Exploring the Link Between Delta-8 THC and Sexual Experience

In today's intriguing exploration, we're diving deep into the intersection of two growing cultural movements: the rise of Delta-8 THC and our nuanced understanding of human sexuality. Cannabis enthusiasts, wellness seekers, and anyone curious about unlocking deeper experiences in the bedroom will find this content not just educational, but intimately…

Exploring the DZ Brand

Are you venturing into the world of Delta 8 or Delta 9 and curious about products that offer both quality and enjoyment? Look no further, because DZ has carved a niche for itself in this burgeoning industry. This post is your guide to a brand that’s making waves with its…

Dee Dee Taylor Interview in Bold Journey

Dee Dee Taylor, one of the area's most respected hemp retailers, has a stellar reputation and has received recognition from the governor of Kentucky. She has established several dynamic brands: Mireya Extracts, a CBD wellness brand, and DZD8 and DZD9 which offer an exciting variety of legal THC products. Dee…

Dee Dee Taylor Interview on WAVE

Check out 812 Hemp's Dee Dee Taylor on WAVE showcasing 812's DZ and Mireya brands. DZ DZ products are made from quality ingredients. Our Delta 8 is below the federal guidelines of 0.3% Delta 9 THC so you can enjoy it without the "illegal" fear. Our gourmet chocolates will make…

Navigating Prescription Requirements for Delta 8, Delta 9, and CBD

If you're curious about the necessity of a doctor's prescription for Delta 8, Delta 9, or CBD, rest assured that it is not required. These products can be purchased without a prescription. Nevertheless, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of their mechanisms before incorporating them into your wellness…

Cannabis 101

Within the human body, there exists a group of cannabinoids called endocannabinoids that play a vital role in regulating various functions, such as appetite, pain perception, mood, memory, and immune function. These naturally produced molecules are integral to our overall well-being. Cannabinoids, which are abundantly present in cannabis, are among…

CBD Dosage: Finding Your Balance

CBD dosing isn't one-size-fits-all. While CBD is generally considered safe, it's advisable to consult your healthcare professional before incorporating it into your routine. Factors such as metabolism, purpose, method of ingestion, and individual response all influence the ideal CBD dosage. Let's explore how to navigate the world of CBD dosing…

What’s CBD?

Plant Origin CBD, known as cannabidiol, is a compound found in hemp plants. Unlike THC, it does not produce psychoactive effects. CBD oil derived from hemp extract has shown potential in relieving pain and inflammation for some individuals. Full spectrum CBD oil contains various cannabinoids and compounds found in the…

CDB Oil Origins

The introduction of CBD oil and its subsequent rise as a popular natural remedy have sparked curiosity about its origins and widespread use. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD oil is believed to offer potential benefits for various conditions, including pain relief. It's important to note that CBD oil is…

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil

CBD oil and hemp seed oil are two popular natural alternatives sought after for various health conditions. Let's delve into their characteristics and distinguish between them. How CBD Oil is Made CBD oil is extracted from the flowers, leaves, and stalks of the hemp plant. These plant parts are soaked…

CBD Oil: Isolate, Full-Spectrum, or Broad Spectrum?

CBD oil has gained immense popularity for its potential medicinal benefits. However, not all CBD oils are the same. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of CBD oil available: CBD isolate, full-spectrum extract, and broad spectrum. By understanding the distinctions between these options, you can make…

Delta-8 THC: Exploring the Potent Cannabinoid

Delta-8 THC, a powerful cannabinoid, has gained widespread availability in numerous states today. With a rich history in traditional medicine, this compound is currently under study for its potential medical applications. While it shares similarities with delta-9 THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, delta-8 THC possesses a distinct chemical…