All About 502

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Hi, I’m Matt.
Dee Dee:
And I’m Dee Dee. We are the hilarious outcome of opposing brains, sharing a mutual desire to share knowledge and positive thinking about him and cannabis.
We’re here to tear down the walls built by big pharma and other big companies that seek to keep the human race and fear and divided.
Dee Dee:
We are here to shatter the myths about hemp and cannabis and change the stigma of this amazing plant. Welcome to Hemp and Happiness with the Hemp
Queen and Emperor
Dee Dee:
Podcasts. Join us as we venture into this misunderstood and the unknown.
Dee Dee:
Oh, if you hear a Matt there in the, We can’t wait to get to our new spot and be settled. It’s a little, I would, it’s, it’s a little uncomfortable recording down here. Just a scope.
I think it’s quite comfortable
All About 502
Dee Dee:
Actually. Well, the atmosphere atmosphere’s fine. It’s just a little awkward. Be when we have to sit and stuff, so yeah. We can make it to our new home. That’s, um, and thanks, happy hamsters for listening to us as always. And so we got some really big news. Um, one I wanted to say thank you so much to all of our listeners that voted for us in the Leo Reader’s Choice Awards. Our podcast was voted number one in the bill, so that is super, super cool. And we were also voted as best CBD oil in Louisville as well. So thank you guys so much. We really, really, really appreciate that. And um, this episode is kind of funny cuz we, this week when this drops, actually we are celebrating our fourth year in business as 502 Hemp. So super, super, super proud of that. Um, it has been oh, amazing ups and downs and so much fun. And it, I love how many people we’ve gotten to help throughout the years and that’s kind of what this episode’s gonna be about. Matt has some questions to ask me, so it’s kind of interesting. I don’t know what he’s planned.
Well, yes. So, um, we decided that since we, uh, won these awards and it’s our anniversary in four years, that we would go ahead and, and, and make this one all about us.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Why
Not? Um, yeah. Uh, you know, not the, not to be totally self-indulgent, but
Dee Dee:
Every now again, it’s okay.
Yeah. That’s why I got been, but, you know, <laugh> and those who didn’t start at, uh, episode one, which is totally fine because as you know, podcasts evolve. Yeah. Um, you might not know some of the stories, some of the information about who we are, uh, why we do what we do, and how we got to where we are today and where we want to go tomorrow. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so, uh, with that being said, uh, Dee
Dee Dee:
for little listeners out there, give us a little background about the birth of 502 Hemp.
Well, the birth of 502 Hemp kind of happened out of necessity. I had started selling these products back in 2016 under the original name of Nature’s Beauty and Wellness. And then I got a cease and desist letter from this company out in California, <laugh>. Um, so I changed it to Kentucky Beauty and Wellness. So I had no hemp in it.
I don’t think I knew that. So the first product, the first, uh, the first name was, was, is Na Nature’s Beauty and Wellness. Yeah. Who’d to guessed that that was taken
Dee Dee:
And John thought of it. Well, it wasn’t. Of course
He did. Wasn’t cause he read it on something.
Dee Dee:
No, it actually wasn’t. They, they just used Nature’s Beauty. They didn’t have the wellness applied to it. Oh.
And the wellness is the most important part. So you could have been Nature’s Wellness. I
Dee Dee:
Could have probably, I’m sure that’s taken <affirmative>. I’m sure <laugh>. But, you know, I didn’t do my due diligence, so it is what it is. Well, I had started setting since r
Routes are always causing trouble,
Dee Dee:
Mad as me. Um, so I’d started, I had set up at fairs and festivals throughout Louisville, started just earning a little, my little following. And I’d meet people in some of the craziest places like Parks and CVS, parking lots. Um, he brothers, I’d meet people everywhere and, you know, I’d kind of teach them. I was even doing, um, CBD parties at people’s homes, which was kind of fun and cool, um, getting to, you know, educate a little group of of people. So that was kind of neat.
How many men were at those parties?
Dee Dee:
Actually, I did a yoga one and there was the same amount of men as there was women. Okay. So there, ugh,
<laugh>. Okay, so it wasn’t like a fantasy party?
