him out of his house, but she never got touched again. He never came back.
Dee Dee:
That is,
Beth Pinotti:
I know,
Dee Dee:
Oh my gosh, I’ve made cold chills
Beth Pinotti:
For real cold, cold chills. For real, it was life changing. Oh, that was really, yeah.
Dee Dee:
I mean, I, there’s no question, like my mom passed back in 2010 and sometimes I will feel her presence with me. Yeah. She’s always in my heart. Right. I remember I was struggling because I had become a mom. Um, and I lost my mom then became a stepmom. So it was, it was kind of rough there back in 2010. And I remember I felt her touch. Like she used to touch my forehead when I was sleeping. Like she’d come in and just touch my, and I swear, I felt that mm-hmm <affirmative> and you know, that’s outta love and yes, I will have dreams of mom and I call it my visits. Right. So we get to have visits together. Right. So I definitely believe in the afterlife for sure. There’s no question about it. Um, I definitely think there’s always energy, especially if you’re willing to open up to it. Right. Um, and yeah. Keep the bad shit out.
Beth Pinotti:
Right, right. Keep
Dee Dee:
The good stuff in. Exactly. Yeah. But keep the good stuff in, but yeah. Be, um, be conscientious of that. That’s there’s, you know, it’s a higher spiritual power, I guess. I don’t know, but it’s, it’s pretty cool. I think it’s kind of neat what she does on the outside of the work. I just, I find it fascinating. Um,
Beth Pinotti:
I love it. It’s fascinat because you never know what’s gonna happen. True.
Dee Dee:
Beth Pinotti:
True. I bought a dash cam after that, by the way, because I like,
Dee Dee:
I don’t blame you <laugh>
Beth Pinotti:
I can’t can’t prove to anybody. This nothing’s happened since I,
Dee Dee:
Her, I
Believe her. We had a fun time with that dash cam. Will you show me that video of the, the animal that ran in front of your, the
Dee Dee:
That was
Beth Pinotti:
Awesome. It was my insurance commercial. We were talking about, my friend wanted to cancel her full coverage and right. Then a deer runs out. She’s like, okay, I’m not canceling it.
I love it.
Dee Dee:
We, I think we have a lot of fun. And I think we bring a, the whole crew at, at 5 0 2 brings a whole different variety of, I mean, right. We’re all different. Right. We’re all in those, you know, together to help people. So yeah, I think it’s so, so much fun. Thank you for coming on the show. It’s awesome. You got anything else to, to give to our listeners or say or anything,
Beth Pinotti:
Do your research that is educate yourself. You know, we’re not saying CBD is gonna help with everything, but it’s with a lot of things and that’s not what the FDA says says, but that’s what our clients say. And that’s, that’s how I tell people. I’m like, well, you know, our customers say it helps with this. Cause the FDA won’t let us say that.
Dee Dee:
That’s that’s true. That is
Very true. So listeners out there that might want a consultation from you mm-hmm <affirmative> be it CBD or Reiki. How, how would they get a hold of you?
Beth Pinotti:
Um, 5 0 2 hemp. Give me a call there. Mm-hmm <affirmative> (502) 654-7100.
Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm <affirmative> leave our message. I mean, it’s
Beth Pinotti:
Paranormal Reiki.
I didn’t even line that plug up. I know. It just, it just was like a domino
Beth Pinotti:
The phone number.
Dee Dee:
I always
Have to look. Goodness. We could literally make that a commercial. Right. Won’t be back right after this scheduled break.
Dee Dee:
Well, thank you so much for being a part of this, the show and my gosh, thank you for all that you do for us and our customers. I think having you there and your knowledge, it, it truly is a blessing. And I, I don’t know that I’ve said that enough to you, but I, I appreciate you more than I think I can ever express. Right.
Beth Pinotti:
Thank you. I appreciate you all. I think we all work so well together. We do at our common goal and we’re just gonna keep rocking it.
Dee Dee:
Yes we are. And thank you guys for listening again. Follow us, you know, give us a like spread the love of our hemp and happiness and always keep it hippy out there. Thanks for joining us for another episode of hemp and happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
Keep your mind ever open and expanding, like subscribe, review, follow us, all the good stuff
Speaker 4:
And keep it. He out there.