Dee Dee:
No, it was, uh, I didn’t get to do any of the ohs. I don’t know if John would appreciate that. I’ve heard the
Dee Dee:
Dude, let’s not go there. Anyway, so in 2018 I was like, Man, John, I, I really need a place. And he is like, Yeah, you know, I’ve just, I’ve just grown out of it and, um, winter was coming, so, you know, it’s always a good time to open something up. Why not? But what really got me was that one of our local health food stores was selling a brand of CBD products that was made by using Butan extraction. Well, if you don’t know, I’m gonna remind you, I am not a fan of that. I just don’t believe in using a natural known carcinogen that has never been approved by the FDA and recognized as safe for human consumption as a, you know, a way to extract these products with. So it just, it absolutely actually infuriated me. And I was like, that’s it. And it’s funny, the place where we’re at, where we’ve been this whole time at 2 0 1 Mo Road, um, I had driven by this place so many times and it was the Rapid Ink refill place. And, and I always, I always saw it from the street and I was like, you know, I’m gonna go check that out. And it wasn’t, I think it was like the second place I looked at. Um, there was actually a little ATM drive-through across the street. I don’t know if you knew that. Like right in front of Roosters. And I thought that that would be pretty cool. But it was so small and I knew I couldn’t do any teaching there and stuff like that. So, And they didn’t
Like one of those Photo Shack
Dee Dee:
Kind of Yeah, that’s what it was. And I think that was a key, a little key place and Yes. Yeah, Photo Shack and a little, they were gonna make it a little atm, but then the bank moved from that area. But, so I talked to the leasing agent and um, yeah, that’s how I ended up in that spot. And it’s been a great spot. I believe, you know, you can see it. There’s a light to turn in and off of Shelbyville Road. That was just huge. Um, I think it nice parking because
The traffic’s a little unruly
Dee Dee:
Now. It’s Oh, Shelbyville Road can be a big pain in the ass. Oh. Especially during Frick go down to Ox more mall and stuff for the holidays. Look, but it was just outta necessity. I, um, and then that’s what made me change the name to and start like a new company. So it became 502
Hemp. So the, so the 502 Hemp started when the store
Dee Dee:
Opened? Technically, yes. Technically, even though I’ve been doing it for a while
Longer. So what, what was on the bottles prior
Dee Dee:
To, um, it was a brand called Meela that my husband had created and, and then Extract Wellness, bought it over, but made, I told my husband, I warned his ass, that is a breast pump that is the name of a breast pump <laugh>. And he’s like, Well it means wellness or something like that in Latin. I said, John, it’s Breast Pump <laugh>. He didn’t believe me. So he pretty, I think then then Extract Wellness took it over and then um, they got to cease and desist letter cuz they started growing. It was it called Meela? Meela? M E D E L A I believe. No, I’m not Fir Yeah. Yep. I was one of the first and then the um, the honeybee cbd, which some, we still have some of those. We
Do, yes we
Dee Dee:
Do. Because we got loyal people that love that on
Dee Dee:
Is on sale. Um, but we do have a few loyal people that love it. Plus they’re in the four ounce, four ounces. I think that’s what people like
Do. They liked the big bottle.
Dee Dee:
They liked
The big bottle. So the very, So the, so then before there was 502 Hemp, there was Honeybee.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, yeah. Honeybee and then five. And then I, yeah, I was selling, uh, Kentucky’s Best CBD for a while and then I decided I wanted better flavors, you know what I mean? That’s what really, that’s what really brought 502 hemp, the brand as far as CBD oil goes. I wanted better
Flavors. That was back when CBD oil was hot.
Dee Dee:
Yes, very hot. Very, very hot back then. Yeah. And I um, did very well on those flavors. I picked some good flavors. I mean, eventually we are gonna scale all that back down. Sorry listeners. Um, we are gonna scale that down to some of the just more favorite flavors.
Well, and a new and a new advent for the the, uh, for the name as well. We’ll know the store will be 502 Hemp of the product will be Mireya Extracts.
Dee Dee:
So I didn’t realize this is like the fifth advantage. It
Dee Dee:
Is. Oh my goodness. Well, I mean kind of. I don’t really consider Made or even Honey Bee Mine or definitely not Kentucky’s Best. I don’t consider those my brands. Yeah. 502 Hemp was and Mireyah is, and DZD8 is, those are my brands. Our brands now.
Dee Dee:
Nine and DZD9. Yeah.
Which is basically DZD8. DZD
8 is the company. DZD9 is a really just
Dee Dee:
One of the products. Awesome. We just had to change it to a nine from an eight because of what it’s Yeah. Those are so sweet ass gummies. Um, but yeah, so that’s, that’s kind of how it started. I mean I get into it because my own, my own personal anxiety and depression and sleep issues. But I mean, it all started from John’s seizures, so it’s
Right, right.
Dee Dee:
Uh, most people know that story. We ain’t go other.
No, no, no. Yeah, this is all about you in 502 Hemp so far. Cuz I haven’t even entered the situation. So I’m just a twinkle in my parents’ eye. Uh, but
Dee Dee:
Ever you’re
Still kind of what <laugh>? Yeah, I am. What was the first award that 502
Dee Dee:
Him? Oh, the very first award was our first Leo. We won Best New Business, um, best CBD oil and best place to buy CBD products. We won three the very first year we were open. That was in 2019.
Dee Dee:
Crap. Yeah. Oh. And in 2019 I won the Prospect Strong Woman’s Strong Leader Award. And I was one of the, the top 20 people to know in the healthcare field for business first. So yeah, 2019 was a pretty freaking cool year. Big I know, like big. I was on the paper, like, I mean yeah. That was pretty cool.
And not, you know, crime times Exactly. In
Dee Dee:
The mean paper that goes on. Debbie d Is there stills? I don’t know. Oh, I think there is,
Remember where I think, I think my print, everyone still see that? Yeah. Like at the gas station and it was, it’s just mug shots of people, local people that are
Dee Dee:
Committed crimes. I think that still exists. Yes. But no, I’ve never been on there.
Sneaky people on there.
Dee Dee:
Your next girlfriend I know
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh, that’s, it’s a basically a dating app. It’s basically, you know, like
Dee Dee:
Moving on
For me 15 years ago. Yeah. Uh, anyway. Okay. So that’s in interesting that the LEO award was first local award. Yeah. And for those of you listeners out there who don’t know about the Leo, it is an obscure little magazine in Louisville that is, uh, mostly read by one neighborhood called The Islands <laugh>.
Dee Dee:
Pretty much.
Um, it was pretty big at one point and it’s day, it’s kind of
Dee Dee:
Well, and, and even the voting process, I think, I think it’s open to, to cheating. It’s, it’s shuffled. It
Really is. It’s shuffled down.
Dee Dee:
Yeah. The list. And I think it’s just open to cheating. So it’s just, it’s not what it used to be, unfortunately.
It was, it was at one time a very provocative Yeah. And I,
Dee Dee:
And I hate to say that about it. They still have really good articles, but the, the voting I think should just be one one and
Done. Well. Yeah. Yeah. I won’t, I won’t get into that. Yeah. But, um, you know, it’s a humble award, but it’s a award and nonetheless it is. We’ll take it.
Dee Dee:
We will take it.
We’ll take it today. The Leo tomorrow, <laugh>, whatever. I don’t even know what other podcast awards are out there, but we need to start getting into that.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, we should. We definitely,
You all need to vote for us.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, that’d be awesome. Wow. Well, I mean, and so that was 2019. We won in 2020 as well. We won best CBD store or best place to buy cbd, Best CBD oil. Um, those were the two I won that year. And then in 21, best place to buy CBD oil again. And we, we
Came 20 too though.
Dee Dee:
Um, Yes, we did with a courier journal. We won Best CBD store.
No. Yeah. And we won that this year too. But we won another thing for the Leo. I can’t
Dee Dee:
Remember what it was. I can’t remember what it
Was either. And it’s on a sign outside of our
Dee Dee:
Building. I know. That’s sad. That’s sad. I don’t remember. It wasn’t Best Vape. No, we, but we came in second for Best Vape and Best edibles. It
Was, uh oh.
Dee Dee:
Best CBD
Oil was the best. CBD oil.
Dee Dee:
Best CBD oil and best place to buy. Oh, those were the two way ones. 21
Dee Dee:
Okay. Okay. Wait. Oh, I think, I don’t know that we won best CBD oil for 21, but I think we only won best place to buy CBD 21. Oh
My God. Slacking.
Dee Dee:
Total slacking.
You didn’t, It’s almost like they rotate
Dee Dee:
Them. Didn’t vote enough.
I voted and on every identity and I invented new ones.
Dee Dee:
Oh, you did. Not that, See, that’s chain
Eight. Yeah. So, moving along, um, for those of you who don’t know, our motto is, um, quality, integrity, and knowledge matter. Yeah. Uh, when did you, And now that was here before I got here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, when, when did you come up with that? Tell me, tell
Dee Dee:
Us about that. Um, I think that was in 2020 actually. The, the early part of it. Um, Right. You and I met in March of 2020, so I think it may have even been at the end of 19. John and I were talking, he, you know, I do throw things off of my husband a lot. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he has been a good source, good business source I guess you could say. But no, I just felt like it needed a statement. Like that’s what we are. That that’s why the whole cheating thing just kind of riles me up. Cuz I’m kind of against all that shit. And the reason I even bring that up is because I had someone approach me on a post I had made about voting for us on Instagram. And he’s like, I can guarantee you a win. And I was like, No, I’d rather lose than to win that way. And that’s just truly how I feel about that. So anyway, moving on from there. But integrity matters. I think it matters. It just matters knowing that, you know, you’re selling a good product and you’re not just out to make a quick buck. And, you know, we didn’t just get in this business to make a quick buck. We got in it to help people. I think all of that matters. And having the quality products of course. I mean, that’s just a must
Have. Well, and I, I think that it, it, it also speaks to the wellness aspect of it in the respective competition. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if you’re gonna try to compete in a corporate setting, you have to sacrifice quality. You have to sacrifice integrity. Um, and
Dee Dee:
Won’t do that. Right. So we’re, we’re in essence, like arguably corporate America would say we’re dooming ourselves to mediocrity. Right. That’s crazy. But I’m pretty okay with that. <laugh>. You know,
Dee Dee:
I, I would say that the, our the Yeah. I would say our customers would definitely not call us
Mediocre. No, no. And that’s who I care about. That’s why I said in a corporate
Dee Dee:
Sense. Yeah. Maybe corporate would,
Dee Dee:
Yeah. Well because we’re, we’re not a franchise.
We don’t cut corners that
Dee Dee:
We Yeah. We don’t cut corners that
Way. We’d save money to increase profits. Yep. We don’t use certain advertising techniques that they feel are,
Dee Dee:
Are the scammer stuff that we’ve had mini podcasts about tour,
We will say. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I’m proud of what we do and, and why we do it. And I’m, I’m proud of that motto. And, and we Me too. And that we live by it. And I also like that in our meetings when we’re, when something’s questionable, we, we analyze it. We do under that motto, like does this fit into the quality, integrity, and knowledge landscape?
Dee Dee:
Exactly. We were gonna introduce, speaking of products, we were gonna introduce one of our d new DZD9. And I had it tested and it was lacking the thcv. I’m like, well we can’t sell this.
You just dropped the bomb on a product that we haven’t announced yet. <laugh>,
Dee Dee:
I hope we haven’t by then <laugh>
Will be stricken from the podcast.
Dee Dee:
No, it won’t anyway. But you know, that stuff matters. If it’s not, if it’s testing and things aren’t testing Right. Hey we can’t have that shit.
Yeah. Cuz if there was something to fake in that gummy, it would probably be the thcv because it’s non psychotropic. Exactly. So you could tell people like, well be careful man. You’re gonna have mad energy. And they’d be like, Oh, I’m zip around all over
Dee Dee:
The place and it’ll be all their painful of cbo. But
We don’t. But then when you had, But then all it would take with them for would be for them to have one of those real THC vs. And be like, Oh, I got scammed. And then you’re done.
Dee Dee:
Yeah, exactly. We don’t, we don’t play that way. No. We do not play that way. No. So what else you got for me?
Oh, okay. So, um, we’ve touched on the future.
Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm. <affirmative>,
Tell us more about where you envision this going. Because I mean, the landscape is changing. Not, not only is there, oh
Dee Dee:
My gosh,
There’s 502 hemp the store now. Right. We, the br there’s the brand, we’ve, we’ve added brands. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we’re converting a brand. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and now we’re adding a new store.
Dee Dee:
Right. 812. Eight
Dee Dee:
How? Yeah. I cannot wait to get it.
It just southern Indiana in,
Dee Dee:
We’re crossing,
We’re crossing the state line. Yep.
Dee Dee:
We are. So, but you’re super close to it, dude. He lives really close. So you may see mad a little bit more than me, although,
Because you’ll be in the kitchen.
Dee Dee:
I will be in the kitchen. I’m so like, super excited about this, this kitchen. I mean, it’s totally even better. I have a shitty kitchen home, but it is a really nice kitchen. Like I am so stoked. Um, I can’t wait to make a whole bunch of goodies. Uh, the edibles coming out of 812 is gonna be like, I can’t wait. I cannot wait so much room and space. And we still got some bugs to iron out and things like that. But I’m, I’m looking forward to that. I think that’s gonna be a lot of fun.
So Pred predict, where do you, where do you see the company going in five years?
Dee Dee:
Man, I would like to have literally a store in every area Code I really
Would in the country.
Dee Dee:
Yes. Why not Dream big Maybe or go home.
Do you think that that would be possible with the way we, with our current, our business
Dee Dee:
Structure? Honestly, I don’t know. I mean, as much as I would love to see it grow that big, it would definitely take a lot of partnerships with others. And it would be somewhat like a,
With, with those partners, with uphold our, our
Dee Dee:
Motto, our our
Mission statement. You
Dee Dee:
Don’t know. You just don’t know
Dee Dee:
Well, and even if we can’t have a store in every location, I sure as shit would like to have our product in every single store across the nation. And I don’t Or a single store. Yeah. And I don’t see why we couldn’t.
So like, uh,
Dee Dee:
Well I mean like good stores wellness, no, more like wellness centers now.
Every wellness center. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
I like
Dee Dee:
Mireya Extract should be in every wellness center. Um, our DZD8 and our DZD9. I don’t see why they couldn’t be
Everywhere because they don’t compete with low, low quality, low
Dee Dee:
Dollars. Oh, well that’s true. Yeah. We can’t have it at the gas station. I wouldn’t
Want that. Yeah. So, so someone who’s pulling up and saying, Hey, what’s gonna get me ripped?
Dee Dee:
Mm-hmm. <affirmative> for cheap. Yeah.
Yeah. They’re gonna choose the $10 turd over the $19.99 to $24.99. True. Properly tested. Safe.
Dee Dee:
Although safe, although, although ours is only 20 bucks.
That’s what I just said.
Dee Dee:
Oh, okay. I missed that.
But yeah, I said they’re gonna choose the $10 crap.
Dee Dee:
Oh, the $10. Yeah.
That’s why I said
Dee Dee:
- I don’t think twenty’s bad. Twenty’s not bad at all. No. But when you give someone the choice, because
Dee Dee:
I think
That’s changed. Hey, you know, this is, this will totally get you where you want to go. And it’s $10. This is the premo high quality, you
Dee Dee:
Tests tested for purity, safety and pesticides. It’s $19.99. Well
Dee Dee:
You do know that most edibles are like five bucks an edible. So five bucks for 10 milligram,
That’s the average cost compatibles.
Dee Dee:
It’s ours. United States our is is much cheaper than that.
Yeah. Well there’s reasons for that
Dee Dee:
Too, there. Yeah. There
Is because, and that, and that’s due to the whole taxation, you know,
Dee Dee:
Prohibit by taxation. Well, we’re also not out to take advantage of people. Like, we had an issue with one of, of our suppliers who was selling it online for cheaper than what they were selling it to us for. And then of course that pissed off one of our customers and she kind of gave us a shitty review. And I was like, that’s why we stopped selling it cuz we realized you could buy that cheaper mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then she was like pissed off that we weren’t selling it. So I was like, wait a minute, are you pissed because we were selling it at a higher amount trying to make our money back. Or are you pissed that we’re not selling it? Like, I didn’t understand her bad review on that, but whatever. I mean, so be it. If you find what you need cheaper elsewhere, go. You know what I mean? That was kind of how I felt about that.
But Well, thank you for leaving us a bad review because that’s what makes us real.
Dee Dee:
That is true. That is true. But I don’t like bad reviews
At all. I know. But if you know what you get, I, I have realized in life, you, you cannot please everyone I know and you can’t, you’re not gonna check every box. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, which is why we have our way of
Dee Dee:
Doing things. We do. And
We do. We have our, you know what, what we, there’s a reason why we, our products cost what they cost. Yeah. Because
Dee Dee:
Well, and that one was not our brand don’t sacrifice. So when, when you don’t have your own brand, you know, the manufacturer, they set the prices Yeah. And they can choose to sell it for cheaper than, than we can.
Well, and what’s interesting about that too is we’ve seen a lot of companies that we’ve partnered with evolve some good, some bad. Yep. You know, we, we, we’ve seen a, a progression with, with some partners that has been very positive and we’ve seen them people just go to the junk
Dee Dee:
Yep. And we’ve had to remove their product. Yeah. I mean we’re very, it’s constantly evolve constantly. And I, and I think I’m glad that we stay up on top of that because if we didn’t, one, I don’t think either you or I, like, I like the fact that every store around us sells the same stuff. I mean, that’s just not, to me, that’s not cool. And
Then well then it just, it’s just about price.
Dee Dee:
It’s price war. Yeah. And that, I’m just like, No, I, I don’t like getting involved in that. So I think that’s really how our brands kind of evolve too. Yeah. And why we have our own brands with the fact plus we can control the quality
Well, quality. Well quality and, and need. Yeah. Um, because not, uh, it, it seems like a lot of the companies now are going towards how high a milligram can we get you mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how fucked up can we get you mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how, you know, like how, how cheap can we make it? Right. Um, and from a wellness standpoint, that’s all bad. Right. <laugh>, like, none of that is good except for the cheap thing. I mean, and we do try to make it as affordable as we can, I think. Yeah.
Dee Dee:
Gosh. Yeah. But as affordable pools we can without sacrificing, you know, quality and, you know, our, the needs of the store mm-hmm. <affirmative> to keep ourselves
Dee Dee:
And I on our website. Right. And I think, well, one, I do love how our website, you can leave, um, reviews on there as to the specific product. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that way when people are shopping, be like, Oh, people like it for this reason or that reason or whatever. And then our Google reviews, that’s just, I mean, that’s everybody. And I appreciate the five stars, four stars and people telling us, you know, how they feel about things. What, you know, what our staff has done well or what maybe they haven’t. I mean that is what it’s for and why it’s there. Yeah. But I mean, I’m, I’m, I’m pretty proud of our 4.9 star rating. We’ve worked really hard for that. Um,
And we have the best customer service. Oh my. We have the best
Dee Dee:
Employees. Well and we have the best customers. Yeah. Like there’s a few duds out there. I think that happens anywhere. But we have some amazing customers and you know, when they tell a friend and the referrals and,
And listener base, not
Dee Dee:
Just customers.
We, we’ve got the best listeners cause they’re
Dee Dee:
For us. That’s right. That’s very
True. And they’re listening.
Dee Dee:
That’s very
True. You made the right decision. You did. If if, if you question that today question no more
Dee Dee:
<laugh> like
Heck goes. So five years from now, where do you see, where do you see this?
Dee Dee:
I don’t know. I wanna say retired on a beach, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
You wouldn’t like that? You wouldn’t
Dee Dee:
Be happy? No, I wouldn’t. I would be miserable. I like to work. I like to be busy and I like to help people. So hopefully still doing that.
Where would you see the company?
Dee Dee:
Definitely more stores. I’d definitely like to have some more stores. I know. I mean, yeah. Why not?
What if stores become obsolete?
Dee Dee:
You know, I don’t think they
Will. What about, what about vending machines? No. You wouldn’t do
Dee Dee:
Vending machines. You get, you get no education.
What about drones?
Dee Dee:
Nope. No. Just have a drone. What if it was a solar powered drone?
Dee Dee:
No. <laugh>
That did not have a gun that would shoot
Dee Dee:
You. That’s silly. No, no. I just think, I think having the storefront people can come in and talk to you. Now, would I be okay with maybe turning to medical marijuana? Yep.
Dee Dee:
Medical. Mm. But only for so many different things. I mean, there’s so many, there’s so many vari variations that have to be involved and
But medical implies that it, that that it would be a medicine that would require some
Dee Dee:
Well true,
Dee Dee:
Uh, rec re’s not gonna happen. Notation of a subscription process’. Not gonna happen in Kentucky.
You say that. I hope we listen in this five years from
Dee Dee:
Now, <laugh>. You hope so too. Shit, I’m eating crow. That’d be nice. I mean, I’m not gonna complain, but I just have my reservations about that.
Reservations about whether or not it’s realistic.
Dee Dee:
Well, whether
You’re all dream. You just said dream big.
Dee Dee:
Well, I did
<laugh>. Oh man. I don’t, don’t think medical
Dee Dee:
Against me.
Anything you say
Dee Dee:
Can and will be used against you. I know. All right. I know. We’ll see. We’ll see. Still doing what we do.
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
Dee Dee:
<affirmative> helping others.
Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I agree. So last question. Okay. Why do you continue to do what you do? Um, I know I have my answer, but
Dee Dee:
Every day. Well, that’s so easy. Every day when I get, because my, of our customers, I mean, there’s no question about that. Like, no question about it. I, I don’t know if many know this, but in my office, um, I have cards and notes and just, um, well wishes from customers thanking us and me for what these products have done for them and that kind of stuff. It gets me in the fields and it gives me that motivation and that determination to get up every day mm-hmm. <affirmative> and keep doing what I’m doing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause I know out there it is helping, it is making a difference in people’s lives. Whether it’s the CBD oil, the Delta 8, Delta nine. I mean, I, you know, as well as I do that, I worked my ass off to keep Delta 8 legal in this state. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it was because of our customers. I mean, did that benefit all of our competitors? Yeah, it did. Did all of our competitors contribute to the funding? No, they didn’t.
I don’t know that you could real, I don’t know that you could call the people that we quote unquote compete against. And first of all, competition is bad. Um, in the sense that, that you’re referring are they really our competitors? Because we don’t, not necessarily don’t really, We’re not even in the same space. No. How many CBD
Dee Dee:
And other wellness
Centers and Delta 8, Delta 9 wellness centers are there.
Dee Dee:
We are. We are literally the only one.
I mean, it’s,
Dee Dee:
And you know what I’ve been calling it Cannabis Wellness Center.
Well, cannabis, blah blah. Yeah. Whatever you want to call it. Yep. The, the, the environment that we create, in my opinion, even on our website, is totally unique.
Dee Dee:
It is. I agree.
Um, so I don’t view them as our competitors. I view them as people who sell similar products. But
Dee Dee:
Back to my point.
Okay. Sorry.
Dee Dee:
But my point is, is that I worked my ass off for our customers. I knew that they needed those products. They need our
Products. That’s why you did it. That’s why I did it. We’re in the future. Now we’re back to the future.
Dee Dee:
<laugh> Well’s. True. It, I will keep promoting and keep being an advocate for our customers for the products that they need. There’s no question about
That. No, I agree.
Dee Dee:
Do whatever I
Have to do. And coming from, you know, my previous industry and my previous company where all you really heard about was the people who bitched and the people who had problems and the people who complained and basically placating them and getting them to not ma post the bad review or not do something. This industry, I get to hear so much more about how much we’ve helped people mm-hmm. <affirmative> and how great, how people’s, you know, wellbeing is better. How their pursuit of wellness is now on the right track because they’re not stuck to pharmaceuticals hooked on prescription drugs. Right. Um, and that is hugely rewarding. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and don’t get me wrong, we have the, we have the, the occasional people that have an issue, but they
Dee Dee:
Are Well, we try our best to make it right. We do. We do. We
Really do. And that is such the minority mm-hmm. <affirmative> to where you don’t really hear about it. Um, and I, I think that has to do with our customer base. It also has to do with what we do and the people that come to see us. Right. And why they come
Dee Dee:
To see us. Well, and you know, that, that is a lot about us, says a lot about our staff too. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they do an excellent job. I mean, I’m super proud of cause we
Do an excellent job
Dee Dee:
Training though. Exactly. But you know, it takes a village. I mean, it’s not just about you and I Yes, it does. So I gotta give
Staff. We No, we do. We do do. And I’ve, I’ve shopped pretty much every, I would say arguably every CBD or smoke shop, vape shop mm-hmm. <affirmative> in this region.
Dee Dee:
Well, yeah. That’s how you chose
Me. Not, I’ve not, I’ve not found any, any group that does what we do, the way we do it mm-hmm. <affirmative> with the abilities that we have. Right.
Dee Dee:
So, and that was just, that was super important to me when I started this whole venture. I just knew that it had to be educational that Yeah. You know, and that people,
This is why we’re doing this podcast. We don’t get paid to do this podcast.
Dee Dee:
<laugh>. No. We sure all to and this to spread the world. We pay to do this podcast. Are you kidding? We pay to do it. Um, but it’s, but again, it’s beneficial. I think it helps people, even people that are in the industry and they wanna know, you know, what the latest thing is. I mean, I think that’s important to have it. Yeah. So all I know is that I appreciate all of our customers. I appreciate our, our loyal staff. I mean, we truly have been blessed. And I am, you know, they say most businesses don’t make it the first three years. Yeah. So woo woo.
Maybe. Well, and I appreciate our listeners for listening. Yes. Um, and not just listening, but maybe I
Dee Dee:
Consider them customers too, though, thinking as well. Lump them in
Together thinking as well. So if you’re driving, thinking about other things right now, I’m, I’m subconsciously getting into your brain and telling you you’re thinking good things and you’re, you’re making the right choices by listening to our
Dee Dee:
Podcasts. Stay motivational.
Yes. Uh, and stay positive. And, you know, per, I think that, you know, if each individual pursues their own wellness journey mm-hmm. Yes. Um, the society benefits mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it starts from within. Right. It starts with being an individual. And by listening to this podcast, I think you’ve taken a big step. I mean, heck yeah. In deciding to be an individual and not do for or, and not do, uh, mass media. Yeah. Uh, thought process, sheel, uh, hypnosis and, and all the other, you know, things that’s out, that’s out there that people want you to do. And I don’t even care if you listen to me or deed dee if you listen to yourself mm-hmm. <affirmative> anything for yourself. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mission accomplished.
Dee Dee:
Exactly. And we’re always available. Any questions you have, man, stop in and see us. But definitely, just to reiterate this week, that this day, I believe October 18th is when this will drop, I believe. Isn’t that right?
I don’t have a
Dee Dee:
Calendar in front of me, but right on there. That is our actual anniversary. That is the day that we opened up our store to our customers. So four years in business, super proud and excited and we’re gonna have so much fun and goodies and prizes and, um, little gifts and thank yous to everybody that comes in that week. Yeah.
And we got something for all of our, uh, e-commerce customers,
Dee Dee:
For the website customers as well. We do. So make sure that you, um, Yeah, definitely. If you’re not on in our newsletter, you don’t get our newsletter, sign up for it. You can do that on our website. Um, or even in store. We have two that we send out, um, pretty regularly once a week. We try not to spam your email too much. Um, but we list our sales in there. We list like if we’re gonna be open or closed, um, any, you know, newsworthy information like, you know, when we were trying to fight that SB one 70 bill. I mean, that’s kind of stuff that we will need your help with. If it happens again, this coming legislation season, I’m gonna ask for your help again. Yep. So just keep that in mind. Make sure you’re following us on social media’s. Instagram 502 Hemp, um, 502 Wellness Center on Facebook. Uh, definitely, you know, um, reach out to us, you have questions. If there’s issues, info at 502, we’ll do everything we can to make it right. But again, we appreciate you and we know that we would not be in business without our amazing, loyal listeners and customers. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Dee Dee:
Thanks for joining us for another episode of Hemp and Happiness with the hemp
Queen and emperor.
Dee Dee:
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Keep it hippy out there.